How To Use Anas In A Sentence
- United Brands produced bananas, and was accused of a variety of abusive practices which were said to infringe Article 86.
- Rohitha bought several bunches of bananas and all the papaya fruits on display, while Pala bought a packet each of the green gram, sesame and ranawara.
- Others, before the introduction of maize, lived mostly on millet, sorghum, and bananas with such greenstuffs as could be gathered.
- The inferior gluteal artery also assists in forming the cruciate anastomosis that forms around the neck and greater trochanter of the femur.
- Shanks Evans, another companion of First and Second Manassas, was at Kinston, North Carolina. LEE’S LIEUTENANTS
- the blood vessels anastomose
- Other birds that utilize this ecoregion are yellow-crowned night-heron (Nyctanassa violacea), neotropic cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), yucatan parrot (Amazona xantholora), Yucatán bobwhite (Colinus nigrogularis), and zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita). Petenes mangroves
- There had even been, the nurses told Anastasia's mother, a terrible collision involving a bedpan. ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
- She tenderly cares for her bedridden mother (euthanasia not being next on her agenda).
- Replanting disease is a serious obstacle for sustainable development of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) at present.