
How To Use Amos In A Sentence

  • Clonal progeny may be produced by stolons, runners, rhizomes, tubers, buds on bulbs, corms and roots, layering of stems, and agamospermous seed.
  • Amosite, fibrous anthophyllite, fibrous tremolite, fibrous actinolite, and crocidolite are amphiboles, double-chain silicates, which observed microscopically look like sharp needles.
  • The fused parietals form the posterior two-thirds of the sagittal crest, expanding posteriorly to form a flattened, sculpted deck behind the supratemporal fenestrae adjacent to the squamosals.
  • The goddesse of warre, called Bellona, had these thre handmaids ever attendynge on her: BLOOD, FIRE, and FAMINE, which thre damosels be of that force and strength that every one of them alone is able and sufficient to torment and afflict a proud prince; and they all joyned together are of puissance to destroy the most populous country and most richest region of the world. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • Even though her storyline - which follows João on the road to stardom, with several stopovers in prison - can seem underdeveloped, Ramos is always charismatic.
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  • Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.
  • It may also articulate with various dermal bones of the roof or sides of the skull for support, normally the squamosal and parietal.
  • Iron likewise combines with a considerable variety of substances other than oxygen; and some of these compounds, as for instance iron carbonate (siderite), iron silicate (chamosite, glauconite, etc.), and iron sulphide (pyrite), are locally mined as iron ores. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Indian food (such as chapattis, a flat bread; samosas, vegetable or meat-filled pastries; and masala, a spiced rice dish), is widely available in all urban areas.
  • The history of cattle ranching in what is today the Municipio of Alamos began with the discovery of rich silver deposits in 1683.
  • Y entonces cuando intentamos sacarnos la camisa de ese complejo nos volvemos agresivos, arrogantes, violentos. Global Voices in English » Ecuador: The Passing of Writer Jorge Enrique Adoum
  • Paul of Samosata - Bishop of Antioch, adoptionist, condemned at 269 CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • My wife, Jayne, enjoyed the mini savoury selection which consisted of crunchy onion bhajis, aloo tikkas, spinach pakoras and vegetable samosas all deep fried and served with two dips.
  • Indeed, Lightbody's profligacy explained why Jed only managed to tot up six first-half points, through a Clark Laidlaw drop goal - in the eighth minute and Kevin Amos' penalty.
  • If the Sartans can't continue that trend, the task could fall to Los Alamos, which is 20-9 and the fifth seed, provided it gets past No. 4 Artesia in another quarterfinal. Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico news - Santa Fe New Mexican
  • We found a new favorite cheese, Samos, which is like spreadable laughing cow but 10x better. TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at
  • Aspendus, sailed thitherward himself with thirteen ships, promising the army at Samos that he would not fail to do them a great service. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • My wife, Jayne, enjoyed the mini savoury selection which consisted of crunchy onion bhajis, aloo tikkas, spinach pakoras and vegetable samosas all deep fried and served with two dips.
  • They were filled with a kind of righteous indignation that characterized Old Testament prophets like Amos, Isaiah, and Jeremiah!
  • The normal coloration of the calyx occurs most frequently in polysepalous calyces; teratological coloration, on the other hand, occurs especially in gamosepalous flowers. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The major source of the spring diatom pulse was Skeletonema potamos and a variety of centric and pennate diatoms.
  • The recent discovery of several exceptionally well preserved juvenile and subadult Triceratops skulls and numerous juvenile, subadult, and adult cranial elements, from the Hell Creek Formation of eastern Montana, confirms the ontogeny and morphology of epi-ossifications: epinasal, epijugal, epiparietal, and episquamosal. Triceratops cranial epi-ossifications
  • Todo a falácia da democracia racial cai por terra frente a casos como este – e poderíamos listar tantos outros que ganharam repercussão e depois foram esquecidos, na maioria das vezes marcados pela impunidade. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Can black people drive luxury cars?
  • En los próximos días planearemos más pláticas con la comunidad para que sean ellos mismos quienes resguarden y protejan el patrimonio arqueológico que poseen ya que el fin de semana pasado recuperamos un metate2 (al parecer de época temprana por su forma) que alguien había parcialmente saqueado del montículo de la capilla. Luego del reconocimiento de superficie « Interactive Dig El Carrizal – Rescuing a Mesoamerican Site
  • Where else in Kochi, but Kadavanthara can one find people enjoying bhel puris, paani puris, paav bhaajis, gol gappas and samosas from the row of chaat stalls.
  • Slowly, pushed by their shoulder ionics, Gimp, Ramos and Frank Nelsen drifted over to see what they could do for Lester. The Planet Strappers
  • The incomplete squamosals also slope laterally and ventrally away from the parietals, slightly depressing posterior margin of the supratemporal fenestrae.
  • Amos and Jimmie Starkweather were all for sailing off this morning to bring the dory home," he continued, "but a boatload of the 'Somerset's' men stopped them and sent them ashore, threatening to dismast any sloop that put up a sail in this harbor without their permission. A Little Maid of Province Town
  • These primarily consisted of amosite and crocidolite, both commercial amphiboles.
  • As I dipped the crispy samosas into the chutney, I noticed that the label recommended using the sauce on tortilla chips, burritos and enchiladas. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Ramos said Bonin invited five guests to witness the execution, but their identities are being withheld.
  • Amos Brown, a supervisor, also accuse Graham of failing to fight hard enough against the sin of racism.
  • And I left out 37 songs I really, really like too ... vamos @vamos | Send note | 30 Oct '07, 13: 49 | Reply Drowned In Sound // Feed
  • The Los Alamos area was officially declared a disaster area after the forest fires there in May.
  • Attempts at ovarian tissue autograft or xenograft without blood vessel anastamoses in animal models and human cases have been promising but hampered by large follicle loss due to ischemia.
  • Por un lado, tenemos a una clásica agrupación del Rock Mexicano y su bella balada romántica; por otro lado, encontramos una banda de punk Mexicano que canta sobre el aspecto más insalubre del amor (la famosa pareja que se separa y se vuelve a juntar, se separa y se vuelve a juntar, y así sigue, infinitamente.) NPR Topics: News
  • The coral reef horizon is 19 m thick and, based on observation of weathered exposures of some of the massive and ramose coral colonies, it probably had a meter or more of relief on its surface at the peak of reef development.
  • However, tho 'we did both get jolly wet, we had sum capital fun, for we seed no less than too coaches and four upset in the road, and to see the poor passengers all a standing in the mud, which it was about amost up to their nees, and a wundering what time they shood get to the Darby, was more than enuff to console us, and we all larfed artily and left' em. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, June 6, 1891
  • We ordered poppadums and two starters to share out, a Korai mixed special and a veggie samosa.
  • He would, however, have been quite good on the old Amos and Andy Show. redleg Gibbs jumps on Steele report
  • MS.); pilis stellatis brevibus rigidis asperis, foliis angusto-linearibus obtusis marginibus revolutis, floribus in ramos breves solitariis, staminibus sub-12 unilateralibus, filamentis infra medium inaequaliter connexis antheras longitudine aequantibus, ovario parvo globoso lanato.] [***** T. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Bauman meant to step over and take Ramos by his shirtfront, perhaps shake him. STONE CITY
  • Calyx gamosepalous, dividing unequally when the flower opens. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Like her copatriot counterparts Jose Gonzalez and Jens Lekman, Frida Hyvönen is a loner; a stripped-down ivory tickler, who maybe falls somewhere between our own Fiona Apple and Tori Amos. Dallas Observer | Complete Issue
  • But its spiritual dynamos are plenipotent in power, and its strength lay deep in the bosom and nature of Deity. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • Such applications used mainly chrysotile or amosite, although crocidolite was commonly used in Europe, this practice was discontinued in the 1970s because of health concerns. Asbestos
  • Today the waters themselves, the mightiest of streams, the great onrushing rivers and oceans that Prophet Martin and Prophet Amos thought the very standards of mighty justice, of empowered justice, of Eternal justice -- these mighty waters are themselvesÂbeing poisoned, polluted, raped, reduced to mere victims of unjust power. Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Justice Still Denied: My Mini-Sermon at the 'One Nation Working Together' Rally
  • The smallest epiparietals, episquamosals and postorbital horns reveal the youngest histological tissues. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The CO2 fixation capability of Tamarix ramosissimaforestland ecosystem is slightly weaker than that of Haloxylon ammodendron forestlandecosystem.
  • manggy - your vocab is pretty better than many non-indians: and yes, the crust here is similar to a "samosa", but the filling is diff... Moong Dal Kachori (Stuffed Lentil Baskets)
  • Even if espionage had taken place at Los Alamos, they argued, it had not mattered.
  • Samosa is usually served with green chutney, but a samosa dipped into tomato sauce is equally tasty.
  • Amos Brown, a supervisor, also accuse Graham of failing to fight hard enough against the sin of racism.
  • There is a dreadful second rater in The House of Lords called baroness Scotland: hope she gets the Order of The Boot along with Amos Who Will Follow John Reid Out of the Cabinet?
  • My curry journey started with vegetable korma, moving on to the reckless spiced heights of, erm, mild vegetable curry, perhaps with a samosa if I was feeling "really crazy" OK, fine, you guessed it, I'm a heat-wimp. Lucian Freud treasured the pleasures of the flesh | Barbara Ellen
  • In general, its dorsal partners are the squamosal and either the postfrontal or postorbital.
  • Amos Wentworth is the only member of the party without scurvy. “I am only a wild girl, and I am afraid of the world....”
  • Most amphibole asbestos was mined as crocidolite and amosite from Precambrian banded ironstones in South Africa and, to a lesser extent, Western Australia.
  • From thence sailing alongst the gulfe of Ephesus with Nicaria on the right hand, Samos and Smirna on the left, we came to Patmos, where S. Iohn wrote the Revelation. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The scientific manager suddenly ceased his writing, walked down the shed to the endmost of the dynamos, and began to examine the brushes. The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories
  • Amos quit the company, determined to go solo .
  • The trend observed of increasing tensile strength of amphiboles from tremolite, to amosite, to crocidolite is directly related to the iron content of these fibers. Geology of asbestos
  • The indignation aroused by his enormities has been too crushing to be borne by living man, though sheathed with the brass and triple cheek of Mark Twain…He has vamosed, cut stick, absquatulated; and among the pine forests of the Sierras, or amid the purlieus of the city of earthquakes, he will tarry awhile, and the office of the Enterprise will become purified…33 Mark Twain
  • Los que dirigen nuestra economa, pensaba Nikola, en el mundo occidental, nos permite disfrutar de un alto estndar de vida, de placer comparado criminal nuestros vecinos al sur de la lnea imaginaria que llamamos lmite. Archive 2009-12-01
  • [CHAMA CORTICOSA] Shell thick, squamose, or concentrically laminated and imbricate; lamina striated, sinistral, crenulated interiorly; upper valve flat. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Gimp Hines and David Lester were waiting inside the stellene reception dome when Nelsen and Ramos landed lightly at the port on their own feet, with no more braking assistance than their own shoulder-ionics. The Planet Strappers
  • Amos raised cattle and had a side business running a tree nursery.
  • Almost untranslatably, poet Gabriel Favela told me … over strong margaritas, 'Nosotros los mexicanos tuteamos a la muerte. Ghosts of the Palace of Blue Tiles: Los fantasmas del Palacio de los Azulejos by Jorge Fernández Granados
  • Located in the heart of San Juan Capistrano is agorgeouslycomforting nook known as 'The Ramos House Cafe'. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Fair sir, said the damosel, abate not your cheer for all this sight, for ye must courage yourself, or else ye be all shent, for all these knights came hither to this siege to rescue my sister Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • O filme é lindo o livro melhorrrrr ainda e aqui no Brasil já estamos na espera do próximo “eclipse” que pra mim foi o melhor livro e que une os 3 personagens espero ver Michael Sheen novamente ele é ótimo. Michael Sheen: Interview with 'New Moon' star on fitting in with the cast |
  • A trio of lamb, chicken and vegetable samosas were, the rather tokenistic salad aside, great value at £3.75, all bursting with flavoursome ground meat and bright-eyed vegetables, all breezily seasoned with fresh herbs and spices. Lancaster's 10 best budget restaurants, pubs and cafes
  • Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit: Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • The sides are marked by numerous ramose furrows, though they are arranged without much order, and being crowded they give the surface a granulated appearance. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • However, its most obvious feature would almost certainly have been the convex crests that grew from the dorsolateral edges of the squamosal bones at the back of its skull. Archive 2006-09-01
  • 'Quid? cum est Lucilius ausus primus in hunc operis componere carmina morem, detrahere et pellem, nitidus qua quisque per ora cederet, introrsum turpis, num Laelius et qui duxit ab oppressa meritum Carthagine nomen ingenio offensi aut laeso doluere Metello famosisque Lupo cooperto versibus? atqui primores populi arripuit populumque tributim, scilicet uni aequus virtuti atque eius amicis.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Amosite was found in all three sites (lung, mesentery, and omentum) in 11 cases.
  • Ou seja, penso que estamos a ver nosso dinheiro, sim, porque os recursos não são dos países, são nossos, gerados pela nossa capacidade de trabalho e poupança, serem desperdiçados, basicamente para cobrir o monumental rombo gerado por banqueiros e investidores gananciosos, inescrupulosos e tentar assim, resgatar a credibilidade em tais instituições. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Does the country play a new role in the world?
  • Maturation of the exocarp and edible aril The juvenile mangosteen fruit, which does not require fertilization to form (see agamospermy), first appears as pale green or almost white in the shade of the canopy. - Business News
  • Vamos deixar de fazer algo pq os outros querem isso? Brazil and Orkut: Made for Each Other?
  • Th 'elect awlus travels for naught, durnd they, Amos?' Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • Balor P20 na ginamos, balor P10 na sili, iska taro na saging sanan kamote. Bisaya Bloggers
  • In turn, the embayment of the squamosal or cheek region was associated with the development of a tympanum or ear drum.
  • Researchers at Los Alamos are also training bees to sniff out drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine.
  • The posterior part of each alisphenoid forms a triangular process which fits into the angle between the squamosal and the petrosal.
  • Estamos acostumbrados a identificar la “censura” con algo que hace el Estado contra un gran medio. Global Voices in English » Argentina: Clarín Media Group Forces Removal of Videos
  • Todo lo que teniamos que hacer era cerrar una, o dos de las salidas y la piscina se incrementaba. Global Voices in English » Colombia: Living with Flooding in Barranquilla
  • Their incoming top officer, General Jim Amos, recently told an audience the Corps has long been adept at quickly solving what he called complex and nasty security problems. Marines Need To Regain 'Maritime Soul,' Gates Says
  • Each case is different, theformer intelligenceofficer says, butany foreigner who wants to sign up needs to haveamostconvincing story, backed up withverifiable jihadistcontacts, andshould expect to spend some hard timeas a virtual prisonerliving underprimitive conditionsin the Waziristan mountains. How Jihadist Recruiters Check for Spies
  • Former President Fidel Ramos said Arroyo’s "ambiguousness" towards her population policy "has put mothers’ lives and health, together with their babies, at risk for the sake of political expediency and religious traditionalism. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The scientific manager suddenly stopped writing, and walked down the shed to the endmost of the dynamos, and began to examine the brushes. The Door in the Wall, and other stories
  • They were called chat, Indian street snacks, and "savouries," which are familiar things like pakora, samosa, naan filled with lamb or chicken, and uttapam. Bombay Cafe - Frankie Goes to Bollywood
  • The Los Alamos district is solidly Republican.
  • And when someone mentions yourname Miami as if you are only aplastic flamingo in someone'syard, or a plastic braless girlon South Beach burning hertits in that sun, the same sunthat burned on my mother's foreheadwhile waited for the bus from FlaglerStreet to North Miami's factoria, yo no se porque nosotrosmi gente lo unico que recordamoses el rojo que dejamosy no el calor que empezamosen el exilio, en Miami. Yo No Se
  • A little beyond it, by the brink of the cliffs, was another post, called Samos, held by seventy men with four cannon; and, beyond this again, the heights of Sillery were guarded by a hundred and thirty men, also with cannon. [ Montcalm and Wolfe
  • I remember, some ten years ago, when he was made a King's Counsel, Amos and I, upon seeing him getting off the London train, went to congratulate him.
  • However, I can manage to cut off one of these pernicious tentacles of ignorance by referring to dear Strabo who had long ago alluded to a connection between the name Samos and words for 'high' Strab., Geo. How many fingers do you see?
  • Asexual seed production, agamospermy, occurs in >40 flowering plant families but is most prevalent in the grasses, Asteraceae, and Rosaceae.
  • According to friends and family members, Ramos became infatuated with Gaitan and tried to emulate the way he walked and talked.
  • Siempre tengo en mi casa muy buenos rones, incluso el famoso Zacapa Centenario de Guatemala, que se parece mucho al Ron Potrero. Page 2
  • As long as they don't get wind of how frustrating working for the national laboratories such as Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, and Lawrence Livermore can be. Russ Wellen: Nuclear Weapons Just Not Sexy Anymore
  • While more than 60,000 homeless from hundreds of flood-ravaged villages spent a miserable Christmas in jam-packed schools and gymnasiums, search teams retrieved an additional 150 bodies from the sea as far as 60 miles 100 kilometers from worst-hit Cagayan de Oro and Iligan cities, said Benito Ramos, head of the Office of Civil Defense. Philippines Floods 2011: Bodies Found Far Away From Ravaged Villages, Coastline
  • Me cedo feliz sabiendo que aquí jugamos con las balas de palabras que pegan el pecho y realizan las flores. Amor y romanticismo 6
  • Fernandes' informal wear had that wily old politician and general Fidel Ramos envious.
  • Amos’ escape idea was just as impossible as Dr. Anderson's megalomaniac thoughts of healing the world.
  • The more convenience-minded can also pick up dishes to go - vegetable samosas, tandoori sandwiches and the like are also available.
  • Each step in biocomputing is relatively simple - any graduate student could do it, Amos admits. The Omega Letter
  • Dall'opera di legno, che così ricopre il pavimento come la muraglia d'intorno all'altezza di un uomo o poco più, infino alla soffitta, le facciate sono distinte in alcuni quadri, in ciascuno dei quali è ritratto qualche famoso scrittore antico o moderno con breve elogietto, nel quale ristrettamente si compendia la vita di ciascheduno di loro. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Crucially, the food items like samosas, pastries, puffs, wraps, sandwiches and the like as well as the water are to be periodically tested for quality, he promises.
  • If the results are confirmed, they could give new insights into how stars collapse and explode, says Chris Fryer of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
  • Within the genera that develop bisexual flowers, agamospermy appears to be present in Sarcandra chloranthoides as well as Chloranthus serratus and C. fortunei.
  • For spice and flavour, make a beeline for the Bengali samosas, ghoognis, namkeens, and aloo dum with peas kachoris.
  • The January Dancer by Michael Flynn - Starting with Captain Amos January, who quickly loses it, and then the others who fought, schemed, and killed to get it, we travel around the complex, decadent, brawling, mongrelized interstellar human civilization the artifact might save or destroy. Books in the Mail (W/E 08/16/2008)
  • I'll try the saunf trick but I don't like any spices in samosa covers. The Imperfect Punjabi Samosa
  • The four organizers of Expozine are dynamos of productivity.
  • My grandfather Amos Dewhirst, a woolsorter and part-time picture-framer from Oxenhope, opened his newsagents, stationers and tobacconists at 232, Oakworth Road, Keighley, in 1899.
  • The Taramosalata Mousse, is divine with a blend of smoked fish caviar, panko, lemon, Greek olive oil and herbs. Laura Klein: Xandros -- Modern Greek Cuisine
  • His main backdrop at the museum will be the Easton and Amos rotative beam engine.
  • Traditionally the East Timorese have lived in small villages with semi-autonomous local governments, and Gusmao and Ramos Horta are keen to enable this de-centralised social and political structure to persist.
  • I've read the Los Alamos reports, but I'd like to know if, since then anyone has said the thorium is more concentrated than being a constituent of KREEP overturned at basin rim structures. Dennis Wingo - Why Space? Why Now? - NASA Watch
  • The Samoset rolled and righted on a sea, and in the light breeze her canvas gave forth a hollow thrum. Bunches of Knuckles
  • The starters we ordered, vegetable pakora and meat samosas, were excellent.
  • Dynamos looked as if they were coping well, and with only 10 minutes left and a two-goal cushion they must have been confident of a smooth finish.
  • Both species use a mixed breeding system, consisting of xenogamy, geitonogamy, and autogamy; agamospermy is unimportant.
  • Ya Volvimos: Empezamos El 2011 Con Buena Música el show de esta semana es como una montaña rusa, llena de emociones: tenemos una balada de amor, odio, y un par de psicodélicas alucinaciones musicales. NPR Topics: News
  • But this superb chiller honored the delicacy of the original in its subtle shading of childhood horrors and its wintry evocation of Los Alamos, while delivering two or three terrific set-pieces.
  • The haggis samosa - to be launched on Friday to coincide with Burns Night - consists of vegetarian haggis, neeps, tatties and spices, and comes complete with tasteful yellow tartan packaging.
  • Our security at Los Alamos and all our nuclear facilities is very tight now.
  • Después nos vamos a las propiedades británicas, donde nos paramos al lado la casa de “Edward Cullen” una casa moderna localizada en el barranco silencioso. TWILIGHT TOUR: NADA DE ROBERT PATTINSON PERO ABUNDANCIA DE LUNA NUEVA Y ECLIPSE | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Sin embargo nosotras no fuimos a la oficina de tal empresa para serciorarnos de que ese tipo pertenecía al personal, hasta que llego tal flota a la parada, mi madre se subio tranquila y yo le dije al ayudante que estaba cargando en ese momento las maletas suba mis bultos pero, el me dijo su boleto y le dije le page al otro ayudante, no existe ningun otro ayudante respondió, me quedé asustada y mi madre al percatarse de tal situación hizo un escandalo porque el muchacho que le cobró ya no aparecía en esos momentos, no sabíamos que hacer talvez es culpa nuestra por confiar y no aserciorarnos de que era cierto de lo que decía ese muchacho ladrón y no pudimos rescatar tal dinero fue una estafa que podíamos evitar si hubiésemos comprado los boletos de la boleteria. Global Voices in English » Bolivia: Warnings of Scams in El Alto
  • In the derived condition, the parietal is discontinuous around the lateral margin of the parietal fenestra with the squamosal forming part of this margin.
  • Bioclasts have mixed orientation, but large ammonoids and ramose corals are invariably concordant.
  • He has also studied the plants in tropical forests near Alamos in southern Sonora and Mazatlán in southern Sinaloa, and in pine-oak forests near Yécora in the Sierra Madre Occidental in eastern Sonora. Contributor: Tom Van Devender
  • vamos," or "we go," and spinning as he ripped his left elbow back and raised his left knee. Brownsville Herald :
  • We'll see many more cornrow-inspired looks than individual braids, Amos says.
  • Under normal circumstances it will be found that laminar venation is most common in gamosepalous and vaginal venation in polysepalous calyces. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • By fabricating stories and manipulating Roxie's meek husband Amos (Kevin Chamberlain), as well as the press, Flynn turns the murderous adulterer in to a local, yet short-lived celebrity criminal.
  • Andrew of Samosata, and some others would not accept it, but declared the word "Theotokos" to be heretical. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • In the meantime, check out her restaurant for excellent curries, samosas, bhajis and, yes, pakora.
  • Despite several eminent scientists predicting that electric light bulbs in a circuit would never work, a lamp powered by current produced by dynamos was demonstrated on 21 October 1879.
  • Chatting over Indian samosas and chicken tikka, she seems candid, confident, light-hearted and completely disarming.
  • One of these species, a ramose form with thin branches, was not found in the coral reef zone lower in the section.
  • (M450) While these great events were transpiring in Bœotia, the fleet of the Greeks, after the battle of Salamis, undertook to rescue Samos from the Persians, and secure the independence of the Ionian cities in Asia. Ancient States and Empires
  • Asbestos, a fibrous hydrous silicate mineral, exists in 6 forms for industrial use: actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, and tremolite.
  • Anno. na squamosa, sweetsop or custard apple, seedless Blood Test
  • The form of the Anglos comes as a timely boost for the Scottish Saltires, who play their National League debut against Durham Dynamos today.
  • None of these species set seed through agamospermy or autonomous self-pollination; therefore they depend entirely on pollinating agents for their reproduction.
  • Only the raised bar along the squamosal/parietal suture, present in T. latus; and the midline epiparietal, absent in T. latus, may discriminate the two species. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Breaking its promise, Athens sent a cleruchy to garrison its ally Samos. G. The Theban Hegemony
  • 'What! doesto mak' aat He's as selfish as thisel, Amos? Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • Stamos' character showed up dead, filleted like a fish by a scuba diving knife. Annie Stamell: John Stamos Showcases His Sleazy Side in Law & Order: SVU
  • Valencia dominated the second half as the yellow cards came thick and fast in response to some robust tackling, before Ramos outjumped his markers to nod home a 72nd-minute second goal for Real. La Liga round-up: José Mourinho pelted after Real win at Valencia
  • Also known for her potent, often obtuse poetry is Tori Amos.
  • Samos and the shady hills of Ida, in Scyros and Phocaea and the high hill of Autocane and fair-lying Imbros and smouldering Lemnos and rich Lesbos, home of Macar, the son of Aeolus, and Chios, brightest of all the isles that lie in the sea, and craggy Mimas and the heights of Corycus and gleaming Claros and the sheer hill of Aesagea and watered Samos and the steep heights of Mycale, in Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Pero señor, ¿sabe acaso usted que tener 5 gramos de plomo por decilitro en la sangre es altamente peligroso y que, según el estudio “Niveles de plomo sanguíneo en recién nacidos de La Oroya” [1], el 75,3% de los niños recién nacidos en la ciudad tienen entre 6 y 10 gramos de plomo en cada decilitro de sangre. Global Voices in English » Peru: Contamination in Mining Town La Oroya
  • There are Indian samosas filled with coriander-scented duck confit.
  • Las mugeres de los tumaranpoques si tienen los hijos siruen la mitad del mes en ylar y texer algodon que les dan sus amos, The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • If I eat chapathi, puri, samosa, there is burning and itching.
  • Cuncti gradus ascendentes ad palatij aulas, et aularum cameras, et ad thalamos Camerarum sunt solidi de argento vel auro, sed et omnis stratura pauimentorum in alijs habetur ad similitudinem scacarij, vnam quadratam argenti, alteram auri, laminis valdè crassis, et in ipsis pauimentis, sunt exsculpta gesta, et historiæ diuersæ. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • And when someone mentions yourname Miami as if you are only aplastic flamingo in someone'syard, or a plastic braless girlon South Beach burning hertits in that sun, the same sunthat burned on my mother's foreheadwhile waited for the bus from FlaglerStreet to North Miami's factoria, yo no se porque nosotrosmi gente lo unico que recordamoses el rojo que dejamosy no el calor que empezamosen el exilio, en Miami. Yo No Se
  • I thought the surplus store would have them, but they only carry white, black, green and camos.
  • But when a knight cometh, that is so hardy to kiss her, he shall not die; but he shall turn the damosel into her right form and kindly shape, and he shall be lord of all the countries and isles abovesaid. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Only three varieties of amphibole fibers will be discussed because: crocidolite and amosite were the only amphiboles with significant industrial uses in recent years; tremolite, although having essentially no industrial application, may be found as a contaminant in other fibers or in other industrial minerals (e.g., chrysotile and talc). Geology of asbestos
  • Thus, with designer Clint Ramos, Maler created a production all of which takes place within the unit set of a pure white hospital room, and whose ensemble of white-clad hospital staff are themselves the angels of the title photo from the Boston Globe. "Angels in America" the opera, part two
  • Everyone's eyes shift from the teach, Mrs. Stamos, to us.
  • Jose Ramos-Horta was prominent in the campaign against Indonesia rule, after the Portuguese withdrew from their former colony in 1975.
  • Confiamos que sirva a manera de gua tcnica y de inversin pare quienes se hallan interesados en iniciar la produccin de piensos compuestos, adems de ser de utilidad como informe de referencia pare cuantos se encuentran desarrollando ya actividades en este campo. Chapter 3
  • Now carefully fold over one corner of the greaseproof paper, then fold over the other corner so that you have a samosa-shaped parcel, folding the edges in tightly to seal. Seaside recipes: crab tart, sea bass with pea and mint soup
  • -- A shrub, 7-9° high, with a straight, ramose trunk 3-4 'in diameter. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • In particular, the minerals concerned are: chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite und actinolite, which are categorized on the basis of their chemical composition and fibrous structure as serpentine Asbestos 1. Introductory part: Asbestos - Deposits, uses, types, characteristics
  • The Judaeo-Christian prophets such as Amos castigate those who loll on beds inlaid with ivory, feast on lambs, drink wine by the bowlful and anoint themselves with the richest of oils, but feel no grief for those who struggle. People of all faiths should be protesting against the cuts | David Haslam
  • With 85% of the vote counted, unofficial tallies showed Ramos leading his closest rivals.
  • February 2, 2008 at 1:12 pm an, sinse it iz caturday, we all can has big paaty? i maeks bery bery gud pial… piel… spanish ricey dishes! an mai wurld famose samgrea! missy, yoo can habs furst tayst! My name is not - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Then, from 1984 to 1988, Bosley played a recurring role in Lansbury's long-running TV series, "Murder, She Wrote," as folksy Sheriff Amos Tupper. Tom Bosley Dead: 'Happy Days' Dad Dies At 83
  • = Cohesion of the sepals = in a normally polypetalous calyx renders the latter gamosepalous, and is not of uncommon occurrence, to a partial extent, though rarely met with complete. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • My Peruvian colleagues and expedition co-leader, Rodolfo Salas, named it after a Colombian telenovela, which is like "Pedro El Escamoso," "Sleazy Pedro. New Species Of Extinct Giant Penguin Discovered
  • El Industrial" (Quito, 1895), año IV., num 132, 133, 135; as also the "Noticias autenticas del famoso rio Marañon y misión apóstolica de la Compañia de Jesús de la provincia de Quito en los dilatados bosques de dicho rio escribilas por los anos de 1738 un misinero de la misma compania y las publicas ahora por primera vez Marcos Jimenez de la Espada" (Madrid, 1889), with maps drawn up by Maroni. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • ‘With this Mr Amos hit my brother so hard across the face his fingermarks were left on his face, and then he sat down and ate my brother's breakfast, saying ‘nothing more for this boy today from any of you’, meaning the kitchen staff.’
  • Mopsuestia had preferred sunapheia to henosis; Andrew of Samosata saw no difference between them. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • The potential impact of the latter species on oilseed rape was recently reported in France, where this crop is heavily damaged by O. ramosa.
  • In the meantime, check out her restaurant for excellent curries, samosas, bhajis and, yes, pakora.
  • A. [EXOGYRA COSTATA] Shell sub-oval, very thick, lower valve convex, and covered with strong corrugated ribs; apex lateral, with about two volutions; upper valve flat, thick, supplied with numerous elevated concentric squamose plates. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Then the royal procession, with Baroness Amos carrying the cap of maintenance, a sort of scarlet bonnet with red trim.
  • How Sir Launcelot followed a brachet into a castle, where he found a dead knight, and how he after was required of a damosel to heal her brother. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Mombasa is known for its Indian foods brought by the numerous immigrants from the subcontinent, including curries, samosas, and chapatti, a fried bread.
  • Amosite, fibrous anthophyllite, fibrous tremolite, fibrous actinolite, and crocidolite are amphiboles, double-chain silicates, which observed microscopically look like sharp needles.
  • I head east from Anamosa, feeling too shitty to even pretend otherwise.
  • The news is that a controversial little coelurosaur from the Isle of Wight’s Wessex Formation, Calamosaurus foxi (known only from two cervical vertebrae, one of them incomplete), is so similar to the cervical vertebrae of Dilong that I am confident that it too should be identified as a basal tyrannosauroid. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Arthur, I will accomplish my message for all your fearful words; and went forth by the crest of that hill, and saw where he sat at supper gnawing on a limb of a man, baking his broad limbs by the fire, and breechless, and three fair damosels turning three broaches whereon were broached twelve young children late born, like young birds. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The starters and small bites menu include soup of the day, beef samosas, seared scallops with coriander and garlic, and haggis, neeps and tatties.
  • Then the damosel sent unto Corsabrin, and bade him go unto Sir Palomides that was a paynim as well as he, and she gave him warning that she had sent him her pensel, and if he might overcome Palomides she would wed him. Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Volume 2
  • While Amos often finds himself on foreign turf ("The Upper Peninsula is a great place to visit, but I don't want to die there") and out of his social depth (the German cars in Grosse NYT > Home Page
  • On a plate, place two samosas and top with a scoop of sherbet.
  • Holtrop, who recently toured the Los Alamos area as part of an internal Forest Service review, was struck by the high survival rate of trees replanted in one particular area of the forest.
  • * The jugal or malar (ju.) reaches over from the maxilla to meet a zygomatic process (= connecting outgrowth) (z.p.) of the squamosal bone. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Damosel, said Sir Percivale, who hath disherited you? for I have great pity of you. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Most of these already hefty meals were ‘washed down’ with jorums of ultra-sweet beverages, notably indigenous preparations of robust viscosity like snowball, or punches made from peanut butter, barbadine, soursop and seamoss.
  • Amos, who is now a reporter with National Public Radio, said the atmosphere at Marula-Puku became especially strained after a videotape went missing.
  • In vitro infection of host roots by differentiated calli of the parasitic plant Orobanche was also achieved in O. ramosa.
  • For spice and flavour, make a beeline for the Bengali samosas, ghoognis, namkeens, and aloo dum with peas kachoris.

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