How To Use anasarca In A Sentence
- Ipecacuanha is the most certain in its effect from five grains to thirty; white vitriol is the most expeditious in its effect, from twenty grains to thirty dissolved in warm water; but emetic tartar, antimonium tartarizatum, from one grain to four to sane people, and from thence to twenty to insane patients, will answer most of the useful purposes of emetics; but nothing equals the digitalis purpurea for the purpose of absorbing water from the cellular membrane in the anasarca pulmonum, or hydrops pectoris. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
- Did he have diabetes, ascites, uraemia, anasarca, or heart failure?
- Laxatives, diaphoretics, and diuretics must be used to stimulate the emunctories so that they may carry off the large amount of the products of decomposition which result from the stagnated effusions of anasarca. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
- The external autopsy examination revealed anasarca with ascites, jaundice, diffuse petechiae and purpura, and a presacral decubitus ulcer.
- There are two kinds of dropsy, the one anasarca, which, when formed, is incurable; the other is accompanied with emphysema On Regimen In Acute Diseases
- Did he have diabetes, ascites, uraemia, anasarca, or heart failure?
- When the period of efflorescence, or standing out of the rash, is over, packs ought to be given, to extract the poison completely from the system, and to prevent any sequels, such as anasarca, &c. Hydriatic treatment of Scarlet Fever in its Different Forms
- In the greater part of what are called asthmatical cases, the real disease is anasarca of the lungs, and is generally to be cured by diuretics. An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
- In Mozart's example, the most compelling symptom - anasarca - has three common causes: liver disease, kidney disease, and congestive heart failure.
- _Ophthalmia lymphatica_ is a kind of anasarca of the tunica adnata; in this the vessels over the sclerotica, or white part of the eye, rise considerably above the cornea, which they surround, are less red than in the ophthalmia superficialis, and appear to be swelled by an accumulation of lymph rather than of blood; it is probably owing to the temporary obstruction of a branch of the lymphatic system. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life