How To Use Amphibole In A Sentence
In addition to quartz, fluid inclusions can occur in carbonates, gypsum, halite, fluorite, feldspar, garnet, pyroxene, amphibole, tourmaline, olivine, and sphalerite; indeed in most minerals except phyllosilicates.
It is easy to distinguish two formations in the euphotide; one is destitute of amphibole, even when it alternates with amphibolic rocks
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
We studied the morphological and compositional differences of the fibrous amphibole samples with scanning electron microscopy and with energy dispersive spectroscopy x-ray microanalysis.
During obduction, mantle-derived magmas most likely evolved to granitic compositions by assimilation of sediments and by fractional crystallization of amphibole, feldspar, titanite and allanite.
Several small grains of amphibole were seen as inclusions in a plagioclase phenocryst, and one partial grain of resorbed amphibole also was noted.
This is consistent with the fact that olivine is typically entrapped in pyroxene and amphibole crystals.
In the presence of oxygen, the thermal decomposition of amphiboles is associated with an oxidation of divalent iron to trivalent iron, which may lead to an increase in the sample weight.
Geology of asbestos
In agreement with published literature, amphibole and pyroxene appeared to dissolve ahead of feldspar.
It contains no garnet or amphibole, but metalloid diallage disseminated in the mass.
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In samples consisting mainly of feldspars, clinopyroxene, garnet or amphibole occur as sub - to anhedral grains and grain sixes become smaller.
Biotite and amphibole lineations on the cleavage plane plunge consistently SW or WSW.
Euphotides, sometimes pure and covered with jasper, sometimes mixed with amphibole, hyperstein and grey limestone; (d) Pyroxenic porphyries with amygdaloides and zirconian syenites.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
We are ignorant of the extent of the cavities which subterranean fires and volcanic agitations may have produced in the bowels of the earth in those primitive rocks, which, containing considerable quantities of amphibole, mica, garnet, magnetic iron-stone, and red schorl (titanite), appear to be anterior to granite.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
On the other hand, both chrysotile and the amphiboles exhibit a high degree of chemical inertia towards strong alkalies over extended periods.
Geology of asbestos
Associated with the fayalite are quartz, amphibole, and magnetite.
The other two silicates are possibly an amphibole and a member of the smectite group.
The samples from the andesitic units, occurring as tectonic lenses in the greywacke sequence, exhibit plagioclase phenocrysts altered to sericite, calcite and epidote, set in a matrix of chloritized pyroxene and amphibole.
A more insidious and difficult problem presented by asbestos dust is the link with cancer, and here again asbestiform amphibole has proved a more toxic mineral pathogen than chrysotile.
These include a dangerous fibrous asbestos as well as the harmless monoclinic amphibole, actinolite: two minerals with the same composition but very different effects on human physiology.
The materials extracted from the quarries - used widely in the local building industry - contained large quantities of fibrous amphiboles.
* Amphibole is in general very rare at Teneriffe, not only in the modern lithoid lavas, but also in the ancient basalts, as has been observed by M. Cordier, who resided longer at the Canaries than any other mineralogist.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
The greenschist-facies overprint resulted in the growth of actinolitic amphiboles, plagioclase and titanite at the expense of pyroxene and rutile or ilmenite.
Other commercial amphiboles - crocidolite and amosite - were detected in the lungs of Asbestos region workers.
The materials extracted from the quarries contain large quantities of fibrous amphiboles; these materials are used widely in the local building industry.
Issues of relative potency among the forms of asbestos, and particularly between chrysotile and the amphiboles, are primarily of concern with respect to the risk of malignancy and are not discussed in this document.
Garnet occurs as euhedral porphyroblasts ranging from 0.5 cm to >20 cm in diameter and contains inclusions of plagioclase, ilmenite, staurolite and orthoamphibole.
Dacite lava hand sample, with abundant amphibole and plagioclase feldspar. magma mixing or crustal assimilation (by another magma) to form the dacite.
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They contain sulfide minerals as well as metamorphic minerals that include cordierite, gahnite, epidote, garnet, amphiboles, schorl, and many others.
Other common minor constituents of eclogite include kyanite, orthopyroxene, rutile, amphibole, pyrite, and white mica.
The results of x-ray microanalysis allowed us to identify the fibers as the tremolite-actinolite fibrous amphibole found in the quarries and in the building material of Biancavilla.
Calcic amphiboles, including hornblende and actinolite are abundant, and probably are alteration products, which also include albite, orthoclase and rare pyrite.
During obduction, mantle-derived magmas most likely evolved to granitic compositions by assimilation of sediments and by fractional crystallization of amphibole, feldspar, titanite and allanite.
These primarily consisted of amosite and crocidolite, both commercial amphiboles.
The inhalation of amphibole asbestos is now widely recognized as being highly dangerous to human health.
Most amphibole asbestos was mined as crocidolite and amosite from Precambrian banded ironstones in South Africa and, to a lesser extent, Western Australia.
The presence of several amphibole minerals, such as tremolite, actinolite, anthophyllite, was confirmed.
The trend observed of increasing tensile strength of amphiboles from tremolite, to amosite, to crocidolite is directly related to the iron content of these fibers.
Geology of asbestos
We are ignorant of the extent of the cavities which subterranean fires and volcanic agitations may have produced in the bowels of the earth in those primitive rocks, which, containing considerable quantities of amphibole, mica, garnet, magnetic iron-stone, and red schorl (titanite), appear to be anterior to granite.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Other common minor constituents of eclogite include kyanite, orthopyroxene, rutile, amphibole, pyrite, and white mica.
Late phases are mainly calcic amphiboles of magnesio-hornblende composition and plagioclases with very low anorthite contents.
Dacite and granodiorite contain slightly more biotite and amphibole minerals than granite and rhyolite.
Igneous rock
Although this could be the result of a lower biopersistence of chrysotile compared with amphiboles, the environmental survey confirms that tremolite is the main type of asbestos involved.
In this rock, you get the recrystallization and foliation of quartz, feldspars, micas, and amphiboles into alternating light - and dark-colored bands.
Metamorphic rock
They consist mostly of quartz and feldspars, with a little mica or amphibole.
The latter form by dehydration melting at less than 10-12 kbar leaving a residue of augite, orthopyroxene, plagioclase and varying amounts of amphibole.
Magma modelling showed that olivine nephelinite and basanite could form by different degrees of partial melting of the mantle source, with amphibole, garnet, olivine and clinopyroxene in the residuum.
Amosite, fibrous anthophyllite, fibrous tremolite, fibrous actinolite, and crocidolite are amphiboles, double-chain silicates, which observed microscopically look like sharp needles.
Only three varieties of amphibole fibers will be discussed because: crocidolite and amosite were the only amphiboles with significant industrial uses in recent years; tremolite, although having essentially no industrial application, may be found as a contaminant in other fibers or in other industrial minerals (e.g., chrysotile and talc).
Geology of asbestos
Calcic amphiboles, including hornblende and actinolite are abundant, and probably are alteration products, which also include albite, orthoclase and rare pyrite.
Amosite, fibrous anthophyllite, fibrous tremolite, fibrous actinolite, and crocidolite are amphiboles, double-chain silicates, which observed microscopically look like sharp needles.
The largest amphibole crystals are embedded in the rock matrix, whereas the smaller acicular crystals line the hollows.
It is pale pink and has physical, optical, and crystallographic properties similar to those of the other monoclinic members of the amphibole group.
Associated with the fayalite are quartz, amphibole, and magnetite.
Granite sample RHGI can be modelled by continuing this felsic scheme, for example with 22% fractionation of oligoclase, amphibole, biotite and the usual minor apatite and titanite.
Most amphibole asbestos was mined as crocidolite and amosite from Precambrian banded ironstones in South Africa and, to a lesser extent, Western Australia.
Extreme cases are found in mineral groups such as apatite, amphibole, pyroxene, feldspar, and tourmaline.
It is pale pink and has physical, optical, and crystallographic properties similar to those of the other monoclinic members of the amphibole group.
These rocks are composed predominantly of the minerals plagioclase feldspar, amphibole, and pyroxene.
Igneous rock
The presence of several amphibole minerals, such as tremolite, actinolite, anthophyllite, was confirmed.
It has been suggested that the ultrabasic rocks, containing olivine, magnesium-rich pyroxenes, and amphiboles are first altered by hydrothermal processes to form the serpentine minerals; in a later metamorphic event, the serpentines are partially redissolved and crystallized as chrysotile fibers.
Geology of asbestos
In practice many basalts also contain easily visible crystals of feldspar, pyroxene, olivine, or amphibole.