How To Use Anatomy In A Sentence
Their bodies are not distinctly segmented, but an important feature of their anatomy is the carapace, a folded shell-like structure which covers the animal and opens both ventrally and posteriorly.
His anatomy of the human condition, however, is not the political and moral cul-de-sac it purports to be.
Sublingual gland, inflammation of, 548 ranula of, 549 surgical anatomy of, 543 tumours of, 552
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
I glanced quickly to the wall of the giant diagram of the male anatomy and I was reminded that the urethra is a miniscule tube through which I had always peed.
Sleepwalk With Me
A Shandean fate overtook his body, which was taken by grave-robbers, recognized at an anatomy lecture in Cambridge, and secretly returned to its grave.
Curiously, while sperm whales unquestionably have teeth, recent molecular data and a reanalysis of their anatomy has suggested that they may be highly derived mysticetes.
I was truly a burlesquer a time when it was becoming much more about anatomy, and very little about burlesque.
For the first time, we have the chance to examine the anatomy of a secret government operation.
The basic human sciences involved are anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Hello and welcome to the anatomy of democracy, the perils of democracy and the truth about democracy.
Second year, architectural drawing 7 drawing and modeling of the human figure and modeling of ornaments 20 history of art 1 style 1 perspective and shadows 2 anatomy, xylography, architecture, sculpture, or chasing 10
The Condition and Tendencies of Technical Education in Germany
New techniques of analysis are continually uncovering previously unrecognized details about the internal anatomy and growth patterns of dinosaurs.
I made a mistake: the detailed, similar snout anatomy present in both suids and peccaries is more likely shared, not convergent.
More on what I saw at the zoo
What could have been more natural, then, than that Ballard the student should devote himself to classes in anatomy, spending quality time with corpses, some of whom, in life, had been dedicated professors in the department.
The Catastrophist
Applicants interested in applying for the position should submit their CVs to the Anatomy Department no later than February 15.
Contributions to the Anatomy of the Brachiopoda" "Proceedings of the Royal Society" 7 (1854-55) 106-117; 241, 242.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Some species reverse torsion, but evidence of having passed through a twisted phase can be seen in the anatomy of these forms.
Here's a quick lesson in spider anatomy.
Times, Sunday Times
For centuries, classical anatomy had formed the bedrock of culture.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr. Moreau’s on madness, which he read during these months of mental relaxation, drew from him an acknowledgment wherein he foreshadowed his intention of studying anatomy and myology.
These two cases, in the context of the changing face of Detroit, present an anatomy of the white-ifying of hip-hop.
They do not possess the seductive allure of other parts of the female anatomy.
Imaging techniques can reveal the anatomy of the pelvic floor and lower urinary tract, and the inside of the bladder can be visualized directly with a cystoscope.
The most important of the unfinished work consists of the long-delayed "Oceanic Hydrozoa," the "Manual of Comparative Anatomy," and a report on Fisheries.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
We unfolded them carefully, spread them out gently, and studied their anatomy.
Included are species with finely graded changes in the jaw anatomy.
The conference was chaired by Dr Peter Dangerfield, a lecturer in human anatomy at Liverpool University
Baron Frankenstein guided me through the creation of his new Prometheus, and from there I read about the original Prometheus, and then to an anatomy textbook to see what parts were needed for a monster.
A flood of dark memories « Write Anything
She's wearing a revealing evening dress and proceeds to drape herself over various parts of the car's anatomy.
And don't you worry about your 'enjoyer' -- it's the strongest part of your anatomy in my opinion.
The Little Colonel's Chum: Mary Ware
The word avocado comes from "aguacate" in Spanish, which in turn comes from the Nahuatl Mexican native language "ahuacatl", referring to a certain intimate part of the male anatomy.
BBC News - Home
The anatomy of different oaks has implications for barrel making.
Idleness," says Burton, in that delightful old book "The Anatomy of Melancholy," "is the bane of body and mind, the nurse of naughtiness, the chief mother of all mischief, one of the seven deadly sins, the devil's cushion, his pillow and chief reposal ...
How to Get on in the World A Ladder to Practical Success
Some species undergo reverse torsion (‘detorsion’), but evidence of having passed through a twisted phase can be seen in the anatomy of these forms.
He visited the zoo in Berlin several times and from 1907 to 1910 earned a good part of his living by teaching animal anatomy to artists.
Korean students of traditional medicine are taught courses such as biology, anatomy, physiology, and pathology by the same faculty as the students of Western medicine.
Everything about anteaters is fascinating: their ecology, behaviour, anatomy, functional morphology and evolution.
Archive 2006-05-01
Nicolas Steno (11 January 1638 –25 November 1686) was a Danish pioneer in both anatomy and geology.
Knowledge of human anatomy is essential to figure drawing.
Neither does basic knowledge of human anatomy.
Times, Sunday Times
A point of interest is that the windpipe, or trachea, is called "arteria," both by Aristotle and by Hippocrates ( "Anatomy," Littre, VIII, 539).
The Evolution of Modern Medicine A Series of Lectures Delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation in April, 1913
And amidst the displays of oddities and curiosities, the museum of anatomy was in some ways the oddest and most curious.
Indeed, it is the view taken in many of what are now classic plant anatomy texts.
She concentrated on the neuroanatomy, histological findings, and her father's intracranial pressure.
Oh, and I observed World Turtle Day by reading "Anatomy of Condorchelys antiqua Sterli, 2008, and the origin of the modern jaw closure mechanism in turtles" in the March Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
Insert [nothing witty] here.
Many observers before me had sought without success to discover the cause of malaria and I should also have failed if I had been content merely to examine the air, water, or the soil in malarial localities as had been done up till then, but I had taken as the basis of my investigations the pathological anatomy and the study in vivo of malarial blood and this is how I was able to reach my goal.
Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
He became a lecturer in anatomy and a reader in neurobiology.
Times, Sunday Times
I spent my two years studying anatomy, physiology and pathology.
Times, Sunday Times
Stressing what the naked eye could see helped him lay the foundations of pathological anatomy, following the initiatives of the preeminent anatomist, Giovanni Morgagni.
Objective To proceed deep data mining in large database obtained by Cancer Genome Anatomy Project and to distinguish the difference expression genes of gastric carcinoma.
Bindii (bindi-eye) - ferocious little plants that lurk in the lawn and then attach themselves to any part of the anatomy they can reach.
He went on to explain that adept runners like horses, dogs, and rabbits keep their noggins remarkably steady as they lope, thanks to an obscure bit of anatomy called the nuchal ligament.
French anatomist, celebrated as the founder of comparative anatomy and paleontology.
While the red panda is considered a procyonid, the mainstream view now is that the giant panda is indeed a bear, although it diverged from the main ursid line long enough ago to exhibit some striking differences in addition to the enlarged radial sesamoid, such as chromosome number, skull anatomy, and other traits.
The Panda's Thumb has Evolved ... Twice! - The Panda's Thumb
Primary homology hypotheses were generated for features of gross morphology, leaf anatomy, and chromosome number.
Regarding these two threads: Doesn't it feel like we've been transported to the surface of some strange planet where, due to a local quirk in neuroanatomy, the inhabitants find the subjective/objective distinction to be as arcane as string theory is on Earth?
Carry-Over Thread
It was an intimate violation, this burrowing into themost private part of a woman's anatomy.
Many such debatable questions raised by the anatomy of these creatures still await universally agreed answers.
Nearly all early anthropologists received at least some medical training in human anatomy.
Take, for example, the sad case of Michael Servetus, who had worked with the father of anatomy, Andreas Vesalius, as a prosector in Paris.
Some multicellular brown algae form branched filaments or foliose plants many meters long with complex anatomy.
It's the anatomy student's bible!
Such errors are not surprising, given the many differences that exist between species in terms of their anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and metabolism.
And the presence of the glands in this location might explain another unusual aspect of metriorhynchid cranial anatomy, namely the strange elongate, groove-like antorbital fossae present in these animals (the antorbital fossa is an accessory opening present on the side of the skull in archosaurs).
My party and those marvellous metriorhynchids
The subjects of study include gross anatomy, bone biology, developmental anatomy, neuroanatomy, and histology.
These high rates reflect the anatomy of the cervical spine and the dynamic forces that act on it.
Slide 288: 278 Thyroid Gland Right lobe of thyroid gland, sternocleidomastoid muscle, 241 common carotid artery, internal jugular vein Left lobe of thyroid gland, sternocleidomastoid muscle, 242 omohyoid muscle, common carotid artery, internal jugular vein Block, Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy © 2004 Thieme All rights reserved.
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It also coincided with the decline of the professional anatomical museum, as the glass slide, the photograph, photomicrograph, stereograph, film, and statistical table became the media in which anatomy and pathology were documented.
The following famous anatomists identified and described pancreatic anatomy and physiology.
Shaggy's enjoyed our fair share of kind offers to have our anatomy enlarged, become an ordained minister online or join a deceased dictator's family in spiriting millions of dollars out of Africa.
Anatomy of a Sri Lankan buffet plate (clockwise from the papadum): leeks, dhal, eggplant, chicken curry, potato, bitter gourd, coconut sambol, goat curry, and kingfish curry; mango and pineapple chutney, yellow rice (center).
The MTA Dining Car: Eating Club: Staten Island Ferry To Little Sri Lanka
The microvascular anatomy of the forehead was assessed subjectively with visual analysis of the various contributions to each flap.
Belief is the appropriate term, because Incognito isn't precisely an examination of neuroanatomy or neurological case histories; nor is it an exploration of the philosophical struggle involved in explaining the relationship between brain and mind.
Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman – review
Sensors can be fitted to various parts of the operator's anatomy - for example, to the elbows to check interior space, or to bottoms for sensing seating positions.
She's wearing a revealing evening dress and proceeds to drape herself over various parts of the car's anatomy.
The resulting images show detailed retinal anatomy that is not widely known, such as the retina layers and the structure of the deep and shallow foveae, the tiny pit located in the light-sensitive retina that provides the clearest vision of all.
Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
Portrait of a Italian anatomist Luigi Galvani, since a anatomy of a frog, when he detected a bio-power as well as famous, please note that a lower part of this portrait of a half-frog
A brief 200 years history of the battery at Digital battery
The architecture of the chapel at the Guell colony is like a study of intimate female anatomy.
It began when he attended an anatomy lecture in an amphitheater - presumably in the building now called Logan Hall - and made the mistake of sitting in a row traditionally reserved for upperclassmen.
The 20' x 26' laminated chart illustrates the muscular anatomy of the dog in full color.
The book is primarily designed for students of forensic anthropology and presumes a background in human anatomy and osteology.
He spent much of his youth studying anatomy and became obsessed with the frailties of the human body and the ill health he had to deal with.
The Sun
He also left extensive studies of human anatomy based on dissection of animals and anatomical writings of others.
Doesn't it feel like we've been transported to the surface of some strange planet where, due to a local quirk in neuroanatomy, the inhabitants find the subjective/objective distinction to be as arcane as string theory is on Earth?
Carry-Over Thread
In "Take All of Murphy," the anatomy demonstrator tells the medical students, "This fine cadaver is your first patient.
Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures by Vincent Lam: Questions
Let us take a walk through this field of fertile fungi simply to see what there is by way of anatomy.
One notable difference between male and female neuroanatomy is the communication channel that connects the left and right hemispheres, called the corpus callosum, which is much larger in women than in men.
Mind Wide Open
The medical pedagogues of my day were far too busy hammering anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and all the other ‘ologies’ into our unwilling skulls, so that ‘unimportant’ bits like stress were not covered.
Service -- that the hundred thousand ears adorning the anatomy of the human population were first shocked by the horrisonous banshee wail of the hooters.
The Siege of Kimberley
As a result, I decided to redefine certain parts of the anatomy based on their various functions they provide.
For the first time, we have the chance to examine the anatomy of a secret government operation.
Seeing the world through two eyes is a basic feature of human anatomy.
The Times Literary Supplement
In needles from mature subarctic Scots pine, enhanced UV-B radiation levels induced xeromorphic (change in plant anatomy to enhance drought resistance) characteristics, including smaller epidermal area and enhanced development of the cuticle layer [29].
Effects of ultraviolet-B on forest vegetation in the Arctic
I then went to a university, where I studied nutrition and physical anatomy.
It is possible that differences in anatomy may do so by altering the effectiveness of pharyngeal dilators.
Gerrish, or some finely illustrated work on anatomy, but we must apply a searching hand and know to a certainty that the constrictors of neck, or other muscles or ligaments do not pull cervical and hyoid bones so close as to bruise pneumogastric or any other nerves or fibres that would cause spasmodic contraction of digastric, stylo-hyoid or the whole remaining group of neck muscles and ligaments, with which you are or should be very familiar.
Philosophy of Osteopathy
Not that I'm not very familiar with a hedgehog's anatomy but it's what I imagine the back third of a hedgehog would be like.
Mr Sparkler, as to tip that gentleman over like a larger species of ninepin, and cause him to exhibit the soles of his shoes to the object of his dearest wishes: while the nobler portions of his anatomy struggled at the bottom of his boat in the arms of one of his men.
Little Dorrit
The examiner was a Dr Bull, an elderly anatomy lecturer of rather Victorian appearance, with mutton chop whiskers and beetling eyebrows.
Brain structure (neuroanatomy) and function (operations of the brain) are interrelated.
Times, Sunday Times
After being enrolled at the university at the age of seventeen, Freud studied physiology, biology and anatomy.
This interest in marine invertebrates was to be a life long obsession, climaxing in his massive four-volume contribution to the comparative anatomy and systematics of fossil and living Cirripedia or ‘barnacles’.
Areola: In anatomy, the term areola, plural areolae, (diminutive of Latin area, "open place") is used to describe any circular area such as the colored skin surrounding the nipple.
In truth, I myself have been generous in serving him, for the fellow is built as strong as Edinburgh Castle, and his anatomy would have matched any that is in the chirurgical hall of Padua.
The Fair Maid of Perth
Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.
In medicine and anatomy, the use of the term to refer to the telencephalon.
The macroscopic anatomy of the cerebellum and the brain stem of the Chinese buffalo was studied in detail.
Nor have we needed the finer developments of functional neuroanatomy to tell us that brain damage causes changes in behaviour, thus undermining simplistic notions of free will or criminal culpability.
Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman – review
But before readers can profitably learn about the connections, they need to understand something about neural physiology, neurotransmitters, synapses and neuroanatomy.
The Ultimate Brain Quest
This paper deals with the morphology, anatomy, histochemistry and biochemistry of the glandular hairs of S. jorullensis.
In the quaint 1950s in the very Puritan U.S., there were "nudist" and "art photo" magazines that pushed the legal envelop and "men's" magazines explored how much of a woman's anatomy they could show and still stay at least one millimeter away from the legal limit.
Sunbelt Blog
The process of desire is manifested in movement form, and becomes a rhythm ‘like an anatomy of the ebb and flow of wanting.’
Some sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhoea and chlamydial infection, have different presentations in the two sexes because of differences in genital anatomy.
The whole play reads like an anatomy of evil.
Look at the anatomy of any tree, as it is disclosed to us in its wintry leaflessness, a beautiful composition of line rather than of form (see illustration, p. 143 [f081b]).
Line and Form (1900)
Neuroanatomy suggest the cetacean brain is such that to imprision these animals in a sterile environment as we do may be beyond inhumane.
Think Progress » American Family Association Pins SeaWorld Death On Lack Of Christianity: ‘Bible Ignored, Trainer Died’
Besides the teeth there perhaps remain relics of the placoid scales in the anatomy of the higher vertebrata, in the membrane bones.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
The late Professor Garrod finds that "from considerations of pterylosis, visceral anatomy, myology, and osteology the screamer cannot be placed along with the Anserine birds.
The Naturalist in La Plata
Neill refuses to wonder but instead conducts an anatomy of the anecdote's historical conditions through the opening.
In many ways this text also serves as an introduction to anatomy, zoology, nutrition, water chemistry and animal husbandry.
Its anatomy and evolution shed light on the profound differences between humans and other animals.
Failure to recognize such aberrant ductal anatomy may lead to potential ligation of ducts during surgery.
Second, it forces you to use your body 's anatomy properly.
Times, Sunday Times
Weblogs are apparently being "pinged" at random times, thus causing the list to show sites as having updated several times a day, including sadly-missed, and not-updated sites like Grotesque Anatomy.
Archive 2005-09-18
I hate to state the obvious, but ‘curves’ can apply to various parts of the anatomy, not just the chest.
She argues convincingly that anatomy must be historicized in a particular time, place, and locus of interests.
As I’ve now mentioned a few times, the detailed anatomy of the A. fragillimus vertebra (as figured by Cope) shows us that this sauropod was a diplodocoid.
Biggest sauropod ever (part…. II)
The goal of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Andrology Program is to achieve a full understanding of pediatric andrology in relation to the anatomy and physiology of gonadal formation, maturation, and future fertility and carcinoma formation.
Pediatric Andrology Program and Research
I am not advising that you have to be a advanced educatee of the fields of anatomy and physiology.
American Chronicle
To paraphrase Tommy's robust phraseology, O'Neill will kick certain parts of the anatomy.
They have slim legs with high calf muscles, a very efficient anatomy for a long-distance runner.
Times, Sunday Times
Meet Dozer's Creator As director of graphics, Karl Gude can diagram any portion of the human anatomy and has a knack for presenting poll datain snazzy ways.
If you are looking to find an enormous amount of information about bird skulls and anatomy of species from the Western Palearctic and other areas from all over the world, BirdSkulls is for you.
The Mayor's Linkie Love
Such were Victor Frankenstein's perfectionist obsessions in relation to human anatomy, when he began his investigations into the nature of life.
Biology teacher Caryn Babaian of Bucks County Community College in Newtown, Pennsylvania, uses the iconic sketch as a "multi-conceptual image" in her introductory anatomy class to illustrate three crucial anatomical concepts: rotation, transparency, and transverse section.
Boing Boing: September 24, 2006 - September 30, 2006 Archives
In the Anatomy, ideas, topoi, modes, and kinds fell into co-ordinated, complementary distributions, or lattice-work of dialectical oppositions and counterparts.
This paper deals with leaf anatomy of 33 species in eight subgenus of Rhododendron from China.
In addition, there were other equally profound developments in areas such as firearms and ballistics, mechanics, shipbuilding, mining, distillation, and anatomy, to name but a few.
Those who perform clitorectomies (generally women themselves, I believe) have been found to believe appalling things about female anatomy — one I read about thought that the clitoris was a worm that would burrow into the female body if not cut out.
Matthew Yglesias » The Surge and Afghan Women
I became acquainted with the science of anatomy: but this was not sufficient; I must also observe the natural decay and corruption of the human body.
Anatomy of a Scene: The Explosive Bridge Chase Scene — A dissection of the sequence when Bourne narrowly avoids a train coming down the tracks to leap from a bridge onto a barge underneath.
Canon of Medicine, covering the functional anatomy and physiopathology of the pulmonary diseases that were known in his time in detail.
A point of interest is that the windpipe, or trachea, is called "arteria," both by Aristotle and by Hippocrates ( "Anatomy," Littré, VIII, 539).
The Evolution of Modern Medicine
Like all League tutors, McDaid is trained in anatomy, physiology, science of movement, personal performance and choreography.
• The Canine (one-third of people): Here a particular muscle (called the levator labii superioris, for you anatomy junkies) is dominant and exposes the canine teeth before the full smile.
You Being Beautiful
Belvidere Antinous, of faultless anatomy and a study for Domenichino, the Laocoon, so panegyrized by Pliny, the Apollo Belvidere the work of
The Old Roman World, : the Grandeur and Failure of Its Civilization.
Thanks to the labours of those observers who have devoted their attention to that difficult but most important branch of study, organogeny, or the investigation of the development of the various organs, and to the researches of the students of comparative anatomy or morphology, the main principles regulating the arrangement and form of the organs of flowering plants seem to be fairly well established, though in matters of detail much remains to be cleared up, even in such important points as the share which the axis takes in the construction of the flower and fruit, the nature of the placenta, the construction of the ovules, and other points.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The microanatomy changes can characterize with cellular granulocytes in the bronchiole and lung-bubble cavities.
For much of Bénabou's writing can be read as an anatomy of reading; and looming at the center thereof is the search for the ideal Reader.
The new middle-class epistemology concentrated on a connection between physical aptitudes and mental ability, making alleged distinctions between male and female anatomy.
This manual contains an image of female reproductive anatomy based on a dissection, although not one performed by Rueff himself.
I would like to emphasize one of the newer features of the pathologic anatomy of glaucoma, one which has received too little attention in this country: the _lacunar_ or _cavernous atrophy_ of the _optic nerve_.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
Much of the anatomy of skulls and teeth in subungulates and ungulates has evolved in response to their herbivorous lifestyles.
Even if detailed studies of molluscan anatomy were forthcoming, the shell of molluscs would be of little use in cladistic analysis because of rampant convergence.
But the overriding theme served to elucidate his orientation to engineering principles based on human and animal anatomy.
In zoological anatomy, a cloaca is the posterior opening that serves as the only such opening for the intestinal and urinary tracts of certain animal species.
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NFL football is not just a anatomy of action and entertainment, but it is acknowledged in bringing calm families and friends, accession all of them into adherence appear the game, you have to acquire the accoutrement of your aggregation like a jersey, a T-shirt, ae your diaphoresis shirt, a alone abu
Think Progress » Shareholders call on Massey Energy to fire Don Blankenship.
No mammal of today has a comparable anatomy of the limbs, but several extinct groups like the Eocene to Pleistocene chalicotheres show similar adaptations.
I think it's relevant that studies in comparative anatomy and genetics show just the patterns of similarities and differences that would be necessary for evolution to be a viable theory.
While this book effectively illustrates the history of terrorism, it is less successful in its claim to offer an anatomy of the phenomenon, although it does try hard.
The freight elevators were used to cart bodies up to the anatomy crypt on the seventh floor.
I spent my two years studying anatomy, physiology and pathology.
Times, Sunday Times
Natural Born Heroes also reveals how the anatomy of the human face is unique in the animal kingdom and can show an extraordinary range of emotions.
It began when he attended an anatomy lecture in an amphitheater - presumably in the building now called Logan Hall - and made the mistake of sitting in a row traditionally reserved for upperclassmen.
Take, for example, the sad case of Michael Servetus, who had worked with the father of anatomy, Andreas Vesalius, as a prosector in Paris.
We believe that product can reach all areas of the anatomy, and might have neurology, cardiovascular disease, urology, gynecology, and other applications.
This report describes the experience of teaching Gross Anatomy in a relatively new medical school, with a curriculum design that is different from other established schools.
Despite the vascular changes, the brain anatomy appeared normal, and there was no evidence of a cellular proliferation process called gliosis, which typically accompanies neurodegeneration.
NutraIngredients RSS
The examiner was a Dr Bull, an elderly (or so he seemed to me) anatomy lecturer of rather Victorian appearance, with mutton chop whiskers and beetling eyebrows.
A little anatomy lesson: there is nowhere else for it to go.
Times, Sunday Times
As a biologist, on the one hand I have no problem saying that there are real statistical differences between human males and human females in terms of anatomy/physiology/behavior (because there *are*) . . . but I also know how individual variation (on both sides of the gender line) is quite capable of completely trashing those averaged-out stats when one is dealing with *particular* men and women.
News from the House of Sticks -
This work, reinforced by geological and comparative anatomy studies, forced a paradigm shift on biology and was seen as overturning firmly held religious beliefs about the origins of life on Earth.
The movements are almost geometrical and use parts of the human anatomy not usually exercised in day-to-day activities.
During the years there he devoted his spare time to the geology of the deformed but fossiliferous rocks of the southern uplands, and to probing the mysteries of graptolite anatomy and lineages.
Modern medicine began in 1543 with the publication of the first complete textbook of human anatomy, De Humanis Corporis Fabrica by Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564).
Our analysis of dissected stems and the outer anatomy of fossil logs indicates that the Eocene Metasequoia were strongly self-pruning.
Sagittal and coronal cross-sectional images afford the best views and will be used throughout the MRI portion of pelvic anatomy.
We have to do anatomy next term.
Chiropody also derived from the medical field, and licensed chiropodists were trained not only in massage, but in the anatomy of the foot.
On How to Be Lovely | Edwardian Promenade
Schäfer has worked out the minute anatomy of muscular fiber, particularly in the wing muscles of insects, which are peculiarly adapted for this purpose on account of the large amount of interstitial sarcoplasm which separates the sarco-styles.
IV. Myology. 2. Development of the Muscles
Topics such as audiology, anatomy, and child development are discussed in detail in sessions held twice a month for all families in English, Spanish and other languages as needed.
Victoria Namkung: A Chat With New John Tracy Clinic President and CEO Maria E. Garay
He was awarded scholarships in anatomy and pathology.
The impact of such military-scientific developments led to further advancements in the fields of anatomy and surgery.
The late Professor Garrod finds that "from considerations of pterylosis, visceral anatomy, myology, and osteology the screamer cannot be placed along with the Anserine birds.
The Naturalist in La Plata
Abby and Brittany Turn 16" is handled with great care, the girls are given plenty of time to talk about their anatomy in nonsensational ways.
Reality’s Believe It or Not
Pointing to similarities in the shape of the orbit, snout tip and crest, and the anatomy of the coracoid, Alex Kellner (2003a, b, 2004) has argued that Tapejara and Tupuxuara should be united as the Tapejaridae.
Archive 2006-11-01
Sometimes I'd even start lecturing the new students present about anatomy, histology, cardiology, immunology.
It explains the facts of biodiversity, biostratigraphy, comparative anatomy, and so forth.
But then, there is no better way than dissection to learn animal anatomy and as such, one has to put up with it, right?
Whether it's blunt trauma wounds, the path of a bullet or the anatomy of a fight, we see it all.
Applicants interested in applying for the position should submit their CVs to the Anatomy Department no later than February 15.
About 1773 he became junior professorial assistant to the professor of anatomy at Alfort veterinary school.
The developmental morphology of the duodenum were observed with the technique of gross anatomy and histological section in the parental line of Gushi Chickens.
Their anatomy was half-human, half-animal, and they were confined in a low-ceilinged, windowless and oddly proportioned space.
“grinding of glasses dioptrical and catoptrical,” in “navarchy and making models for building and rigging of ships,” in “anatomy, making skeletons, and excarnating bowels;” but you miss all that Milton would have taught you of Latin and Greek, Poetry and Philosophy, Italian and Hebrew, moral magnanimity and spiritual elevation, the History of Nations, and the ways of God to men.
The Life of John Milton
Knowledge of human anatomy is essential to figure drawing.
The examiner was a Dr Bull, an elderly anatomy lecturer of rather Victorian appearance, with mutton-chop whiskers and beetling eyebrows.
Joanna at the wonderful Morbid Anatomy blog posted this exquisite ivory anatomical manikin, circa 1500-1700.
Boing Boing
In addition to this one method, we have DNA testing, comparative anatomy, biogeography, embryology, and comparisons between molecular structures.
I wondered if the kite's head-stick gets its name from the part of the anatomy it ends up embedded in as it comes crashing back to earth.