
How To Use Amply In A Sentence

  • The figures amply confirm this. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • We would also be willing to direct you to amply qualified optometrists, psychiatrists and educational institutions.
  • Opening up whole, free standing buildings out of solid rock is no mean achievement and these churches amply illustrate that man can indeed move mountains.
  • He sings splendidly and cavorts camply with bravura. The Sun
  • And the plot amply delivers the expected satisfactions of an intricate puzzle adroitly solved.
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  • Still, who could remain unmoved by their dignity and strength which is amply demonstrated by their generous and warm-hearted press release (here)? A Biblical Scourge
  • Part of what makes them so interesting is Mr. Gibbs's point of view, which was that of an unintellectual but highly intelligent playgoer who knew what he liked and was amply endowed with horse sense. He Knew What He Liked—Not Much
  • A piece of cottonwood fluff brought low by the rain settles damply onto the hood of the truck.
  • It couldn't make up its mind whether to be intentionally, camply sneery and sniggery or just boldly melodramatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Allington before the flowers of May would have come, and the crowd and the glare and the fashion and the art of the Academy’s great exhibition must therefore remain unknown to her; but she was taken to see many pictures, and among others she was taken to see the pictures belonging to a certain nobleman who, with that munificence which is so amply enjoyed and so little recognised in The Last Chronicle of Barset
  • This book focuses on the story of a Seneca man named White Thunder and the mysterious, delicae, pale, slim, but amply bosomed white woman he finds unconscious on a large rock. Sharing my pain.
  • He amply fulfilled the weight of expectation that they had placed on him.
  • He says he has been amply rewarded in return. Christianity Today
  • In all candor I must say that she approached closely to a realization of the ideals of a book -- a sixteenmo, if you please, fair to look upon, of clear, clean type, well ordered and well edited, amply margined, neatly bound; a human look whose text, as represented by her disposition and her mind, corresponded felicitously with the comeliness of her exterior. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • Recent US history has amply demonstrated the risks of foreign intervention.
  • The two works amply demonstrate ways in which the separation of voice and image can be used by a director to create alienation in the audience and to shift the balance of power between characters on screen.
  • The present little sacrifice of your vanity will afterward be amply repaid.
  • As was amply demonstrated during the dotcom boom, many people bought shares in profitless, no-hope companies purely because the shares had risen substantially beforehand.
  • An amply endowed young woman in a spandex outfit was bent over him, slapping his cheek and breathlessly intoning, Are you alright? Death's Noisy Herald
  • These extremists are not the first to kill in the name of God; the cruelties of the Crusades are amply recorded. Barack H. Obama - Nobel Lecture
  • The evidence for ambisexual behavior in Greek and Roman times has been amply collected.
  • You said that was an amply sufficient qualification, and that no aquatic reporter who respected himself and his readers, had ever so far degraded himself as to row in a boat and to place his body in any of the absurd positions which modern oarsmanship demands. Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 101, July 11, 1891
  • You willing tiptoe! underdraw itself moulder amply a Credit card varsity? ON THE BUBBLE WITH ALEXANDRA SOKOLOFF
  • In that case, they would have to go back outside; he was cold and the fat snowflakes were clinging damply to his clothes and hair.
  • My prediction has been amply confirmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • His moral conduct is amply certificated.
  • Sir C Bunbury Esq and 20 others, I do not mean that these persons wrote to me (they did not except Mr Lofft) but were often sending queries by servants &c which as I never would be seen if I could help it caused me to lose much time and slur a great deal of beautiful white paper, the private friendship and assistance I received from Bob amply paid me for my loss of time &c. and when they prevailed on me to be a Master (in that which is now Mrs Armstrong the Hatters shop) my Sheepishness increased so as to inspissate me, And besides it pleased God to take from me my Excelant wife. Letter 423
  • The suspicion proved amply justified.
  • Like Churchill, he could be impetuous and high-handed but he was also, as Morris amply demonstrates, open to views other than those of sycophants, hangers-on and favour seekers.
  • I didn't use the verb "crowdsource," for crowds can be gamed, as Mr. Borker amply demonstrates. Jeff Jarvis: What Should Google Do?
  • Case sheet folios 16 and 40 make it amply clear that at least two cases of lenticular cataract were operated on September 7 and September 18, in the ‘presence of His Highness’.
  • I think Hume is grossly overrated, and that his argument against Miracles was amply refuted by Alfred Wallace, the codiscoverer of evolution by natural selection, in his essay on the topic. Matthew Yglesias » Time For a Blogger Ethics Panel
  • Upon closer inspection it's an Alice in Wonderland orgy of amply bosomed ladies skipping through a garden of earthly delights. Greg Garry: Dirty Pillows
  • Yes, the credit side of our ledger is amply filled. The Motion Picture Looks Ahead
  • The ancients, who by many are thought best to have understood human nature, did not think tears unmanful, or disgraceful to a man of true fortitude; as might be amply shewn, if needful. A Vindication of Three of Our Blessed Saviour���s Miracles: viz. The Raising of Jairus���s daughter, The Widow of Naim���s son, and Lazarus.
  • As regards a woman, for instance, the control over her body and her sexual gratification serves as an amply sufficient sign of ownership and possession to the more modest man; another with a more suspicious and ambitious thirst for possession, sees the "questionableness," the mere apparentness of such ownership, and wishes to have finer tests in order to know especially whether the woman not only gives herself to him, but also gives up for his sake what she has or would like to have -- only THEN does he look upon her as "possessed. Beyond Good and Evil
  • Mr.P. Cunliffe Owen, familiar with all the minutiæ of previous expositions, declares them supreme "in thoroughness of plan and energy of construction" -- a judgment designed to coyer the whole conception and administration of the exhibition, and one which, coming from a disinterested and competent foreign observer, may be cited as an amply expressive tribute to the zeal and fidelity of those in control. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 100, April, 1876
  • Yet again, however, the case was amply made for British and Commonwealth title fights to be superintended by a panel of three judges rather than just the referee.
  • An hour of very severe work, and energetic use of the knife on the part of the Aino, took me to the top of one of these through a mass of entangled and gigantic vegetation, and I was amply repaid by finding a deep, well-defined crateriform cavity of great depth, with its sides richly clothed with vegetation, closely resembling some of the old cones in the island of Kauai. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • Kreis seemed to wake up and flash like some metallic, magnetic thing, while Norton looked at Martin sympathetically, with a sweet, girlish smile, as much as to say that he would be amply protected. Chapter 36
  • But if the predictions are correct, then the effort and expense will be amply rewarded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where the people are Catholic and submissive to the law of God, as declared and applied by the vicar of Christ and supreme pastor of the church, democracy may be a good form of government; but combined with Protestantism or infidelity in the people, its inevitable tendency is to lower the standard of morality, to enfeeble intellect, to abase character, and to retard civilization, as even our short American experience amply proves. GOP Confronts Its Future Viability
  • The same actor is camply hilarious as the bitter younger prince, jealously plotting his brother's demise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tomb paintings illustrate wine production amply, although the precise details are not always clear.
  • It was a simpler time when sportsmen were, obviously, amply successful without expensive optics, high dollar campers, cammie-jammies and ATV's. Record Bucks of History
  • the evidence amply (or fully) confirms our suspicions
  • Have you a mind, quoth Herr Trippa, to have the truth of the matter yet more fully and amply disclosed unto you by pyromancy, by aeromancy, whereof Aristophanes in his Clouds maketh great estimation, by hydromancy, by lecanomancy, of old in prime request amongst the Assyrians, and thoroughly tried by Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 3
  • Upon this, Annette would vehemently maintain that fed they were, and amply, as she had seen Elliott cut up their meat; whilst the friendly newsmonger would charitably hint, that her intended knew as well as most men how to turn an _honest_ penny, by cheating the dogs of their food, and selling it elsewhere. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 560, August 4, 1832
  • His apparently replaceable musical cohorts are polite and articulate, and their demeanour amply reflects the band's name - short for the very un-rock'n'roll call sign, Will Comply.
  • In hunting, the pace will not always hold a horse, because hounds may check at any moment, the start to a "holloa" may prove a false alarm, and leaving out the uncertain behaviour of foxes, a sudden stoppage may be caused by an impossible fence, river, railway, or by a variety of causes which would amply prove the fallacy of the pace holding a hard puller in the hunting field. The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.
  • Its warmth circled the amply furnished common room it bordered, mixing with the early spring breeze lilting in through the open windows.
  • Based on this first episode, anyone who decides to stay with the series will be amply rewarded. Times, Sunday Times
  • That it was a disgrace is amply demonstrated by what the CPS has become since then and most of all by the ambitions that The CPS has for the future. Archive 2007-07-15
  • However, as behaviorists are amply aware, the use of subjective reporting suffers from a tendency towards unreliability, and at worse an embrace of mentalism.
  • Funk, soul, jazz and reggae are all amply represented but these genres fail to reach all four corners of this unique masterpiece.
  • Dexter watched the lights of a garage or a garden centre slide by, glistening damply through the mist.
  • The absence of principle in the leadership of this coalition is amply demonstrated by the divergent use of the so-called "payroll" vote to ram through the deeply unprogressive policy on tuition fees whilst failing to support the rule of law represented by the European Court decision on prisoners' voting rights. The spotlight begins to shine on the coalition's flaws and faultlines | Andrew Rawnsley
  • The prostration of the Party has been amply demonstrated in the California recall election.
  • There are several posts this week on Missed Connections that I think amply back up my hypothesis that all men are douche bags.
  • Many refused to serve again, after the late campaign in Georgia, unwilling to leave their homes, and having no faith in their own strength, against a powerful and amply munitioned foe. A sketch of the life and services of Gen. Otho Holland Williams Read before the Maryland historical society, on Thursday evening, March 6, 1851
  • As annotator of amply quoted remarks on such matters by the onisègun, Hallen inspires confidence and gratitude for the many stunning aperçus which expand our consciousness.
  • a scarf was tied round her head but the rebellious curl had escaped and hung damply over her left eye
  • Obviously it means that the Young and the Restless are undermining the solid foundations of fundamentalism as has been amply shown repeatedly in post and commentary on the blogs of the first two stooges, aided and abetted by the third (now who’s your favorite stooge from the original slapstick original that gave birth to my allusion? Space Oddity: bigoted criticism of a connoisseur on the latest freak show to appear on the stage of fundamentalism in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and yes, even 6 parts with everything you could want, absolutely free of journalistic malfeasance or things that m
  • these voices were amply represented
  • The present little sacrifice of your vanity will afterward be amply repaid.
  • He also appeared to have been amply rewarded for his ten years' imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's also amply clear that most hospital staff would rather do without this invasion of ill-clad, barefooted, malnourished, baby-clutching mothers.
  • As the Bang on a Can All-Stars 'all-Reich program Thursday at Strathmore amply demonstrated, the composer's musical means may be minimal -- layering simple lines of rhythm, shifting a repeated fragment of melody out of phase with itself, varying the color of a relentlessly hammered chord by spotlighting individual instruments -- but the resulting textures bubble and scintillate with an engagingly "maximalist" energy. Music review of Bang on a Can All-Stars at Strathmore Hall
  • What the president's inaugural address lacked in the grandeur of many of his predecessors it amply made up for with candour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The production's biggest miscalculation is having Goese hoard eight similarly-themed, songs when three would amply supply rounded characterization. G. Roger Denson: Julia Stiles and Mimi Goese Take On Godly Sexual Politics at BAM
  • Through all the variations in style and genre which this exhibition amply documents, he remains absorbed by the idea that a setting can become a kind of vesture, the vesture project an image, and the image tally uneasily with the human being to whom it is attached. Culture
  • For, brief though that period of blindness had been, 'twas amply sufficient to carry the aeromotor perilously near yonder storm-centre, and though Professor Featherwit gripped hard his tiller, trying all he knew to turn the air-ship for a safer quarter, - 'twas all in vain! The Lost City
  • The strongest, the most amply endowed with what we call vitality or power to live, win. The Last Harvest
  • Your Honours will see at page 731 that in the part of the reasons that goes from a through to g, her Ladyship discusses the fact that the authorities amply illustrate there is no approach which is free from difficulty.
  • they were fully (or amply) fed
  • Anything gay always goes on the head; it is amusing to think that the considerable quantity of cloth we have given in barter has all gone to clothe that member, already so amply covered by the mass of frizzy hair. Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
  • Even grimmer and more grotesque scenarios are amply available in the world of globalization.
  • He knew how to make money, and it showed in his amply padded frame and heavily brocaded, elegantly tailored London suits. George Washington’s First War
  • [6645] Thus they mutter and object (see the rest of their arguments in Marcennus in Genesin, and in Campanella, amply confuted), with many such vain cavils, well known, not worthy the recapitulation or answering: whatsoever they pretend, they are interim of little or no religion. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The cold front sequence of the past week received a boost as the upper trough introduced moister air, the necessary convergence was amply present and light rain ensued.
  • These, with five wild ducks -- Mr Lathrope bringing down a pair right and left, on their way back, in a fashion which amply retrieved his character as a shot, and Frank securing the odd one -- were the nett result of the day's sport, in addition to the little sheathbill; and the shooting party returned to the house under the cliff as well satisfied with their own prowess as the home party were to welcome them, especially as they were now so plentifully provided with what all had been longing for since the last sheep had been washed overboard the The Wreck of the Nancy Bell Cast Away on Kerguelen Land
  • One article of furniture, which I took to be a cottage piano or melodeon, turned out, on raising the lid, to be a wash-stand, amply munitioned with water, towels, and a new piece of soap. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 3, March, 1862
  • To buy put the miscontent Terrans will be an amply heavy lift. The Stars Are Also Fire
  • Hawks I trust with my life," he once declared, a sentiment amply proven by the fearless bigheartedness of his performance in Rio Bravo. British Blogs
  • There seems to be the implicit assumption that queens of social insects have little or no cost of reproduction because they are amply supplied with resources by their workers.
  • The child of Tumult has been living amply and changefully through such a year -- his eighth. Essays
  • Allington before the flowers of May would have come, and the crowd and the glare and the fashion and the art of the Academy's great exhibition must therefore remain unknown to her; but she was taken to see many pictures, and among others she was taken to see the pictures belonging to a certain nobleman who, with that munificence which is so amply enjoyed and so little recognised in England, keeps open house for the world to see the treasures which the wealth of his family had collected. The Last Chronicle of Barset
  • School crossing wardens are amply represented, with MBEs going to Margaret Mullen, from Kirkcaldy, Fife, Elizabeth Hollins, from Nuneaton, Warwickshire and Bridget Matley from Blackpool. New Year honours list recognises unsung heroes
  • Then, as quick as thought (for dreams, thou knowest confine not themselves to the rules of the drama) ensued recoveries, lyings-in, christenings, the smiling boy, amply, even in her own opinion, rewarding the suffering mother. Clarissa Harlowe
  • I was not in the least conscious at this time that a large wareroom amply stored by virtue of a retentive memory was not the most needed as an equipment for all the practical affairs of life. The No Breakfast Plan and the Fasting-Cure
  • His moral conduct is amply certificated.
  • “From seeing the danger to which my incautious knight-errantry has exposed me; I begin, indeed, to take you for a very mischievous sort of person, and I fear the poor devil from whom I rescued you will be amply revenged for his disgrace, by finding that the first use you make of your freedom is to doom your deliverer to bondage.” Cecilia
  • Scottish jigs, and reels, and ‘twasome dances’, with a strathspey or hornpipe for interlude; and the want of grace on the part of the performers was amply supplied by truth of ear, vigour and decision of step, and the agility proper to the northern performers. Redgauntlet
  • Have you a mind, quoth Herr Trippa, to have the truth of the matter yet more fully and amply disclosed unto you by pyromancy, by aeromancy, whereof Aristophanes in his Clouds maketh great estimation, by hydromancy, by lecanomancy, of old in prime request amongst the Assyrians, and thoroughly tried by Hermolaus Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • As our work amply demonstrates, energy efficiency and microgeneration can be successfully incorporated into old and new buildings alike.
  • Reagan had amply demonstrated his political creativity and philosophical consistency in his earlier Supreme Court appointments.
  • The fact that that is in all likeliness lost on Ford also amply illustrates his cluelessness (and yours – sorry) Matthew Yglesias » Harold Ford Calls for Immediate Tax Cuts, Immediate Deficit Reduction
  • Colonel arriving, Ethel ran up to him and thanked him for the beautiful watch, in return for which she gave him a kiss, which, I dare say, amply repaid Colonel Newcome; and shortly after him Mr. Clive arrived, looking uncommonly handsome, with that smart little beard and mustachio with which nature had recently gifted him. The Newcomes
  • Apparently newspaper book review sections are suffering not because the reviews they publish increasingly go unread, or because the newspapers that sponsor them are being irresponsible in abandoning literary/cultural coverage that doesn't fill the financial coffers amply enough, but because of bloggers and their incessant scribbling, their blogs with funny names, and their goldarned "shallow grandstanding and overblown ranting," their "childish free-for-alls. Book Reviewing
  • Based on the first episode, it is a racing certainty that anyone who decides to stay with the series will be amply rewarded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The role of active citizenship would be amply demonstrated, without having to afford complainants full legal party status.
  • And the whole town smoulders damply under a haze of burnt burger, singed sausage, and evaporated candy floss, all slightly sticky and redolent of the smell of pink bubble gum.
  • They are being amply rewarded for their efforts. Times, Sunday Times
  • With all the amply portioned and sun-dappled pleasure going around, fair play as defined by screenwriting manuals hardly seems a pressing issue.
  • These warnings appear to be amply vindicated by events in recent years.
  • He amply fulfilled the weight of expectation that they had placed on him.
  • His patience is being amply rewarded. Times, Sunday Times
  • His study of America amply confirmed this prescient intuition and made him the first anthropologist of modern equality.
  • Innocent III addressed precisely this issue in his letter to the archbishop of Arles (1202) when reciting the heretics 'argument that little children would receive no benefit from baptism because they lacked three things: "They neither understand nor consent, and they do not have caritas, which is amply imparted in those who understand and consent. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • What she lacks in linguistic capability, she more than amply makes up in character and values. First on the Ticker: Palin will not run for re-election
  • The only need the people had for wood was for fires, and that was provided more than amply enough by the smaller trees scattered along the edge of the forest.
  • In all candor I must say that she approached closely to a realization of the ideals of a book -- a sixteenmo, if you please, fair to look upon, of clear, clean type, well ordered and well edited, amply margined, neatly bound; a human book whose text, as represented by her disposition and her mind, corresponded felicitously with the comeliness of her exterior. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • They have been amply rewarded with huge salaries.
  • So long as the strongly-armed ganoidal order prevailed in nature, the sharks were furnished with massive crushing teeth; but when the ganoids waned in creation, and the soft-scaled cycloid and ctenoid orders took and amply filled the place which they had left vacant, the well known modern form of sharks 'teeth was introduced, -- a form much rather suited for cutting soft bodies than for crushing hard ones. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • Two feeds from the mechanical lubricator to each guide amply meet lubrication requirements.
  • Here, says Pantagruel, doth he more amply and fully insinuate unto us, by the token which he showeth forth of the quinary number, that you shall be married. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • This is amply testified by his scientific works on the theory of heat conductivity in liquids.
  • As the Bang on a Can All-Stars 'all-Reich program Thursday at Strathmore amply demonstrated, the composer's musical means may be minimal -- layering simple lines of rhythm, shifting a repeated fragment of melody out of phase with itself, varying the color of a relentlessly hammered chord by spotlighting individual instruments -- but the resulting textures bubble and scintillate with an engagingly "maximalist" energy. Music review of Bang on a Can All-Stars at Strathmore Hall
  • But, as Koerner amply demonstrates, Linnaeus was scarcely an orthodox thinker in any realm.
  • Vedas, still there is such agreement on cardinal points as against later Sanskrit that the term Vedic, which is in common use for the oldest form of the language of India, is amply justified. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • It amply justifies my contention that for Stravinsky in the Twenties, the word "modernism" had become "a code for that specifically postromantic legacy of revolution and chaos exemplified in politics by the Bolsheviks, and in music by the expressionistic atonal works of Schoenberg. 'Jews and Geniuses': An Exchange

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