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How To Use Ananas In A Sentence

  • United Brands produced bananas, and was accused of a variety of abusive practices which were said to infringe Article 86.
  • Rohitha bought several bunches of bananas and all the papaya fruits on display, while Pala bought a packet each of the green gram, sesame and ranawara.
  • Others, before the introduction of maize, lived mostly on millet, sorghum, and bananas with such greenstuffs as could be gathered.
  • Replanting disease is a serious obstacle for sustainable development of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) at present.
  • On the table is a bowl of fruit with two bananas sticking up, one either side.
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  • At the height of the craze, I stood on the North Bank at Highbury in a forest of bananas, watching awestruck as they celebrated another goal going in by either bopping your neighbour over the head, or simply chucking the thing in the air.
  • Instead, I found myself lusting after bananas, marmalade, muesli, and the simple pleasure of a glass of cold milk.
  • The principal exports are nutmeg, bananas, cocoa, and mace.
  • While next Tuesday's Safety Scissors gig is certified bananas, last Tuesday over at Blizzarts it was a teary eyed rager as the Flexout crew bid a fond farewell to their regular night.
  • For recovery, he mixes his own smoothies with soy milk, frozen blueberries, bananas, and strawberries.
  • Tolstikov is a wealthy professional athlete, yet he considers bananas a luxury.
  • In a large bowl or food processor, mash bananas until mushy.
  • To clear the land and harvest the bananas they decided they needed a male workforce.
  • Farmers can harvest avocados, bananas, breadfruits, mangoes, and oranges, as well as medicinal plants, rubber, and timber.
  • The sub-species _sapientum_ (formerly regarded as a distinct species _M. sapientum_) is the source of the fruits generally known in England as bananas, and eaten raw, while the name plantain is given to forms of the species itself _M. paradisiaca_, which require cooking. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Grapefruit, bananas and cloves will soon be growing in Sheffield as the next phase of the regeneration of the city's Botanical Gardens nears completion.
  • Today's crumble features bananas and pears, and a topping starring toasted pecans and bran flakes.
  • There's only so many bananas you can eat, the odd lolly is nice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hundreds of people suddenly converge on a laundrette and silently stare at a washing-machine while eating bananas.
  • In the western zone, oranges, limes, and bananas are cultivated.
  • Since the NY Times ran a few matzoh brei recipes several years back, I top my matzoh brei with a mixture of caramelized fruits (granny smith apples, bananas, berries, pineapple, etc.). Matzo Brei 101
  • The bananas have got all squashed up in the basket.
  • Sometimes, bananas are used instead of ipil-ipil and there are cases also where the combination of the two is being practiced. Chapter 9
  • But will the judges go bananas for them? The Sun
  • But our champagne coupes runnethed over when the taut-bodied café-crème-skinned new Josephine Baker, a.k.a. Brian Scott Bagley, leapt onto and around the stage in his J.B. wig and skirt made of a string of artificial bananas, as Ms. Baker once had in her famous Danse Sauvage. Beth Arnold: Letter from Paris: Josephine Baker Back in Paris (This Time as a Man)
  • The truck was carrying a load of bananas.
  • Add the cider, wine and brandy with the raspberries and thinly sliced bananas and serve.
  • we have no more bananas
  • We drove through a Keralan-like shanty town, down roads green with palms and bananas and signposts pointing to ‘resorts’.
  • Caribbean bananas taste better than dollar bananas because they are less chemical, less plumped up with fertilisers.
  • Foods that contain at least 350 mg of potassium and that qualify for the new health claim include: cantaloupe, orange juice, bananas, carrots, spinach, skim milk, non-fat yogurt and unsalted tomato sauce.
  • Love is making you go bananas.
  • The plant that produces the pine-apple known as the "ananas," or by the Malays as "nanas," grows literally wild upon the hills on Blakan Mati Island, and other islands round about Singapore. Prisoners Their Own Warders A Record of the Convict Prison at Singapore in the Straits Settlements Established 1825
  • On the southern Dhofar coast, monsoon rains provide a fertile climate in which bananas and citrus trees proliferate.
  • Exports—commodities: bananas 39%, eddoes and dasheen (taro), arrowroot starch; tennis racquets Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • The agricultural products are sugar, rice, manioc, cocoa, vegetables, and bananas.
  • Exports—commodities: bananas 39%, eddoes and dasheen (taro), arrowroot starch; tennis racquets Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • The best sources of potassium include spinach, grapefruit, cantaloupe, almonds, bananas, mushrooms, oranges, apricots and potatoes.
  • If you are growing custard apples, bananas, sapodillas and carambolas, they could all do with a dressing of citrus and fruit tree fertiliser spread evenly around under the leaf canopy.
  • Among the island's abundant fruits are bananas, mangos, breadfruit, guavas, plumrose, coconuts, passion fruits, and pineapples.
  • Sometimes food is barbecued bananas or goat satays, maize or cashews, all purchased through the bus window as we pass through small villages of thatched-roofed mud huts.
  • The luscious ananas keeps going strong even in the drydown, keeping its sunny, tropical own against the nocturnal, brooding note of patchouli. Perfume Review: Histoires de Parfums 1804 George Sand
  • A variety of fruits and vegetables are eaten, including mango, papaya, tamarind, oranges, bananas, watermelon, cucumber, pacayao, lettuce, tomatoes, and radish.
  • The stable for Kananaskis Ranch is a short jaunt down a dirt trail from the main lodge.
  • Bananas and sugar are the staples of Jamaica.
  • Slice the semifreddo and spoon over the hot bananas to serve. Times, Sunday Times
  • He took the opportunity to stretch his legs and eat some biscuits and bananas.
  • Bananas have their own characteristic smell.
  • There were two large, pastel yellow clusters of bananas on the counter.
  • The most common foods are beans, corn, peas, millet, sorghum, cassava, sweet potatoes, and bananas.
  • Bananas, foraged from the bush, were served, cooked and raw, a dozen different ways, each one of which he declared was better than any other. Chapter 7
  • The Epsom salts close the hair cuticle, making hair stronger, while the bananas soften it.
  • Bananas are a good alternative to potatoes as a source of potassium, and citrus fruits can substitute for broccoli to cover vitamin C requirements.
  • In a large bowl, mash the peeled bananas with a fork. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bananas are typically thought of as a dessert course while the starchy plantains are cooked before eating and are considered a major staple of the tropic countries.
  • For instance, a breakfast of nonfat yogurt topped with blueberries, bananas, chopped walnuts and ground flaxseed knocks three superfoods off his list in one meal.
  • The fungus attacks all major varieties of bananas and plantains, turning the leaves a mottled yellow, brown and black, hindering photosynthesis.
  • New Year's Eve is my favorite because we are treated to saltfish (cod fish) and ackee with dumplings (fried biscuits) and yams (white) and boiled green bananas for breakfast. Trina Sargalski: Festive Sorrel Wine for the Holidays
  • Wholesome and hearty, our Mini Banana Bread loaves are made with wholewheat flour and fresh bananas.
  • On the coast, there is great dependence on bananas and green plantains.
  • In Europe such goods as chocolate, honey, sugar, bananas, tea, and orange juice are also getting certified.
  • On display there today are many of the flamboyant costumes she wore on stage, including the famous tutu of fake bananas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let me see," answered Mrs. Owen; "I believe the very first thing we did was to go to the refrigerator, or great zinc-lined box where the ice was kept, and take out some fruit – bananas or a pine-apple, or perhaps a naseberry (a delicious sort of plum). A Christmas Cake in Four Quarters
  • Since the NY Times ran a few matzoh brei recipes several years back, I top my matzoh brei with a mixture of caramelized fruits (granny smith apples, bananas, berries, pineapple, etc.). Matzo Brei 101
  • Then we had a slim repast of soda water and bananas, the Hadji worshiped with his face toward Mecca, and the boatmen prepared an elaborate curry for themselves, with salt fish for its basis, and for its tastiest condiment blachang — a Malay preparation much relished by European lovers of durion and decomposed cheese. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • One verb applies to mushy, gelatinous, overripe, and overcooked things, of which brains, bananas, and avocados might be examples.
  • European eco-labelling has enjoyed a very uneven history; and ‘fair-trade’ products have grown in number but remain limited to a small range of products (bananas, tea, coffee, chocolate).
  • You can buy fruit here — oranges and bananas, for example.
  • I only have a meal of bread, bananas and cream; do I pig out?
  • The buffet each day is complete with desserts made of tapioca, pumpkin, coconut, and bananas.
  • _ "Boeuf aux ananas, _pineapple_ paupiettes, potage aux ananas," _Antonio continued gloomily. The Body Ricardo
  • They also produce sugarcane, bananas, pineapples, and mangoes for the food industry.
  • Today's crumble features bananas and pears, and a topping starring toasted pecans and bran flakes.
  • Feeding bananas and Bourbon biscuits to cyclists in Yorkshire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such wines have a very distinct aroma reminiscent of bananas or kirsch.
  • All the breakfasts are served with a healthy arrangement of fresh fruit - bananas, melon, and to top it all off, a baked, cored half apple with a little dollop of cream.
  • My friends know I can live for days on apples and peanut butter, or rice cakes and veganaise, bananas and almonds – whatever concoction sneaks its way into my life tends to stick around for a long while. Imperfect Delicious Zucchini Wraps « martinis & mantras
  • Three, strengthening plant breeding programmes in developing countries for not only bananas but also other basic staple crops.
  • The Australians fry their bananas and sweeten them with honey.
  • Wholesome and hearty, our Petit Banana Bread loaves are made with wholewheat flour and fresh bananas.
  • In the early morning my eyes always open on the Governor's handsome Mohammedan servant in spotless white muslin and red head-dress and girdle, bringing a tray with tea and bananas. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • Ms. Nailer made us put unpeeled bananas in jars so we could draw pictures of decay in our notebooks for a whole semester. The Adults
  • And pretty soon that second guy is whispering to a third guy, and before long a whole burly tribe of traders gather around Ty and they're going bananas!
  • Peel bananas, removing any residue left by skin.
  • If you have children under five, it's worth having a quick feel inside the video recorder for rogue bananas before angrily demanding a refund.
  • But these tropical bananas aren't much like their commercial cousins in North American supermarkets.
  • Mr Chilufya said the investor had grown 30 hectares of bananas this year, which would be extended every year to cover the whole area.
  • Besides pineapples, Hawaii's fruit industry produces papayas, bananas, guavas, avocados, and other specialty fruit, including mangoes, lychees, rambutans, and starfruits.
  • I had a go at growing lablab as a green manure crop for my bananas, but they basically hardly grow here at all due to our lack of summer heat.
  • He used to sit on my lap and his favorite food was porridge, rice pudding and bananas & custard.
  • Add mashed bananas and combine flour, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder and fold into butter and egg mixture.
  • When you feel better, try small amounts of bland foods, such as toast, applesauce or bananas.
  • This means it is " true hemp " ( unlike lower grade Manila hemp which is made from bananas ).
  • Bananas and plantains are the staple food for half a billion people, grown by farmers in 120 countries.
  • If this happens, don't despair: bananas usually resprout from the base. Times, Sunday Times
  • I thought I'd better go on holiday and take a break before I finally went completely bananas.
  • They jokingly called it the battle of the bananas. Times, Sunday Times
  • We ate good papri chaat and excellent little black hara kebabs made of spinach and green bananas and split peas and a good big tandoori pomfret, but Manpreet was unimpressed by the lifeless paneer pakora and found the chicken drab, too.
  • Other crops include peanuts, beans, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, bananas, and cowpeas.
  • The high sugar content of fruits such as mangoes, bananas, stone fruits, figs, and dates acts as a preservative, therefore, they need be dried only until pliable and leathery. 14. Saving seeds for planting
  • Price recalls she asked for two bananas, four peaches, a nectarine, a cucumber and a garden salad with ranch dressing. ‘But she never touched a thing.’
  • Then, a field of corn or a plantation of bananas makes an irresistible opportunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Imagine, the first thing you see is the fruit counter, where high school hotties are busying themselves arranging the bananas.
  • One nurse cannot peel raw potatoes and the other cannot eat bananas, avocados, cherries, plums, nectarines, and peaches.
  • Nuts should be used as a food staple, a major element in the bill of fare, rather than as a dessert, and special care must be taken as to thorough mastication, which is almost equally true of apples, bananas and numerous other fruits which possess a firm flesh. Northern Nut Growers Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 17, 18, and 19, 1930
  • You should eat a balanced diet with foods rich in folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables, broccoli, oranges, and bananas.
  • Love is making you go bananas.
  • They also grow taro and yams, bananas, ginger, tobacco and colorful cucumbers.
  • Most cultivated bananas are seedless, but the memories of seeds remain as brown specks within the flesh.
  • There were bananas in large bunches, juicy oranges and trusses of grapes.
  • On a cluster of six or seven bananas, growers are allowed only the equivalent of one shirt button-sized blemish and no more than two blemished bunches per 15 kg box.
  • Choose low-fiber foods such as ground meats, ripe bananas, soft cereals or refined bread.
  • Customers can ask for a pound of bananas, but traders are obliged to weigh them in metric units.
  • Here's what I can remember: akee & saltfish, breadfruit, yams cooked over an open fire, boiled bananas & dumplings, porridge, jerk chicken, pork & sausage, festivals & my all-time favorite "patties" with coco bread. Mom’s visit to ja
  • Nearby, vendors sell homegrown tomatoes, honeydew melons, apples, large southern cherries, as well as imported pineapples, oranges, and bananas.
  • A suggested sequence to include all the treatment methods in the lessons is to start with onions (no treatment) and proceed with greens such as tampala, mustard or bok choy (blanching) and a fruit like bananas (anti-oxidant coating), then mangos or apricots (sulfuring) and finish with beef or a lean fish like cod, tilapia or congo (salting). Chapter 6
  • But didn't the rationing experience make us appreciate bananas, thrupenny bits for pocket money to spend on penny chews (plus ration coupon), & brand new clothes. London SE1 community website
  • A casual examination today would lead you quickly to discover 16 bananas in various states of disrepair; a single, mouldering kiwi fruit; and a fridge full of dissolving salad.
  • It supports many plant species including the rainforest trees, ground ferns, tree ferns, zamias, cunjevois, cordylines or palm-lilies, native bananas, palms, climbing plants and epiphytes.
  • As nuclei spin, the balance of factors is perturbed, and at very high angular momenta nuclei may adopt odd shapes resembling peanuts, bananas, jumping jacks, or sea urchins, among others.
  • There are these huge overlander trucks loaded with bananas and matoke.
  • Bananas are easily digestible.
  • To clear the land and harvest the bananas they decided they needed a male workforce.
  • The trees grow fruit with appetizing flavor: blue apples, green oranges, and bananas.
  • Those bananas aren't ripe yet - they're still green.
  • Try bananas, water, salad oil , and Hedychium coronarium flowers tossed in a blender a creamy drink.
  • Into this great space filled with music and incense and drugs, this great huge warehouse with pineapples and bananas.
  • Stick a toothpick in the center of blackberries, strawberries, raspberries or sliced bananas.
  • As we tuck into a colourful platter of fresh pineapple, watermelon, kiwi fruit, pears and bananas on the veranda, she cooks up sausages, bacon and pancakes.
  • I was jammed against some goats so the few bananas I had in my jacket pocket were mashed to a pulp. WHITE LIES
  • These rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell.
  • These are found in bananas and wholegrain foods. The Sun
  • To serve, arrange the red fingerling bananas, blackberries, raspberries, dehydrated mangoes, and Brazil nuts on a large plate.
  • I think most of them were surprised to see a giraffe handing out bananas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Democratic National Committee, in its failed attempt to match Republican fund raising, went a little bananas.
  • New Year's Eve is my favorite because we are treated to saltfish (cod fish) and ackee with dumplings (fried biscuits) and yams (white) and boiled green bananas for breakfast. Trina Sargalski: Festive Sorrel Wine for the Holidays
  • Accordingly, while Chips and Sails again undertook to climb the cliff and procure some bananas for breakfast, Cunningham and I, accompanied by the boatswain -- who seemed, after a good night's rest, to be little the worse for the happenings of the previous day -- agreed to wade off and board the wreck, with the view of securing such weapons and ammunition as were come-at-able, and had not been spoiled by sea water. Turned Adrift
  • Towers started a fruit farm, growing bananas and avocados.
  • Since bananas are seedless, they do not rely on the germination of seeds to propagate themselves.
  • To the South the situation was no different, sugar, bananas and tourism to one extent or the other, save and except the occasional added exotic oddity such as nutmeg, other spices and arrowroot.
  • Growers of stone fruit, bananas and lychees suffer most.
  • The Democratic National Committee, in its failed attempt to match Republican fund raising, went a little bananas.
  • Some varieties of bananas, such as plantains, are nonsweet and starchy like a potato.
  • Since the West will never be able to grow tea, coffee and bananas, the South will have its markets for these unique tropical products.
  • Using a bunch of bananas, the zoo-keeper persuaded the monkey back into its cage.
  • One laughing bunch are seen performing the stunt dressed as bananas. The Sun
  • Doctors suggest drivers avoid eating certain kinds of fruits, such as bananas and litchis, because these fruits can result in inattentiveness, sleepiness and fatigue, which increase the risk of traffic accidents.
  • Electronics stores and mechanics' workshops were doing business, and fruit stalls were laden with apples, pomegranate, grapes and bananas imported from neighbouring Pakistan.
  • Rhino horn is said to make men sexually unstoppable, and asparagus, bananas, eels, oysters, figs and ginseng are all reputed to get you going.
  • Among the island's abundant fruits are bananas, mangos, breadfruit, guavas, plumrose, coconuts, passion fruits, and pineapples.
  • This always included milk and green bananas, though the latter do not feature prominently on a wild orang's menu.
  • Historic mutations, rare and accidental, produced seedless bananas through chromosome triplication. Globe and Mail
  • Mash the bananas to a pulp and then mix in the yoghurt.
  • This means that the guy who sold the bananas for $1 at the deli could have received $1 worth of goods or services for the banana in the little country; or, looked at another way, if he is willing to give it up for $1 in America, he would not be willing to part with it for less in Bananaland. Virtual World Economy: It's Namibia, Basically.
  • They discovered cocaine in the hold of the ship which was carrying bananas. The Sun
  • Something intoxicating occurs when bananas are sauteed in copious amounts of brown sugar and melted butter and splashed with booze. New Orleans Saints Central
  • Carpeted by rich volcanic ash, the region's moist and misty vales cradle Panama's coffee industry and also produce some of the country's finest citrus fruits and bananas.
  • Rice, bananas, and citrus fruits replaced the traditional crops of sugar, coffee, and cocoa.
  • They are also developing treatments for other hard-to-keep produce, such as potatoes, carrots, peppers, onions, and bananas.
  • Hot bananas and fruit compote Peel a banana, lay on some foil and sprinkle with a little orange juice and brown sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the music, the microphone, the excitement, the adrenaline, and the play-by-play, the tournament was bananas.
  • Odors used included amyl acetate, which smells like bananas; phenyl ethyl alcohol, which smells like roses; propionic acid, which smells like vinegar; eugenol, which smells like cloves; and citral, which smells lemony.
  • She eats one of your bananas and helps herself to a yoghurt before the doorbell rings.
  • Niueans cultivate both root crops such as talo, yams, and tapioca, and tree crops such as coconut, breadfruit, papaya, and mango, as well as bananas.
  • They pound cassava they produce into 'gari' which is mixed with water and eaten with sauce, and Serena said soon the youths will be able to process the mangoes and bananas into juice. IRIN
  • Cantaloupe is a perfect mix with other melons and fruit - kiwi, bananas, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, grapes and raspberries, to name a few.
  • Andy - plantains are related to bananas, but they are a lot starchier, and not particularly sweet. Recipe of the Day: Mofongo - Bitten Blog -
  • I have often admired the varied beauty of the bananas, palms, and orange-trees contrasted together; and here we also have the bread-fruit, conspicuous from its large, glossy, and deeply digitated leaf. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • In the courts were small plantations of tobacco, and a little solanaceous plant which the Balonda use as a relish; also sugar-cane and bananas. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • Children pace up and down the platform selling roasted peanuts, fried snacks, and baskets of sweet bananas.
  • Resistant starch occurs naturally in foods such as unripe bananas and cooked and cooled potatoes, but commercially produced RS ingredients have started to appear on the market. NutraIngredients RSS
  • The hunter domesticated some animals, and the collector grew crops such as bananas, cassava, and sweet potatoes.
  • It drove me bananas, and I longed for a driveway. Times, Sunday Times
  • And P.S., another way to save your bananas from the dumps is to freeze them. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Place the whole, unpeeled bananas in the freezer for at least six hours.
  • The director who wins the most ‘bananas’ - a cut-out of a banana that is used to tally points on a scoreboard - wins a week of quality time with the resident gorilla.
  • The most commonly eaten fruits are mangoes, bananas, grapefruit, papayas, and oranges.
  • Her favorite anti-stress and nourishing concoction is a smoothie with ingredients such as low-fat milk or yogurt, bananas, blueberries, flax, oatmeal, almonds, and a little bit of unsweetened cocoa.
  • My mornings were made particularly special by visits from hummingbirds and cheeky monkeys stealing bananas from my tree. The Sun
  • No cocoanuts nor bananas were to be seen, though dense, tropic vegetation overran everything, dripping in airy festoons from the sheer lips of the precipices and running riot in all the crannied ledges. The Whale Tooth
  • I tn the canal, the Canadian analyzed the bananas.
  • The oddest thing about the studio is a strong scent of decaying bananas, as if many peels or even whole bananas were rotting in the room's wastebaskets, none of which look to have been emptied anytime recently. Host
  • Every day, Dominica's Broadcasting Corporation airs a radio programme exclusively about bananas, drawing an avid audience from all over this tiny Caribbean island.
  • The British press has gone bananas, proclaiming the end of civilization as we know it.
  • Eleanor and Frank were sitting at a table in the courtyard, eating bananas and white bread. DESPERADOES
  • This time, I steered from the usual and added bananas to the otherwise plain Sooji Sheera. Banana-Sooji Sheera
  • In a large bowl, mash the peeled bananas with a fork. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor is it a dream after eating bananas at bedtime. The Sun
  • Never mind that the Best and the Brightest are chiefly remembered for their contribution to Vietnam (damn liberal pacifists!), this sort of stuff is just hatstand bananas. Does Obama Like Tyrants More Than He Hates America?
  • Whether to buy a case of Mountain Dew or use the money on some black eyed peas, bananas, rice and tofu is not a hard choice to me. How to Solve the Budget Standoff: Soda Tax « PubliCola
  • We snorkelled and fed fish of all colours with bananas. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you wanted bananas, he would bring up a bunch of about thirty small green ones from the village for threepence, and put in the kitchen they slowly ripened, a few at a time.
  • She handed around bananas and sugar and invited us to eat.
  • It may not look like much but its stuffed with hot fudge, bananas and peanut butter.
  • The banana is Xiangnuo delicious fruit, so some people a large number of edible bananas.
  • The truck was carrying a load of bananas.
  • Research shows that bananas, cantaloupes, cucumbers, honeydew, watermelon, and zucchini, as well as chamomile and echinacea, contain proteins in their pollen that resemble the pollen found in ragweed.
  • What does it tell us about Hawaiian culture that the language has many such terms for bananas?
  • The inhabitants of the forest area subsist on cassava, bananas, plantains, palm-nut-oil, forest caterpillars, and the leaf of a wild plant (koko).
  • The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas.

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