
How To Use Amusingly In A Sentence

  • The language is amusingly flowery and the overall tone one of purposeful pleasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather unamusingly referred to in the index as "The Fool. FallNet - a pack of gnomes, trolls and gargoyles
  • amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things
  • More amusingly, he briefly attempted to ban me from the campaign after my latest efforts to pry answers out of his blandly evasive candidate.
  • Amusingly gruesome penholder, light pull, cupholde... Archive 2008-05-01
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  • *] The nieces, of whom Balzac was really extremely fond, "sulked" no longer, but wrote letters which their uncle praised highly, and which he answered gaily and amusingly. Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings
  • Few films have so fluently, so poignantly and amusingly, described contemporary Britons' attempts to overcome the shock of otherness.
  • The room snapped and crackled with tension as every eyes turned towards her, observing her, cautiously, amusingly.
  • Amusingly, the audience got to choose between the actual book, a DIY handbook and a book about Heraldry.
  • I'm sure that the actual Chinese name for it is less amusingly euphonious, but there you go.
  • The book sporadically manages to be amusingly catty, but never, try as it may, moving.
  • One could have too much of loneliness and isolation, and Jenny was good company; cheerful and amusingly astringent.
  • The band is amusingly introduced by their MC Silenus director Louis Butelli, doing his best Tom Waits. Michael Giltz: Theater: NYMF #3 -- Chorus Girls, Satyrs, And Song Cycles
  • It must be amusingly written.
  • But be patient and you'll enjoy photorealistic graphics, split-second combat and amusingly cod history too. Times, Sunday Times
  • They allowed me to experiment, they allowed me to take risks, which meant I ad-libbed freely and largely amusingly.
  • • Despite having pop points docked from his running tally in light of repeatedly and unamusingly saying "Shabba!" during his band's acceptance speech The Guardian World News
  • This was put rather amusingly to the test when we asked Nick how we might get ourselves into town to sample the après-ski.
  • Its leader, the artist formerly known as Paris Lewis who now goes by the amusingly generic hyper-African moniker "Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz," is the kind of clownish caricature Fox News loves to trot out at regular intervals. Chez Pazienza: Fox and the Hounding
  • Mainly Mr. Lippa's songs, which are unamusingly jokey ( "You have to see the world in shades of gray/You have to put some poison in your day") and tuneless to boot. I've Seen That Show Before
  • The running commentary is informative and amusingly droll.
  • A keenly observant writer, he turns his story into an amusingly bleak X-ray of present-day Korea, whose people are as interested in Bart Simpson as Kim Jong Il. Along the way, we meet a huge array of sharply drawn social types - comedians and tax cheats, porn addicts and schoolteachers, spoiled college kids and former student radicals like Ma-ri, who find their generational dreams of national reunification curdling into desperate adulteries. A Kafkaesque Spy Thriller Straddles Two Koreas
  • Soprano Emily Albrink's pert, pearl-toned Susanna may have been the liveliest, most affectionately detailed performance of the evening, but the coltish Cherubino of mezzo Brandy Lynn Hawkins, the amusingly frowzy Marcellina of mezzo Cynthia Hanna and the winkingly flamboyant turn by tenor Jesús Daniel Hernandez as Basilio all made fine impressions. In performance: WNO's young artists in "Nozze"
  • In the interests of perspective, any future Major Rooneys should be treated as amusingly muddle-headed curiosities, not threats. Wheel out a Major Dan Rooney and people on British streets would laugh
  • Palm Springs is dotted with low-key museums and mini theme parks, but none are quite tacky enough to qualify as amusingly kitsch Americana nor high-tech enough to provide state-of-the-art thrills.
  • Amusingly, paco translates to “alpaca” and cocha translates to “ox-bow lake”. Laguna Paco Cocha, Peru « Climate Audit
  • She is naturally very funny and can riff amusingly on almost any subject we bring up. The Sun
  • The film amusingly pokes fun at the media.
  • Amusingly the effect isn't the impressive-sounding nutation at all as a matter of definition, so no amount of calculation saves him from this boo-boo, but rather just plain polar motion. Rabett Run
  • An evangelical agnostic, Linton tends to be amusingly (or at least assertively) grouchy (although her antifeminism can make modern readers similarly grouchy...) Readable
  • If it was eristic to use "eristic," did Schwartz mean to offer word mavens a little inside joke, or — more amusingly — did he mean to send a secret signal to Buckley fans? "I Am Lapidary But Not Eristic When I Use Big Words."
  • She rather amusingly shoved her shorter husband aside from the mike whenever she wanted to interject a point.
  • Yesterday in Brixton Sainsbury's I queued in front of two drunken deafs who opened their beers while they were waiting and were amusingly lairy.
  • Amusingly, the personifications of both Honour and Pleasure have the faces of Raphael's future Madonnas.
  • Mr. Timberlake unamusingly compares romance to fast food in "Carry Out," while Ms. Furtado strives for seduction in "Morning After Dark. NYT > Home Page
  • Multiplicity amusingly saw cloning as the answer for the businessman who was forced to spend too much time at work.
  • Amusingly, as it stirred the hot air in the room, it caused the ceiling fan to rotate slowly.
  • See how we trifle! but one can't pass one's youth too amusingly for one must grow old, and that in England; two most serious circumstances, either of which makes people gray in the twinkling of a bedstaff; for know you there is not a country upon earth where there are so many old fools and so few young ones. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1
  • She is naturally very funny and can riff amusingly on almost any subject we bring up. The Sun
  • His letters to Mr. Astor, wherein he pours forth the bitterness of his soul, and his seamanlike impatience of what he considers the "lubberly" character and conduct of those around him, are before us, and are amusingly characteristic. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains
  • Mark amusingly creates the first contemporary screenplay, a gallimaufry about the 13th century and the Great Ninja War. Erica Abeel: TIFF's Guilty Pleasures
  • She is naturally very funny and can riff amusingly on almost any subject we bring up. The Sun
  • She is naturally very funny and can riff amusingly on almost any subject we bring up. The Sun
  • Soprano Emily Albrink's pert, pearl-toned Susanna may have been the liveliest, most affectionately detailed performance of the evening, but the coltish Cherubino of mezzo Brandy Lynn Hawkins, the amusingly frowzy Marcellina of mezzo Cynthia Hanna and the winkingly flamboyant turn by tenor Jesús Daniel Hernandez as Basilio all made fine impressions. In performance: WNO's young artists in "Nozze"
  • I agree with your argument, but this choice of phrasing is amusingly ironic. Matthew Yglesias » Straw Manned
  • The film amusingly pokes fun at the media.
  • There's lots of physical comedy: Hillary is an amusingly spastic dancer, frugging her heart out, while Bill has a languid, frat-boy lope that makes him look more Animal House than White House. A Song for Monica
  • Steve from Scary Toy Clown submits his post following the path of bright orange novelty lederhosen from the Bavarian Beer company which have now shown up as the main game piece in a Chinese board game with an amusingly violent commercial. Boing Boing
  • Plus, you know those shops that sell trinkets and soap and amusingly expensive greetings cards and not a lot else? Times, Sunday Times
  • Erdinger market their beer, amusingly, as an isotonic, low-calorie, vitamin enriched sports drink. Alcohol-Free Beer News « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • "It must be my irresistible charm, " I muttered to myself amusingly.
  • Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days
  • Swanberg plays an amusingly hatable character with a smug disregard for indie flicks.
  • In his piece about Awana, he writes amusingly about taking a pee and I couldn't help but recall the moment when the great man, he of pulchritudinous prose, goitred with soliped leitmotifs, crenellation and spittle, took one next to mee. AA . . . On The Piss
  • Other people's holiday snaps can be dull, but other people's family photos, if captioned amusingly, can be quite fun.
  • Origin: The phrase, popularized by the unwatchable movie 21, apparently derives from the rich lexicon of craps, which is full of amusingly inscrutable patter. Deadspin
  • Perhaps most amusingly, my study also showed that a previously unsuspected variable - ‘task-orientation’ - was a good predictor of political party preference.
  • She appeared in fictionalized form in the 1957 film Funny Face as Maggie Prescott, the amusingly dictatorial and emphatic editor of Quality magazine. Lesley M. M. Blume: ICONS OF STYLE SERIES: Diana Vreeland, History's Most Joyous Fashion Editor (PHOTOS)
  • Havill's blond wig disguise as 'Brook' amusingly leavens his unfounded rage at being cuckolded. Rodney Punt: The Merry Wives of Windsor -- Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tours Santa Monica's Broad Stage
  • Amis and I are speaking on an "unamusingly cold" (his phrase) night in the first week of the new decade, in a large sitting room - really two rooms knocked together - on the raised ground floor of his imposing London town house, close to Regent's Park. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Of course cops get it wrong from time to time, as does the half-wit serving me in WH Smiths, the amusingly termed customer service centre at Eon or the staff at my local train station. 7/7 Bombs – Police To Blame SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Erdinger market their beer, amusingly, as an isotonic, low-calorie, vitamin enriched sports drink. Alcohol-Free Beer News « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • He finds a job as assistant to a famous fashion photographer, the amusingly named Vesuvi.
  • As a rant from someone who's admittedly and rather amusingly lost his "moorings" (and is ecstatic about it), however, Joe Bageant's offering is certainly no worse than most. Main RSS Feed
  • Trochaics have rarely been more amusingly used than in Lewis Carroll's 'Hiawatha's Photographing', in which Hiawatha is exasperatedly trying to take portraits of a very tiresome and camera-conscious Victorian family.
  • She is naturally very funny and can riff amusingly on almost any subject we bring up. The Sun
  • They allowed me to experiment, they allowed me to take risks, which meant I ad-libbed freely and largely amusingly.
  • But these flourishes never distract from the droll human dramas that Wong has so astutely and amusingly worked out.
  • At one point in the show he told amusingly of how he took a spill in the road, and some of the pages fell out and were scattered.
  • Kenneth Branagh preens himself amusingly as buttery fop, explorer and new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart; Jason Isaacs is disdain personified as the villainous Lucius Malfoy.
  • Like the people of Southern Europe, the Semite is easily managed by a jest: though grave and thoughtful, he is by no means deficient in the sly wit which we call humour, and the solemn gravity of his words contrasts amusingly with his ideas. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Havill's blond wig disguise as 'Brook' amusingly leavens his unfounded rage at being cuckolded. Rodney Punt: The Merry Wives of Windsor -- Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tours Santa Monica's Broad Stage
  • As for the HBO pair, the network's big publicity push for the show's second-season premiere is likely to remind voters of how amusingly grand guignol Paquin was in Blood. Who should receive Emmy nominations? Tough call
  • The first day of the convention was Friday, and I went along to the Dallas Brooks Centre, which amusingly, being a Masonic centre, had lots of pictures of blokes in aprons around the place.

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