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How To Use Anaesthetize In A Sentence

  • Mr Morgan and his organ releasing them into hysterical laughter had anaesthetized the horror of the past.
  • In 1999, researchers from Berkley and Harvard inserted electrodes into the brains of anesthetized cats that monitored the activity of 177 neurons located in the lateral geniculate nucleus, a key visual processing center. Dollhouse: Eyeball Cameras
  • She used to be a size 6 or 8 and now she's a size 2, no longer using food to "anesthetize" herself. Socialite Life
  • One is to anesthetize your throat and the other is to anesthetize your mind.
  • to anesthetize with cocaine.
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  • But it would be wrong to blame everything on the scribes, those unreflective, unthinking mouthpieces of the status quo whose job it is to anaesthetize the public. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Clearly, tetanic stimulation of the quadriceps muscle is not feasible in unanesthetized human subjects.
  • The anesthesia care provider anesthetizes the patient using a balanced technique of IV induction and inhalation maintenance.
  • When Lacuna anesthetizes him, it will repeat endlessly in a recurring dream, skipping like a needle on a scratched record.
  • anesthetize the gum before extracting the teeth
  • Animals were pre anesthetized with ketamine hydrochloride, fitted with an endotracheal tube, and maintained on isoflurane anesthesia. Archive 2008-04-01
  • One is to anesthetize your throat and the other is to anesthetize your mind.
  • In the anesthetized patient, the only signs may be unexpected oozing, hemoglobinuria, or hypotension.
  • He returned to the theme of language as an obscurer of reality, saying that American leaders use it to anesthetize the public.
  • In the early 1940s, it became customary to anaesthetize patients with barbiturate injections.
  • After being anesthetized, she was sterilized without her knowledge.
  • But from the tone of the discussion so far, the candidates must think that to perform major surgery on this moribund patient, first we have to anaesthetize the voters. Tim Frasca: Surgery, Please - A Look At Edwards On Health Care
  • It has taken many decades of determined work by the power elite to effectively anesthetize the minds of young people.
  • Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal 'One feature shared by all successful surgeons is the ability to stand confidently beside a trusting, helpless and anesthetized patient, make a deliberate incision on unblemished skin and carry out often complex and sometimes lifethreatening maneuvers inside a body cavity. Healing Reads: The Year's Five Best Books
  • Feeling as though her mind had been anesthetized, she drifted off into an uneasy half sleep, hazily staring off into space and not noticing when her mother called her for dinner.
  • You'll be amazed how well people can be anesthetized from the pain of a bad day by twenty-two minutes of situational comedy. Boing Boing: May 7, 2006 - May 13, 2006 Archives
  • He returned to the theme of language as an obscurer of reality, saying that American leaders use it to anesthetize the public.
  • The substitute love may never reach the intensity of the original love, it may never give full or even half-full satisfaction; but it will help to dull the sharp cutting edge, it will act as a partial hemostatic to the bleeding heart, it will soothe and anesthetize the wound even if it cannot completely heal it. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
  • That study demonstrated that in anesthetized birds, resting on their sternum, one of the epaxial muscles (the longissimus dorsi) was consistently active during inspiration.
  • Unless the cat is already moribund, the veterinarian will need to lightly sedate or anesthetize the patient.
  • After the anesthesia care provider anesthetizes the patient, the circulating nurse places the robot's arms at the side of the patient's thorax below the midaxillary line.
  • I long for a pill that would anesthetize me, a blow to the head to bring darkness.
  • The drops are instilled to locally anesthetize the surgical eye and reduce the blink reflex in both eyes.
  • As her friend, British actor Russell Brand, observed in a tribute on his website: "The priority of any addict is to anesthetize the pain of living to ease the passage of the day with some purchased relief. Amy Winehouse's Killers
  • To prevent "flystrike" (a maggot infestation caused by wrinkly skin, which was bred into the sheep so that they would have more wool), Australian ranchers perform a barbarous operation called "mulesing," which involves carving huge strips of flesh off the backs of unanesthetized lambs 'legs. PETA Latest News
  • He took the major procedures, but Ms K or one of her trained theatre technicians would anesthetize patients when required.
  • METHODS: The adult SD rats were anaesthetized and decapitated to obtain the whole olfactory bulb and then isolate olfactory nerve with a sterile operation.
  • In addition, Julian Bond, chairman of the NAACP, also confirmed that MLK's public perception is quite different and "anesthetized" as compared to the real MLK. American Thinker
  • DArby allowed himself a final nightcap, in celebration and also in order to anaesthetize himself. The Edge of Madness
  • The new technology will anesthetize the public conscience along with the condemned man.
  • The anesthesia care provider either anesthetizes the patient using an endotracheal tube and general anesthesia or places an epidural catheter and administers a regional anesthetic.
  • The anesthesia care provider either anesthetizes the patient using an endotracheal tube and general anesthesia or places an epidural catheter and administers a regional anesthetic.
  • To obtain each fat sample, birds were anesthetized by intramuscular injection with ketamine-rompun and a 2 mm incision was made in the skin overlying the furcular cavity.
  • Male frogs were anesthetized in tricaine methanesulfonate and then were decapitated and pithed.
  • The rats were anesthetized lightly with ether and instilled with the sample suspensions via trachea under direct observation with the aid of a laryngoscope.
  • After the anesthesia care provider anesthetizes the patient, the circulating nurse places the robot's arms at the side of the patient's thorax below the midaxillary line.
  • In anesthetized adult rats, Fenik and Veasey studied the role of serotonin receptor subtypes in the excitation of neurons of the upper airway dilator muscles.
  • We have come many steps closer to what Elmer Diktonius put into words in one of his aphorisms: “If the purpose of art were to anaesthetize, to make us forget life, then a hammer-blow to the skull would be the simplest art, and the best” – though perhaps not quite in the way that Diktonius meant. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Fish were collected from field sites with minnow traps or seines and fatally anesthetized with MS - 222 (Sigma).
  • Table 7 provides a summary of symptoms of latex exposure and possible anaphylaxis for both conscious and anesthetized patients.
  • Showering in mostly cold water to anesthetize his senses, Stefàn, nevertheless, felt a rising warmth just by thinking of her. Who Said It Would Be Easy
  • Ash believed “Baby Beluga” anesthetized children to the horrors of whaling. How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • Adult frogs were anaesthetized in 15% ethanol, then killed by pithing.
  • He immediately administered medication to anesthetize the patient and proceeded to intubate the patient.
  • The government is thus able to anesthetize the public to tolerate — and indeed expect — decisions that are made without regard to right or wrong, but solely on the basis of the relative political influence of rent seekers and property owners.
  • Thirty rats were anesthetized and 16 µg of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) (Sigma-Aldrich) were stereotaxically injected at a concentration of 4 µg/µl (in 0.2 mg/ml ascorbate in saline) at one site in the MFB PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In the anaesthetized animal, bile flow increased nonlinearly with the rise in Tre on application of controlled external heat.
  • On the day after the final molt, each male was weighed and the tibia-patella length of a foreleg was measured while he was anesthetized with CO 2.
  • He seemed very strange, anaesthetized and zombielike.
  • For challenge studies, naïve or vaccinated mice were isoflurane-anesthetized and intranasally infected with 100 or 10 LD PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Female mosquitoes were blood-fed on anesthetized rats or on infective white Leghorn chicks.
  • In the early 1940s, it became customary to anaesthetize patients with barbiturate injections.
  • I thought given the circumstances it was best to keep you well anesthetized during your ordeal.
  • Coordinating permission to remove the restraints from a patient who has been anesthetized should occur before the procedure is ready to begin.
  • Prior to insertion, the nasopharynx and oropharynx should be anesthetized with a topical spray such as benzocaine.
  • The animals were anesthetized with diethyl ether, and their abdomens were opened by a midline incision.
  • Briefly, mice were anesthetized and a guide cannula was implanted into the lateral ventricle using a stereotaxic apparatus (Narishige, Japan). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He’d anaesthetized himself with chloroform and slashed open his thigh with a razor.
  • They don't exactly anesthetize them, if you know what I mean. KISSCUT
  • It is now firmly established that upper airway collapsibility is markedly increased in either sleeping or anesthetized children with SDB.
  • They don't exactly anesthetize them, if you know what I mean. KISSCUT
  • Laughter here might anaesthetize our feelings, deaden us to the moral issue.
  • The patient is then anesthetized in the usual fashion and double lumen intubation is performed.
  • After 1900 an entirely separate line of inquiry centered on the pharmacological actions of histamine, which, when administered intravenously to anesthetized animals, caused vasodilatation or widening of the systemic arterioles and a steep decline in systemic blood pressure. The Mad Among Us
  • In the anesthetized patient, the only signs may be unexpected oozing, hemoglobinuria, or hypotension.
  • The anesthesia care provider anesthetizes the patient using a balanced technique of IV induction and inhalation maintenance.
  • The patient is then anesthetized in the usual fashion and double lumen intubation is performed.
  • The only way my mind could manage the events was to anesthetize itself.
  • Nick had probably needed a woman in his bed that night to help anaesthetize him, to keep the pain of that anniversary at bay. Pregnant by the Millionaire
  • We are treated to many great lies, such as “the market never lies,” or “insider trading is illegal,” meant to administer salve to the flock, or anaesthetize the unsuspecting. Is Madoff Really A Wall Street Anomaly?
  • As Westerners bow down before multiculturalism, we anesthetize ourselves into believing that anything goes.
  • We mentally anesthetize to keep from letting anger consume us entirely. The Curious Case Of Michael Joseph Jackson
  • The anesthesia care provider then anesthetizes and intubates the patient, after which the surgeon performs prethoracotomy bronchoscopy.
  • And people looking to anesthetize themselves are experts at finding accomplices to orchestrate a conspiracy of denial. The 7
  • Feeling as though her mind had been anesthetized, she drifted off into an uneasy half sleep, hazily staring off into space and not noticing when her mother called her for dinner.
  • Rats of both sexes were anaesthetized with urethane.
  • We examined the effects of two popular volatile anesthetics, halothane and sevoflurane, on laryngeal C-fiber responsiveness in urethane-anesthetized guinea pigs.
  • The animals were anesthetized with diethyl ether, and their abdomens were opened by a midline incision.
  • Four groups of tg5037 mice (n = 8/group) were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine and inoculated intracerebrally into the left parietal lobe with 30µl of 1% obex/RLN homogenate. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Yet the din was overwhelming, a thunderous, persistent clamour, which pummelled one, anaesthetized the mind, annihilated thought. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The new technology will anesthetize the public conscience along with the condemned man.
  • Unless the cat is already moribund, the veterinarian will need to lightly sedate or anesthetize the patient.
  • I anesthetized a red thread of jealousy with some nicotine. Shortcut Man
  • He took the major procedures, but Ms K or one of her trained theatre technicians would anesthetize patients when required.
  • Coordinating permission to remove the restraints from a patient who has been anesthetized should occur before the procedure is ready to begin.
  • Leusen initiated the modern investigation of central chemoreception in 1950, using perfusion of the cerebral ventricles with artificial cerebrospinal fluid in anesthetized dogs.
  • METHODS: The adult SD rats were anaesthetized and decapitated to obtain the whole olfactory bulb and then isolate olfactory nerve with a sterile operation.
  • This patient was a 25-year-old woman whose eye was penetrated with a 27-gauge needle during an attempt to anesthetize the eyelid for chalazion removal. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Newborn mice were anesthetized by hypothermia and euthanized, and peripheral blood was collected using heparinized capillary tubes.
  • The anesthesia care provider then anesthetizes and intubates the patient, after which the surgeon performs prethoracotomy bronchoscopy.
  • On a humid September morning, thirty-five of us, heat-anesthetized and yawny, busied ourselves by scratching our names into the desk tops with house keys.
  • The next step takes you farther into the wine, the love that will anesthetize the influence of trickster mind. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • It has taken many decades of determined work by the power elite to effectively anesthetize the minds of young people.
  • Unlike most talented economists who love to anesthetize the reader with complicated formulas based on obscure logic and theories, Professors Navarro and Autry specifically illuminate how the Chinese bureaucracy systematically targets industries supporting middle class wages in America for conquest and transfer to China. Chriss Street: Book Review: Death by China: Confronting the Dragon
  • One small OR that was located away from traffic was for ‘special, private cases,’ and an adjacent room was used to anesthetize the patient.
  • I cut through shallow, sandy hills, but the struggle was anaesthetized by day-dreams.
  • Animals were anaesthetized through inhalation of isoflurane and decerebrated. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But, I was able to walk by the time we left there, I was just anesthetized for about an hour. NJ Dining: Penang
  • So let's lift a glass -- shot glass to really anaesthetize ourselves -- and salute our collective craziness: that in the face of high taxes, rising MTA fares, the impossible Byzantine task of getting our kid into school, we get to have the most fun living and raising our kids here; that by raising our kids here, their education is not only in school. Donna Fish: It's June: Do You Know Where Your Kid Is? Going to School, I Mean?
  • The patient must be anesthetized before the operation
  • The government is thus able to anesthetize the public to tolerate — and indeed expect — decisions that are made without regard to right or wrong, but solely on the basis of the relative political influence of rent seekers and property owners.
  • Even when the pundit has something of consequence to say, those six words anaesthetize the listener, encouraging them to miss the point. Irritating English « Anglican Samizdat
  • It is important that all limbs are fully supported in a neutral position while the patient is anaesthetized.
  • Nerve being locally anesthetized with 0.5% cocaine, the pattern of muscle contraction may be changed arbitrarily by changing the frequency and amplitude of induction coil stimulation.
  • They don't exactly anesthetize them, if you know what I mean. KISSCUT
  • There are people in the world who haven ` t, who still need to anaesthetize themselves. CNN Transcript May 7, 2007
  • He immediately administered medication to anesthetize the patient and proceeded to intubate the patient.
  • The technic of laryngoscopy in the human subject is best perfected by a routine direct examination of the larynx of anesthetized patients after such an operation as, for instance, tonsillectomy, to see that the larynx and laryngopharynx are free of clots. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • The only way my mind could manage the events was to anesthetize itself.
  • One small OR that was located away from traffic was for ‘special, private cases,’ and an adjacent room was used to anesthetize the patient.
  • The aromatic chemical in clove called eugenol anesthetizes pain and kills bacteria.
  • I long for a pill that would anesthetize me, a blow to the head to bring darkness.
  • He described the documentary as a "piece of Kremlin agitprop" designed to "anaesthetize the masses". Russian television program on the fall of the Byzantine Empire
  • The drops are instilled to locally anesthetize the surgical eye and reduce the blink reflex in both eyes.
  • We have become anesthetized to totally criminal behavior occurring right before our eyes but I think this would be like Al Capone telling the mayor of Chicago to fire half the Chicago police force, and him doing it. John R. Talbott: Why No Banksters Have Been Arrested

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