
How To Use Ampere In A Sentence

  • She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities. Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
  • The weather hampered search efforts by 115 locals and soldiers from the mainland. The Sun
  • Distribution of food throughout the country is being hampered by inefficiency and corruption.
  • He tampered the document.
  • Is a global social conscience a luxury only the pampered scions of the middle classes can afford?
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  • In the past, they have been hampered by a soft underbelly. The Sun
  • I've been on eight fabulous cruises and love to be spoiled and pampered on my vacations.
  • The basin pipes were tampered with and the vandals squirted cleaning fluid all over the brand new carpets.
  • If would have been quite hilarious to see the pampered boys' reaction to having his expensive clothing set aflame.
  • Forensic analysis of skeletal muscle relaxants such as tubocurarine and gallamine has been hampered by the fact that these quaternary ammonium compounds are not readily extractable from the biological matrix.
  • The envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again.
  • self-evident," since become awkward of acceptance, were ever thus pettifogged out of the path, and fundamental principles have in this way prescriptively been tampered with. "Imperialism" and "The Tracks of Our Forefathers"
  • It's the confidential stenographer who has been tampered with — you remember that middle-aged, youngish-oldish woman, Tom? THEFT
  • Jamie Barrow concluded the scoring when he scampered onto Smith's pass to rifle the ball past Knowles.
  • The horses scampered down the flat to search out alfilaria. The California Birthday Book
  • His progress has hampered by back injuries. The Sun
  • Also, don’t forget you can still register for MindTrek, the Nordic conference on social media (Oct. 1st – 2nd) in Tampere, Finland. The Web at a New Crossroads | FactoryCity
  • The vacuum chamber is 60 inches in diameter, and it produces 100 microampere currents of 16 million volt deuterons. Nobel Prize in Physics 1939 - Presentation Speech
  • Mia scampered off into the kitchen and came back with some scones with honey butter glazed on them.
  • I say it and I say it emphatically, without wishing for one moment to defeat the ends of justice, accused was not accessory before the act and prosecutrix has not been tampered with. Ulysses
  • They, too, were followed by waves of aftershocks which hampered rescue work in an area littered with landmines laid during years of war.
  • Pansies at Reliant will be pampered with soil and spray fertilizers to promote strong blooms.
  • Hampered by a name that was unpronounceable, together with a heavy accent, he was relegated to playing muscle-bound clods in a string of second-rate films.
  • Cash machine crime is increasing in Surrey and there have been incidents of cards being cloned after thieves tampered with machines.
  • Houston-based drilling company Baker Hughes Inc. warned in a March 3 filing that it would take a profit hit because of unseasonably cold weather and the turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa, which hampered its ability to deliver equipment to oil fields. Mining the Scarcity Boom
  • One of their answers they did not give forth publicly, but only to us in private -- when they said that the writings of the New Testament had been tampered with by unknown persons who desired to ingraft the Jewish law into the Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • The search has been hampered by a lack of fuel for a rescue helicopter. The Sun
  • Poor communication and transport in the remote and mountainous region also hampered operations.
  • It is hampered by a lack of drugs in its pipeline and threats from generic rivals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pull into an upscale shopping mall and the pampered car gets parked just outside the door by the valet.
  • The old peer took several somewhat hampered steps, and she noticed that his red slippers were heelless. The Silver Spoon
  • The teens were hampered by poor reading and research skills and were more prone to leave a site after encountering difficulties.
  • unhampered dissemination of news
  • One resident, who wished to remain unnamed, said the lifts had been damaged, the careline tampered with, doorbells vandalised and windows broken.
  • Well the poor mutt ran away howling in pain and agony and he scampered shiveringly to a refuge in a deserted shack.
  • Modern footballers have been so pampered and spoilt from such an early age that they have lost all sense of proportion, dignity or manners. The Sun
  • No crosses, no vexations, but what we gave ourselves from the pamperedness, as I may call it, of our own wills. Clarissa Harlowe
  • They had to sit twiddling their thumbs for a couple of hours while he pampered himself in his suite. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • The reasons for doctors under-reporting adverse drug reactions include fear of litigation, diffidence, and complacency, and pharmacists are likely to hampered by similar constraints.
  • Attempts at ovarian tissue autograft or xenograft without blood vessel anastamoses in animal models and human cases have been promising but hampered by large follicle loss due to ischemia.
  • But fingers were pointed at pampered stars and the number of foreign players in the top flight. The Sun
  • The seats in each row are only about four centimeters higher than the seats in front of them, so that my experience of M. Ward's performance is profoundly hampered by the wispy, frizzled locks of the enormous, grotesque head in front of me.
  • Every time you change the channel on the television, it consumes an extra .10239 kilojoules per ampere of electricity.
  • Too many hurried shots from unlikely angles hampered their comeback attempt.
  • That was another line that often hampered flirting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, because all the system files stay on a read-only device, it is most unlikely that they are inadvertently tampered with by anybody.
  • Hole-in-the-wall users in the area should be wary after a town centre cash machine was tampered with.
  • The field was in good order but the damp conditions hampered the accuracy of the passing between sides.
  • The manager is hampered by a lack of aerial ability. Times, Sunday Times
  • His flying was initially hampered by a rugby injury and when he reported the injury he was suspected of having a lack of moral fibre.
  • However, in my attempts to understand I am not hampered by the persecutory activities of the state, religion or the mob.
  • Ampère proposed electrical currents in atoms to explain magnetism and Poisson showed how electrostatic induction could be explained by assuming atomic dipoles.
  • Production has been hampered by mechanical failure.
  • Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity.
  • Maher by contrast is all slickness and centrality — brilliantined, bespoke, with that pampered chuckle and long, connoisseurial nose. An Atheist Walks Into a Bar …
  • And so, fortified by a High Tea consisting of tea, cold meats and sandwiches, our Edwardian gentlemen and ladies bunny-hugged, turkey-trotted, waltzed and cakewalked to their hearts content, unhampered by the restrictions of contact between men and women of previous generations. Thé Dansant | Edwardian Promenade
  • And perhaps it may be remarked here, since we commonly say of a man in difficulties that he is "exchequered" or in "chancery," that so we probably intend to express the same, when we say a man is _hanapered_, or _hampered_. Notes and Queries, Number 29, May 18, 1850
  • The most exciting prospect in British football has been hampered by injury for years now.
  • Pampered by all types of electrical conveniences it is going to take its toll and force us to find alternatives.
  • Rescue efforts were hampered when his car burst into flames. The Sun
  • In the American Civil War, textile shortages again hampered the Quartermaster Department's efforts to procure tentage.
  • We need to be looked after, pampered, and allowed to breed in captivity with nubile young women.
  • Our conversation was hampered by the presence of the driver of the hired wagonette, so that we were forced to talk of trivial matters when our nerves were tense with emotion and anticipation. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • In flashbacks he is hampered with the unhappy task of being the innocent amid these connivers, but a stronger actor might have been able to make naïveté more interesting.
  • Yes, indulgent parents, there is now such a thing as ‘pampered child syndrome’.
  • The most pampered dogs these days get their hair colored and their paws exfoliated. At This Hotel, Even a Pooch Can Live in the Lap of Luxury
  • Not for them the riches, glamour and adulation enjoyed by our pampered soccer stars. The Sun
  • Hornblower was about to return topside when the men from aloft scampered down the companionway.
  • Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity.
  • The roots of maxwell in coulomb and ampere are historical, not logical. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Quantum Mechanics, But Were Afraid to Ask
  • The rabbit scampered away in fright.
  • That was another line that often hampered flirting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tether exploited about 1 ampere at 3500 volts of electricity.
  • The ampere-second property of the fuse is mainly determined by fuse wire, outer spring function force and the whole install location.
  • It may well be doubted, on an impartial view, if the mutilation of the country's industrial system by such measures of isolation does not after all rather weaken the nation even for warlike ends; but then, the discretionary authorities in the dynastic States are always, and it may be presumed necessarily, hampered with obsolete theories handed down from that cameralistic age, when the little princes of the Fatherland were making dynastic history. An Inquiry Into The Nature Of Peace And The Terms Of Its Perpetuation
  • I am not versed in the ways of pretty pampered girls.
  • However, much to the man's surprise, the devilish animal scampered away just as the dog had done.
  • Despite their best efforts, station officer Joe Hassle said a lack of access to water and the straw fuelling the fire hampered the crews.
  • SI (Système Internationale d' Unites) uses seven different fundamental units, the meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole.
  • It is a very capable off-road vehicle that is hampered by its lack of fuel-carrying capacity.
  • The car looked immaculate and the interior was clean and unworn, which could mean the mileage was accurate, although the digits on the speedo didn't quite line up - a telltale sign that the mileometer might have been tampered with.
  • More recently, my delight in finding some lovely sun blushed tomatoes which don't actually taste like bits of carpet someone has spilt tomato puree on has been hampered by a patronising little addition to the label informing me that 10p from every 'special pack' is being donated to Comic Relief. Archive 2007-02-01
  • He loved being the center of attention and most especially loved to be pampered.
  • It brayed loudly again, and scampered, frightened, into the woods.
  • The resale of grain to villages which claimed to be deficient in food supplies hampered the flow of grain to the cities.
  • Much debate about how a TV series can spawn tourist trails and how the characters infiltrate our thinking, who can have forgotten Mrs Pumphrey, the pampered Pekinese dog Tricki Woo and his regular bouts of flop-bott. Endsleigh Salon - The Test of Time
  • His ability was unquestioned, but his brusque and abrasive manner aroused hostility which probably hampered his early career.
  • He has made no attempt to hide the injury since then with heavy strapping around the knee and his movement has been hampered. The Sun
  • Progress has been hampered by the lack of a formal approach to talks from the miners. Times, Sunday Times
  • For any object conducting electricity, one can define the resistance in ohms as the ratio of the electrical potential difference applied to the object to current passing through it in amperes.
  • Adoption of modern agricultural practices and use of technology is inadequate, hampered by ignorance of such practices, high costs and impracticality in the case of small land holdings.
  • Initial rescue efforts were hampered by a lack of heavy equipment and by landslides triggered by the initial earthquake.
  • Distribution of food throughout the country is being hampered by inefficiency and corruption.
  • Milk bottles on doorsteps can be tampered with. The Sun
  • Sleeping in a one-bedroom apartment with fraternity keggers going on outside is good for pampered big leaguers, anyway.
  • The manager is hampered by a lack of aerial ability. Times, Sunday Times
  • The devil makes work for idle hands, particularly in pre-revolutionary France where pampered privilege combined with decadence to create a bloated elite, ripe for plucking.
  • Firefighters' rescue efforts were hampered by the collapse of the roof and widespread clutter inside the building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though a recurrence of an abdominal strain hampered Venus from the second set on, she was mentally strong enough to push aside the pain. - Venus answers many questions by playing tough
  • You make a good point that Lights Out is hampered by having to be a self-starter and might have benefited by riding Justified's promotional coat tails and premiering a few weeks later. Ask Matt: Good Wife, Fringe, Downton Abbey, Community Roger Ebert & More
  • Progress has been hampered by the lack of a formal approach to talks from the miners. Times, Sunday Times
  • His flying was initially hampered by a rugby injury and when he reported the injury he was suspected of having a lack of moral fibre.
  • Being the younger child, she had always been pampered and now was always up to some pranks and tricks.
  • Like his father, his political career was hampered by his adherence to fair trade and his mercantile Birmingham roots.
  • The psychologist Alfred Adler concluded that middle children, who had neither suffered the indignity of being "dethroned" like the eldest sibling, nor the pampered indulgence of the youngest, had the best chance of growing into successful, well-adjusted adults. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • That particularly hampered the pacing during the death scene flash-forward. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » A Glimpse into the Editor’s Office: Editing Twilight
  • But hampered by the lack of enthusiasm from the White House, the measure failed to complete its legislative programme.
  • For once she has gone into a major championships unhampered by niggles or strains and proved to the rest of us what she has always known, that on her day she truly is as good as anyone.
  • He has worked diligently on his conditioning, hoping to prevent muscle pulls and strains, which have hampered him during the season.
  • The pampered pets in this show have their owners wrapped around their teeny paws. The Sun
  • The scientists were able to achieve a 200-microampere-per-square-cm current density and an open-circuit voltage of Nano Tech Wire
  • Domestic policy was aimed at creating and maintaining a system of absolute rule: the king ruled unhampered by challenges from representative institutions but with the aid of ministers and councils subject to his will.
  • If we do not link education with work in these schools, they would not be communist schools. [applause] It would not be a revolutionary education. [more applause] It would not be a communist education. [more applause] This school which materially excels any of the best schools that the capitalists have, if it was a school similar to those, if it was a school for "dandies" that have to be pampered in every manner, whether it be making their beds, serving them their breakfast, and have an army of servants at their beck and call so that they could waste their time talking, studying a little, having fun, then none of these schools would be any different than those schools attended by the children of capitalists and bourgeois. [applause] INAUGURATION-COMMANDANTE PINARES BASIC SECONDARY
  • The instant he was gone, the doors of the boathouse opened and Sam Davis scampered in to untie Bob and Pete. THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • I am not speaking of O'bama; he seems to mean well but be greatly hampered by both dog-in-the-manger Republicans and Dems who act like Republicans. Robert Kuttner: Listening to Paul Volcker
  • We know how to secure a more just and prosperous life for man on earth: through free markets, free speech, free elections and the exercise of free will unhampered by the state.
  • After a night of guzzling beers in a field, the group awakens to find the fan belt in one of their pimped rides has been tampered with.
  • This site features photos found on the internet of pampered pooches. Times, Sunday Times
  • These scampered through his brain and tore up his heart and tumbled about in his throat and lungs, and maintained a furious harlequinade, and in short behaved in a way that was quite disgraceful, and that caused the poor young man alternately to amuse, annoy, astonish, and stun his comrades, who beheld the exterior results of those private theatricals, but had no conception of the terrific combats that took place so frequently on the stage within. The Wild Man of the West A Tale of the Rocky Mountains
  • I had decided to leave when the tortoiseshell kitten scampered in from the yard.
  • The search was hampered by appalling weather conditions.
  • This German postcard arrived yesterday from the lovely Katja, a student of literature in Tampere, Finland; she found it in the university bookshop. Girls Go Postal! | Krawattennymphe
  • In former days, a young man arriving at Calcutta as a writer, had no difficulty in raising money by borrowing from some wealthy _circar_; and many of those very young men are still hampered with debts they can never pay: though high in office, and enjoying large salaries, they are tied to the country by their creditors, to whom they are obliged to give Trade and Travel in the Far East or Recollections of twenty-one years passed in Java, Singapore, Australia and China.
  • The State, which is abundant in natural resources, is a gift of God which should not be tampered with.
  • But attempts to quell the unrest were hampered as officers were blinded with laser pens. The Sun
  • His movies seem to be replete with great ideas hampered by wild mood swings of stupidity or silliness.
  • Eddie McCarthy scampered about among the branches stringing lights all over, and finally placing the big, illuminated star on the very highest point.
  • But the low footfall and unpampered overgrowth meant squirrels are both numerous and extraordinarily bold. Marie Louise Gardens: The "Now" Picture
  • The transport of freight will no longer be hampered by restrictions on drivers' hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most films of the time were still hampered by a sense of theatrical blocking of scenes into linear sequences.
  • Mark Sanchez did not throw an interception in the first five games, and yet was playing anything but timid (well, with the exception of Week 1, when the play-calling hampered him in the pocket). NYT > Home Page
  • Just the pampered young minion of any Tuscan court, a precocious wrappage of wit, good manners, and sensibility, he looked what he spoke, the exquisite Florentine, to these broad-vowelled Venetian lasses; did not smile, but seemed never out of temper; and was certainly not timid. Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso
  • A few rats and some crows stirred at his coming and scampered or flew off, releasing angry caws and twitters as they cursed Romon for interrupting their meal.
  • You can calculate the number of watts required by any given device by multiplying the usual voltage times the number of amperes the appliance draws.
  • Initial plans to stage the game were hampered by a lack of a suitable date.
  • Mollie is a horse who likes wearing ribbons (which represent luxury) and being pampered by humans. Background information for George Orwell's Animal Farm
  • Early attempts to assess and describe the flexibility of polymeric ssDNA and RNA were hampered by the inability to obtain monodisperse samples.
  • To be sure, France's 12 refineries remain hampered by strikes or a lack of crude oil, because the country's main oil terminals are blocked. French Strikers Begin to Relent
  • Indeed, even coastal fisheries were severely hampered after 1941 by mounting shortages of cotton yarn, ramie, Manila hemp, and, most importantly, petroleum.
  • Wang and Islanders general manager Garth Snow said that the condition of the Coliseum and its surroundings—77 acres of weed patches; cracked, pot-holed concrete; and one hotel, the Long Island Marriott—have hampered the franchise's efforts to draw free agents and construct a competitive team. Islanders Try to Sell Voters on a New Arena
  • The calculated load required for sizing feeder conductors in this example is 15,625 volt-amperes.
  • She also tells her that it is his fondness for his son that is to blame, for, despite knowing his unrighteous desires, he has pampered and supported him in his insatiate hunger for the kingdom.
  • This site features photos found on the internet of pampered pooches. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had to sit twiddling their thumbs for a couple of hours while he pampered himself in his suite. Times, Sunday Times
  • And their pretournament training has been hampered by an unexplained coaching change and a lack of funds. Globe and Mail
  • To go from a spoilt and pampered existence to this is a big ask. Times, Sunday Times
  • Choke input filters are generally not cost effective below 1000 VA (volt-amperes).
  • Rescue attempts were hampered by fears of a second collapse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly in Madrid, the police investigation did not appear to be hampered by lack of mobile phone data.
  • It is wrong that these oldest established collective investment vehicles are hampered in the way they are. Times, Sunday Times
  • His long legs stretched well past her barrel which hampered her a bit, but Myrick was an well done rider and did his best to make her journey smooth.
  • Her talent was hampered by her poor family when she was a small girl.
  • There's no better entertainment than seeing a bunch of over-paid, pampered prima donnas getting their comeuppance.
  • The microswitches detect any tampering and, if tampered, the system erases the secret keys and data.
  • You come to despise them because they're pampered snots.
  • Now the big all-rounder may be sidelined for up to three months to cure his latest injury and fully recover from a series of niggles which have hampered him throughout the season.
  • - Although arable lands were generally plentiful and population densities low, achievement of higher productivity per farm family was hampered by lack of evolution of modern, improved farming techniques, by rigid and unprogressive organizational and land tenurial practices which discouraged long-term investments by external cultivators, and by absence of credit facilities to farmers and farmers 'aversion to cooperation societies. 1. Sustainability of land use systems: the potential of indigenous measures for the maintenance of soil productivity in sub-sahara african agriculture.
  • Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with will not be valid for use. The Sun
  • As if we needed yet more reasons to be jealous of the pampered stars. The Sun
  • Five bookings and a sending off do not bode well for a team already hampered by injuries and forced absences.
  • Once upon a time Hillary deliberately cultivated an unpampered, unshorn and earthy look -- but in time she realized this particularly unstylish presentation wouldn't one day earn her the right to boss around White House employees and later win leadership of the free world. Bill Katovsky: Hillary as Little Miss Sunshine
  • But having no spendable currency hampered their happiness.
  • The most obvious course for a politician tipped for greatness, yet hampered by a cherubic countenance and a light voice, would be to gain a reputation for solidity.
  • Nothing would have pleased the old man better than a rough-and-tumble campaign against the Satpuras, whom he, as an "unmixed" Bhil, despised; but he had a duty to all his nation as Jan Chinn's interpreter; and he devoutly believed that forty plagues would fall on his village if he tampered with that obligation. The Day's Work - Volume 1
  • He said one of the pots tampered with contained 40 undersized crayfish.
  • This is the idea that the world is just as we see it; that we are not hampered or constrained by preconceptions, biases and blind spots. Times, Sunday Times
  • the current was measured in amperes
  • (later tampered with to make it idealistically, which is something else), but he was a materialist and had translated Topping Shakespeare? Aspects of the Nobel Prize for Literature
  • While the Trumps and Iacoccas of the world prefer to present themselves in garish books with jackets featuring large color photos of their own faces, Buffett, the legendary midwestern cheapskate with a knack for discovering hidden value in cookware clubs (The Pampered Chef) and encyclopedia publishers (World Book), has reclaimed a form of junk mail for his collected works. American Everyman
  • They are pampered and cosseted all the way and they cannot play 90 minutes of football in one day. The Sun
  • First of the physical casualties was he himself, gashing his hand in an accident at home in November, which hampered his training, then he was halted again, this time by a bout of tonsillitis at the start of 2004.
  • My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with.
  • It's nice to think that there are a few places, close at hand, where the natural world can live unhampered by man.
  • Re the applicator issue, see also the French 'tampion' - a stopper for the barrel of a gun or cannon; but probably not Tampere which is known as Finland's Manchester ... although now I come to think of it ... Word Magazine - Comments
  • Queuing is hampered by the close proximity of the check-in desk to the shelves nearby.
  • Apparent power is conventionally expressed in volt-amperes since it is the simple product of rms voltage and current.
  • For 17 pampered pooches can be dropped off by owners heading on their own nights out. The Sun
  • I don't mean anything improper, you know; only one does get so hampered, right and left, for fear of Mrs Grundy. Can You Forgive Her?
  • Aftab blasted Gillespie's first ball over mid-wicket for six and then scampered a single from the next ball to seal a win.
  • The psycho family takes pampered kids fascinated by death and dismemberment and puts them through the wringer of the real thing.
  • Growth has been severely hampered by attacks of the insect psyllid throughout Nepal Chapter 11
  • To place orders online go to: www. / aborn. The Denver Newspaper Agency Stories
  • This voucher is not valid if deemed to have been tampered with, or defaced. The Sun
  • This redefinition would bring the kilogram into line with the six other base units that make up the International System of Units SI – the metre, the second, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole and the candela. Royal Society meets to weigh up the shrinking kilogram
  • Data in the system cannot be modified, and unaffiliated physicians cannot connect to Geisinger's production databases, where data could be tampered with or destroyed, Chanaga says.
  • Rumours abound about discord in the coaching team, and it is not as though they are greatly hampered by international call-ups. Times, Sunday Times
  • an outlet for healthy and unhampered action
  • Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with are not valid. The Sun
  • The bad weather hampered rescue operations.
  • The vishing scams could be hampered by building a database of known "scam" phone numbers or by creating a software filter that warns consumers of incoming fraudulent calls.
  • Enterprise in the third world tends to be hampered less by lack of capital than by bad economic policies and missing infrastructure.
  • They walk steel girders high in the air unhampered by any fear of heights.
  • In the warm glow of the guttered gas-jets she looked particularly brilliant here, pampered, idle, jaunty — the well-kept, stall-fed pet of the world. The Titan
  • Discover lakes and mountains; bask in pure air and gentle sunshine; or simply lie back and be pampered at your luxury hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The search has been hampered by a lack of fuel for a rescue helicopter. The Sun
  • However, Asmita has come in for criticism from purists who feel traditional art forms must not be tampered with.
  • The site has its own substation providing 90 megavolt-amperes of electrical power, or enough to supply a city of 400,000 people, the company said. ARN News
  • It is hampered by a lack of drugs in its pipeline and threats from generic rivals. Times, Sunday Times
  • So remote is this little place from the stir and bustle of travel, and so destitute of the show and vainglory of this world, that my calesa, as it rattled and jingled along the narrow and ill-paved streets, caused a great sensation; the children shouted and scampered along by its side, admiring its splendid trappings of brass and worsted, and gazing with reverence at the important stranger who came in so gorgeous an equipage. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (Volume II)

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