
Amorpha canescens

  1. shrub of sandy woodlands and stream banks of western United States having hoary pinnate flowers and dull-colored racemose flowers; thought to indicate the presence of lead ore

How To Use Amorpha canescens In A Sentence

  • Amorpha canescens (_lead plant_) continued the characteristic plant of the country, and a narrow-leaved _lathyrus_ occurred during the morning, in beautiful patches. The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California To which is Added a Description of the Physical Geography of California, with Recent Notices of the Gold Region from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources
  • Amorpha canescens, Tephrosia Virginiana, Lithospermum canescens; _ between which the immigrated Mullein _ (Verbuscum thapsus) _ may be found. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 43, May, 1861 Creator
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