How To Use Amputation In A Sentence

  • The word can be applied to the removal of any part of the body, but it is usually restricted to removal of part of a limb, unless the word is qualified, as in ‘amputation of the nose’.
  • The purposes of this study were to report our experiences with high-energy wartime extremity wounds, to define the prevalence of heterotopic ossification in these patients, and to determine the factors that might lead to development of the condition," said lead author Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Agner Forsberg, MD. Dr. Forsberg and his team compared data from 243 patients who were treated for orthopaedic injuries between March 1, 2003 and December 31, 2006 at the medical center, including patients who underwent: amputation external or internal fixation of one or more fractures removal of damaged, dead or infected tissue, or 'debridement' EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • The cold air would become extremely painful on his amputation stumps.
  • Correction of the upward trend early in the history can stop the advent of Diabetes, with all the visual and metabolic problems, even including amputation of limbs.
  • With modern surgical techniques, the limb that was once doomed to amputation can often be saved.
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  • Typical patients eligible for V.A.C. ® Therapy in Japan include those with dehisced and hard-to-heal open wounds, and wounds following trauma, surgery, amputation and debridement. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • A libeller may be punished by fine, imprisonment, or the amputation of the ears.
  • We all know that Socrates chose the hemlock… his real reason was that he considered exile an amputation of self.
  • Amputation injuries are also classified as dorsal, transverse or volar, according to the plane of the amputation.
  • Under the impression of necrotizing fascitis from the left foot to the left thigh with septic shock, he underwent high above-knee amputation immediately.
  • The Center for Security Policy wants Americans to think that stoning and amputations are around the corner, but the report can't quite explain why stonings are so rare and the streets of Saudi Arabia and Iran are not filled with one-armed thieves. Sabria Jawhar: The Idiocy of the Anti-Sharia Crowd
  • The report shows that even in those scenarios, people of color still have less access to standard tests, less access to life-extending high-tech procedures and a higher likelihood of undesirable (and avoidable) treatments (such as amputations). Will the Senate forget to discuss health care AND race?
  • It was a miracle he survived, but the long, slow haul back to recovery involved the amputation of both legs and his right arm. The Sun
  • Passive modes of defence are as many and varied as are the active; one of the strangest and most inexplicable of these is that known as spontaneous amputation, technically termed autotomy. The Human Side of Animals
  • As soon as he regained consciousness after a day in the hospital, he was faced with the amputation decision.
  • In addition, 71% of these patients also experienced phantom pain postamputation.
  • Both foot amputations and insulin injections are treatments for diabetes, but only the latter is specific to the disease process.
  • The nine following cases (Nos. 37-45) were anomalies of the lower limbs: Nos. 37, 38, and 42 may have been spontaneous amputations; Nos. 39 and 40 were doubtless instances of webbed toes (syndactyly), and the deformity indicated in No. 45 was presumably talipes equinus. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The amputations were my greatest dread, lest I might displace bandages and set an artery bleeding. Memories A Record of Personal Experience and Adventure During Four Years of War
  • Forsitan in quibusdam populis localis quoque causa existit; caruncula immoderate crescente, amputationis necessitas exurgit. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • This causes an imbalance of glucose sugars in the blood, and leads to nerve damage and sometimes limb amputations. The Sun
  • The key points of early treating crush syndrome are fluid infusion, correcting hypovolemia and hyperkalemia, prompt osteofascial compartment open decompression or amputation.
  • The agonizing pain of surgical procedures, whether to deal with a major wound, a fractured bone, an amputation, or removal of a tumour, was a major obstacle to the development of surgery.
  • Lack of feeling can lead to unfelt but serious damage to the feet and ulcers, which can become chronically infected, requiring amputation.
  • Pepys relates how he met a seaman returning from fighting the Dutch with his eye-socket "stopped with oakum," and as late at least as the Battle of Trafalgar it was customary, in amputations, to treat the bleeding stump with boiling pitch as a cauterant. The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • When the day of amputation is growing close, supportive psychotherapy should be started.
  • To summarize correlation problems of medical rescue after earthquake, the keystones were amputation, crush syndrome and gas gangrene in hospital treatment.
  • But on April 30, 1883, Manet died, exhausted by his work and struggles, of locomotor ataxy, after having vainly undergone the amputation of a foot to avoid gangrene. The French Impressionists (1860-1900)
  • The proposal -- intended to save the Department of Veterans Affairs $530 million a year -- would authorize VA to bill private insurance companies for the treatment of injuries and medical conditions related to military service, such as amputations, post-traumatic stress disorder and other battle wounds. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Veterans Groups Denounce Private Insurance Proposal
  • This voluntary amputation in my comment, all right amputation is a bit strong, not the word, still demonstrates you love French language and speak it perfectly well, but mostly,and I can’t translate that in English, que tu as beaucoup de pudeur which is a beautiful thing. Mouse trap
  • If Obama says he'll stop doctors from enriching themselves through unnecessary tonsillectomies and amputations, that is an explicit call for government control of health-care delivery and the interference of government between patients and doctors. Israelated - English Israel blogs
  • Hospital in London, there is preserved the right humerus and scapula, presenting an enormous bulk, which was removed by amputation at the shoulder-joint, for a large lymphosarcoma growing just above the clavicle. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Amputation of a segment of the tail produced long - lasting changes in nociception and morphine - induced antinociception.
  • Amputation is the treatment of choice. a. Malignant tumour of chondroblasts. f. fibrosarcoma is radioresistant. b. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Patients who lack protective sensation and who have a history of foot deformity, ulceration, or amputation of any part of the foot should be referred to a podiatrist for an evaluation for special shoes or orthotics.
  • The key points of early treating crush syndrome are fluid infusion, correcting hypovolemia and hyperkalemia, prompt osteofascial compartment open decompression or amputation.
  • You know it's NHL playoff time when an amputation is listed as a minor groin muscle pull. - You know its NHL playoff time when...
  • When amputation is necessary, rehabilitation of the amputee is an important adjunct to management.
  • Still, the amputation is a critical moment in the story and Danny Boyle says he knew it would be a challenge for filmmaker and audience alike. '127 Hours' Tells True Story of Man's Determination to Survive After Hiking Accident
  • But this operation was highly risky because it was an amputation, reconstruction and reattachment in one go.
  • If all these measures fail and pain remains intractable, then below knee amputation may be needed.
  • Correction of vascular disease is important as it's the only factor in itself which will necessitate foot amputation.
  • Gross on amputation at elbow-joint, 61. on amputation, 81-87. on excision of hip, 132. on lithotomy, 262. on rhinoplastic operation, 178. on excision of lower jaw, 192. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • The surgical strategy is as for other war wounds; excise dead and contaminated tissue, determine the best functional level of amputation, and construct flaps to facilitate this.
  • A PAS call to reintroduce "hudud" Islamic law, including the amputation of hands for thieves, created controversy and has been played up by the coalition's Chinese-based party the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA). Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
  • We get an ad hoc amputation in the first few minutes and an emergency trepanning about halfway through. Times, Sunday Times
  • bazar" hence Tabzír = circumcision or amputation of such clitoris. Arabian nights. English
  • It was a miracle he survived, but the long, slow haul back to recovery involved the amputation of both legs and his right arm. The Sun
  • S., died Monday from complications brought about by diabetes, the disease that forced the amputation of Larivee's legs.
  • While the Democrat is loquaciously appealing to reason, the other guy is busy with concise pandering and the amputation of logic. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Why Obama Lost and McCain Won Saturday Night's Forum
  • Smith's program is relatively inexpensive, reaching 10,000 patients (the outreach program serves two other neighborhoods) for $120,000 a year-the cost of two foot amputations, which is a possible outcome for people with untreated diabetes. American Profile
  • While doing this the idea of disarticulation at the hip came into my mind, and in a few months an Episcopal minister from Alabama came to me with a sarcoma of the thigh, requiring amputation at the hip, and the method worked perfectly. With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon
  • AMPUTATION When worsel's hard-driven call impinged upon the Port Admiral's Lens he dropped everything to take the report himself. Gray Lensman
  • Amputation of the limb is really a last resort.
  • It's about I think six inches below the knee, and the arms, the amputation is called an elbow disarticulation, it's not above the elbow, it's not below, it's right at the elbow, and it cuts through the elbow.
  • Objective To discuss the clinical characteristics and treatment of congenital constricting band syndrome ( CCBS ) and amputations.
  • Yet despite remedial chemotherapy and amputation the syndrome continued.
  • Amputations and suchlike in the hospitals are seen very briefly as people push through the crowds of injured and dying.
  • A desperate picture of the health of North Korea's population is painted by a report describing a country of stunted children, where the hungry eat poisonous plants and pigfeed, amputations are conducted without anaesthetic and doctors are paid in cigarettes. North Korea facing health and food crisis, says Amnesty International
  • The key points of early treating crush syndrome are fluid infusion, correcting hypovolemia and hyperkalemia, prompt osteofascial compartment open decompression or amputation.
  • Most amputations in this region are the result of accidents with land mines.
  • Limb regeneration in the axolotl occurs when undifferentiated cells accumulate under the wound epidermis at the amputation site, a process known as the establishment of a blastema. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Itap stands for intraosseous transcutaneous amputation prosthesis, and it is a revolutionary means of attaching prosthetic limbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, it problee cauzes fantom pain, juss lyk hyoomins whu looze bodee parts, an it oftin causes arfritis later in lyf, frum teh amputation an frum pawsiblee innerfering wif teh kitteh walking teh way tehy spost tu. No, u furst - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The law prohibits, for example, the amputation of a healthy hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently they think the best cure for say, an amputation, is a tax cut ... posted by Shaun at If you don't know what FUBAR means...
  • And when the plant has, about eight or nine leaves, and is ready to put forth a stalk, they nip off the top, which they call topping the tobacco: this amputation makes the {189} leaves grow longer and thicker. History of Louisisana Or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina: Containing
  • They're anti-personnel weapons; they're intended to give amputation wounds.
  • Given the choice between death, amputation or a damn good beating, I would probably also elect to have the skin flayed off my back by a burly, sadistic mullah. Sky News, Choudhary and Sharia Law
  • This is a serious look at America's extreme body modifiers - think tongue splitting, elective amputation and the like.
  • Now, investigators report the effects of fenofibrate on FIELD 's tertiary endpoint of nontraumatic lower - limb amputations.
  • High Quality and high reliability suitable for various amputation level.
  • These side effects may be reversible, such as weight gains or losses, loss of hair, and mouth ulcers, or may be permanent such as amputation or skeletal abnormalities.
  • Untreated, the disease leads to serious microvascular consequences that include blindness, renal failure, coronary artery disease, and limb amputations.
  • A libeller may be punished by fine, imprisonment, or the amputation of the ears.
  • The people - the people I've known who have had to deal with this, they've had to struggle against the way in which the amputation took place, the way in which it heals.
  • Unfortunately, our world is infested by minds to whom lissome limbs only evoke dreams of amputation.
  • That phantom limb pain often echoes the injury that led to the amputation.
  • By better managing chronic diseases, we avoid demand for costly procedures, such as amputations or surgeries that arise from untreated or mismanaged conditions. Kenneth Thorpe: Disease Drives Demand
  • Setting sail into the wider world of fiction, he evokes a place in which missed opportunities come around again on life's conveyor belt - even to septuagenarians undergoing amputation of gangrenous limbs.
  • Among the possible after-effects of meningitis are the amputation of fingers or toes and the danger of losing one's hearing.
  • Skey on ligature of subclavian, 38. on amputation, 74, 91. on excision of wrist, 127. on rhinoplastic operation, 178. on lithotomy, 262. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • The law prohibits, for example, the amputation of a healthy hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • And just a few weeks ago, he gamely readjusted his gait to accommodate a reduced-size rear foot after a toe amputation to remove a large tumor. Pet Talk: Memories are tribute to my beloved, departed dog Rufus
  • Unfortunately, our world is infested by minds to whom lissome limbs only evoke dreams of amputation.
  • The gangrene often compelled amputation, and it has been noted in this connection that the two movable halves of the predella [base] of the altarpiece, if slid apart, make it appear as if the legs of Christ have been amputated.
  • Some describe the knowledge of having to undergo an amputation as the most shattering moment in their lives while others disclose having privately contemplated suicide.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Veterans Groups Denounce Private Insurance Proposal'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'The proposal -- intended to save the Department of Veterans Affairs $530 million a year -- would authorize VA to bill private insurance companies for the treatment of injuries and medical conditions related to military service, such as amputations, post-traumatic stress disorder and other battle wounds. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Veterans Groups Denounce Private Insurance Proposal
  • Thus, a mid-tibia amputation, when grafted to the mid-femur of a host, will heal without intercalation.
  • Amputation is thirteen times more frequent in diabetics as in the same age non-diabetics.
  • In 1988, a recurrent nodule was detected at the above-the-knee amputation stump site.
  • Medical professionals will tell you that both types of diabetes are serious because they can cause the same debilitating and life-threatening diabetic complications, including heart attack, stroke, nerve damage, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, gastro-paresis, and sexual dysfunction. Riva Greenberg: The Type 1 Versus Type 2 Diabetes War
  • He pretends that brave American soldiers dying in Iraq or suffering horrific and devasting injuries such as amputations of limbs guarantees that the terrorists will stay away. Died in Vain.
  • Most amputations in this region are the result of accidents with land mines.
  • Public amputations of hands and feet are now common, and stonings and beheadings have been reported.
  • Amputation of the hip with recovery is fast becoming an ordinary operation; at Westminster Hospital in London, there is preserved the right humerus and scapula, presenting an enormous bulk, which was removed by amputation at the shoulder-joint, for a large lymphosarcoma growing just above the clavicle. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Later an infection necessitated the amputation of his good leg.
  • Among the possible after-effects of meningitis are the amputation of fingers or toes and the danger of losing one's hearing.
  • /20/44 In the amputation wound, nothing. of particular note only, the femoral vessel stump, recently tied up following the hemorrhage, there was ligated from the scarpal foss the artery and the femoral vein Isolated. THE LAST FLIGHT
  • This bizarre shift of tissue systems, known as heterotopic ossification in most cases, can be brought on with spinal cord injury, amputation and even hip surgery. Later On
  • The "bizarre bits" on display here include a bunch of medical specimens and instruments, such as the smallpox scab, various saws used for amputations and neurosurgery, and a trepan, a grotesque device used to perforate the skull, which was believed to aid in treating mental illness, epilepsy and migraines. Virginia Historical Society's odd gems offer uncommon insights into the past
  • The canonical punishment for theft was amputation of a hand, for example, and the utterer of blasphemy could have his tongue cut out.
  • In very small doses it could have been used to relieve toothache, but the seeds would also have been used to render unconscious patients awaiting amputations.
  • ‘It varies from traumatic amputation landmine injuries, gunshot wounds, motor vehicle accidents or elective cases through to minor ops,’ he said.
  • Objective To study the effect electrode placement of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(TENS) on phantom limb pain in the postoperative phase of amputation.
  • This paper describes the structure and operation principle of the elbow joint of gear-link type applied to cripples with amputation near the elbow.
  • While the Democrat is loquaciously appealing to reason, the other guy is busy with concise pandering and the amputation of logic. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Why Obama Lost and McCain Won Saturday Night's Forum
  • It was a miracle he survived, but the long, slow haul back to recovery involved the amputation of both legs and his right arm. The Sun
  • Of course the money could be put to great use but the human cost in terms of brain-damaged patients and needless amputations is immeasurable. The Sun
  • The key points of early treating crush syndrome are fluid infusion, correcting hypovolemia and hyperkalemia, prompt osteofascial compartment open decompression or amputation.
  • The resemblance of some cases of secondary hæmorrhage of this class to those occasionally observed after amputation, and due to accidental non-perforative injury of the artery at the time of operation above the point of ligature, was very striking. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • A German article 10 addressed stump breakdown following traumatic amputation in children.
  • Extrication required amputation — Mr. Ralston 's left-handed severing of his right forearm, which was pinned between a chalkstone boulder and the canyon wall. Dark
  • Also, from the leaves of mandragora, a concoction is produced which can be given to those who have need for amputation.
  • This is a serious look at America's extreme body modifiers - think tongue splitting, elective amputation and the like.
  • In cases such as yours," they began, "let's speak frankly, in cases of ... amputation, it is not uncommon to encounter the selfsame itches, burns, ticklishness shooting as before from the direction of the ... amputee. Bradley Burston: A Place at the Passover Table - for Pharoah
  • Surgeons in the field still do triage, such as amputations, but their main mission is prepping patients for evacuation. Healing the Wounded
  • The law prohibits, for example, the amputation of a healthy hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • Penis, amputation of, if the resulting stump is insufficient to permit normal function of micturition. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10001
  • In patients who develop critical limb ischaemia (the minority) some form of procedure to restore blood flow to the leg is essential to avoid amputation.
  • Why not also revert to flogging, birching, amputation and so on.
  • Amputation of the limb is really a last resort.
  • It will mean an amputation of your little finger as well as the metacarpal; what we call a ray amputation.
  • The blastemal cells are derived locally from the mesenchymal tissues of the stump, close to the site of amputation.
  • Into the holes he inserts Itaps (intraosseous transcutaneous amputation prosthetics). TV review: The Bionic Vet and Reunited
  • It was a miracle he survived, but the long, slow haul back to recovery involved the amputation of both legs and his right arm. The Sun
  • Objective To study the effect electrode placement of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(TENS) on phantom limb pain in the postoperative phase of amputation.
  • North Korea's population is painted by a report describing a country of stunted children, where the hungry eat poisonous plants and pigfeed, amputations are conducted without anaesthetic and doctors are paid in cigarettes. famine that killed an estimated 2 million people, North Korea again faces widespread food shortages and is unable to provide even basic healthcare for its people, according to the report, published tomorrow by The Guardian World News

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