How To Use Anaphor In A Sentence

  • However, a contextually prominent action can not justify the use of a surface anaphor, such as I did, yesterday.
  • Adopting the definition of binding domain of Chomsky (1986), it is clear that the subject is in the local domain of the anaphor.
  • This turns out to be unexplained under the pronominal anaphor account: if a long-distance reflexive were a pronominal anaphor, it would be expected to be bound in the matrix sentence.
  • Through alliteration, anaphora, parallelism and slant-rhyme, Sleigh builds momentum into the eleven, rhythmic couplets and suggests a train's smooth travel.
  • Anaphoric binding relations are conditioned by a number of different factors, one of which is the verb, which may be marked for reflexivisation and may determine the binding domain of reflexives and pronouns which occur within its nucleus.
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  • In the latter case, a referential anaphor refers to what its antecedent refers to; the anaphor is thus said to be coreferential with its antecedent.
  • In the case of ellipsis and anaphoric (and cataphoric) pronouns the designation is determined, or at least constrained, by the linguistic context of the utterance, while the designation of deictic demonstratives is fixed by contextual extralinguistic facts. Pragmatics
  • In these languages, first and second-person pronouns are used instead as bound anaphors.
  • A common solution appears to be simply to delete the dangling references from the summary, or, failing that, to pick up the preceding or subsequent sentence from the source text and hope that the anaphor or cataphor is resolved.
  • But anaphora has never been taken seriously as a diagnostic for such a distinction.
  • The domain from which potential antecedents for both individual and discourse-deictic anaphors can be elicited is defined in terms of dialogue acts.
  • Anaphora should not be confused with epanorthosis, the repetitious use of a particular term for emphasis: the word element in certain of Ben Jonson's poems, for example. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 1
  • Various approaches, functional, pragmatic or cognitive, have beenapplied to demonstrate the implications and features of anaphora.
  • In Chapter 6 we shall discuss the issue of anaphoric reference which is generally held to depend crucially on co-text for interpretation.
  • Many of the poems in Lateness use anaphora as a vehicle against time because it allows for sensual expressions of textures.
  • These were carried out for the annotation of anaphor types and their antecedents, and for the segmentation of the dialogues into dialogue acts.
  • The constraint-based theories Head-driven Phrase Structure grammar (HPSG) and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) integrate syntax and semantics in the account of anaphoric study.
  • An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
  • The self's figuration as a trajectory that collapses or can't move ahead finds its formal parallel in Jarnot's insistent, incessant use of repetition, anaphora, litany, and incantation.
  • The phenomenon is particularly interesting because the conditions under which complement anaphora (as this case of anaphora is called) is acceptable depend on formal properties of the antecedent determiner.
  • This has the consequence that where a coreferential or bound zero anaphor may occur, the use of an overt pronoun will tend to be taken to solicit disjoint reference.
  • I say ‘surrounding’ as well as ‘focused in’ because the anaphora is but the centerpiece of a series of actions which precede and follow the anaphora itself.
  • So, the early Christians looked two ways: forward and backward, or upward and downward; there was a keen sense of anamnesis (remembering of the past) and anaphora (referring to the future).
  • anaphoric reference
  • This figure often occurs public address with others such as antithesis, anaphora, asyndeton, climax, epistrophe and symploce. Rhetorical Figures in Sound: Parallelism
  • Binding is concerned with the type of anaphora found with pronouns and reflexives, but the notion is greatly extended.
  • The paradigm which the Eucharist expresses can be usefully described, I think, in terms of a threefold succession of ideas: ecclesia, anaphora, and diaspora.
  • Null complement anaphora refers to an elliptical construction in which a VP or IP complement of a verb is dropped.
  • The twin problems of unresolved anaphors (such as pronouns, which refer back to words earlier in the text) and cataphors (ambiguous words signaling a term that shows up later in the text) are especially thorny.
  • The latter case, where an anaphor refers to the set-theoretical difference of restrictor and scope, has been studied by both psycholinguists and formal semanticists.
  • This has the consequence that where a coreferential or bound zero anaphor may occur, the use of an overt pronoun will tend to be taken to solicit disjoint reference.
  • Notice that the president also employed anaphora in the initial repetition of the word "ask. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines -
  • This article explores specially the use of inferable anaphoric NPs, esp. definite NPs, in discourse based on some foreigners' pragmatic and cognitive studies.
  • The goal of this project is to develop a detailed account of how anaphors are interpreted.
  • V. -- Oh, my friend, how anaphorical, and especially how epanaletical. Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 3, January 19, 1884. A Weekly Journal for the Farm, Orchard and Fireside
  • However, although Chinese is a prop-drop language and does often use zero anaphor for second mention, it also appears to opt for pronominal anaphora in certain discourse contexts and situations.
  • Strawson's idea was that descriptions refer because their anaphoric pronouns do.
  • The aspect of anaphora is developed by John Zizioulas, ‘Ministry,’ in contrast to its baptismal withdrawal from the world.
  • Trying to make sense of this proposal leads to some interesting observations about grammaticality and anaphora.
  • In similar examples involving not coordination but anaphora (zero or overt), it's much easier to get away with this sort of denotation switching.
  • Some authors have suggested that the right way to approach this problem is to opt for a dynamic conception of meaning, one that can encode anaphoric possibilities for subsequent sentences.
  • NP-anaphora can be encoded by gaps, pronouns, reflexives, names, and descriptions.
  • This dissertation studies the functions of anaphora in text from a functional - cognitive perspective.
  • The ultimate purpose of the poem is not to list the queen's virtues but to praise them; the exhortation in the opening ‘Praisd be’ is further emphasized by insistent anaphora and repeated trochees in the first seven lines.
  • An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
  • Sometimes the descriptive noun phrase has already been used in a previous clause, and to avoid repetition, the anaphor such is substituted.
  • Context, mediated by anaphora, can affect the resolution of lexical as well as structural ambiguity.
  • Furthermore, demonstrative nominal and demonstrative pronominal anaphors appeared to function quite differently in expressing differences in transition stages of discourse referents.
  • It does not contain a semantic predicate, either, because the anaphor is not an argument of the verb.
  • Context, mediated by anaphora, can affect the resolution of lexical as well as structural ambiguity.
  • Thus, pronouns in discourse anaphora are not variables bound by their quantifier antecedents.
  • But (I think) all of the examples in those earlier discussions involved some kind of null complement, where an object is omitted as generic or habitual or anaphoric or otherwise unneeded.
  • The goal of this project is to develop a detailed account of how anaphors are interpreted.
  • A similar technique is used to resolve anaphoric references and similar syntactic ambiguities.
  • The algorithm accounts for deictic as well as anaphoric referential identifications.
  • Through alliteration, anaphora, parallelism and slant-rhyme, Sleigh builds momentum into the eleven, rhythmic couplets and suggests a train's smooth travel.
  • Verb-phrase anaphora occurs when a verb-phrase depends for its interpretation on another verb-phrase occurring earlier in the spoken or written discourse.
  • How many even know the meaning of anaphora, antimetabole or litotes? The Chicago Blog
  • Text modifications that increase coherence range from low-level information, such as identifying anaphoric referents, synonymous terms, or connective ties, to supplying background information left unstated in the text.
  • Furthermore, demonstrative nominal and demonstrative pronominal anaphors appeared to function quite differently in expressing differences in transition stages of discourse referents.
  • Two complicating factors are that the relation between anaphors and antecedents is by no means unrestricted and that often there is a partial match between anaphor and antecedent.
  • This was a suite of six prose poems, mostly composed in an ironic and decorative biblical style replete with anaphora and the artificiality of thee's, thy's and thou's.
  • David Copperfield's lament is given here with my further typographical highlights on the kinds of anaphoric returns and alphabetic reversals by which Gass is intrigued: From Notes on 'Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian'
  • The twelve houses are divided into cardinal houses, also called anguli, succeeding houses (succedentes, anaphora) and declining or cadent houses (cadentes, cataphora). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Aristotle _Rhet_ 1414a) remarks that because of Homer's use of epanaphora (the repetition of Nireus 'name) and dialysis (asyndeton)' [Greek: schedon hapax tou Nireôs onomasthentos en tôi dramati memnêmetha ouden hêtton ê tou Achilleôs kai tou Odysseôs] '. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Discourse anaphora in most cases refers to direct anaphora only, with little reference to indirect anaphora.
  • A similar technique is used to resolve anaphoric references and similar syntactic ambiguities.
  • Thus, pronouns in discourse anaphora are not variables bound by their quantifier antecedents.
  • Similarly, again, in some sense of ˜interpretation™, the interpretation of the expression ˜some human™ in the following sentence depends on the interpretation of ˜It is possible that™, but again this is not an example of anaphora: Anaphora
  • Not every theory of pronominal anaphora predicts this possibility.
  • Correlatively, it has been suggested that temporal anaphors like ‘then’ and modal anaphors like ‘that’ (in ‘that would have been unfortunate’) are kinds of descriptions.
  • As in the pronominal anaphora case, descriptive material does the work that reference does in most other accounts of the semantics of temporal and modal discourse.
  • Among the specific terms introduced during the workshop were the notions of anaphora and cataphora.
  • In other words, the domains in which a pronominal must be free are much more restricted than those in which an anaphor can be bound.
  • When an expression referring to an antecedent utterance is substituted for ‘x’ in ‘x is true,’ the resulting claim will have the same content as its anaphoric antecedent.
  • If you use as such in a passage that can't be analyzed this way, with a backwards connection to an anaphoric noun phrase, and a forward connection to a modified noun phrase in subject position, they'll be on your case.
  • Cognitive factors and non-cognitive factors which are equally effective in their impact on anaphoric relations render the latter more complicated and enriched.
  • One discovers numerous examples in which De Luca uses such rhetorical devices as anadiplosis or the repetition of a word at the end of a clause or at the beginning of another; anaphora or the repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses; or anastrophe which is the inversion of the usual word order within a sentence. Mark Axelrod: The Day Before Happiness
  • They are characterized by brevity, by a key-word, by epanaphora [i. e, repetition], and by their epigrammatic style ... Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
  • We focus on linguistic signals of discourse coherence, such as connectives (because, although) and referential expressions (anaphors, cataphors).
  • Context, mediated by anaphora, can affect the resolution of lexical as well as structural ambiguity.
  • Binding is concerned with the type of anaphora found with pronouns and reflexives, but the notion is greatly extended.
  • This is a far cry from Corbon's more simplistic description of the Eucharistic canon as prelude, liturgy of the word, anaphora, communion, and finale.
  • There are aspects of anaphoric universals which clearly are of a grammatical nature; there are also aspects of anaphoric universals which equally clearly are of a pragmatic nature.
  • The third-person examples are much improved if the pronouns are clearly deictic rather than anaphoric; the first-person examples are already deictic, of course.
  • The twelve houses are divided into cardinal houses, also called anguli, succeeding houses (succedentes, anaphora) and declining or cadent houses (cadentes, cataphora). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • We turn next to semantic constraints triggered by the lexical properties of certain predicates, idioms, and anaphoric expressions.
  • This has the consequence that where a coreferential or bound zero anaphor may occur, the use of an overt pronoun will tend to be taken to solicit disjoint reference.
  • An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis, chiasmus, and parallelism.
  • That's also my excuse for not explaining anaphora or bound variables here, either.

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