How To Use Amyloid In A Sentence
Nicastrin binds to the amyloid-beta proteins, one in particular called amyloid precursor protein (APP), and then guides it to the gamma-secretase where the APP is then split in two; one half remains inside the cell and the other travels outside.
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Amyloidosis occurs when the protein amyloid is deposited in the kidneys under conditions other than ordinary.
There is a build-up of amyloid plaques, true.
Times, Sunday Times
Amyloidosis occurs when an abnormal protein becomes fibrous and becomes deposited in the heart muscle.
These plaques are formed when enzymes clip off and part of a protein called amyloid.
Since last spring, when he announced he had a rare blood disease called amyloidosis, Jordan, 58, has been chronicling his life-and-death struggle online.
My Author, My Life
Clinical suspicion of amyloidosis as the cause of an extremity mass is likely to be very low, especially in the absence of an immunocyte dyscrasia.
These primary growths include primary papillomata and fibromata as the most frequent, aberrant thyroid, lipomata, adenomata, granulomata and amyloid tumors.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
A build up of beta - amyloid protein.
Researchers found that mice fed on foie gras started growing amyloid proteins in various organs.
These so-called amyloid deposits accumulate extracellularly in various organs.
Since then, numerous cases of hereditary polyneuropathy associated with amyloidosis have been reported from several countries.
Guthman, who suffered from a rare blood disease called amyloidosis, died Sunday at his Pacific Palisades home, said Bryce Nelson, a family spokesman.
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A hallmark of Alzheimer's is the buildup of clumps of proteins (amyloid plaques) in the brain.
Thus, the kidneys, after many injections of the protein, showed the characteristic macroscopic picture of the third stage of the amyloid nephrosis.
They alter the cleaves amyloid precursor protein.
Among the possible advances in early detection are chemical tracers, some of which tag clumps of a sticky substance in the brain called amyloid, and others that mark amyloid and a protein called tau—both thought to contribute to the disease.
Push to Detect Alzheimer's Earlier
Amyloid fibril formation generally is a result of alteration of the native conformation.
Either a sulfonated Alcian blue stain or Congo red stain was used in the initial evaluation for amyloidosis.
The simultaneous occurrence of random aggregation and amyloid fibril formation has been observed before.
At an Alzheimer's disease therapeutics conference this year, Dr. Beal presented his team's preliminary findings that cyclodextrin treatment in mice with Alzheimer's disease reduced amyloid plaques that are one of the hallmarks of the disease.
Surprising New Uses for Older Drugs; HIV Vaccine?
There was no evidence of systemic amyloidosis or malignancy.
Eleven years ago, Francis called his son into his den, handed him a medical book, and asked him to read an entry on a relatively rare illness called amyloidosis.
The Fiddler in the Subway
However, some researchers believe amyloid is mainly an in vitro artifact.
The Scientist
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Green Tea Compound Stops Alzheimer\'s in Mice'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'The compound, called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), decreased production of the protein beta-amyloid, which accumulates in the brains of Alzheimer\'s patients and causes nerve damage and memory loss.'
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Green Tea Compound Stops Alzheimer's in Mice
This, in fact, is direct evidence supporting the model of amyloids as waterfilled nanotubes.
But over the years, researchers say, what has become known as the amyloid hypothesis - the notion that overproduction or reduced clearance of amyloid beta is a cause of the disease and blocking amyloid beta could stop it - dominated their thinking. :
The three types of fibrils chosen for investigation represent extremes of precursor proteins that self-assemble into amyloid.
Anonymous said ... artanis, Alzheimer's is caused by a variety of physical complications, the least of which is protein aggregation (amyloid plaques).
Break out the stem cells, already.
Such collections of amyloid add to renal bulk, but diminish renal function.
These amyloid-laden vessels can undergo fibrinoid degeneration, necrosis, segmental dilation, or aneurysm formation, rendering them prone to rupture [13].
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After death, tangled loops and coils of a fibre-like material of beta-amyloid protein, can be observed in brain tissue.
Either a sulfonated Alcian blue stain or Congo red stain was used in the initial evaluation for amyloidosis.
Under the polarized light microscope, addition of a full waveplate to the optical set-up showed that spherulites grown in the absence or presence of salt contain radially oriented amyloid fibrils.
Amyloidosis is a functional disorder marked by unusual depositions of amyloid protein in various organs.
Such protofilaments merge and intertwist, yielding thin fibrils, which are capable of further association and twining, producing mature amyloid.
The radioactive chemicals tag amyloid in the brain and light up during subsequent brain scans, allowing clinicians to see whether amyloid is present.
Alzheimer's Treatment Showcase Is Set
She is convinced that thinking has become too narrowly focused on the accumulation of the amyloid protein in the brains of those with the illness.
Times, Sunday Times
The typical fibrillar morphology is, next to the -cross x-ray diffraction patterns and characteristic tinctorial properties, one of the most prominent physicochemical hallmarks of amyloids.
The precise etiology and pathogenesis of laryngeal amyloidosis remain unknown.
Less common features include clubbing, periostitis, amyloidosis, and granulomatous disease of bone and joint.
Inserting a waveplate at a 45° angle to the crossed polars in an optical microscope allows the determination of the orientation of the amyloid fibrils within the spherulites.
In cattle, the most sensitive acute phase proteins was haptoglobin (HP)and serumamyloidal A(SAA), which showed a substantial rising inthe response to acute inflammation.
One patient with active disease underwent colectomy 2 months later and developed renal insufficiency because of amyloid deposits 6 months later.
The enzyme, hen egg lysozyme, has not been shown to form fibrils in vivo, and only mutants have been associated with amyloid-related diseases.
So compelling are these findings that Dr. Itzhaki has concluded, Our present data suggest that this virus is a major cause of amyloid plaques and hence probably a significant etiological factor in Alzheimer's disease.
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The time for development of amyloidosis is shortened from several weeks to days in mice after injection of or feeding with extracts from amyloid-laden tissue
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Among four cases with primary pulmonary lymphoma, amyloid was observed in three cases as a minor finding.
They work hand in hand, one after the other and act like scissors, cutting up this [APP] protein into smaller bits and smaller bits called amyloid peptide, which we think is the cause of Alzheimer's disease when it's abnormally accumulated in the brain," explained study senior author Philip C. Wong, a professor of pathology and of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.
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It was before the blood disorder amyloidosis began sapping his strength, and he had just delivered a rollicking speech, without notes as usual, to a hugely appreciative audience.
The exact causes of Alzheimer's are still unknown, but clumps of a sticky substance called amyloid and masses of tau protein in the brain are thought to be key factors in its development.
Research Points to Alzheimer's Early Toll
Scientists have shown how the body's natural way of ridding the body of the toxic protein amyloid-beta is flawed in people with the disease.
August 12th, 2007
The buildup of tangled proteins called amyloid plaques in brain tissue is a primary marker of Alzheimer's disease.
Tricking the Eye to Keep From Heaping Plates
A large number of investigational therapies target a sticky substance called amyloid, which clumps in the brain of those with Alzheimer's and is thought to contribute to the disease, but so far no drug has consistently shown that targeting amyloid leads to improvements in cognitive symptoms.
Alzheimer's Treatment Showcase Is Set
Earlier studies indicated that the fibrils themselves were the cytotoxic form of amyloid peptides.
No one knew where this pesky filament came from until 1987, when researchers discovered it was part of a larger molecule they dubbed the amyloid-precursor protein (APP).
The Disappearing Mind
The compound, called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), decreased production of the protein beta-amyloid, which accumulates in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and causes nerve damage and memory loss.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Green Tea Compound Stops Alzheimer's in Mice
Cross's disease, familial amyloidosis, prevents the liver from breaking down a protein called transthyretin.
Evidence indicates that soluble forms of amyloid-beta (Abeta) are vasoactive, which may contribute to cerebrovascular dysfunction noted in patients with Alzheimer's Disease and cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
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Bronchiolar diseases and amyloid and malignant lymphoma were seen less frequently.
It seems that a fundamental similarity and parallel exists between the aggregation of lipoproteins and amyloid proteins.
Specifically, the pressure-induced growth of the circular insulin amyloid suggests anisotropic packing within an ambient protofilament.
Only if obstructive symptoms are significant would surgery be indicated, even in cases of systemic amyloidosis.
He is battling a very serious blood disorder called amyloidosis and has vowed to beat it, although it is not a curable condition at present.
Just a Round-Up...
Amyloid was distributed in a perivascular or interstitial location within the endomysium in 7 muscles and in the epimysium in 4 muscles.
Amyloid fibril formation depends on a partial unfolding of the native protein.
Amyloidosis and other infiltrative diseases, including sarcoidosis and haemochromatosis, can cause a restrictive syndrome.
They also added a new research category called preclinical Alzheimer's, the earliest stage of the disease when clumps of amyloid start to form in the brains of people who are otherwise healthy.
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Manfra D, Poulet FM, Zhang Q, Josien H, et al. (2004) Chronic treatment with the gamma-secretase inhibitor LY-411,575 inhibits beta-amyloid peptide production and alters lymphopoiesis and intestinal cell differentiation.
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One bit of junk can be especially troubling - a tiny, soluble molecule he describes as a precursor to amyloid beta, a protein fragment and the notorious sticky building-block of brain plaques.
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The first and more predominant structure was a mesh of filaments measuring 10 to 15 nm in diameter, which is typical of amyloid.
They alter the way it cleaves amyloid precursor protein.
We now report that glycoproteins such as haptoglobin, serum amyloid protein (SAP), and carboxylesterase
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
This case is unique because of the massive deposition of amyloid in the spleen, adrenal gland, and liver.
Beta is the secretion of amyloid beta protein produced the key enzyme.
The first and more predominant structure was a mesh of filaments measuring 10 to 15 nm in diameter, which is typical of amyloid.
These new treatments include nerve growth factors, neurotrophic and neuroprotective agents, N methyl - D aspartate receptor agonists, b amyloid breakers, antibody treatments and even a vaccine against AD.
These primary growths include primary papillomata and fibromata as the most frequent, aberrant thyroid, lipomata, adenomata, granulomata and amyloid tumors.
Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
Less common features include clubbing, periostitis, amyloidosis, and granulomatous disease of bone and joint.
Scientists say a protein called beta amyloid is responsible for most of the damage to the brain and the symptoms of the disease.
Alzheimer's: What you need to know
Hong HS, Rana S, Barrigan L, Shi A, Zhang Y, et al. (2009) Inhibition of Alzheimer's amyloid toxicity with a tricyclic pyrone molecule in vitro and in vivo.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Furthermore, I was particularly impressed with the individual chapters covering diabetes mellitus and amyloidosis.
Several lines of evidence previously implied that oxidative damage to lipid membranes could disrupt normal neuronal and glial cell functioning, leading to the formation of amyloid plaques and to neuronal cell death.
The following is a list of terms used to describe the shape, size, color, consistency, or other characteristics of pathological conditions. millet seed miliary tuberculosis pea-sized plum-sized orange-sized tumors melon-sized pear breast cancer porridge atherosclerotic material napkin rings colon cancers popcorn calcium of hamartoma soupy creamy cheesy discharges anchovy paste word salad schizophrenia oyster ovaries hydatid mole chicken breast rickets cauliflower tumor osteochondroma potato nodes sarcoidosis onion-peel sign Ewing's tumor hard-baked spleen Hodgkin's disease apple-jelly nodules cutaneous tuberculosis strawberry nevus cavernous angioma peau d'orange carcinoma of the breast bacon spleen sago spleen amyloidosis Swiss cheese ventricular septal defects coffee ground emesis gastic bleeding chocolate cysts ovarian endometriosis sugar icing liver chronic perihepatitis port wine urine porphyria corkscrew esophagus diffuse esophageal spasm doughnut kidney bipolar fusion of renal anlagen forkful Colles's fracture
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The amyloids go into fibers known as curli that are extruded by the bacteria to strengthen the structures of biofilms. - latest science and technology news stories
They alter the way it cleaves amyloid precursor protein.
Hiapp belongs to the group of amyloidogenic proteins, characterized by their aggregation and deposition as fibrillar amyloid in various body tissues.
The presence of abnormal subepithelial collagen deposition was confirmed by Masson trichrome stain; staining for amyloid with Congo red was negative.
They alter the cleaves amyloid precursor protein.