How To Use Anaesthetic In A Sentence

  • The operation is a surgical procedure performed using general anaesthetic and, like all surgery, carries a degree of risk.
  • But the research wasn't all a giggle: nitrous oxide was also found to be a useful anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • On one occasion, in hospital after an operation, Pegg awoke from his anaesthetically induced coma an hour too early, confounding doctors until it was realised he must have overheard a fellow patient on the ward watching The Guardian World News
  • It is usually performed as a day operation under local anaesthetic and normally takes 30 minutes or less. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have all soaked up enough of music's answer to general anaesthetic to have lobotomies performed quite painlessly.
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  • Local anaesthetics, for example benzocaine and lignocaine are used in both lozenges and throat sprays.
  • He performs the surgery under general anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Creams that contain camomile lotion, steroid cream, or anaesthetic can soothe the pain of a bite, as can an antihistamine tablet.
  • She was in and out of hospital - operations, general anaesthetics. Times, Sunday Times
  • A jury heard that, if given at all, the powerful anaesthetic should have been injected into the space in the spinal cord. The Sun
  • Topical anaesthetics are used under adhesive occlusive dressings in children before venesection.
  • His case was that chloroform was a safer form of anaesthetic than sulphuric ether, which had been tried out in Boston in 1846.
  • Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process.
  • And there's no anaesthetic that can numb his pain. The Sun
  • These anaesthetics block sodium channels and thereby the excitability of all neurons, not just sensory neurons.
  • If anaesthetic jelly is used, it will be squeezed into the urethra using a syringe without a needle, and will take effect in five to ten minutes.
  • These will usually contain corticosteroids to reduce inflammation or an anaesthetic to relieve pain or antibiotics.
  • She suffered a collapse under anaesthetic.
  • The operation will have to be done under anaesthetic .
  • The biggest improvements were seen in medical specialties and anaesthetics.
  • The procedure, which doctors claim has already saved one marriage, is carried out under general anaesthetic.
  • The chances of dying under anaesthetic are vanishingly small.
  • There will also be a chance to tour a mock-up theatre and anaesthetic room, with a demonstration of equipment and surgical instruments.
  • There were, he said, difficulties in recruitment across a wide range of specialties, particularly surgery and anaesthetics.
  • During labour, epidural anaesthetic can make the contractions less strong.
  • The resident medical registrar assessed a number of our patients after anaesthetic assessment, and they subsequently underwent surgery.
  • Menthol which possesses local anaesthetic and counterirritant qualities is a compound obtained from peppermint oil or other mint oils or made synthetically.
  • A wire snare is used to remove the polyps under local or general anaesthetic.
  • An anaesthetist (a doctor who is a specialist in anaesthetics) may also visit you to give you a pre-med (ie pre-medication) injection.
  • Uncontrolled hypertension presents an increased risk of orbital haemorrhage during injection of local anaesthetic and potentially of peroperative suprachoroidal expulsive haemorrhage.
  • Desperate, his wife Irene chased up a radio advertisement for drop-in surgery performed with only a local anaesthetic.
  • A jury heard that, if given at all, the powerful anaesthetic should have been injected into the space in the spinal cord. The Sun
  • These creams can lubricate the area and some contain a local anaesthetic to provide short term relief from any discomfort.
  • A patient attending for day case cataract surgery had phenol drops instilled into the right eye instead of bupivacaine local anaesthetic.
  • These are then removed with a fine needle inserted into the ovaries under a sedative or anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps general anaesthesia should be combined with pre-emptive local and regional anaesthetic blocks more often.
  • A cone biopsy, which removes rather more tissue, requires a general anaesthetic.
  • This generated what is called a ‘trauma call’ - the relevant hospital specialists from orthopaedics, surgery and anaesthetics were called to the department to await the arrival of the ambulance.
  • A general anaesthetic is used for rigid cystoscopy.
  • My consultant prepared me by shaving my head, then gave me a local anaesthetic and set to work removing follicles from the back of my head. The Sun
  • The scarred man pulls at his hat, a floppy felt affair which, constructed anaesthetically, does little more than conceal his long and haggard face. Beneath an opal moon
  • An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.
  • This generated what is called a ‘trauma call’ - the relevant hospital specialists from orthopaedics, surgery and anaesthetics were called to the department to await the arrival of the ambulance.
  • Bulldogs aren't good under anaesthetic due to their short noses and often suffer from reflux. The Sun
  • The subcutaneous nodule, 1.7 cm across, was excised under local anaesthetic.
  • But just before the anaesthetic is administered, her doctor leans over her - out of earshot of the operating theatre staff. I Finished Stargate SG-1
  • Laughing gas is used by doctors and dentists as an anaesthetic or analgesic to numb pain, sedate and allay anxiety.
  • There was little difference in maternal safety between inhalational anaesthetics used for general anaesthesia.
  • The report recommends that alternative methods of pain and anxiety control should be used to reduce further the use of general anaesthetics.
  • Other instruments developed from this time also included the Wright respirometer, still in use in anaesthetics.
  • But it must be given under general anaesthetic. The Sun
  • I lay down on what looked like a dentist's chair and had anaesthetic drops put into my eyes. The Sun
  • And there's no anaesthetic that can numb his pain. The Sun
  • It's actually quite an invasive operation that uses a local anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps general anaesthesia should be combined with pre-emptive local and regional anaesthetic blocks more often.
  • Miannaining is a anaesthetic for animal such as deer , red deer and hear etc.
  • The only difference is that instead of cutting yourself with a dirty razor, you're doing it in a sterile environment under general anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The doctor will first determine your fitness to receive the anaesthetic.
  • Objective: To prepare a safe and high efficacy anaesthetic agent for oral cavity local application.
  • The fluid is taken out with a needle inserted in the abdominal wall under local anaesthetic. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic.
  • Vasectomy can easily be performed as an outpatient operation under local anaesthetic.
  • My consultant prepared me by shaving my head, then gave me a local anaesthetic and set to work removing follicles from the back of my head. The Sun
  • After a vasectomy, there will be numbness caused by the local anaesthetic.
  • These include normal doses of anaesthetic agents, overdoses of sedative drugs or alcohol, and a generalized epileptic seizure.
  • On the first day after operation he fully recovered from the general anaesthetic and could micturate voluntarily.
  • Some cases of piles respond to stretching the anus, under anaesthetic, which is thought to relieve the spasm of the anal sphincter and so reduce pressure in the anus.
  • The sheep were given a general anaesthetic by intravenous pentobarbitone, intubation and ventilation.
  • And there's no anaesthetic that can numb his pain. The Sun
  • Professor Paul Finan, from Leeds General Infirmary, said possible reasons included: "the degree of surgical specialisation, how guidelines were followed, the quality of high-dependency units after-care surgery, anaesthetic services and whether the surgery was laparoscopic, which is less invasive. BBC News - Home
  • Need right now inside, surgeon clasp, handle ketosis acid actively at the same time toxic, cooperate next undertaking in anaesthetic doctor at the same time rescue operation.
  • Cons You need a local anaesthetic to have it put in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dentists are routinely extracting entire sets of severely decayed teeth from toddlers under general anaesthetic.
  • He had screamed in agony as cuts on his feet were stitched without anaesthetic.
  • There were, he said, difficulties in recruitment across a wide range of specialties, particularly surgery and anaesthetics.
  • The paste contains collagen suspended in a salt solution mixed with a local anaesthetic, lignocaine.
  • While under the influence of a stupefactive or anaesthetic, the sorcerer or the person subjected to his artifices, beheld spirits or daemons.
  • The anaesthetics bind in a hydrophobic pocket which is the normal binding site for a necessary cofactor.
  • Otherwise, about as much fun as having an unnecessary operation with no anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although dental local anaesthetic injections such as lignocaine can enter the placenta, which filters out most drugs, the doses used in most dental procedures are considered safe.
  • Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process.
  • Those who work in paediatrics, anaesthetics and surgery work an average of 84 or 85 hours.
  • Inspectors also raised questions about the competence of medical staff carrying out general anaesthetics. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was little difference in maternal safety between inhalational anaesthetics used for general anaesthesia.
  • The gas used for anaesthetic purposes is a mixture of 80 per cent nitrous oxide and 20 per cent oxygen.
  • The doctor will first determine your fitness to receive the anaesthetic.
  • They can be operated on, but it's off to the theatre and a general anaesthetic and a painful post-operative period.
  • In passing, until the advent of anaesthetics and antisepsis about 200 years later, the only internal operation generally undertaken was removal of bladder stones, or lithotomy as it was called.
  • Advances in local anaesthetic drugs mean it's becoming increasingly common. The Sun
  • Local anaesthetic is used to numb the area - a sedative isn't always given. The Sun
  • The anaesthetist can then use the cannula to inject anaesthetic or painkilling drugs directly into the epidural space.
  • He had twice had injections of local anaesthetic because it had become so painful.
  • Biopsies can be uncomfortable and you may be given a mild sedative or local anaesthetic.
  • The singer had already been given a surgical anaesthetic but woke up when its effects wore off. The Sun
  • We're getting very close to medical anaesthetics like halothane, though.
  • Most dangerously, anaesthetics and tranquillisers such as ketamine may also be added to ecstasy tablets.
  • The payment would be shared between specialty areas such as obstetrics and anaesthetics.
  • This enables doctors to look for scars, sores, and other problems inside the bladder, and is usually done under general or epidural anaesthetic.
  • The court heard that Nielsen travelled to Mexico to buy a fatal dose of the veterinary anaesthetic sedalphorte, also known as Nembutal, which is not available in Australia, the Brisbane Courier-Mail reported. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • This is called an endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy, and is done under a general anaesthetic.
  • Biopsies can be uncomfortable and you may be given a mild sedative or local anaesthetic.
  • The anaesthetic was ether, dribbled on to the patient's gauze mask by the matron of the public hospital, and it was a Caesarian section for twins.
  • Small children often cannot manage to lie still for a long time, and may need to be given a general anaesthetic.
  • Known as ‘God’, he specialised in lumbar anaesthetics and removing the appendix through a small incision.
  • The operation was carried out while she was under general anaesthetic.
  • But the research wasn't all a giggle: nitrous oxide was also found to be a useful anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The few remaining field hospitals are reportedly carrying out operations without anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The singer had already been given a surgical anaesthetic but woke up when its effects wore off. The Sun
  • These are then removed with a fine needle inserted into the ovaries under a sedative or anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was still woozy from the flu/anaesthetic/medication/wine.
  • Other drugs, such as local anaesthetics, those that interfere with nerve conduction, and anticonvulsants (drugs used to prevent seizures and convulsions) have been found to reduce symptoms in some people.
  • From the twisted fingers, which was the anaesthetic form, produced by nerve-disintegration, to the corrugated lion forehead (again anaesthetic), his eyes flashed to the swelling under the right arm-pit and his brain diagnosed it as the tubercular form. CHAPTER XIX
  • Most unfilled posts were in general medicine and surgery, but there were also large numbers in anaesthetics, pathology, and psychiatry.
  • Topical application of agents including caries preventive agents, tooth desensitising agents, surface anaesthetic and plaque controlling agents.
  • We were fortunate in that The Hog loved having his teeth brushed and it was never necessary to take him to the vet to have them done under anaesthetic, as is usual.
  • The op - under general anaesthetic - was to remove a damaged cartilage in his left knee.
  • Here muted lights, soft leather, stained wood and anaesthetic chamber music prevailed.
  • A source close to the investigation said the test would detect traces of anaesthetic gas if there were any. Times, Sunday Times
  • That could be partly the case mix - we are not allowed to take anaesthetically risky patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Dr Darby woke from the anaesthetic he said he thought his vision had become even worse. Boing Boing
  • She recalls waking up from the anaesthetic eager to see her new face. The Sun
  • But too often he looks like he has just been given anaesthetic. The Sun
  • I have injected the antibiotic cefuroxime, thinking it was the anaesthetic thiopentone.
  • Also, the anaesthetic and any postop medication can upset your insides a bit, too, which might aggravate the situation. The Sun
  • It is usually performed as a day operation under local anaesthetic and normally takes 30 minutes or less. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assisting the anaesthetist to monitor the patient during anaesthetic and recovery to prevent complications to breathing and circulation.
  • She needed to have it pinned under general anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The darts, sharpened at one end, are dipped in the poisonous sap of the curare tree to produce an anaesthetic effect upon the victim.
  • A reduction in tooth decay would reduce the risks of children dying during dental anaesthetics.
  • Lister had only recentlv promulgated his beneficent and far reaching discovery, aseptics; and even the use of anaesthetics, which had been known to the world for nearly fifteen years, was awkward, crude and imperfect. Narrative of prison life at Baltimore and Johnson's Island, Ohio,
  • The tooth was removed under local anaesthetic .
  • The darts, sharpened at one end, are dipped in the poisonous sap of the curare tree to produce an anaesthetic effect upon the victim.
  • I was still woozy from the flu/anaesthetic/medication/wine.
  • The doctor will first determine your fitness to receive the anaesthetic.
  • It is also possible to induce anaesthesia with anaesthetic gases, breathed through a mask.
  • Consultants in anaesthetics, radiology, and pathology were less likely to receive awards.
  • To give the epidural anaesthetic, the anaesthetist passes a hollow needle into a small space just below the spinal cord.
  • When they came to give me the pre-op needle for the anaesthetic I just screamed.
  • Her tooth was extracted under local anaesthetic.
  • Miannaining is a good anaesthetic for animal such as deer, red deer and hear etc.
  • The treatment is not painful as an anaesthetic cream is used on the area and it usually leaves only minimal scarring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surgery to correct the upper eyelids can be performed under a general or local anaesthetic. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • They had to wait ten minutes for the anaesthetic to take effect before they stitched up the cut.
  • They had to wait ten minutes for the anaesthetic to take effect before they stitched up the cut.
  • Desperate, his wife Irene chased up a radio advertisement for drop-in surgery performed with only a local anaesthetic.
  • In fact her heart stopped because she was injected with bupivacaine, an anaesthetic infusion that was mistaken for saline solution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Insight steers anaesthetically but adequately, is a touch choppy over bumps, and brakes firmly and naturally even though up to 60 percent of braking effort comes from the regenerative braking which uses the absorption of kinetic energy to recharge the battery via the motor. Motoring
  • As anyone whose had a general anaesthetic will know, you have to cough and expectorate hard pretty much as soon as you come round to clear the anaesthetic out of your lungs.
  • Compared with consultants in general medicine consultants working in anaesthetics, obstetrics and gynaecology, oral medicine, and emergency medicine have stronger preferences for an increase in income.
  • They had to operate without anaesthetic.
  • Although you'll have an anaesthetic when the stitching is done, it can add to the bruising of your vaginal area and perineum.
  • This type of scraping biopsy can be uncomfortable but not painful so no anaesthetic is required.
  • A patient attending for day case cataract surgery had phenol drops instilled into the right eye instead of bupivacaine local anaesthetic.
  • But she decided Daniel's frail body would not stand up to the painful general anaesthetics and blocked the treatment.
  • Compared with consultants in general medicine consultants working in anaesthetics, obstetrics and gynaecology, oral medicine, and emergency medicine have stronger preferences for an increase in income.
  • An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.
  • But it must be given under general anaesthetic. The Sun
  • Local anaesthetics - for example benzocaine, lignocaine are used in both lozenges and throat sprays.
  • Mulesing involves cutting off the skin around the buttocks of merino lambs, often without anaesthetic, to prevent "flystrike", the infestation of blowfly maggots, which thrive in the folds of the sheep and eat into its flesh. Environment news, comment and analysis from the Guardian |
  • She claimed her daughter was not properly checked and gowned before being given the anaesthetic.
  • For the new treatment, snorers are given local anaesthetic before the sharp head of a hand-held device is inserted into the palate to inject the cylinders.
  • But you won't need a general anaesthetic or to stay in hospital overnight. The Sun
  • The paste contains collagen suspended in a salt solution mixed with a local anaesthetic, lignocaine.
  • Spend it aesthetically, spend it anaesthetically, but spend it. The Book of the SubGenius
  • Later he relinquished his practice work and concentrated on anaesthetics, finally retiring in 1974.
  • And he is horrified that if he had had opted for his son to have a general anaesthetic, which he was offered, the dental surgeon at Leeds Dental Institute could have operated on the wrong side.
  • But too often he looks like he has just been given anaesthetic. The Sun
  • Comparative evaluation of propanidid with thiopentone as an anaesthetic agent for electro-convulsive therapy.
  • In the 10th century, in Andalusia, Al-Zahrawi devised the forceps, speculum and bonesaw, pioneered inhalant anaesthetics in the form of sponges soaked with cannabis and opium, and even described the first syringe. Pathfinders: The Golden Age of Arabic Science by Jim al-Khalili – review
  • Surgery to correct the upper eyelids can be performed under a general or local anaesthetic. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • Over 1000 nulliparous women who requested epidurals in labour participated in a randomised controlled trial comparing low dose spinal anaesthetic, low dose epidural, and conventional epidural.
  • The teenage boy sits in silence, without anaesthetic, as the elders perform the ceremony.
  • There is a non-compliance rate of 45% in paediatrics, with surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, medicine, and anaesthetics following close behind.
  • But you won't need a general anaesthetic or to stay in hospital overnight. The Sun
  • The process takes about four hours and does not require anaesthetic or an overnight stay in hospital, but needs one to two days off work. Times, Sunday Times
  • To give the epidural anaesthetic, the anaesthetist passes a hollow needle into a small space just below the spinal cord.
  • It's actually quite an invasive operation that uses a local anaesthetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assisting the anaesthetist to monitor the patient during anaesthetic and recovery to prevent complications to breathing and circulation.
  • Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process.
  • Many patients were happy to opt for sedation or other pain relief instead if the risks involved in general anaesthetics were explained.
  • I was on painkillers or local anaesthetics just to play the games. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most unfilled posts were in general medicine and surgery, but there were also large numbers in anaesthetics, pathology, and psychiatry.
  • Eye surgery is often performed using a local anaesthetic .
  • Incidents have been investigated in obstetrics, anaesthetics, accident and emergency, orthopaedics, general medicine, and psychiatry.
  • Fortunately, in this case mistaking water for lignocaine had no serious consequences other than requiring re-injection with local anaesthetic.
  • Her tooth was extracted under local anaesthetic.
  • Forbidden to surrender the Sixth Army struggled on in the final weeks of January 1943 eating raw horseflesh, with no medicine for wounds and no anaesthetic for surgery.
  • The teenage boy sits in silence, without anaesthetic, as the elders perform the ceremony.
  • His most recent memories seemed to be of lying on a trolley in the Landau Clinic, while technicians prepared him for the scan — on the face of it, a bad sign — but he'd been overwrought, and he'd spent so long psyching himself up for “this”, that perhaps he'd forgotten coming home, still hazy from the anaesthetic, crashing into bed, dreaming … Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Permutation City Prologue - Greg Egan
  • The committee reported that various patients, including children, had died or had been brain-damaged after being given allegedly excessive amounts of anaesthetics, epidurally and otherwise, by Dr McGown. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I pass a fine needle into that spinal fluid and deposit a combination of a local anaesthetic and a painkiller, morphine.
  • The condor was put under anaesthetic gas for the 20 minute procedure - carried out by zoo vet Brash in Flamingo Land's own clinic a fortnight ago.
  • The op - under general anaesthetic - was to remove a damaged cartilage in his left knee.
  • I was allowed no anaesthetic because I was so drunk, but felt nothing of the emergency dental surgery or stitches.
  • Injectable local anaesthetics such as lidocaine and procaine (but not cocaine) are allowed only when medically justified, and only if injected into a joint or other affected area, not intravenously.
  • It's carried out under local anaesthetic, there is no pain to the prisoner.
  • Many hospitals also say that they have no anaesthetics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The anaesthetic had been kept in glass ampoules which were stored in the disinfectant, and became contaminated by seepage through invisible cracks in the glass.
  • They had medical degrees and diplomas in anaesthetics, and the view was that in order to raise standards for the public of New Zealand, they would have to be phased out.
  • Oil of cloves is mildly anaesthetic and is often used to soothe babies who are teething.

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