
How To Use Amok In A Sentence

  • Individuals should not be allowed to run amok insulting and using abusive language against one another.
  • A couple have told how they are lucky to be alive after a horse pulling their carriage ran amok and started a stampede during a holiday pleasure trip.
  • There is the pop psychology of the day, run amok.
  • March 3rd, 2009 at 12: 18 am amok carnivorously compartment corral darner diverse dreadful hesitating homewards mainline Shedir sockets untouched cheap generic viagra aristocratically Racine rivaled. viagra Says: Matthew Yglesias » Mike Pence’s Ode to Rush Limbaugh
  • A group of schoolboys run amok when they are abandoned on a desert island. Times, Sunday Times
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  • On the fringes of this retinue, lions and crocodiles pounce on their victims while an elephant runs amok, and at the centre is the Navab, enlarged as befits his status, bending from his richly caparisoned mount to slash at a lion.
  • Under English rule the great object of the police is to take the "amok" runner alive, and have him tried like an ordinary criminal for murder; and if he can be brought to bay, as he sometimes is, they succeed in pinning him to the wall by means of such a stout two-pronged fork as I saw kept for the purpose in Malacca. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • The group of them got into a happy conversation, and like a pot set vigorously aboil, the waiting room was soon splattered by the frolicsome four: "radical secular left," "cultural relativism run amok," "post-modern world," "the mushy middle," etc. Archive 2008-03-01
  • I can't really complain since it's my own decision and I'm going back to Hafnarfjörður with a spanking new, albeit overpriced due to run amok inflation, bike. * ring ring* MMOz
  • In this era of computer viruses and military drones, computer scientists are right to worry about the dangers of autonomous machines with rogue programs running amok.
  • Another unenviable record is the 19 stabbings that occurred at a gig in Boston, although they were not a reaction to the band's music but the result of a nutter running amok through the crowd.
  • But the scandal of Enron's collapse is not an isolated example of a single company run amok, or even a handful of companies.
  • The weeds and rampant vegetation seem to be dying off, as if the owner has run amok with a weedkiller can a few years too late.
  • The first two rioters who ran amok in Manchester city centre, were jailed yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • West Shamokin earned its title berth with victories against Leechburg (25-4, 25-10, 25-11), - News
  • Eric Cantor said he fears this EPA action will lead to what he call bureaucracy run amok. CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2009
  • Two people were injured and a third left in shock yesterday after an axeman ran amok before launching a frenzied attack inside a historic abbey.
  • But Scrushy's incompetence went far beyond allowing a den of thieves to run amok in the finance department.
  • He walked toward Amok, enjoying a small flare of pride at operating like a noir detective. DO NO HARM
  • And before I knew it, the foam had oozed profusely, running amok outside of the can and onto my hands, clothes, shoes, and yes, even running down my leg.
  • Her orders were to ‘generally run amok’ and create a diversion away from the allied landings.
  • But no! Instead of surrendering tamely the inspired madmen in the cars ran amok and played a merry game of follow-my-leader up and down and round and through the ranks of the enemy, until they had fired off most of their ammunition. With Our Army in Palestine
  • Samokish, Byelorussian poet, N.A. Gusovsky, and the revolutionary writers A.I. Gertsen and N.P. Ogarev (Anon, 1991). Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, Belarus
  • Both versions recall the golem running amok and threatening innocent lives, so Rabbi Loew removed the Divine Name, rendering the golem lifeless. Jihad Monitor
  • For every vision of a genetically crafted wunderkind, think of the legions of genetically damned who could inherit the Brave New World of bioengineering if it runs amok.
  • She'd no notion of leisurely love-making, either; thirty seconds of gentle dalliance and she started behaving like the Empress Theodora run amok, with poor old Flashy fighting for his life, belaboured by balloons of black jelly. THE NUMBERS
  • Chaos is a calm Goddess, who loves to work with Existence to create things and let them run amok on their own.
  • Youths were clambering over barbed wire fences, climbing through skylight windows and running amok in the dark.
  • They just can't avoid being manipulated, tricked, conned, used, snookered, bamboozled, hoodwinked, rum amok and conned by men.
  • So I hereby tag Alane, Susan, The Mongolian Monk, Laura-Sue, The Amok Monk and Val unless they have already been tagged by others, in which case they need to tell me so I can find someone else to tag. UUpdates - All updates
  • He had never tripped on acid before but he imagined that the drug's effects caused the user's imagination to run amok.
  • Is that the same story or just another example of corruption run amok aka Republican governance? Firedoglake » Transforming Risk Into Opportunity
  • While his father ran a conservative magazine and his mother's family the local newspaper, he and his siblings terrorised the neighbourhood, running amok because their parents did not believe in discipline.
  • And what a saucy lot they were in the early Sixties with rampant double entendres and camped-up characters running amok amid the laughter.
  • With Thatcher running amok through the welfare state, lobby groups are preoccupied defending what was once thought unassailable.
  • Typically in a robot film, the script eventually calls for the obliging machine to override its software program and run amok, wreaking vengeance on its masters.
  • Allowing them to run amok with their petri dish development without boundaries at a time when human-animal cloning is occurring certainly seems cause for concern. The Volokh Conspiracy » Justice Kagan I Presume?
  • Double-entendre lyrics run amok at this sonic strip club from hell.
  • None of the accommodation around here will take them in, but the problem is their parents rent houses for them and let them run amok. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the poor, who live in adobe houses, ran amok with automatic dishwashers.
  • E te piki amokura o Nga Puhi, kua katohia nei koe e te ringa kaha o aitua. NZ On Screen
  • Personally, my favorite story about PC zero-tolerance policies run amok is the girl that brought a tray of brownies to school on her birthday and ended up getting expelled because she brought a kitchen knife to cut them with. The Twilight Of The USA, Number One
  • I should remind you that I was being admitted voluntarily, there was never any suggestion that I needed to be 'sectioned' but you would have thought that I had stolen the Crown Jewels and then run amok slaying the Royal Family to judge by the manner of the nurse admitting me. Mental Nurse
  • A science-fiction thriller about a planet that is mired in civil war and whose computerized defense system runs amok, threatening everyone.
  • Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso decided to open the floodgate after much pressure from local residents in southern areas, who ran amok on Friday, as they could no longer bear being continually flooded.
  • The populism as anticommunism, the nationalism and the empowerment of the central government which Roosevelt employed ran amok in Germany. Matthew Yglesias » Culture and Size and Scope of Government
  • As he ran on, crying out in his frenzy, "_Amok -- amok -- amok_! kill -- kill -- kill!" we saw some of the police dashing towards him with long poles, at the end of which was a fork of wood with iron spikes inside it. Old Jack
  • Fire - in coronas, pillars or volcanic conflagrations - appears often, adding to the feeling of nature about to run amok.
  • After deranging the mind and disfiguring the face, the bug causes a victim's body to "disassemble" and its limbs to run amok. NYT > Home Page
  • She could skin the ordinary kahuna lapaau (medicine man) when it came to praying to Lonopuha and Koleamoku; read dreams and visions and signs and omens and indigestions to beat the band; make the practitioners under the medicine god, Maiola, look like thirty cents; pull off a pule hoe incantation that would make them dizzy; and she claimed to a practice of kahuna hoenoho, which is modern spiritism, second to none. SHIN-BONES
  • Federal regulators, desperate to keep up with the New York attorney - general ( and now governor - elect ), ran amok.
  • The future export potential of natural Mäori vegetables like taewa, the Mäori potato, and kamokamo (gourd fruit), coupled with the need to capture traditional knowledge, are two issues to be discussed at a meeting in Bulls tomorrow. Latest Massey News
  • This winter has been dreadful, it started out alright, I thought for a while I was immune to the colds running amok at work but just before Christmas I got whacked and really haven't been myself since.
  • At the City of Manchester Stadium, Neville's coeval Patrick Vieira ran amok, scoring twice. Forget the obsession with youth, football's future is grey and balding | Harry Pearson
  • Crocosmias have montbretia, run amok in the hedgerows of Cornwall and Co Kerry and populating them with unwanted offspring. - Articles related to Invasive plant killing Dartmouth lake
  • And on the important issues of war and peace, protecting basic civil liberties, and challenging the crimes of a presidency run amok, that is what the Democratic Party's elected officials have done: nothing. Cowards, Traitors and the People who enable them
  • With the economy in shambles, healthcare reform imploding and tax and spend Democrats running amok is the a newswothy story or just another cheesy photo-op for a pitiful president? Beer choice at Obama meeting touches off new debate
  • This is shopping as a creative and artistic endeavour run amok. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do staff members try to make up for the lack of rampaging aliens by occasionally running amok themselves?
  • Curiously, the same logic also appears to be true of the tourist strip, which, in its own tacky way, is a classic example of how run-amok corporate money can leave a place wholly denatured.
  • A short time before, a man had been killed at a gaming-table because, having lost half-a-dollar more than he possessed, he was going to “amok.” The Malay Archipelago
  • A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin.
  • It is merely mutual respect and the certainty that running amok with your home made kaboodle (or tank, or machine gun, both of which can be owned by citizens by the way) will result in prosecution that inhibits the criminally minded from the excesses that such systems might allow. Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
  • This is shopping as a creative and artistic endeavour run amok. Times, Sunday Times
  • Isn’t Bible Spice the one who supports racial profiling by saying, “political correctness run amok is going to destroy our country”? Think Progress » Palin aide refuses to criticize Limbaugh by name when calling his ‘retard’ comments ‘crude and demeaning.’
  • Unaware that the lab has run amok, the professor injects a particularly foul-tempered rat with a super dose of the serum.
  • Lamium maculatum (spotted nettle) cultivars already running amok in my garden, a gift of another lamium, atypical though it may be, did not exactly make me leap for joy. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • The moms sit in the kitchen drinking strong coffee and sharing pie and good conversation while the kids all run amok.
  • And frankly, a palooka Rollins is: covered head to toe with tattoos and belching metallic tales of power run amok and self-sufficiency.
  • **This is often the reality in Bulgaria, but Samokov seems to be a bit of an exception to the extent of the segregation - please try to refrain from tough judgements on this reality**. Archive 2008-11-01
  • A group of schoolboys run amok when they are abandoned on a desert island. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Rape awareness,” in these terms, becomes just another example of hysterical women run amok, which is an image that has often been used in the mainstream media and other places to discredit feminists, feminism and the gains they have made. Women Who Don’t Call It Rape
  • We pay tribute to his everlasting contribution to the freedom struggle and undying memory, and we say, "Dilo kamoka dika timela, eupja bogoshi gabo timele gobane, botseba ka gabo bjona! A tribute to King Sekhukhune
  • But Prince did say one big important thing: What Blackwater does when its contractors run amok is fire them. Heroes or Villains?
  • In fact, some mints are so vigorous that people worry about them running amok. Times, Sunday Times
  • Countries around the world are facing the problem of anarchists running amok.
  • Honestly, if a friend wrote these into a piece of fiction about government oversight gone amok, I'd have to tell them that they were too one-dimensional, too obviously anticonstitutional. Boing Boing
  • In the same area, a farmer was trampled to death by his cattle, a vicar ran amok in his church.
  • Tanks and armoured personnel carriers guarded government buildings as looters ran amok in the city of 18m. Times, Sunday Times
  • I find it interesting that Theists apparently all want to run amok in hedonistic escatasy but they resist only because God is watching. Contentment
  • To top it off, the flagship of stress hormones, cortisol, is running amok through my veins, putting my body on yellow alert for the day.
  • The celebrations in Samokov also included a contest between Roma orchestras, a beauty pageant and a football tournament.
  • She does not run amok at the first opportunity, but she does gain enjoyment from being in different surroundings. Times, Sunday Times
  • A science-fiction thriller about a planet that is mired in civil war and whose computerized defense system runs amok, threatening everyone.
  • In a city where trends rush by faster than the downtown D train, and fashion stylist's run amok trends wait for no one.
  • We need not fear a political, economic, and moral world run amok. Christianity Today
  • Fourteen people have been knifed in a Chinese internet cafe after two men ran amok in a terrifying 20 minute attack.
  • A secret surveillance operation has exposed a catalogue of crime as gangs of youths run amok on the streets of a troubled York estate.
  • A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin.
  • Was he simply an illicit fantasist running amok in a lawless land, as the prosecution alleged?
  • One of the book's more preposterous claims is that ‘20,000 marchers tore palings from a Methodist Church fence and ran amok’ in the riots of April 1932.
  • It was individualism baresark, amok, crazily frantic. The Fortunate Youth
  • The neophyte candidate claimed it was a security project run amok, making the whole affair reminiscent of Watergate: too much money pushing too many imaginative staffers toward too much mischief.
  • ‘I am probably more strict than my parents were with me, but you look around you and you see children running amok,’ he said.
  • If there is an invulnerable army running amok, all the rest of the sacrifices of that day seem silly and pointless.
  • March 3rd, 2009 at 12: 18 am amok carnivorously compartment corral darner diverse dreadful hesitating homewards mainline Shedir sockets untouched cheap generic viagra aristocratically Racine rivaled. viagra Says: Matthew Yglesias » Mike Pence’s Ode to Rush Limbaugh
  • I wonder if it was Mel Gibson running amok - recently fallen off the wagon again - "threatening" a paranoid gun-toting citizen. Sound Politics: Why Was Daniel Culotti Even ON The Street?
  • This is the same uninspired commission of dunderheads that last year "undesignated" the 1915 Cass Gilbert-designed Austin, Nichols & Company building on the Brooklyn waterfront and the 1968 Jamaica Savings Bank, which kind of looks like those cool Kennedy Airport terminals that vandals trashed last year at an unveiling party gone amok. Hello Again
  • An enormous energy-spewing behemoth from below emerged from the caverns, and ran amok into the midst of the battle.
  • Technology gone amok is one example of that (seen in 50's sci fi) - a robot that kills its creator certainly went beyond expectations. REVIEW: Schismatrix Plus by Bruce Sterling
  • But speculation about whether he had accomplices has run amok.
  • The mind conjures up images of wine police running amok, busting people for wine crimes - like drinking Sauvignon Blanc with beef tenderloin.
  • The misapplication of "statistics" is simply scientism run-amok. You Can Do Anything You Put Your Mind To: A Noble Lie?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Our current leaders may be distracted by the "lookit this, some of it's kinda cool" crap left behind by run-amok children, but we in the authentic progressive base know eventually Bush/Reagan fantasyland all has to go in a bonfire. Who Is The Wolf At The Door?
  • While in line at the bank one afternoon, my toddler decided to release some pent-up energy and ran amok.
  • Master of Science student Aleise Puketapu checks out a new crop of kamokamo (gourd fruit) at Massey's Latest Massey News
  • In the same area, a farmer was trampled to death by his cattle, a vicar ran amok in his church.
  • Only from way over yonder amongst the Golden Horde can a collection including Hillary Clinton, Bob Gates and Timothy Geithner seem like a dangerous liberal cabal gone amok. The Other Foot
  • Although Stealth a hypersonically paced Top Gun update about an unmanned air combat vehicle UCAV gone amok gets correct some of the futuristic air-combat technology it depicts, much of it is dead wrong, and the film commits all three of the aforementioned sins. Hollywood Vs. Reality | Impact Lab
  • But I even cut the recipe on the box in half, so that I wouldn't have thousands of waffles running amok in my kitchen.
  • From its perch at the busiest intersection in town, the theater lent Shamokin a touch of beaux-arts grandeur. Protecting the Heart of the Borough « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • Amateur lawmen might be allowed to run amok in Sydney; but Sydney's ways were not Melbourne's ways. STAGE FRIGHT
  • A couple have told how they are lucky to be alive after a horse pulling their carriage ran amok and started a stampede during a holiday pleasure trip.
  • John Burd stands on the former site of Shamokin, Pennsylvania's Victoria Theatre with scavenged remnants of the demolished 1918 beaux-arts landmark. Protecting the Heart of the Borough « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • run amok
  • The city itself is not just home to deities and "knackers" (those with magical talents) run amok, but has powers and disciples, called Baltimore City Paper
  • Ninjas, mind-controlled slaves, a plasmatic monster, robot dinosaurs, inner demons, and bandersnatches are running amok.
  • A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin.
  • But if it's the leadership itself that's doing the damage, who can stop us from running amok and finishing what they started?
  • With Thatcher running amok through the welfare state, lobby groups are preoccupied defending what was once thought unassailable.
  • The moms sit in the kitchen drinking strong coffee and sharing pie and good conversation while the kids all run amok.
  • But before the accolades and universal acclaim, Kahanamoku was going to do something very small and singularly important for American sports.
  • Everywhere I looked, I saw spandex running amok.
  • They came to watch a bunch of people dressed in ridiculous clothes and outlandish make-up run amok in a slapstick whirlwind of escapism.
  • He has been outraged by the sight of feral youths running amok. The Sun
  • At a gathering at the offices of Thomson Reuters, Gladwell and Martin talked about how talent compensation has run amok in America and the repercussions of what they call unmitigated greed. News
  • Young men ran amok butchering strangers with swords.
  • A couple have told how they are lucky to be alive after a horse pulling their carriage ran amok and started a stampede during a holiday pleasure trip.
  • As I am in Churchillian mode at present here is another quote from the great man which those who let Dizaei run amok over the last 24 years should have read-it is also a good maxim for every police supervisor at every level Why front-line police officers are glad about Dizaei « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • And for this reason and in recognition of the need to reduce maternal deaths, deaths during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (the period of up to about six weeks after childbirth, during which the uterus returns to its normal size) that government proclaimed these events notifiable with effect from 1 October 1997," Dr Ramokgopa said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The army ran amok after one of its senior officers was killed.
  • Keeping him from running amok in those circumstances might be beyond even her resources. DEATH OF A NYMPH

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