How To Use Amygdaloidal In A Sentence
The openings in rocks consist of joints and many other fractures, small spaces between the grains of rocks (pore space), and amygdaloidal and other openings characteristic of surface volcanic rocks.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The part of the western shore where the land is highest shelters a small bay which might be made a tolerable harbour by means of two piers or quays erected on reefs of a kind of rock apparently very favourable for the purpose, namely amygdaloidal trap in rounded boulders.
Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2
Amygdaloidal cavities are located immediately below the uppermost scoriaceous part of the second flow, near its contact with the overlying flow.
It should be mentioned that the term vein was used rather loosely in the Copper Country and was applied to any fissure vein or mineralized amygdaloidal flow top that was being mined.
The ore bodies have the form of long sheets parallel to the bedding, the copper and associated minerals filling amygdaloidal openings and small fissures in the flows, and replacing conglomeratic sediments which lie between the flows.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
It is a common product of alteration in igneous rocks, and frequently occurs as well-developed crystals in association with zeolites lining the amygdaloidal cavities of basaltic and other rocks.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
This hill consisted of amygdaloidal trap in nodules, the crevices being filled with crystals of sulphate of lime, and there were many round balls of ironstone, like marbles or round shot, strewed about.
Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
It can be found in fissure veins and brecciated amygdaloidal basalt lodes but not in the conglomerate lodes.
At the bottom of the shaft two 700-foot crosscuts were driven in a northwest and southeast direction, but only spotty mineralization was encountered in the intersected amygdaloidal lodes.
Porcelaneous datolite occurred in the amygdaloidal lodes as veins, vesicle filling, and nodules.
These minerals occur in amygdaloidal cavities and in nodules in intermediate composition volcanic rocks of the Conejos Formation.
The ore bodies have the form of long sheets parallel to the bedding, the copper and associated minerals filling amygdaloidal openings and small fissures in the flows, and replacing conglomeratic sediments which lie between the flows.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
These crystals occur in amygdaloidal cavities, either as massive fillings or as linings of trapezohedral crystals that rarely exceed 1 cm across.
They are generally trap-rock, embracing the varieties of gray, porphyritic, hornblendic, sienitic, and amygdaloidal trap, and appear to have had no labor expended upon them except the chiseling of a groove around the middle for the purpose of attaching a withe to serve as a handle.
Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior
I ascended one, and found it was capped with trap rock in amygdaloidal nodules.
Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
Orebodies in the fissure veins and both rock types were formed by hot water solutions moving upward and laterally along fractures and fault zones, brecciated amygdaloidal flow tops, and permeable conglomerate beds.
Mineralogically, the conglomerate lodes have produced many superb specimens, although they contain fewer mineral species than the fissure veins and amygdaloidal lodes.
The summit of Machacha is composed of a dark igneous rock, apparently a sort of amygdaloidal trap, with white and greenish calcareous crystals scattered through it.
Impressions of South Africa
The native-copper deposits can be further divided into fissure veins, and blanket-type lode deposits that occur in amygdaloidal lava flow tops and sedimentary conglomerate beds.
The Fountain of Saint Vulcan, anti-blepharous and amygdaloidal, was charged with such potent minerals that a single spoonful produced a diarrhoea more distressing to witness than cholera.
South Wind