
Anas platyrhynchos

  1. wild dabbling duck from which domestic ducks are descended; widely distributed

How To Use Anas platyrhynchos In A Sentence

  • Bird species such as Tadorna ferrugine and Anas platyrhynchos occur in wetlands, Dendrocopos major in the forests while Parus major, Motacilla cinerea, Alaudia arvensis, Anthus hodgsoni, Lanius cristatus, Milvus migrans, and Corvus corax occur everywhere else in this area. Altai montane forest and forest steppe
  • Bird species such as Tadorna ferrugine and Anas platyrhynchos occur in wetlands, Dendrocopos major in the forests while Parus major, Motacilla cinerea, Alaudia arvensis, Anthus hodgsoni, Lanius cristatus, Milvus migrans, and Corvus corax occur everywhere else in this area. Altai montane forest and forest steppe
  • I went downstairs immediately to see if the window was damaged, and saw a drake mallard (anas platyrhynchos) lying motionless on its belly in the sand, two metres outside the facade.
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