
How To Use Amphora In A Sentence

  • In common with other camphoraceous and strongly aromatic herbs, by reason of its volatile oil and its terebinthine properties, the Scandix, or Sweet Chervil, was entitled to make one of the choice spices used for composing the holy oil with which the sacred vessels of the Tabernacle were anointed by Moses. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • I had a bit of camphorated bear grease in my saddlebag, but I was sure he wouldn't let me anoint him in public. The Fiery Cross
  • The sea around this area is littered with amphorae, which ancient mariners cast overboard as offerings to the gods.
  • If the syntactical principles that inform its decoration are linked to those seen on cups and amphoras, does that imply that it functioned in similar ways and also was used in similar contexts?
  • The ineffable name, the tetragrammaton, the shem hamphorash, -- for it is known by all these appellations, -- consists of four letters, _yod, heh, vau_, and _heh_, forming the word הוהי. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
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  • This aspect of diving was born out by numerous articles describing how in the Mediterranean Greek and Carthaginian amphorae together with other artefacts were often discovered and brought to the surface.
  • Roman luxury goods such as fine ceramic tableware, metalwork, and the amphorae containing wine, olive oil, and other foodstuffs from the Mediterranean, continued to be brought into Britain.
  • Alongside recognizable amphorae, kraters and jars, we find some idiosyncratic and adventurous objects. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Ad extinguendum coitum, ungantur membra genitalia, et renes et pecten aqua in qua opium Thebaicum sit dissolutum; libidini maxime contraria camphora est, et coriandrum siccum frangit coitum, et erectionem virgae impedit; idem efficit synapium ebibitum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Two of the most beautiful of these are the white convolvulus, San Graal of the hedges, and the dwale – that lurid amphora where the death's-head moth, with its weird form and wings of enchanted purples, drinks under the white light of the moon and, if it is touched, cries out like a witch in a weak, strident voice. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • The vegetation, isolated for millennia on infertile soils, is characterized by endemism and carnivory, eg: Heliamphora spp., Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • I remembered this one more or less, with the grapes and the "amphora". More about egg symbols in Etruria and the rest of the classical world
  • Some amphorae are covered in an engobe, a slip of levigated white clay. Interactive Dig Black Sea: Catalog of Artifacts
  • All of the preserved skeletal material was recovered from the burial amphora itself and not from the associated pyre deposits.
  • The sequences for lamps, fine wares, amphoras, cooking pots, and plain wares can be clearly established at Corinth.
  • Two Heliamphoras pulchella and minor ‘Chiamanta’, two pots of Utricularia nelumbifolia, a bromeliad that has a utric plantlet in it, and a sundew: Mennonites, those Goth kids, and al Qaeda
  • amphora," a measuring device used by local tradesmen. NYT > Home Page
  • The western amphoras suggest that Corinth's ties with Italy resurge in the middle of the century, and it is tempting to suggest that the Vandal conquest of Carthage diverted routes northward.
  • Internal wall thickenings in Amphoratheca are better developed and regularly spaced, delineating flask-shaped pseudochambers that resemble ancient Greek amphorae.
  • Nor were the paintings on the amphora of a kind any museum would dare put on display.
  • Beside the swords lay a bundle of about a dozen 2ft long socketed iron spearheads, and overlying the whole group of objects were large chunks of a broken amphora.
  • In Roman times the amphora was used as a unit of liquid measure containing 2 urnae, 8 congii, or 48 sextarii (the latter, equivalent to a pint).
  • Apply camphorated oil or spirits on the chest and back and a eucalyptus ointment such as Vicks to give further relief. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • The presence of sigillata pottery and amphorae was no longer a sign of economic vitality and trade, but merely of the total dependence of castra and cities on imperial provisions, divorced from the hinterland.
  • The shapes of the amphorae are among the details that have helped experts to put an age on the wreck. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gecko shows off a collection of amphora necks and, with the help of some local red wine, tells us tales of treasures from sunken Greek boats and Spanish galleons and about the wrecks of aircraft from World War Two.
  • The unburned pots include a neck-handled amphora, a cup, three small jugs, and a pyxis; a bronze pin lay around the shoulder of the urn on the east and south and a gold ring was found on bedrock in the southern half of the urn-hole.
  • ~ -- Nobel's powder, known as ballistite, originally consisted of a camphorated blasting gelatine, and was made of 10 parts of camphor in Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • In their wealth of amphorae, the vessels carried goods from North Africa, Italy and Spain. These included wine, olive oil, fruit and garum, a pungent fish sauce used in Roman cooking. Ancient Shipwrecks Found Off Central Italy's Coast
  • Here you can see masterpieces of Greek toreutics - a chased gilded silver amphora from Chertomlyk, the shoulders of which are decorated with a relief frieze of Scythians taming wild horses.
  • For those who find ‘sweet’ smells too sickly or pungent, the sharp herby, slightly camphoraceous aroma of rosemary is an ideal substitute.
  • The krater was basically a punchbowl, if you were serving watered wine, but sometimes it was used like a champagne bucket fill it with ice, put your amphora or whatever in it, and the wine stayed cool. SPARTACUS: episode 10
  • Our chests were rubbed with camphorated oil, and we were forced to swallow Scott's Emulsion.
  • M.] 75 LX modii tritici in solidum ipsius tempore fuerunt, et vinum xxx amphoras in solidum, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Then she remembered seeing her last colored amphora, the last trace of her artwork, in pieces on the floor in the entryway. Klondike
  • If the mediaeval Mrs. Burton liked to illuminate the day with lamps or camphorated tapers, that, he said, was her business; adding that the light of the sun was good enough for him. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • It's home to one of the most influential innovative winemakers around, Francesco Gravner, who has resurrected old, militantly natural techniques, such as amphora maturation. Barry Yourgrau: With the World's Best Young Chefs -- "Cooking It Raw" in Pasolini Country
  • They likewise indulge in chamomile tea and such – like compounds, and rub themselves on the slightest provocation with camphorated spirits and other lotions applicable to mumps, sore – throat, rheumatism, or lumbago. Sketches by Boz
  • Rub spot lightly with a soft lintless cloth moistened with camphorated oil.
  • It has thrown up the largest collection of high-quality stamped tableware, glass beads, semi-precious stones, amphora shreds, a canoe and what seems to be a pier. Kerala: Gateway Of India
  • The relative sequences for fine wares, lamps, amphoras, cooking pots, and plain wares can be clearly established, and general trends have become apparent.
  • Yet logic threads manic needles lost in hayrick sanity; there is bread and fishes in your largesse, much wine in amphorae blessed with soporific gifts – we are pleased you came pissy-eyed to poetry gladly. Pissy-Eyed
  • If you want to stop flies dirtying your bulbs, smear them with camphorated oil. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Nor were the paintings on the amphora of a kind any museum would dare put on display.
  • On the terrace was an unglazed clay amphora, its top bosoming outward from the base. The Summer of My Greek Tavérna
  • The bright sunlight poured down on the myriad of rocailles, garlands, leaves, amphorae, birds and cupids.
  • And at a site called the Canyons we came across what appeared to be the lip and handle of an amphora.
  • The large vessels travelled long distances in the Mediterranean, conveying large cargoes of wine and oil in amphorae and other bulk products, such as metal ingots or fine pottery.
  • A number of vases were recovered in the room: two high-necked cups, a large skyphos, three amphoras, two hydrias, a cooking pot, and two pithoi.
  • Some amphoras seem to be multiples of the choe, equivalent to the Roman congius.
  • The @ symbol was also used as an abbreviation for "amphora", the unit of measurement used to determine the amount held by the large terra cotta jars that were used to ship grain, spices and wine. discovered this use of the @ symbol in a letter written in 1536 by a Florentine trader named Francesco Lapi.
  • He would crush a clove of garlic into a paste in a bowl with salt, whisk in a generous ladleful of soft stewed chickpeas from the tall brass amphora simmering on top of his two-burner gas ring, and dump the mixture into a metal takeout container almost in the same motion. Day of Honey
  • John Brown's donkey's got an india-rubber tail, An 'he rubbed it with camphorated oil! followed by: THE NUMBERS
  • Local production of table wares was always more, rather than less, common, and the importation of wine and oil - carried in transport amphoras - was generally unnecessary given Messenia's agricultural productivity.
  • Some amphorae are covered in an engobe, a slip of levigated white clay. Interactive Dig Black Sea: Catalog of Artifacts
  • C. camphora was planted in urban areas and suburb respectively to compare the growth status of C. camphora and observe its cold tolerance.
  • Archaeologists have found the crushed remains of an amphora, a large ceramic jar, containing hundreds of fish bones.
  • camphorated oil
  • If the entire surface is affected, rub with a damp cloth dipped in turpentine or camphorated oil.
  • Created in 1963, the cup was either originally supposed to be called the "amphora" cup or be a play on that word. Leslie Buck, Anthora Coffee Cup Designer, Dead At 87
  • Here, its candied herbaciousness serves to highlight, on the one hand, the sweet balsamic quality brought by sandalwood and patchouli and, on the other, the bright aromatic verdancy of basil and the almost camphoraceous chilliness of sage. Archive 2009-04-01
  • During the process, the grapes are left in the amphorae with their skins on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Topically, the antiquities dealer presents a Greek black-figure amphora depicting scenes from the Olympic Games, of around 530-520 BC.
  • Egyptian scarabaei were perched on an Alpine mountain; there a clay amphora, of the shape of the Greeks or Romans, was adorned with gaudy plates cut out of fashion magazines. The Youth's Companion Volume LII, Number 11, Thursday, March 13, 1879
  • We report an 82-year-old woman who intentionally ingested about 300 ml of camphorated oil and developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and mortality.
  • Paregoric, added to some cough drops, originally referred to a camphorated opium compound, now reduced to a harmless flavouring.
  • Chemical analysis of residues in amphorae (the great storage jars of the Roman period) has proved that many did contain wine and olive oil, as had been assumed, but some contained wheat flour.
  • On this voyage its cargo was large wine containers called amphorae.
  • In between, rub camphorated oil, eucalyptus oil, or balm on the affected side of the chest or back. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • It carried luxury and everyday goods, including large amphorae and small vessels, such as perfume bottles. Times, Sunday Times
  • camphoraceous odor
  • The cup was discovered in 1917 in Turkey, within an amphora at the foot of an early Bronze Age tumulus.
  • Her right hand shields her pubic area, while her left arm is raised at the elbow and her left hand holds a piece of drapery that falls onto an amphora.
  • No over-the top aquatics or camphorated woods or overdoses of “musk” here. Manly, Yes, But I like It Too: Sashka For Him
  • A small but interesting array of imported fine wares and amphoras dating from the mid-second through the first century B.C. is attested from Messenia.
  • A single character combining a question mark and an exclamation - called an interrobang - didn't catch on because it doesn't read well in small sizes and never made it to standard keyboards, while, thanks to email addresses, the @, also known as an amphora, has become ubiquitous. NPR Topics: News
  • Arp's painted-wood bas-relief "La Femme-amphore" (1929), in which a small figurative form, like a kernel, floats through the womb-like bowl of an amphora, speaks to Brancusi's curled-up ovoid "The Newborn (Version I)" (1920). The Shape of Things
  • Along with wine, a variety of amphorae demonstrate that olive oil, fish-sauce, and other exotic foodstuffs were imported by the shipload from the Mediterranean.
  • Arp's painted-wood bas-relief "La Femme-amphore" (1929), in which a small figurative form, like a kernel, floats through the womb-like bowl of an amphora, speaks to Brancusi's curled-up ovoid "The Newborn (Version I)" (1920). The Shape of Things
  • Many classical wrecks have been investigated in the Mediterranean, such as the Roman wine carrier with 6000 amphoras off Madrague de Giens near Marseilles.
  • They rubbed his hump with camphorated grease, placed there for twenty minutes a mustard poultice, then covered it over with diachylum, and, in order to make sure of his coming back, gave him his breakfast. Bouvard and Pécuchet A Tragi-comic Novel of Bourgeois Life
  • Roman luxury goods such as fine ceramic tableware, metalwork, and the amphorae containing wine, olive oil, and other foodstuffs from the Mediterranean, continued to be brought into Britain.
  • The first, wheel-engraving, was often centred on ancient forms, typically featuring Homeric themes from Flaxman applied to amphora and oinochee shaped decanters, ewers and vases.
  • In the last third of the seventh century, when Byzantium definitively lost its African possessions, ceramics and amphorae from the Aegean and from the east become predominant.
  • Arp's painted-wood bas-relief "La Femme-amphore" (1929), in which a small figurative form, like a kernel, floats through the womb-like bowl of an amphora, speaks to Brancusi's curled-up ovoid "The Newborn (Version I)" (1920). The Shape of Things
  • The shutters were closed and the drapes were drawn too, so the room, which smelled strongly of something like camphorated oil, was lit only by a lamp at the side of the bed. The Count's Blackmail Bargain
  • Like other labiate herbs [490] it is aromatic and fragrant, because containing a volatile, camphoraceous, essential oil. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • There is no way to determine if this fetus had been delivered, since the remains were gathered and mixed in the amphora with the adult bone.
  • Then she bade take away the tables and they did so and fetched the lavatory gear; and they washed their hands, after which she ordered her women to bring the candlesticks, and they set on candelabra and candles therein of camphorated wax. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He is an accomplished diver who grows flowers in an amphora he retrieved from the deep.
  • The large pottery vessels known as amphorae are among the most common finds from the Roman period in excavations, both on land and under the sea.
  • Two Heliamphoras pulchella and minor ‘Chiamanta’, two pots of Utricularia nelumbifolia, a bromeliad that has a utric plantlet in it, and a sundew: Mennonites, those Goth kids, and al Qaeda
  • The objective of this study was to examine the effects of acid rain on root exudation and extraction of Rhododendron mucronatum and Cinnamomum camphora.
  • There is a scene drawn on the body of the amphora, of two wreaths of lotus blossoms and palmettos on the amphora's body.
  • A teaspoonful of the _Camphor tincture_ may be put into a tumbler of cold water, ice water if at hand, and the water agitated until it becomes clear, giving a teaspoonful of this camphorated _cold_ water as An Epitome of the Homeopathic Healing Art Containing the New Discoveries and Improvements to the Present Time
  • A single character combining a question mark and an exclamation - called an interrobang - didn't catch on because it doesn't read well in small sizes and never made it to standard keyboards, while, thanks to email addresses, the @, also known as an amphora, has become ubiquitous. NPR Topics: News
  • He was smiling, and in his raised hand he was holding up the priceless amphora. A KNIFE BETWEEN THE RIBS

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