anal retentive

  1. a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated on the anal region; fixation at this stage is said to result in orderliness, meanness, stubbornness, compulsiveness, etc.

How To Use anal retentive In A Sentence

  • Sahre has catalogued and organized everything about this modest outcropping of homes with an admirable anal retentiveness. 2008 June :
  • But just to witness the shocked disbelief on their anal retentive little faces when I do it will be worth every syllable.
  • … now go wipe, your anal retentiveness is showing … Think Progress » Fox News: ‘Al Gore’s Global Warming Movie: Could It Destroy Our Economy?’
  • Without the aid of a swingometer, and feeling a bit low on powers of anal retentiveness today, I would guess that those sorts of swings would wipe out most, if not all, of Labour's Commons majority. Won`t Get Fooled Again
  • No, I will not knock $10 bucks off the price of the fridge because your anal retentive eyes picked up the ittiest, bittiest hairline scratch from across my driveway. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Such high standards are an impossibility, therefore, the pushing for that "perfection" creates fake, frustrated, anal retentive, "just for the picture" kind of mothers that become so involved in what they're supposed to be that they forget to love their children. The Bad Mother Manifesto | Her Bad Mother
  • Also, is it the height of anal retentiveness to point out that Chaplin's first film appearance wasn't until 1914? kevtron VOTD: Charlie Chaplin in The Matrix | /Film
  • I've personally driven between Cleveland and points south (including Akron), and the mileage is well known. it's about 40 miles or so. or would it have made your anal retentive day better if I had said ... Ding dong, LeBron is gone (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • To read Cook's Illustrated is to see anal retentiveness made into quivering flesh. A Plug For A Magazine
  • Away from anal retentive questions of legal formalism, does anyone give a damn as to whether or not it is right/moral/proper for the govt to effectively seize one-sixth of the economy over the clear unambiguous disapproval of the electorate? The Volokh Conspiracy » Would “Deem & Pass” Survive Judicial Review?
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