

  1. an ambiguous grammatical construction; e.g., `they are flying planes' can mean either that someone is flying planes or that something is flying planes

How To Use amphiboly In A Sentence

  • Might I suggest that there would be considerably less bilious acrimony in the comment section in threads such as have been posted in the last few days if people would kindly knock it off with the amphiboly already? Intelligent Design and Miracles - The Panda's Thumb
  • He has committed the amphiboly of confusing concepts, conceptual objects and the relationships we find among such objects with objects of the senses and the relations we find there.
  • Linguistically, an amphiboly is an ambiguity which results from ambiguous grammar, as opposed to one that results from the ambiguity of words or phrases - that is, Equivocation.
  • If, on the other hand, one had drawn a distinction, and questioned him on the ambiguous term or the amphiboly, the refutation would not have been a matter of uncertainty. On Sophistical Refutations
  • Street signs can suffer from a case of amphiboly because they tend not to use punctuation.
  • If people never made two questions into one question, the fallacy that turns upon ambiguity and amphiboly would not have existed either, but either genuine refutation or none. On Sophistical Refutations
  • This fallacy has also in it an element of amphiboly in the questions, but it really depends upon combination. On Sophistical Refutations
  • Examples such as the following depend upon amphiboly: ‘I wish that you the enemy may capture’.
  • The fallacies noted throughout are the standard ones discussed in Aristotle's De Sophisticis Elenchis: the fallacy of equivocation; the fallacy of accident; the fallacy of the composite and divided senses; the fallacy of the consequent; the fallacy of absolute and qualified senses; the fallacy of many causes of truth; amphiboly; improper supposition. Richard the Sophister
  • Perhaps, if we are to maintain the doctrine of agency as a possession of the agent, it is more productive to let the amphiboly lie as it is.
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