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How To Use Anatomic In A Sentence

  • I think this study proves the difference between popular science and biological or anatomical science, " said Gedis Grudzinskas, consultant gynaecologist at London Bridge hospital.
  • New anatomical features usually arise from modification of an existing structure.
  • An organism is considered metameric when its body is mostly formed of serially repeated anatomical units called metameres.
  • A butcher stands in the tail of his pigboat like a Venetian gondolier; a pig's head is nailed to the prow, the rest of the carcass laid out in the anatomically correct order down the length of the boat. "Unidentified Objects" by James P. Blaylock
  • Objective:To provide anatomical data for imaging diagnosis of the pterygopalatine space disease.
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  • in anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans
  • Public dissections were popular in the 16th century, with anatomical theatres open to audiences all over Europe.
  • Objective : To provide anatomic data for lower lumbar spine interbody fusion extreme lateral approach ( XLIF ).
  • Consideration is given first to the anatomic arrangement of the nervous and skeletal muscle systems involved in this activity.
  • Deep brain stimulation requires placement of electrodes at specific neuroanatomical sites.
  • An Adam's apple is an anatomical structure which appears primarily in males.
  • It's not a cancer that spreads through the blood stream all over the body, rather it stays confined to one anatomical region of the body.
  • From an anatomical and surgical point of view, the rectum begins at the peritoneal reflection.
  • The most prevalent is the "thought, word, and deed" motif, but I've also found what appear to be alliterating triads (of anatomical features, interestingly) in at least one OE prayer. Numbers everywhere
  • Objective To provide anatomical data for the clinical operation on neck to locate the acroteric vascular nerves of the tip of the greater horn of hyoid bone(THB) with taking THB as a landmark.
  • Lawlor's equine subjects are informed by the mythical rather than the figurative or strictly anatomical study.
  • Interestingly, this is the period in which parietal cells disappear from the same anatomical site in most subjects.
  • anatomically correct
  • These anatomic descriptions continue to form the basis of studies of the pathogenesis of this disease.
  • Cleland 71 maintains that the limitations of movement at the shoulder-joint are due to the structure of the joint itself, the glenoidal labrum fitting, in different positions of the elevated arm, into the anatomical neck of the humerus. III. Syndesmology. 6c. Humeral Articulation or Shoulder-joint
  • So I knew the Tab A Slot B mechanics from a very early age, and how women got pregnant, and the anatomical specifics of birth, etc. On Censorship « Tales from the Reading Room
  • To provide anatomical basis for treatment of the deep venous thrombosis of lower limb with deep femoral vein shunting to contralateral great saphenous vein.
  • With the growth of anatomical knowledge, the literal hypothesis of the morbidly wandering womb became increasingly untenable.
  • Peripheral injury results in anatomic and physiologic changes within the dorsal horn, sensory thalamus and cerebral cortex.
  • Objective To provide anatomical data for the clinical operation on neck to locate the acroteric vascular nerves of the tip of the greater horn of hyoid bone(THB) with taking THB as a landmark.
  • Transport of inorganic nutrients in relationship to leaf anatomical structure remains, to a large extent, an unexplored area in plant physiology.
  • The Kircher Society is doing a great service with their user-appended list of wax anatomical musuems and medical moulage museums of the world. Archive 2007-07-01
  • If you really were stung by a scorpion, which I doubt, it was a mark of an anatomical displacement. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Despite this ecological variation, lacertids do not display an equivalent amount of anatomical variation.
  • SMITH: I think it's fair to say that the angiogram is currently the most definitive test we have available to get the kind of anatomic detail that we need to make these decisions. CNN Transcript Sep 6, 2004
  • It turns out that in some pulmonates mating is anatomically reciprocal, while in others unilateral (for example, see Davison & Mordan, 2007). Archive 2009-05-01
  • Also I'd like to know what everyone here thinks of Andrey Atuchin and Stephen O'Connor, I haven't seen anyone else tackle as many titanosaur paintings as these two, and they both have a lot of talent for creative color schemes and anatomical accuracy. Life's Time Capsule: MORE Sauropods in Art!
  • The choice of a suture material is based on the patient, the wound, the tissue characteristics and the anatomic location.
  • And so i adventitial to the neuroanatomical of orizaba a solace with me ungratefully i go so that i can skidpan a needless of the fun. Rational Review
  • Most medical schools accept anatomical bequeathals for biomedical research and the training of Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, and other Health Care Professionals.
  • Most episodes are due to urinary tract infections and renal cyst rupture that relate to the underlying anatomical abnormalities.
  • It doesn't have a name, which is a strange thing for an anatomical feature because anatomists have named every feature of the body.
  • It is true that even the great Dr. Johnson defined the word pastern as 'the knee of an horse,' an anatomical inexactitude which would produce on an ostler the same kind of paralytic shock that a sailor might experience on finding in the same famous work leeward and windward described in identical terms as 'toward the wind.' On Dictionaries
  • He does a good job of making highly technical anatomic, developmental and cellular issues clear to the lay reader.
  • During this period, Da Vinci also produced his first anatomical studies.
  • Until well into the 1980s, anatomical studies suggested that hippos may have evolved from pigs.
  • January 6th, 2006 at 8: 40 pm click says: contriver: anatomically devise tributes: fertilized Lowell. speedups Think Progress » EU wants answers on secret prisons.
  • His early anatomical studies were intended to form part of his treatise on painting.
  • Owen was soon to become an assistant in cataloging the Hunterian Collection of thirteen thousand human and animal anatomical specimens, which had been purchased by the Crown after the death of its owner, the famous surgeon John Hunter.
  • Ven mutants exhibit gross anatomical defects in the nerve cords, including their complete detachment from the body wall.
  • It also coincided with the decline of the professional anatomical museum, as the glass slide, the photograph, photomicrograph, stereograph, film, and statistical table became the media in which anatomy and pathology were documented.
  • Though just an anatomical study, it already foreshadowed the sculptor's later efforts to reveal the essence rather than merely copy outward appearances.
  • Nii was dreaming, filthily, completely, in anatomical detail, dreams that would shame most but only gave him a boner the size of a V-2. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • Standard angiography and magnetic resonance angiography can provide anatomic definition of the occlusive disease.
  • The publication ends with a handy index of notes enabling quick location of the anatomical point required.
  • The modern achromatic compound microscope was invented in 1878, and it was this instrument that added the extra dimension of the microscopic study of tissues to anatomical teaching.
  • Anatomical characters and SEM observation of glands revealed that the glands of leave in Cerasus was one kind of secretory tissue.
  • Arguments that behavioral data are fundamentally no different from other kinds of anatomical or molecular data used for systematics should also impact cetacean phylogenetics.
  • The phylogeny produced by Johnson and Patterson is quite robust; it is based on 112 anatomical characters and every node is supported by at least three uncontroverted synapomorphies.
  • In a curious parallel to this combination of anatomical features, the word babirusa combines babi, meaning pig, with rusa, meaning deer. The deer-pig, the Raksasa, the only living anthracothere… welcome to the world of babirusas
  • Implants are generally not attached to the underlying structures because they are made with depressions on the under surface to fit over the anatomic areas on which they are inserted.
  • Recent anatomic work in the rat has shown that the superior longitudinalis muscle runs in the midline along the long axis of the tongue.
  • The horse's single toe on each of its four feet is its most marked anatomical characteristic and makes it a perissodactyl or odd-toed ungulate.
  • His method, called anthropometry, relied on an elaborate set of anatomical measurements -- such as head size, length of the left middle finger, face height -- and features like scars and hair and eye color to distinguish one person from another. A Rule of Thumb
  • He also left extensive studies of human anatomy based on dissection of animals and anatomical writings of others.
  • June 20, 2006, 4: 35 am texasholdem internet free practice says: texasholdem internet free practice squeezer controllability pantheism adduction anatomical The Volokh Conspiracy » Possible criminal violations by the memo forger
  • This dated to the 19th century and the discovery of the anatomic localisation of motor function in the brain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The foot can be divided into three anatomic regions: the hindfoot or rearfoot (talus and calcaneus); the midfoot (navicular bone, cuboid bone, and three cuneiform bones); and the forefoot (metatarsals and phalanges).
  • Each dancer selected a personal dance photo and then, in a class worthy of pre-med students, dissected the arcane anatomical events of the chosen pose.
  • Even in comedic and satiric forms that suspended the stability of this dominant gender ideology, it remained particularly complicated for Romantic women playwrights to portray a body scientifically sexed as female and discursively gendered as feminine that might challenge prevailing medical accounts that devalued the female body as an aberration deviating from the male anatomical “norm.” Feminist Utopianism and Female Sexuality in Joanna Baillie’s Comedies
  • As the anatomical drawing that greets visitors to this show makes plain, light linked directly to the soul. Times, Sunday Times
  • The anatomical reduction of tarsometatarsal joint and metatarsal was also important to rebuild the function of foot.
  • His primary insight being anatomical, Kuypers was concerned with increasingly powerful ways of tracing fibre connections.
  • The head and neck encompasses many vital structures and is one of the most complex anatomical regions in the body.
  • Brain images from the schizophrenic patients showed abnormalities in two functionally and anatomically different neural pathways - the uncinate fasciculus and the cingulate bundle.
  • Even as young pups, then, Weddell seals have several anatomical adaptations that enable them to avoid overheating in the sunlight.
  • By the close integration of text, commentary, and illustration, he gave the renaissance world a definitive anatomical thesis.
  • In a similar manner Leonardo had previously relied on a figure study by Pollaiuolo when he started his anatomical studies around 1487.
  • Once a year in the early days, the body of an executed criminal would be handed over to the college for anatomical study.
  • The results must surely be among the most technically brilliant anatomical studies ever made.
  • The fact is that many anatomical problems cannot be fixed, whether it's poor turnout or flat feet.
  • The palate is defined anatomically as the roof of the mouth.
  • This would be part of a general move towards blending physiological information with the anatomical information provided by traditional, diagnostic images.
  • At the same time, Drs. Frederick Brown and George Phillips argued that though the murderer showed some anatomical knowledge, "the murder could have been committed by a person who had been a hunter, a butcher, a slaughterman, as well as a student in surgery or a properly qualified surgeon. Jack the Ripper As the Threat of Outcast London. Robert F. Haggard
  • Until well into the 1980s, anatomical studies suggested that hippos may have evolved from pigs.
  • And the heart, which has no resemblance to an anatomical heart, is a simplistic illustration of an aroused and engorged vulva, a holy yoni. Donna Henes: On Valentines And Vulvas
  • In his figurative works he let the figure bulge out of anatomical specifications and proportions.
  • Not an anatomical literalization of a questionable anthropological concept floating among many others on a fun, yes, but scarcely reliable website even students are cautioned against taking too seriously. Vamsee Juluri: Lord Shiva And The Economist: A New Low For Journalism
  • To generations of schoolchildren he was the artificial bag of bones on which they based their anatomical drawings and scientific studies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The name of the paper was “Relationships between anatomical and densitometric characteristics of black spruce and summer temperature at tree line in northern Quebec” in case you want to search for an alternate source. Review of Osborn and Briffa [2006] « Climate Audit
  • Of concern is the degree to which the capability lies in predetermined neuroanatomical and neurochemical structures, enabling certain physiological processes.
  • Anatomical artists pay homage to the body hidden under the skin with woodcuts, copper engravings, lithographs, photographs, and digital imaging.
  • All the veins were visible, like an anatomical diagram with a celluloid overlay.
  • We coded anatomical areas for the tumors without knowledge of the subject's exposure to cellular or cordless telephones.
  • Six anatomic pathology reports were selected to cover a range of specimens and complexity.
  • For instance, anatomic pathology prognostic data may be integrated with clinical laboratory serologic tumor markers that are graphically trended.
  • The success and rise of Dravidians is mainly due to their latent anglophonic skills more than anything else it certainly ain't anything specifically anatomic or cultural in the sense that Anglophonia is the edge you need to get ahead, climb the ladder, get to the top in this competetive world. Why are South Indians so smart?
  • Displacement of bones obscures anatomical details, but the fenestra ovalis seems to be absent.
  • The dancer, with her eyes shut and lips slightly parted, is in the posture we associate with the can-can—except that her legs are at an awkward, anatomically almost impossible, position to each other. The Artistry of Toulouse-Lautrec and His Dancing Muse Jane Avril
  • It is hard to imagine the anatomical member to which you allude being demised legally or otherwise by means of a lease*, but I can tell you that circumcisions have gone awry resulting in demised ones and lawsuits. The Volokh Conspiracy » More Evidence for Christina Hoff Sommers’ “War Against Boys” Theory?
  • Biology teacher Caryn Babaian of Bucks County Community College in Newtown, Pennsylvania, uses the iconic sketch as a "multi-conceptual image" in her introductory anatomy class to illustrate three crucial anatomical concepts: rotation, transparency, and transverse section. Boing Boing: September 24, 2006 - September 30, 2006 Archives
  • While anatomical and spatial description is often minimal, the overall narrative organization and pace of the scenes is dramatic, culminating in the powerful Crucifixion which takes up the main space of an entire bay.
  • The spleen is anatomically well adapted for use in these experiments, and the replantation of this organ can be taken as characteristic of this kind of operation. Alexis Carrel - Nobel Lecture
  • Owen was soon to become an assistant in cataloging the Hunterian Collection of thirteen thousand human and animal anatomical specimens, which had been purchased by the Crown after the death of its owner, the famous surgeon John Hunter.
  • An anatomical study was carried out using 15 legs of fresh cadavers. According to skin angiography, the authors set up a new concept of the vascular structure of skin and skin flap.
  • Previous anatomic studies have demonstrated that the nose possesses distinct tissue layers.
  • Clearly , there is substantial anatomic variation in the location of the vertebral artery.
  • We turn next to crocodiles and alligators, in which the heart has two anatomically separate ventricles.
  • Anatomical relationships are extremely important - for example, knowing the relationship between the duodenum and the gastroduodenal & inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries makes it easier to anticipate potential complications of a duodenal ulcer. Top headlines
  • Worthy of note also are the Royal Gallery (Pinacoteca) and the zoölogical, mineralogical, geological, anatomical, and the rich numismatical museum (the king's medallion). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Consideration is given first to the anatomic arrangement of the nervous and skeletal muscle systems involved in this activity.
  • Implications: Increased activation in the amygdala and decreased activation in the orbitofrontal cortex may represent disruption of a specific neuroanatomic circuit involved in mania. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Objective : To provide anatomic basis for the treatment of tarsal tunnel syndrome and heel pain.
  • De Diemerbroeck * [304] mentions the fact that a knife ten inches long was extracted by gastrotomy, and placed among the rarities in the anatomic chamber of the University at Leyden. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • There are both anatomic and physiological differences.
  • In anatomical terms, the arm is built around three bones; - the humerus in the upper arm, and the radius and the ulna in the forearm.
  • When the term assimilation is used with reference to mental development, it is well to remember that, while it originally referred to the building up of anatomical elements, these elements, once constructed, have an immediate psychological bearing. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • A previous study of LB1's endocast revealed that large parts of the frontal lobe and other anatomical features were consistent with higher cognitive processes. Tiny Humans Found in Indonesia Are New Species
  • The bodies and body parts on display are preserved using a technique called plastination which reveals anatomical structures The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The Hoatzin chick features a rare anatomical feature — two claws on each budding wing which help it grip branches and clamber about awkwardly.
  • Sinewy and sensuous, these preparatory masterworks are anatomical wonders capturing the longings of the famously impetuous painter.
  • Through Lowson's kitchen window we see an anatomically suggestive, sexually charged landscape, and so it is with many of these poems.
  • Still, whatever the case, we have to conclude that the appearance of language and its anatomical correlates was not driven by natural selection, however beneficial these innovations may appear in hindsight to have been.
  • When she completed her internship in 1901, and chose to work in anatomical and histological research under a fellowship. Personal Information for Florence Rena Sabin
  • “Dr. P’s fornicatory dolls”— mute and anatomically correct, just the way his nineteenth-century customers liked them. Crashed
  • OBJECTIVE:To investigate the distribution of sural nerve nutrient vessels of the distally based flap and provide an anatomical evidence for the design of operation on repair of foot injury.
  • Objective To provide an anatomic basis for surgical treatment of the lesions involving the pterygopalatine fossa and middle skull base via a lateral infratemporal fossa approach.
  • However, the most disturbing faults are those that occur in almost all of his anatomical studies.
  • In 1903-1904, Rennie, by anatomical studies in certain Teleostei, gave strong support to the view of Diamare, that the islet cells in these fishes exist as separate glands of relatively large size and more or less independent of the pancreatic acini. John Macleod - Nobel Lecture
  • This approach is not without problems, due to the neurovascular anatomical structures in close proximity.
  • These are likely to be unhelpful to women with bacterial vaginosis because the lactobacilli are directed at the wrong anatomical site and are of the wrong kind.
  • 154 His "Anatomic Générale," published in 1802, gave an extraordinary stimulus to the study of the finer processes of disease, and his famous "Recherches sur la Vie et sur la Mort" (1800) dealt a deathblow to old iatromechanical and iatrochemical views. The Evolution of Modern Medicine
  • These stages involve a number of anatomical structures and muscle groups.
  • One strength of the illustrations is to place a topographical drawing beside a sub-surface anatomic diagram which gives clear definition and understanding of the underlying abnormalities.
  • The direction and magnitude of deviations of the guidewire from the anatomic center of the posterior horn were determined after disarticulating the knees.
  • It was only the size of one of Katie's baby dolls, but it was perfectly proportioned and anatomically correct.
  • In 1665, De Graaf went to France and continued his anatomical research on the pancreas.
  • Carpenter argues in his new paper that, in fact, A. fragillimus seems to have differed from A. altus in a number of anatomical details, and that the two might not have been congeneric after all. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Joanna at the wonderful Morbid Anatomy blog posted this exquisite ivory anatomical manikin, circa 1500-1700. Boing Boing
  • From previous anatomical data, we hypothesize that the level of such actions is suprametameric, with strong implication of the diencephalon and cerebral cortex.
  • Conclusion The incidence rate of brachiocubital ligament injury was the highest. According to the analysis of anatomic structure, "tennis elbow" can be prevented.
  • Many medical, physiological, or anatomical terms have origins that we never even think of.
  • The anatomical position of the parotid, H, Plate 3, and submaxillary glands, W, Plate 4, is so important, that their extirpation, while in a state of disease, will almost unavoidably concern other principal structures. Surgical Anatomy
  • How did a pregnant young lady come to die intact and yet have her body donated for anatomical dissection?
  • Similarly, Fisher and Langley use anatomical data to classify phyla.
  • Their anatomical incorrectness --- incompleteness is more like it --- would seem to be a problem, but they are drawn together by a mutual fetishistic love of fashion and trying on outfits for each other is their version of sex, which makes the interrogation scene very kinky. Lance Mannion:
  • While a number of seeds possess hooks, barbs, or viscid substances for a quick stick, many small seeds without special anatomical adaptations can get caught up in fur, feathers, and feet.
  • The technique involves the attachment of infrared beacons or transmitters to specific anatomical landmarks, the surgical instruments, and cutting blocks.
  • It was these anatomically modern humans which joined or supplanted the Neanderthals in Europe some 40,000 years ago.
  • Similarly, Fisher and Langley use anatomical data to classify phyla.
  • Objective To provide anatomical data for the clinical operation on neck to locate the acroteric vascular nerves of the tip of the greater horn of hyoid bone(THB) with taking THB as a landmark.
  • Zingiberaceae plants are highly diverse in species, morphology and anatomic structure as well as in pollination.
  • You can feel the "anatomics" when you ski—a snug responsive nesting of your foot that even worked for me on a shell and liner that's around a half size too big.
  • The study, led by Dr Hasan Jilaihawi (Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, UK), also singled out postprocedural anatomical factors affecting the left ventricular outflow tract, such as septal hypertrophy and the
  • Then, after eating the remainder of the flesh, they laid the bones and the rest in anatomical order in a coffin and buried them with the usual rites, believing that the god to whom the animal was sacrificed would reclothe the bones with flesh and restore the animal to life in Jabme-Aimo, the subterranean world of the dead. Chapter 53. The Propitiation of Wild Animals By Hunters
  • The most abundant source of astaxanthin in nature is the single-cell microalga Haematococcus pluvialis, which accumulates astaxanthin in lipid (fat) vesicles (small, anatomically normal sac- or bladderlike structures) during periods of nutrient deficiency and environmental stress. Forever Young
  • Hodgkin's lymphoma and most metastatic carcinomas typically progress through nodes in anatomic sequence.
  • Diagnostic accuracy is crucial in anatomic pathology, including surgical pathology and cytopathology.
  • This anatomic impingement is even more significant in light of the vascular anatomy of the navicular bone.
  • Feduccia laments that "the major and most worrying problem of the feathered dinosaur hypothesis is that the integumental structures have been homologized with avian feathers on the basis of anatomically and paleontologically unsound and misleading information. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The scientists had a laboratory for the study of anatomical and zoological specimens and a reference library.
  • Sub-optimal drug penetration also influences the emergence of multiply drug resistant variants, which may also predominate in this anatomical viral reservoir.
  • McMullen's 18-page catalog teems with exotic-sounding product names that cover the anatomical waterfront.
  • The question of what constitutes a diagnostic error in anatomic pathology should be addressed.
  • Some patients have a very small or an 'outie' belly button or other anatomical consideration where they really don't want their belly button altered.
  • This is due to fears that they will interbreed with the ‘native’ red deer, as it is well documented that – despite their anatomical and ecological differences – the two species readily hybridise, with the hybrids being fully interfertile (which, incidentally, is relevant to the whole ‘domestic dogs represent a distinct species’ argument). Archive 2006-10-01
  • I hope this can be provided in restrained language to the exclusion of your usual repertoire of obscene anatomical absurdities. on March 16, 2009 at 1: 24 pm | Reply pchawkeye “Ruralshire Constabulary to get TASER on the front line” « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Show us your, uh, dominant anatomical feature.
  • The costume had evidently not been made to my measure, and in the process of induing it I paused once or twice to speculate on the eccentricities of the figure to which it had been shaped or the abstract anatomical knowledge of the tailor who had shaped it. Two Sides of the Face Midwinter Tales
  • He wanted new and open anatomical vistas where he could practice his technically brilliant procedures in peace, not debates about the measurement and remeasurement of end points of surgery. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The anatomic changes from these diverse causes have been classified by Reid into three categories: cylindrical, varicose, and saccular or cystic.
  • Her neck is elongated beyond the bounds of anatomical correctness - an attribute of young, innocent female beauty in the artistic vocabulary of the time.
  • The essentialists are currently dominated by biological-oriented researchers who link sexual orientation to genetic, hormonal, and neuroanatomical factors.
  • On the other hand, to the processes produced by monadina belong especially a large series of diseases, which according to their clinical and anatomical features, may be characterized as inflammatory processes, acute exanthemata, and infective tumors, or leucocytoses. Scientific American Supplement, No. 303, October 22, 1881
  • Objective To find a best surgical operation in which can resume palatopharyngeal's anatomical morphology and postpoperated physiological function.
  • Many of Galen's anatomical and physiological observations were accurate.
  • Torn, we are told, was so obsessed by anatomical study that he stashed anatomized body parts under his bed, an unhealthy practice that contributed to his early death.
  • The benefit of working with celloidin is that tissue shrinkage is very minimal, and you can see tissue and cell structures very clearly under the microscope," says Archie Fobbs, neuroanatomical collection manager at the museum. The Full Feed from
  • Previous anatomical studies of PACAP/melanopsin-containing retinal innervation suggested roles of PACAP/melanopsin in a broad variety of nonvisual photoreception PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Anatomical anomalies of the famous monsters of filmland - Boing Boing
  • The most prevalent is the "thought, word, and deed" motif, but I've also found what appear to be alliterating triads (of anatomical features, interestingly) in at least one OE prayer. Numbers everywhere
  • In 1856 he returned to Berlin with the title anatomic pathology professor. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Alleles of the apolipoprotein E gene have distinct neuroanatomic signatures , identifiable in childhood.
  • The concept of haemorrhoids as enlarged veins persisted until recently, when detailed anatomical studies demonstrated their soft tissue nature and the close association they have with the normal anus.
  • Other asymmetric anatomical features - such as placement of the heart and liver - are products of different layers, the mesoderm and endoderm.
  • This classic, succinct, well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions.
  • The standard technique for placing central venous catheters is by using anatomical landmarks.
  • Make known your wishes in regard to anatomical gifts. You may document your wishes in your health care proxy or on a donor card, available from the hospital.
  • While bats are highly specialized for flight, they share anatomical characters with the Insectivora, the mammalian taxon that includes shrews and moles.
  • The text is concerned primarily with practices of midwifery that remained detached from anatomical investigations of the body.
  • An organism is considered metameric when its body is mostly formed of serially repeated anatomical units called metameres.
  • The neuroanatomical substrate and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying consciousness are still not understood.
  • The most eagerly sought after evidence in fossil ‘hominids’ is any anatomical feature that suggests bipedality (the ability to walk on two legs).
  • For example, the Lower Carboniferous green volcanic ashes and agglomerates from Oxroad Bay in East Lothian, Scotland contain abundant anatomically preserved plants that were overlooked by those studying the geology.
  • The last anatomical point which may give trouble in normal necks is the thymus, which is present in children below the age of two, and covers the lower end of the trachea just above the level of the sternum. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • For anatomists as well as academic theorists, Michelangelo's art exemplified the advantages of anatomical study by dissection.
  • The phrase “physical impairment” means “any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: … respiratory; … reproductive; … digestive; … hemic and lymphatic….” Law In The Health and Human Services
  • Carter, a journalist, has amassed an impressive array of scientific detail, mainly describing the neuroanatomical basis of conscious awareness.
  • The pink plates rested like anatomical specimens in a glass of dirty water atop a desk littered with paper. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • The "flip side" of this behavioral research, he adds, is rigorous neuroanatomical analyses being conducted by collaborators at several universities. The Scientist
  • However this may be, these fractures are a kind of anatomic dissections of the lava, which shew that the upper coat of it lies upon another, and that upon a third, below which are many others. A General collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world [microform] : many of which are now first translated into English : digested on a new plan
  • Five branches of the same developmental stage, i.e. of similar length and bearing up to seven leaves, were selected for leaf anatomical study.
  • The publication ends with a handy index of notes enabling quick location of the anatomical point required.
  • Consistent with the prevalence of these abnormal movements in psychotic patients are other data (neuroimaging, neurodevelopmental, neuroanatomic, clinicopathologic) indicating that cerebellar dysfunction may play a role in the pathogenesis of some schizophrenias (970). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Our work is based on the principle that the mammalian central nervous system is functionally and anatomically well-organized.

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