How To Use Amoeba In A Sentence

  • The small jelly-speck, which we call the amoeba, has no organs save what it can extemporize as occasion arises. Evolution, Old & New Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin
  • Like amoebas, the hotel chains expand until they collide and fight with neighboring rivals.
  • The amoebae in the Unikont group are more closely related to animals than they are to other so-called amoebae in the other groups, such as ... Boing Boing
  • Amoebae and bacteria are single-celled organisms.
  • Maybe they didn't reproduce, didn't know how to, just split in two like amoebae. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
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  • Foraminifera, or forams, are abundant marine and freshwater amoebae with granulose, reticulating pseudopodia.
  • Most inept alien The "blob" - a giant amoeba which, in the 1953 movie, terrorises the small community of Downington PA. The Guardian World News
  • Most amoebae strains were obtained from the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (Windermere, United Kingdom).
  • What you said was "If we're having trouble telling if an amoeba is intelligent it will scarcely affect our case. Bunny and a Book
  • To counter this, water is secreted into a contractile vacuole as fast as it enters the amoeba.
  • Your comment was certain "rational" - for an amoeba! Obama to tour key Western states
  • Witness the sweet quiet example of idyllic work which I extract from a scene beginning in the regular amoebaean style of ancient pastoral. A Study of Shakespeare
  • There was fragment of E. coli that was not digested in some of the amoebae.
  • The core of the amoeba is fluid; its outer parts jelly-like. SPLITTING
  • Lamb (who drank only water) retired almost with the dinner itself, nothing remained for men of our principles, the rigor of which we had illustrated by taking rather too much of old port before the cloth was drawn, except talking; amoebaean colloquy, or, in Dr. Johnson's phrase, a dialogue of "brisk reciprocation. Biographical Essays
  • The core of the amoeba is fluid; its outer parts jelly-like. SPLITTING
  • Even if this claim were true, which it virtually never is, why on earth should amoeba-like intellectual shapelessness be a good thing in a journalist?
  • The magnified parade of protozoas, amoeba proteus and paramecia aurelia, with spirogyras and volvox green algae, amazed the kids.
  • We may now go on to a more detailed study, the microscopic study, or histology, of the tissues in which metaboly and kataboly occur, but before we do this it will be convenient to glance for a moment at another of our animal types -- the Amoeba, the lowest as the rabbit is the highest, in our series. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The "Symphony No. 4" or "Symphonie concertante for Piano and Orchestra," depending on how it's billed, is one of the composer's final works and it has the sound of everybody from Carl Nielsen to Bartok in it, but the voice is definitely its own, and the wonderful performance made me want to go to Amoeba Records on a Szymanowski buying spree. Archive 2008-10-01
  • This is then viewed under a microscope to look for the entamoeba histolytica parasite.
  • The problem has always been amoebas or giardia (one friend had both at the same time). ebwilderae Treating Food/Water Poisoning in Mexico, or Any Other Place
  • The small jelly-speck, which we call the amoeba, has no organs save what it can extemporise as occasion arises. Selections from Previous Works and Remarks on Romanes' Mental Evolution in Animals
  • Like amoebas, the hotel chains expand until they collide and fight with neighboring rivals.
  • One of the diseases caused by Acanthamoeba is called amoebic keratitis, which is an infection of the eye. Secret Tenerife
  • Delphica and M. M.tharete, with whom she was archaeological, ravishingly amoebaean of Homer. One of Our Conquerors — Complete
  • This strongly suggests that these tRNAs are edited by a mechanism similar to the one seen in the fungus Spizellomyces punctatus and the rhizopod amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii.
  • In some simple organisms, such as amoeba, water is actively excreted from the cell in vacuoles.
  • Without this switch mutant amoebas extended false feet called pseudopodia in all directions and wandered aimlessly as Ras flickered on and off at random points on their surfaces. Media Newswire
  • These movements are termed amoebiform, because they quite resemble the movements of a small animalcule which is named amoeba. Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
  • Elsewhere, amoebic abscesses are more common, and, worldwide, amoebae are the commonest cause.
  • In explaining the facts of reproduction, I would therefore suggest that you should begin with the lowest rung of the ladder, the simplest organisms, such as the amoeba or the volvox. The Power of Womanhood, or Mothers and Sons A Book For Parents, And Those In Loco Parentis
  • For example: an amoeba might gaily multiply itself into proliferous plurality, gobbling up all the sugary water in the vicinity -- until there is no more sugar and too many amoebae, who then all abruptly die. Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Fracking & Fukushima: More Obscene Than The Word They Sound Like
  • Now if the student will compare Section 35, he will see that in the white blood corpuscles we have a very remarkable resemblance to the amoeba; the contractile vacuole is absent, but we have the protoplasmic body, the nucleus and nucleolus, and those creeping fluctuations of shape through the thrusting out and withdrawal of pseudopodia, which constitute "amoeboid" motion. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • She would have sketches of scenes between Delphica and M. Falarique, with whom the young Germania was cleverly ingenuous indeed -- a seminary Celimene; and between Delphica and M. M.tharete, with whom she was archaeological, ravishingly amoebaean of Homer. One of Our Conquerors — Volume 4
  • Ciliates have permanent contractile vacuole pathways and pores where amoebas will release them from any point along the surface of its body. Protozoa
  • Fewer amoebae at any one moment, but they can live on into the future. Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Fracking & Fukushima: More Obscene Than The Word They Sound Like
  • Entamoeba histolytica, the parasite that causes amebiasis. Parasite
  • The causative organism responsible for the disease is entamoeba histolytica which exists in the human colon in two forms: motile trophozoile; and non-motile cyst.
  • If we're having trouble telling if an amoeba is intelligent it will scarcely affect our case. Bunny and a Book
  • Instead of writing, I'm trying to fold something in origami that doesn't look like an amoeba. Spring Break
  • Frankly we didn’t think that Jack Tweed was capable of such violence, but only because it requires the brainpower to necessitate basic motor skills and – from watching his exploits on Celebrity Big Brother last year, where he basically acted like an amoeba with a Zara storecard – we just didn’t think he had it in him. Jade Goody Continues To List Everything Terrible About Herself
  • For example, water-seal slabs in latrines reduce the breeding sites for culicine mosquitos, vectors of filariasis; treatment of excrete prior to its disposal can kill the eggs and cysts of many human parasites (Ascaris, Entamoeba, and Schistosoma spp), thus preventing contamination of both ground and water. Chapter 4
  • A prediction of front-loading is genes required for multicellularity being discovered in unicellular organisms, and I have previously suggested looking at amoebae, one of the oldest eukaryotes. 2007 January - Telic Thoughts
  • If you consider inviting people to come to the US cuz they can grow amoebae into microchips, but blocking them from citizenship for 15-20 years, to be a minor thing, well: you need to get out more. Matthew Yglesias » Sleep Deprivation
  • It can have at once, the concentration of a craniate animal and the diffused vitality of an amoeba.
  • Contact with protozoa, the tremendously varied group of more sophisticated single-celled microbes that includes amoeba and paramecium, has also been greatly reduced in the developed world by water and food treatment measures.
  • #63 Dyan; no even an amoeba is more intelligent than Bush. Think Progress » Bush Works For Lasting Peace In The Middle East
  • They maintained that Chaos chaos was generically and specifically like Amoeba proteus without presenting any valid reason for holding such a view.
  • The amoeba is a very simple organism.
  • At least three minutes of boiling is necessary but 20 minutes of boiling will make water safe and pure from all the harmful bacteria viruses, worms and cysts of amoeba.
  • Does it not follow that if the evolution of amoeba to man is fact, then the development of primitive man to civilized man must be fact also?
  • And it is because of the light which the amoeba thus incidentally casts upon the nature of the specialised senses in higher animals that I have ventured once more to drag out of the private life of his native pond that already too notorious and obtrusive rhizopod. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • It is a simple program, sort of the amoeba of communications packages.
  • Tap and distilled water have been associated withAcanthamoeba keratitis, a corneal infection that is resistant to treatment and cure. Contact lens safety tips to share with your child
  • even amoeba are sensible creatures
  • For example, from the fact that the human egg is a simple cell, we may at once infer that there has been at a very remote time a unicellular ancestor of the human race resembling an Amoeba.
  • The virus lives in single-celled organisms called amoebae and may be able to infect humans.
  • When the giant mamavirus infects an amoeba, it uses its large array of genes to build a ‘viral factory’, a hub where new viral particles are made. Boing Boing
  • Entamoeba are unicellular eukaryotes that frequently parasitize vertebrate species including human.
  • Place a little acid on one side, and the amoeba will ooze away from the negative stimulus.
  • One of the diseases caused by Acanthamoeba is called amoebic keratitis, which is an infection of the eye. Secret Tenerife
  • You might also like to ask him how complex specified information is measured, what the units are, and if there is more in an Amoeba proteus,a human or a potted begonia. Sand dune - The Panda's Thumb
  • But knowing the antipathy that the _amoeba_, like almost every other infusorian, has to the tentacles of the _acineta_, I concluded that the The Dawn of Reason or, Mental Traits in the Lower Animals
  • Having left the malarial countries it was not possible for me to verify the hypothesis I had put forward on the role of mosquitoes, and it is to Dr. Ronald Ross that we owe the demonstration that the malarial haematozoon and the closely related Haemamoeba malariae of birds complete several phases of their evolution in the Culicidae and are propagated by these insects. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • Place a little acid on one side, and the amoeba will ooze away from the negative stimulus.
  • Individual cells may crawl about over the surface of the sponge like amoebae.
  • Neither a plant nor an animal, and once thought to be a fungus, most slime moulds are now considered more closely related to amoebae. Country diary: Northamptonshire
  • You feel the good effects of the emetine within six hours and the remedy, continued, kills the amoeba the way quinine kills the malarial parasite. Hemingway on Hunting
  • It occurs when a person eats or swallows something that has been infected with the entamoeba histolytica parasite.
  • Amoebas are single-celled water creatures that multiply by fission: an amoeba will split down the middle to become two amoebas.
  • On-screen, a black swarm was imploding an amoeba proteus. Delta Anomaly
  • Note this advance in the nutritive organism: the _moneron_ takes its food at any point of its body; the _amoeba_ takes its food by means of its "false-feet," and drives it through its body by a rhythmic movement of its substance; the A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga
  • The amoeba would extend toward a cluster of bits and engulf them into its jellylike interior. Delta Anomaly
  • California, in 1879, tried an interesting and productive experiment; it allowed its supreme court to divide itself, like an amoeba, into separate segments “departments”; only especially difficult or important cases would be decided en banc, that is, by the whole court. A History of American Law
  • By analyzing DNA sequences contained in the plastid of the thecate amoeba Paulinella, researchers have shown that it is a recent endosymbiont whose genome features are virtually unchanged from those of its cyanobacterial progenitor. Science Press Releases
  • Every animal that has only one cell-nucleus, every amoeba, every gregarina, every infusorium, is unicellular, and remains unicellular whatever variety of matter it feeds on. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • You are using the terms amoeba and bacteria as though they are synonymous; they are not. Killer Ameoba, Are First Responders At Risk?
  • Entamoeba histolytica have long been regarded as 'exotic' organisms, but are 'hyperendemic' among gay men attending Canadian Medical Association Journal stated the following in its abstract: "In a controlled study 67. 5% of 200 homosexual men but only sixteen percent of 100 heterosexual men were found to be infected with intestinal parasites" ... Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Indeed, onions, amoebas, and thousands upon thousands of other organisms with very large genomes do not have cerebella, which is kind of a snag for your model. Another unintelligent move - The Panda's Thumb
  • One way to start: draw an arbitrary shape (like an amoeba silhouette) and then ask yourself: could this*particular* shape be blessed, by some inherent logic, with a special non-predicate status like “exist”, and yet other shapes (like a somewhat different amoeboid outline, or triangles, etc.) not be? Please Tell Me What “God” Means
  • Objective To study the staining method of active Entamoeba hi histolytica trophozoite.
  • In addition to the protozoan in Figure 1.6, several other types were found, including amoebae, other flagellates and ciliates.
  • Entamoeba histolytica can be found in two forms or stages, the active (motile) trophozoite which actually causes the physical illness, and the dormant (encapsulated-form) cyst by which the disease is spread. Different Frame of Reference
  • It must have a flexible structure that can expand and change, in much the same way that an amoeba adapts to its environment.
  • He showed that the amoeba Pelomyxa became immotile upon illumination, whereas the photosynthetic alga Euglena was attracted to light.
  • Pheromones are widespread in the animal world, from the single-celled amoeba to human beings.
  • Any creatures that then exist will be as different from us as we are from bacteria or amoebae. The Catastrophist
  • Thus the boys sang in verses amoebaean, and thus Menalcas began the crowning lay: Theocritus Bion and Moschus Rendered into English Prose
  • Current molecular and morphological data support the hypothesis that eukaryotic diversity comprises five major supergroups: UNIKONTS, which include animals, the unicellular choanoflagellates, to which they are closely related, as well as fungi (mushrooms!) and a whole host of things called amoebae! Boing Boing
  • Chlamyodomonas swim toward light (phototaxis), and Dictyostelium amoeba crawl toward a specific chemical substance (chemotaxis). Incredible Motor Powered By Living Bacteria | Impact Lab
  • Every nerve was strained to outdo each other in carving all thoughts into a fillagree work of rhetoric; and the amoebaean contest was like that between two village cocks from neighboring farms endeavoring to overcrow each other. Biographical Essays
  • Almost every species studied, from amoeba to man, exhibits some form of habituation when the stimulus is frequently repeated or constantly applied.
  • We need to reach the hiring manager directly, andwe need to open anon-amoeba-type conversation withhim or her by composing a Pain Letter and a resume that speakto the hiring manager's business needs, rather than to the endless list of nitpicky job-ad qualifications. Liz Ryan: Skirting the Resume Black Hole
  • Marine amoebae are not in danger of lysis or crenation because seawater and their cytoplasm are isotonic.
  • The treatment was started three days after inoculation with amoebae and continued for three consecutive days.
  • A claim of moral equality on behalf of animals is surely not plausible if one means literally all animals, including centipedes, slugs, and amoebas.
  • Amoebae, blood cells, chloroplasts, hydra, paramecia, and other microscopic microorganisms wiggle and squirm with fascinating movement in closeup views sure to make you wash your hands.
  • Tropical dysentery is a third disease due to a protozoa parasite, the amoeba coli taken in with impure water. Some of the Triumphs of Modern Medicine
  • Greed and Suck" used together connotate something worse than pond scum, a blob like amoeba, which survives on the bottom rung of humanity, in the sewers. Michealene Cristini Risley: "Greed sucks"
  • Mix water in the same pipe, and we all die of entamoeba histolytica infection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Incredibly, a microbiologist has shown that the amoeba lives its life in almost constant and unremitting hatred.
  • This amoeba is surrounded by fungi like the other protozoa examined, but the separation between the amoeba's cell membrane and the fungi is much narrower than with flagellates and ciliates.
  • I liked biology a lot more amoebas and vertebrae.
  • Do you reproduce by mitosis and cytokinesis like amoebas do? Think Progress » Justice Department Intervenes In Gay Rights Suit For The First Time In A Decade
  • A great amoeba floated majestically in darkness before me, pseudopodia flowing slowly, slowly, in welcoming embrace. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Instead, Entamoeba histolytica, the microorganism which causes amoebiasis ( "Amoebic Dysentery") is described as being a protozoa, with the other common categories of pathogenic microorganisms being viruses, bacteria, and the various flavors of worms. Different Frame of Reference
  • Naegleria fowleri is an opportunistic amoebaean-flagellate pathogen. Unthreaded #20 « Climate Audit
  • In the heliocentric perspective, our dear earth is a mere speck in this expanding infinite space where a very tenacious life came into existence in its oceans about two and half billion years ago in a unicellular body - the Amoeba.
  • When as in Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia no sexual cycle exists, whether they are diplonts or haplonts is obviously irrelevant.
  • The next stage to the simple cytode-forms of the Monera in the genealogy of mankind (and all other animals) is the simple cell, or the most rudimentary form of the cell which we find living independently to-day as the Amoeba. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • Find an amoeba in a drop of pondwater on a microscope slide.
  • He was diagnosed with acanthamoeba keratitis, an infection caused by a microscopic organism in water. The Sun
  • Despite the best efforts of menfolk across a thousand generations, this adolescent female amoeba cannot be dispelled40).
  • Acanthamoeba species can also thrive, which can trigger keratitis, a severe eye infection. Times, Sunday Times
  • The life cycle of Physarum includes two distinct vegetative forms: the haploid amoeba and the diploid plasmodium.
  • From the moneron he proceeds to the amoeba -- a simple cell, with a kernel, which still corresponds to the egg of man in its first state. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • Tap and distilled water have been associated with Acanthamoeba keratitis, a corneal infection that is resistant to treatment and cure. Contact lens safety tips to share with your child
  • The haploid myxamoebae act as isogametes; individuals of different mating types pair and fuse to form diploid zygotes that develop into macroscopic, diploid plasmodia after repeated mitotic cycles without cell division.
  • Amoeba Princeps, a minute particle of jelly-like substance, called sarcode -- scarcely larger than a small grain of sand -- and with no distinction of organs or limbs. Story of Creation as Told By Theology and By Science
  • A strain of large, free-living amoeba that became dependent on bacterial endosymbionts which had infected the amoebae initially as intracellular parasites, was studied by micrurgy and electron microscopy.
  • To make a more quantitative study of nuclear protein, a combination of tritium labeling, autoradiography, and micrurgy was performed with the amoeba cultures.
  • The amoeba is just as much an animal as the elephant.
  • But as many rhizopods were not in this group, including the best-known example, Amoeba, and many Cercozoa are flagellates rather than amoeboid, the name Cercozoa is much more welcome.
  • I'm a big believer in Darwin's theory that all life forms evolved from amoebae.
  • So you see that the amoeba has taken a step upward from the moneron, and is beginning to appreciate the convenience of parts and organs. A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga
  • ‡ The term amoeba is sometimes used to refer to something with an indefinite, changeable shape. Amoeba
  • These movements are termed amoebiform, because they quite resemble the movements of a small animalcule which is named amoeba. Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
  • It took a further billion years for these organisms to evolve nucleated, organelle containing cells - to become amoebae if you like. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • To put this time span in perspective, two billion years ago our ancestors were microscopic single-celled amoebas.
  • Since such a creature as the rabbit is formed through the co-operation of a vast multitude of cells, it is called multicellular; the amoeba, on the other hand, is unicellular. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Naked lobose amoebae are among the most abundant group of protists present in all aquatic and terrestrial biotopes.
  • Contact with protozoa, the tremendously varied group of more sophisticated single-celled microbes that includes amoeba and paramecium, has also been greatly reduced in the developed world by water and food treatment measures.

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