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How To Use Amused In A Sentence

  • Some looked angry, while others seemed more amused as some of the angriest protesters bellowed at them through a loudhailer.
  • Ellen seemed amused by the whole situation.
  • In the VIP section, or VNP (Very Nice People) as Innocent called it, we amused ourselves by reading a stash of Innocent bottle labels.
  • He then continued to terrorise families in the restaurant as amused staff watched. The Sun
  • I knew that keeping Jasper amused, making him happy, and keeping myself deserving of him, was my one achievement.
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  • I did appreciate the 50-year-old unicyclist who drew an unamused Howie Mandel into his act and rendered him momentarily speechless. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • Much to everyone's humor, Rose amused herself with the gift wrappings and boxes that were trash to everyone else's eyes except her own.
  • I realize it’s a little obscure, but it amused me and that’s all that counts.
  • Signs exist to make driving safer, not to keep the regional council amused.
  • After seven years as a very part-time adjunct, I'm still amused by how irked my students are by all the things I don't know, examples of which have included medieval embroidery, Celtic languages, metallurgy, neopaganism, Scottish history, regional developments in medieval agriculture, and the 40 most recent fantasy novels about Arthur and Guenevere. Beowulf Hobbyists of the World, Unite!
  • There is an amused glimmer to his eyes and his lips quirk upwards, as if he is laughing at a private joke.
  • In fact, I'm not sure I'm conveying how unamused he looked.
  • The real monster in them, he said later, is the amused narrator, ‘the young foreigner who passed gaily through these scenes of desolation, misinterpreting them to suit his childish fantasy’.
  • He is a listener rather than a talker, and sympathetic in an amused, ironic way.
  • Kennedy, the other newcomer, remains silent, his blank, hooded eyes seeming quietly amused by something.
  • His expression faintly amused, Breckenridge did; he followed. The Ideal Bride
  • I was really amused by Chiaki's pickled ginger sushi, mostly because I was reminded of the web quiz where one of the Lucky Star girls got classified as gari (Konata?) after making fun of another (Kagami) who had been classified as kappa maki (cucumber roll): Is that even sushi? Anime Nano!
  • Over a large gin and tonic, he veers between amused bafflement at all the fuss and genuine hurt that he has been cast as a monster. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I finally walked out toward the cliff's edge I was amused by the plentitude of rusted beer caps strewn about.
  • Myself, I spectated for a while out of the window, bemused and amused, an interloper at someone else's surprise party. Ballspenden
  • Both have entertained, amused and mirrored life and the fantasy of life for millions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the sadhus were distinctly scary - like the Aghoris with their bells and boar tusks and magic mantras, who insulted their amused but decorous Nepalese audience.
  • Dark hair and even darker eyes accented his pale features and an amused smile touched his thin lips.
  • But the woman looked back at him with disdain, unamused.
  • His reserve might by the ill-natured have been termed dissimulation, inasmuch as when asked by the ladies of the embassy what had become of the young person who had amused them that day so cleverly he gave it out that her whereabouts was uncertain and her destiny probably obscure; he let it be supposed in a word that his benevolence had scarcely survived an accidental, a charitable occasion. The Tragic Muse
  • A member of the Downtown, Union, Church, Columbia, Devon and Maidstone Clubs, clubable Phelan Beale was not amused. Michael Henry Adams: Meeting the Maysles: Grey Gardens Comes to Harlem
  • Let us say that she was… unamused… to discover that still more time had to elapse before her movie.
  • I laughed, thoroughly amused by his responses to my innuendos.
  • So I was a bit amused with flickr stats just now; it tells me these photos are unaccountably highly ranked in google image search: first-row results for: dandelion puller (hey, I know those guys!) and phonographic photos. What a difference a day makes.
  • For some time now I have been greatly amused by Ian Wood's column in the back page.
  • The Australians never really cottoned on to the idea that sport was a way in which gentlemen amused themselves.
  • His laughter eventually subsided into amused chuckles, which flushed vermillion into her cheeks.
  • Citizens were not amused, letters of protest were published on bulletin boards.
  • R. Crumb nestles in his wife's amused arms to escape being photographed.
  • As a native of the area around Mobile, Alabama, a place long ridiculed by many as the nation's stepchild, it amused me that what was disdained as a redneck corner of the universe populated by ignorant and racist whites and besieged blacks became the "sunbelt" in the 1970s and as soon as those "cheeseheads" arrived in "crackerland" with no more need for their snowtires and discovered giant flying cockroaches and mildew among other horrors and complained mightily about the tropics they had naively sought, they became disenchanted. Lake Level Sucks 11-19-05
  • After dangling for hours within arms reach of each other, the two PTIs started looking for ways to keep amused to avoid going stir-crazy.
  • The great increase of games and festivals and their enormous cost were signs of approaching trouble for the republic, and foretold the terrible days of the empire, when the rabblement of the capital, accustomed to be amused and fed by their despotic and corrupt rulers, should cry in the streets: "Give us bread for nothing and games forever! The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
  • Rachel hid her amused smirk behind her mug, immediately regretting the leaving of her fan in the carriage.
  • So how do you keep them amused at a time when most of us are trying to cut costs? The Sun
  • Once she'd taken Destiny and named her, Put had been amused enough to call the filly's half-brother by a matching name. Beast Master's Circus
  • His jokes amused the whole table.
  • Harris and Snelling were placed under keepers, who amused themselves by tormenting their unhappy prisoners in various ways; such as pricking them with their knives, cutting off small pieces of their ears and fingers, and pulling out clumps of their hair. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, February 1844 Volume 23, Number 2
  • His face looked distant though, and rightly unamused.
  • There was a peculiar gleam in his eyes, and a half-amused, half-mocking expression lurked on his inscrutable features. The Cryptogram A Story of Northwest Canada
  • La Luc amused himself at intervals with discoursing, and pointing out the situations of considerable ports on the coast, and the mouths of the rivers that, after wandering through Provence, disembogue themselves into the Mediterranean. The Romance of the Forest
  • To quote the old bird herself, we are not amused.
  • The ladies are occupied in conversation and merriment, and amused with the native songs and music of the dominie, smoking the hookha, eating pawn, dinner, &c. Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
  • He was not amused, especially when he heard that that same bunch had voted to bring back the birch only two weeks earlier.
  • I gave a half hearted attempt at an amused sneer and shook my head, reaching for my book again.
  • It amused her to see Jason hiding his cockiness and his belief that she would say yes no matter what he did.
  • We are not amused
  • An amused smile plays across his lips; he works a room with supreme self-confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember checking a maid because she sang some bairnly kickshaw while my mind was thus engaged; and my asperity brought about my ears the enmity of all the petticoats about the house; of which I reeked very little, but it amused Mr. Henry, who rallied me much upon our joint unpopularity. Persecutions Endured
  • Alexei did not understand why Jotan seemed to be amused by the notion, and so he said nothing.
  • The ancients, who had a very faint and imperfect knowledge of the great peninsula of Africa, were sometimes tempted to believe, that the torrid zone must ever remain destitute of inhabitants; 126 and they sometimes amused their fancy by filling the vacant space with headless men, or rather monsters; 127 with horned and cloven-footed satyrs; 128 with fabulous centaurs; 129 and with human pygmies, who waged a bold and doubtful warfare against the cranes. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Still, not everyone is entirely amused by such technological marvels.
  • With both laughter and irritation Phoebe had returned to consciousness ironically amused at how nature could behave with such excessive romanticism.
  • You'll find yourself laughing out loud, clapping for the heroine, and feeling reluctant, amused commiseration for the hero.
  • I took a plentiful supply of games to keep the children amused.
  • While 19th century viewers of the original stereograph for Reaching for the Out of Reach #9 may have enjoyed the dramatic image of luckless passengers shipwrecked on the shores of Massachusetts, it's hard to imagine they would be similarly amused by the sad Victorian-looking characters stranded atop coffee bales and beneath umbrellas while the crippled ship looms like a set piece from some 3D Tim Burton film. The New York Public Library: New Perspectives on Old Perspectives: How an Art Project Helped the NYPL Put Its 3D Stereograph Collection in Your Hands
  • Il improvisatrice," was she styled by her admiring associates, whom she amused by the hour with her extemporary effusions of rhyme. Hubert's Wife A Story for You
  • He snickered amusedly and was about to speak up when suddenly, an alert window blipped onto his screen.
  • The reader gawps, in turns amused and appalled, at an enthralling variety bill of Victorians and Social Gospellers.
  • Ilse wasn't amused: the company is a fierce competitor of MSN on the Dutch market.
  • They immediately claim that they are trying to rake cheese - the reflection of the moon - from the pond and the excisemen, amused by the apparently simple-minded rustics, leave them to it.
  • Victoria took on a confused, as well as slightly amused simper.
  • I amused myself one day by observing the springing powers of this insect, which have not, as it appears to me, been properly described. 15 The elater, when placed on its back and preparing to spring, moved its head and thorax backwards, so that the pectoral spine was drawn out, and rested on the edge of its sheath. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • African colleagues are amused at the way I carry a ream of paper on my head.
  • It is endlessly diverting and can keep a simpleton like me amused for near hours on end.
  • He listened with rapt, amused attention to what I told him about the role of LSD in his Nobel Prize-winning discovery.
  • Nicandra felt flattered and amused at the joke about being naughty, but did not comment on it.
  • Tony seemed amused as he took a bite of pot roast and scanned the room.
  • They jest bawdily about men's sexual anatomies; Iras, when asked amusedly where she would choose to have her 'inch of fortune', replies, 'Not in my husband's nose'. Shakespeare
  • It amused him to see himself going to church -- _to church_ -- to hear himself conversing on flowers and music with a young The Danvers Jewels, and Sir Charles Danvers
  • She grinned involuntarily, amused by his likeness to her high school maths teacher.
  • Confused, I blinked open an eye and found one of our lab buddies staring down at me with an amused glitter in his bright blue eyes.
  • She seemed more amused as her perfectly plucked eyebrows raised, a small smile curving her mouth.
  • Most visitors to the annual motor show in the city were amused by what seemed to be a pygmy four-wheeler.
  • If the jumbo walked away leaving the audience amused, a clown who imitated a rag doll to perfection, left everyone truly amazed.
  • At the time this apologue amused me; in the light of later events it assumed a tragic significance. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • Visitors are often amused to see pictograms outside banks informing customers that dogs, ice-creams, mobile phones and guns should not be brought inside.
  • Oh, if you're easily amused, go over to Peter David's blog where he's running segments of a thing called Potato Moon, which is a parody of a fan sequel to Stephenie Meyers 'Twilight books (as well as a parody of the originals); this book, titled Russett Moon, got its author into legal trouble, whereafter she proclaimed some New Agey stuff about the global gestalt mind ... which is where PAD comes into it. Sinking feelings aboard the Seaview
  • Apparently, he was greatly amused by the awe written on her face, from her wide eyes to her open mouth.
  • And there were plenty of exhibits to keep them amused and entertained as well, such as Cadabra, featuring Jorvik-style rides but in little cars looking like Noddy's, which took us around displays of animatronic chocolate creatures.
  • No longer need the ailing woman pass through the smiling derisive rows of courtiers, fearing their eyes, dreading the falling of her rose and catching her breath as she dissembled a vivacity that amused the King.
  • It is a sloppy piece of journalism which I am amused you allowed to appear on your front page.
  • Simpson, however, was still in that unamused and unamusable state of a very drunk man who is wondering whether he can avoid being sick, and he did not respond.
  • Simpson, however, was still in that unamused and unamusable state of a very drunk man who is wondering whether he can avoid being sick, and he did not respond. The Great Hat Race
  • 'I am just returned, and will not go to bed without telling you what has most amused me -- not that _amused_ is the right word, for Mme de Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 445 Volume 18, New Series, July 10, 1852
  • The tide was still ebbing furiously and the course lay once again upwind, and for a few minutes I amused some onlooking fisherman by not making any headway at all.
  • Leon was amused and fascinated by Buddy Hamstra, "that poor peccable great man," he called him. Beard
  • He had a jolly laugh and his belly shook when he was really amused by something, and his wise old eyes lit up with mischief right before he'd ask you a riddle.
  • Mrs. Omdorff was not satisfied with the conduct of her child; and yet she was amused at what she called his cuteness, and laughed instead of reproving him for an act that was in spirit a theft. Choice Readings for the Home Circle
  • Seeing Eva's unamused look, he quickly added, ‘Why, of course I'll join you for tea.’
  • If the mental process of Herbart's four periods is to come naturally, it would be essential that great interest in the object should exist; it is interest which would keep the mind amused, or, as the famous pedagogist would say, plunged in the idea, and would maintain it in a system nevertheless embracing multilateral ideas; and hence it is necessary that "interest" should be awakened and should persist in all instruction. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • I amused myself by ripping bits of paper off the corner of my finished worksheet.
  • He shot Janine a villainous grin as he pulled the car from his parking spot, she gave him an unamused look, but it became a playful grin seconds later.
  • Many show the popular imagination at work, with jocular and sometimes grotesque names, names that betray attitudes -- amused, derisive, envious, sardonic, rejective. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 2
  • Plummy amused the whole school, over 220 pupils, with tricks and jokes while Ivan performed his unsupported ladder act, which included juggling.
  • Where the man could have disappeared to was a mystery on a road apparently without any offshoots, so we concluded he must have thought we contemplated doing him some bodily harm, and had either "bolted" or "clapp'd," as my brother described it, behind some rock or bush, in which case he must have felt relieved and perhaps amused when he heard us "trigging" past him on the road. From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • She is amused by the Victori2n reticences and sentiments we uncover in Grandmother.
  • She was less than amused when I asked if it was an acclimatisation visit! Another Day At The Office « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Magdalena heard an indelicate snort from David's direction, matched by a skeptical but amused smile from Ketheral, who was shaking his head.
  • As she sat at the edge of his feet, failing to become amused from her silly game of marbles, she'd glance towards him every so often in hope that he might finally speak to her and prove that he wasn't quite so ill as she thought.
  • Their screaming contorting aerobatics as they swoop on clouds of insects keeps me greatly amused.
  • Quite frankly I am always amused at the way some people use any emblems of the South during those years as their style to advance a one sided out dated very predigest agenda. Virginia governor declares April as Confederate History Month
  • She talked to Heidi and amused her in various ways, showing her how to make clothes for pretty little dolls that she had brought. Heidi
  • He made reference to what he amusedly called The Atkins Schmaltz Diet. Jay Weston: The Atkins "Schmaltz" Diet: Memories of Jewish Food!
  • It amused him to think that they were probably talking about him at that very moment.
  • I was embarrassed and wondered if there was something in my appearance or demeanor that had amused her.
  • If you want to be amused, you go to an amusement arcade. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a similar way, the first time I saw The Office I was pretty unamused, but after another episode or two I loved it.
  • She blew a series of smoke rings out, because she knew that it amused me, stretching her head into the air like her neck was a stack and her lips the chimney rim.
  • Any readers who can suggest suitable reading matter or anything else to keep him amused would be doing me a favour.
  • It was impossible to tell from Trimmer's goggle-eyed expression whether he was horrified or amused. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Being also easily amused, I think of this action as playing the sile-phone. Word Fugitives
  • Rage briefly flickered in that imperial expression, then she seemed amused again.
  • Sadly, their companion was less amused. The Sun
  • The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused.
  • He heard feet clattering and laughter and a shout from someone who was not amused.
  • But for those who take the plunge there is plenty to keep them amused, particularly if they play bowls or golf.
  • Amuse" sounds like anthropomorphizing, of course--it's an interesting word, comes from the French amuser, "to stupefy"--we're most amused when our brains are buggy. Lightning bug
  • We amused ourselves by making fun of the weirdos around us, eavesdropping on the strangest conversations, and generally being random and bored.
  • She was cynically amused by the fact that Lorimer seemed so familiar with this form of ingress into the Salamanca manse.
  • He even amused himself in gunnery practice by warning his men against low-elevation shelling over his area, because "the pixies would degauss (demagnetize) their proximity fuses". More Than Human
  • Kennedy, the other newcomer, remains silent, his blank, hooded eyes seeming quietly amused by something.
  • LONDON – Eat My Handbag, Bitch! is the name of a vintage clothing shop in London's newly trendified East End. English cheekiness of this genre would normally convulse me with mirth, but I find I am strangely unamused. My Tour of London: Classic Drag, Chien , C-s
  • This amuses me in the same way my kitties are amused by shiny things. Easily Entertained
  • If you fancy a break from sunbathing, the slot pool and table tennis are sure to keep you amused.
  • He ran the back of his hand along his mouth and offered her an expression that toed the line between nauseated and mildly amused. Last Night at Chateau Marmont
  • Speaking of R-si, I was amused to learn in my mechanical engineering lecture the other day that "Rsys" sys is a subscript is the numerical expression of the reliability of a system. Contingency Plans: Fresh Rolls, Pit Dogs, Wet Feet, and Spare Wheels
  • We also like to be amused and entertained. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm always a bit amused when people say the church is full of hypocrites.
  • Meale, who began working life as a merchant seaman and was later an Aycliffe councillor, is unamused.
  • China's foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, was not amused; Beijing opposed any effort to "internationalize" the issue. Clinton wades into South China Sea territorial dispute
  • As Mark Darcy, Firth played an illusive dreamboat named after his own television triumph as Austen's hero; Grant's portrayal of the caddish Daniel Cleaver was an amused nod at his own popular persona.
  • They attempted to stifle their chuckles and hide their amused smiles as Suna moved towards their table in the manner that could only be described as a waddle.
  • The soldiers were both terrified and amused at this very dangerous snake wriggling around, and eventually, they dispatched it.
  • Film buffs and geeks will be amused. Times, Sunday Times
  • She would have been much amused by the recent brouhaha about Martin Scorsese's documentary about Bob Dylan.
  • They make an odd pair: the boy is tall, handsome, brilliant, a classic know-all with immense charm; the father seems older than his real age, depressed, a drunk, somewhere between being amused by and aghast at his own son.
  • We also like to be amused and entertained. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sara drew her in cautiously, but she looked as if something pleased and amused her. A Little Princess
  • 'At least it was warm on my hot air ballooning expedition,’ he commented, not managing to hold back an amused smile, his dark eyes alive.
  • His jokes amused the crying child.
  • I had totally forgotten about it, so have amused myself for a few minutes looking at the search strings.
  • And if not, at least friends are amused with being able to legitimately call him a “bullshit artist,” he said. via Arbroath Bullshit Made Into Paper By New Zealand Man | Impact Lab
  • Nick was leaning against the wall with an amused smile touching his lips.
  • Still others say the queen was disposed to say ‘We are not amused’ whenever the conversation took a ribald turn.
  • I was amused by the nicknames given to players by the now deceased Spanish commentator Andres Montes who coined the term "tiki taca" for Spain's possession heavy, passing style," writes Ryan Jacob. The Knowledge | The strangest excuses to miss pre-season | Jacob Steinberg
  • His unamused plutocratic patrons had it painted out.
  • Laura was greatly amused by Hockney but the pair did not have a great deal to say to one another.
  • But I was surprised to realise, courtesy of a little jolt of panic, that I can't really remember what to do to keep a kid amused.
  • This must have irritated Griffiths; but he did have the grace to be amused as well.
  • While there is no doubt that racing will be the focus of the day, racecourse chiefs have lots in store to keep the younger members of the family amused.
  • European passengers exchanged knowing smiles, amused or not very, according to taste.
  • For KP it must have felt a bit like going somewhere really strait-laced on your gap year and entirely reinventing yourself, perhaps as a flamboyant transsexual New York garage DJ-type figure, only to turn round one day and find half the people from your A-level year standing in the corner looking faintly amused. Colonial promiscuity in danger of diluting test cricket's pleasures | Barney Ronay
  • There is a nudist part of the beach at Playa de Inglis and what amused us as we walked along there was to see elderly ladies bathing in the sea in the nude yet still wearing caps or other headgear to protect their coiffures.
  • Your boredom threshold is low so you find yourself looking for something to keep you amused. The Sun
  • Mr Neil was not amused and declared war, publishing the piece unexpurgated in The Hootsmon.
  • However, unlike most stockmen he preferred a white shirt and white moleskins to grey flannel and grey twill; somewhat of a dandy, she decided, amused. The Thorn Birds
  • After ballasting his ship with silver from the rich Potosi mines, and rifling even the churches, he hastened onward in pursuit of a richly laden galleon nicknamed _Cacafuego_ -- a name discreetly translated _Spitfire_, but which, to repeat a joke that greatly amused Drake's men at the time, it was proposed to change to _Spitsilver_, for when overtaken and captured the vessel yielded 26 tons of silver, 13 chests of pieces of eight, and gold and jewels sufficient to swell the booty to half a million pounds sterling. A History of Sea Power
  • Captain Hollinger -- for he assumed this title aboard the _Seamew_ -- looked at the two boys amusedly, then took each by an arm and propelled them toward the companionway. The Pirate Shark
  • Yes, some professionals are going to look at some of the cutesier things and be repulsed; but others may be amused by the (cliche warning) opportunity to get in touch with their inner child (children?) The Assumptions That Yahoo Mash And Other Social Networks Make About You - Publishing 2.0
  • There was always something to keep us amused if we wanted a change from the sun loungers. The Sun
  • Camie and I amused ourselves very well and dear old Betty was very kind to us, helping us in every way she could think of.
  • But the public reaction seemed one of amused appreciation rather than of apprehension.
  • Max thought amusedly that his friend rather resembled a goldfish at that moment.
  • This is an ideal set of programs to introduce your children to computers and will keep them amused for months.
  • Little Jesuit inquisitress as she was, she could see things in a true light, and understand them in an unperverted sense; but the idea that she had ventured to communicate information, thus gained, to others; that she had, perhaps, amused herself with a companion over documents, in my eyes most sacred, shocked me cruelly. Villette
  • He passed amusedly over the black-eyed, frail-bodied Mrs. Grantly, and halted on the fourth person, a portly, massive-headed man, whose gray temples belied the youthful solidity of his face. Jack London's Short Story: Planchette
  • She lay with her chin on her forearms, deliciously amused at the sight of Wolf plunging through the shallows, growling like an amphibious tiger.
  • Alison looked back over her shoulder, her expression amused. Leave the Grave Green
  • I am amused by the farcical notion that the greatest nation needs to be educated and saved by a meathead ironworker … We live in a fantasy SamJoe the wannabe plumber world … Think Progress » WellPoint Failed To Deliver Tens Of Millions Of Dollars It Promised To Help Uninsured Americans
  • Landon noticed the amused glint in Sarah's eyes, but chose to ignore it.
  • He was highly amused when colour started to rise in Darius' cheek.
  • Peter Hinchliffe, trade union convener at the trust's hospitals, said: ‘Most of the staff will be amused, if not concerned, as well.’
  • On other sites it is no more than an amused smile and a wave of the hand.
  • Both have entertained, amused and mirrored life and the fantasy of life for millions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Surprised by this kind of congratulation, but also much amused by it, as if there could be nothing so ludicrous as the idea of May not marrying a man who loved her as he loved, Gabriel gravely responded, Trumps
  • Bribing his way by caravan over the wastelands of the Afar province, he is not amused by the locals.
  • The tide was still ebbing furiously and the course lay once again upwind, and for a few minutes I amused some onlooking fisherman by not making any headway at all.
  • + Hairs which have most amused me have not been in the face or head, but on the back, and not in men but children, as I long ago observed in that endemial distemper of children in Languedoc, called the morgellons, + wherein they critically break out with harsh hairs on their backs, which takes off the unquiet symptoms of the disease, and delivers them from coughs and convulsions. Letter to a Friend
  • She jumped at the light tap on her shoulder, eyes widening in panic as she spun around quickly to stare into Sakura's amused dark eyes.
  • La Forge was amused to note that where Picard used to have a fish tank, Scotty had a shield and a couple of claymore swords. Star Trek The Next Generation®
  • But all of it is jumbled together in a way that at the end the reader is left empty, if amused.
  • The review amused me by hitting on the right meaning there, and besides by its percipiency about your remembering me during your travels in the East, and sending me home the Cyprus wine. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)
  • She looked up and glared at me hard for a moment before she shook her head and gave a soft amused noise that was halfway towards being a disbelieving scoff.
  • After giving a somewhat amused snort at my audacity, he asked me what it was I wanted to know.
  • I amused myself a few days, by keeping minutes of the visits of the mixed Indian and metif multitude. Memoirs of 30 Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • Surely some people won't be amused. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, I could not very well tell from that unemotional voice whether he was amused, or annoyed, as the case may be.
  • But it has always amused me that Professor Tim Jackson, the deviser of MDP, found that 1976 was the peak year for quality of life in Britain. Big society or no, don't get distracted at the cash machine
  • Everybody has been pleased and amused, except the two clergymen who are here, and who have begun a course of sermons against what they call a destructive torrent of worldly gaiety. The Magnificent Montez From Courtesan to Convert
  • Children were kept amused by entertainers Crystal and Dandelion who did face painting and put on a music show.
  • Though not exactly humble, he was capable of self-criticism and amused self-parody. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Old Woman from the Royal Collection chuckles in her reverie, amused by the fantastic costume Rembrandt has garbed her in.
  • It is impossible, however, not to be amused, disgusted, and even awed by the book's ingenious observations, its satiric bite, its rich and vivid catalogue of human grotesqueries.
  • Signs are meant to inform and advise but some leave us bemused and amused. The Sun
  • And so the Duke, satirically amused at the obvious embarrassment of the other "notabilities" assembled, did nothing whatsoever to relieve or to lighten the conversation, which remained so utterly dull and inane that Alwyn, who had been compelled, for politeness 'sake, to appear interested in the account of a bicycle race detailed to him by a very masculine looking lady-doctor whose seat at table was next his own, began to feel a little weary, and to wonder dismally how long this "feast of reason and flow of soul" was going to last. Ardath

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