How To Use Amniotic In A Sentence

  • The excess amniotic fluid was then removed from the recipient twin sac, and antibiotics were placed into the uterine cavity to decrease the risk of infection. Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
  • He pierced her amniotic sac, making a therapeutic abortion necessary.
  • Outside the amniotic ectoderm is a thin layer of mesoderm, which is continuous with that of the somatopleure and is connected by the body-stalk with the mesodermal lining of the chorion.
  • Suspended in amniotic fluid, the fetus is also weightless.
  • There were no differences between the two groups with respect to the foetal cardiotocographic test results, amniotic fluid volume estimation and umbilical artery pulsatility indices.
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  • Under epidural anesthesia, a single 4-mm trocar sheath was placed into the amniotic sac of the recipient twin. Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
  • In the second pregnancy trimester abnormal amniotic fetal cells can be detected.
  • The amniotic sac breaks and is expelled in the third stage of labor.
  • In addition, the report presents a preliminary draft of the human amniotic fluid metabolome from women with PTL that shows biochemical intermediates of human metabolism as well as xenobiotics such as salicylamide and bacterial products can be measured in human amniotic fluid. Business Wire Travel News
  • One twin is smaller with little amniotic fluid around it and is called the "donor" twin. Glossary
  • Abnormal levels of alpha-fetoprotein in amniotic fluid or maternal blood may indicate an increased risk for a variety of birth defects or chromosomal disorders. Glossary
  • From about 1940 Burnet's main interest in virology was influenza virus. 9 He showed that influenza virus could be isolated from human cases by inoculation of throat washings into the amniotic sac, and a year later that virus isolated in this way could be quickly adapted to grow in the allantoic sac. The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
  • Fetal cells contained in the amniotic fluid will be tested for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.
  • After the neighbor's mare foaled amid a flood of amniotic fluid, the estrogen left her urine and Timothy's flame trees died.
  • The amniotic fluid and membrane cushion the fetus against bumps and jolts to the mother's body.
  • Although a baby’s size and the amount of amniotic fluid differ among pregnancies, the length of your pregnancy in weeks approximates the distance in centimeters between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus called the fundus. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • Abnormal levels of alpha-fetoprotein in amniotic fluid or maternal blood may indicate an increased risk for a variety of birth defects or chromosomal disorders. Glossary
  • The membranes amnion and chorion create the amniotic sac that surrounds your baby. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • Selective bipolar umbilical cord cautery and transection of anomalous parabiotic twin The patient was a 33-year-old, second pregnancy, referred at 21 weeks gestational age for pregnancy complicated by a monochorionic, monoamniotic (single shared placenta, single shared amniotic sac) twin pregnancy, with one twin reported to have multiple congenital anomalies. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • The stalk lengthens as the fetus develops within its amniotic sac, and at the uterine end the blood vessels become part of the developing placenta.
  • Close-up of 4-D scan of the near full term foetus drinking the amniotic fluid.
  • This procedure, known as amniotomy, may also be done to check for meconium the baby’s first bowel movement in the amniotic fluid. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth
  • Outside the amniotic ectoderm is a thin layer of mesoderm, which is continuous with that of the somatopleure and is connected by the body-stalk with the mesodermal lining of the chorion. I. Embryology. 11. Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
  • The amniotic fluid may be discolored by blood from a previous amniocentesis, excess vernix, or meconium.
  • The recipient responds to the blood transfusion by producing excessive amounts of urine, and is surrounded by a large volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).
  • For these reasons, close surveillance of gastroschisis in the third trimester using a combination of sonography and fetal surveillance testing (biophysical profile, Doppler ultrasound, amniotic fluid volume) is important to monitoring fetal well-being and determining the appropriate time of delivery. Gastroschisis
  • Stem cells from amniotic fluid have been used to repair windpipe defects in unborn lambs while still in the womb.
  • Researchers believe that simulated amniotic fluid, which contains enteric growth factors, promotes villous development.
  • Under epidural anesthesia, a 3-mm skin incision was made under continuous ultrasound guidance, and a 3-mm trocar sheath passed into the common amniotic cavity. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • Amniotic bands that connected a hypocoiled cord to the fetal neck and strangulated the neck were seen in one case.
  • Approximately 4 inches lateral to the trocar sheath, a small 1.2 mm needle sheath was also introduced into the amniotic cavity under ultrasound direction. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • At 8:30 AM, the obstetrician manually broke the patient's amniotic fluid sac in an effort to speed up labor.
  • Most preterm births follow spontaneous, unexplained preterm labor, or spontaneous preterm prelabour rupture of the amniotic membranes.
  • One study has found organochlorine pesticides in one-third of amniotic-fluid samples tested. Globe and Mail
  • Aquatic experiences begin in the mother's womb where an infant is surrounded by amniotic fluid.
  • In the second pregnancy trimester abnormal amniotic fetal cells can be detected.
  • The doctor ordered some blood tests and scheduled a detailed ultrasound, called a biophysical profile, which would provide a rating of the babies’ muscle tone, body movements, and breathing ability, as well as the amount of amniotic fluid, and the blood flow resistance through the umbilical cord. Mothering Twins
  • The amniotic fluid may be discolored by blood from a previous amniocentesis, excess vernix, or meconium.
  • The amniotic fluid of the control group came from amniocenteses for genetic screenings or analyses to check fetal lung maturity and showed no signs of bacteria even by DNA methods. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • A suction-irrigation pump equipped with a fluid monitor is used to irrigate and replace the fluid in the amniotic cavity.
  • Empirical antibiotic treatment is often indicated for preterm infants who seem well but who have specific risk factors for systemic infection, such as prolonged rupture of amniotic membranes.
  • In this way a cavity, a., lined by epiblast, and called the amniotic cavity, is formed. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Both of these procedures are left until after the sixteenth week of gestation in order to reduce the risk of injection outside the amniotic cavity.
  • A pregnant woman goes into hospital, six-months pregnant, and, after a doctor confuses her for a different patient and tries to remove a non-existent coil, she is given an abortion after her amniotic sac is pierced.
  • Birth hormones are injected into the amniotic sac to induce premature birth.
  • Alzheimer’s disease amniocentesis amniotic fluid amniotic sac amphetamine anabolic steroids analgesic anemia anesthesia anesthetic angina pectoris angioplasty anorexia anorexia nervosa anthrax antibiotic antibiotics, resistance to antibodies anticoagulants antidepressants antigens antihistamines antiseptics anus aorta appendectomy appendicitis appendix arteries arteriosclerosis arthritis arthroscope ascorbic acid asthma astigmatism atherosclerosis athlete’s foot atria atrophy 22. Medicine and Health
  • Inside the mother's belly, in the uterus, the baby lies in a strong bubble called the amniotic sac, which is filled with amniotic fluid.
  • The amniotic sac that contains your baby begins to form about 12 days after conception.
  • The other twin is larger and has too much amniotic fluid around it and is called the "recipient" twin. Glossary
  • Some reasons to undertake such procedures, as suggested by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, include: pregnancy-related high blood pressure; infection in the uterus; and leaking amniotic fluid without labor starting or a placental abruption -- that is, the placenta, which nourishes the baby, peels away from the uterus, a very rare complication requiring immediate attention. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Electively Induced Labor: Remember, For Babies' Sake, Every Week Counts
  • Amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase is found in gastroschisis but not omphalocele. CHOP abdominal wall defect publications
  • One of the things your health care provider monitors is the size of your abdomen and the amount of amniotic fluid in your womb.
  • Chinamen (cited by Mr Candidate Mulligan) in consequence of defective reunion of the maxillary knobs along the medial line so that (as he said) one ear could hear what the other spoke, the benefits of anesthesia or twilight sleep, the prolongation of labour pains in advanced gravidancy by reason of pressure on the vein, the premature relentment of the amniotic fluid (as exemplified in the actual case) with consequent peril of sepsis to the matrix, artificial insemination by means of syringes, involution of the womb consequent upon the menopause, the problem of the perpetration of the species in the case of females impregnated by delinquent rape, that distressing manner of delivery called by the Brandenburghers STURZGEBURT, the recorded instances of multiseminal, twikindled and monstrous births conceived during the catamenic period or of consanguineous parents — in a word all the cases of human nativity which Aristotle has classified in his masterpiece with chromolithographic illustrations. Ulysses
  • Selective bipolar umbilical cord cautery and transection of anomalous parabiotic twin The patient was a 33-year-old, second pregnancy, referred at 21 weeks gestational age for pregnancy complicated by a monochorionic, monoamniotic (single shared placenta, single shared amniotic sac) twin pregnancy, with one twin reported to have multiple congenital anomalies. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • Was this, he wondered - thinking of Freud - the amniotic fluid?
  • January 2007 – Scientists at Wake Forest University led by Dr. Anthony Atala and Harvard University report discovery of a new type of stem cell in amniotic fluid. [ Think Progress » Poll: Large Number Of Texans Doubt The Theory Of Evolution, Believe In Human-Dinosaur Coexistence
  • The doctor can then open the amniotic sac and remove the baby.
  • I feel like I'm carrying this amniotic feeling of relaxedness and security everywhere. Tilda Swinton on Return of a Breakout Film
  • The sonographer scans the patient, taking an initial assessment of the fetuses, the placenta, and the amniotic cavity.
  • Positive or faint amniotic fluid acetylcholinesterase band with normal ultrasound. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • The baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in the womb and by your abdomen.
  • A foetus was aborted at 25 weeks because it had amniotic band syndrome, which causes deformities in the body parts.
  • Low or absent amniotic fluid during this time period can result in pulmonary hypoplasia. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • Correction of hemodynamic abnormalities by vesicoamniotic shunting in familial congenital megacystis. Obstructive Uropathy, Fetal Intervention for Obstructive Uropathy
  • Increased amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein in patients with fetal nuchal edema. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • The finding that fetuses with hydrops are at very high risk for fetal or neonatal demise led to the performance of either fetal surgical resection of the massively enlarged pulmonary lobe (fetal lobectomy) for cystic/solid lesions or thoracoamniotic shunting for lesions with a dominant cyst. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • The discolored fluid prevents a clear view of the inside of the amniotic cavity.
  • Conclusion Fresh amniotic membrane could be a useful graft material for ocular surface reconstruction.
  • Sullivan KM, Hawgood S, Flake AW, Harrison MR, Adzick NS: Amniotic fluid phospholipid analysis in the congenital diaphragmatic hernia fetus. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • Rather than amniotic fluid contributing to soft skin, according to Kelly, babies in the womb are protected by vernix.
  • But the liquid spreading rapidly on the pretty floral sheets wasn't the sweetish, colourless amniotic fluid.
  • Amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, or fetal serum can be tested for evidence of West Nile virus infection.
  • The concentrations of the free amino acids in the amniotic fluid of the anencephaly fetus were raised markedly whilst those of the spina bifida fetus were lower than normal.
  • Maybe, just maybe the musician knew his son - cocooned in amniotic fluid - was listening as he blew saxophone notes across to his girlfriend's belly.
  • Spaces appear between the remaining cells of the mass (Fig. 11), and by the enlargement and coalescence of these spaces a cavity, termed the amniotic cavity (Fig. 12), is gradually developed. I. Embryology. 5. Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
  • Outside the amniotic ectoderm is a thin layer of mesoderm, which is continuous with that of the somatopleure and is connected by the body-stalk with the mesodermal lining of the chorion. I. Embryology. 11. Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
  • Maternal cell contamination of amniotic fluid samples obtained by open needle versus trocar technique of amniocentesis. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • Perinatal islet function in gestational diabetes: Assessment by cord plasma C-peptide and amniotic fluid insulin.
  • Hint: For the older pregnant woman, the AFP in amniotic fluid should be checked as a rule. The check rate of nerve tube blemish can be increased, and the birth of ill infant can be avoided.
  • Fetuses take amniotic fluid into their lungs, and in a minority of MSAF cases, passed meconium enters the airway before birth and afterward leads to respiratory symptoms collectively called meconium aspiration syndrome MAS. I did not know that: fetuses urinate and (can) poop
  • Veterinarians are completing the study comparing allantoic and amniotic fluids and heart rates of fetuses in mares.
  • Increased amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein in patients with fetal nuchal edema. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • Down here in the amniotic warmth of Scotland's only heated salt-water pool you can lie back, watch the sea birds soaring overhead and look deep into your own soul.
  • After waiting for about half an hour, my translator and I are ushered down a long corridor, past a security door, and through a windowless conference room filled with brand-new imported office furniture still encapsulated in amniotic plastic sacs. In a Ruined Country
  • And then there's that voice: a lazy, amniotic drift like some ageless, graceful neuter, swathed in a nimbus of echo and reverb.
  • They found two genes switched on in the amniotic epithelial cells that heretofore were believed to only be expressed in embryonic stem cells.
  • Rupture of the amniotic membranes can lead to formation of amniotic bands.
  • Occurring in one in 15,000 live births, they are produced by thin bands of amniotic membrane wrapping around various parts of the extremity in utero.
  • Efficient in vivo targeting of epidermal stem cells by early gestational intraamniotic injection of lentiviral vector driven by the keratin 5 promoter. CHOP stem cells publications
  • In attempting to remove the non-existent coil he pierced the amniotic sac and a therapeutic abortion had to be carried out.
  • Perinatal islet function in gestational diabetes: Assessment by cord plasma C-peptide and amniotic fluid insulin.
  • An 18-year-old African-American couple was referred for their first pregnancy at 19 weeks gestational age for a monochorionic, diamniotic twin gestation complicated by severe Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
  • The new Williams credits Clark with the idea that AFE is similar to anaphylaxis and with the suggestion that the name amniotic fluid embolism (or "amnionic," as Williams puts it) is a misnomer. Chicago Reader
  • The amniotic fluid and membrane cushion the fetus against bumps and jolts to the mother's body.
  • Before a baby is born, it is surrounded by water in the amniotic sac.
  • This technique generally has been avoided in obstetrics and oncological surgery for fear of introducing foreign materials (eg, amniotic fluid, fetal cells, cancer cells) into the circulation with potentially devastating results.
  • The stalk lengthens as the fetus develops within its amniotic sac, and at the uterine end the blood vessels become part of the developing placenta.
  • The discolored fluid prevents a clear view of the inside of the amniotic cavity.
  • The pedicle of the allantois, which connects the embryo with the placenta and conducts the strong umbilical vessels from the former to the latter, is covered by the amnion, and, with this amniotic sheath and the pedicle of the yelk-sac, forms what is called the umbilical cord (Figure 1.196 al). The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • These stem cells, found in amniotic fluid, could one day lead to a readily available supply of stem cells that don't come with the ethical problems surrounding embryonic stem cells. New Source of Stem Calls? A Good Thing?
  • Correction of hemodynamic abnormalities by vesicoamniotic shunting in familial congenital megacystis. Obstructive Uropathy, Fetal Intervention for Obstructive Uropathy
  • He swallowed amniotic water and he breathed it into his lungs, and he sensed that he had no boundaries. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Once the epidural has taken effect, her abdomen is prepped with an antibacterial solution and a trochar is placed into the amniotic space to allow the introduction of instruments, such as a small camera (fetoscope) and a coagulation device into the amniotic cavity. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • The amniotic fluid may be discolored by blood from a previous amniocentesis, excess vernix, or meconium.
  • The amniotic sac that contains your baby begins to form about 12 days after conception.
  • Care was exercised not to separate the amniotic sac into its components, the chorion and amnion.
  • The point of any chophouse round here is to transport the customer into a state of gently gagging amniotic bliss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Efficient in vivo targeting of epidermal stem cells by early gestational intraamniotic injection of lentiviral vector driven by the keratin 5 promoter. CHOP stem cells publications
  • It is one of the few bacteria that can get past all the unborn baby's defences, crossing the cervix and amniotic membrane to create a pre-birth infection.
  • In some instances, multiple tissues from individual specimen were analyzed, including amniotic membrane, chorionic membrane, chorionic villous stroma, and trophoblast, as well as fetal tissues.
  • You may feel a sharp stinging sensation when the needle pierces the amniotic sac but this should only last a few seconds.
  • The developmental stage determines the distribution and duration of gene expression after early intra-amniotic gene transfer using lentiviral vectors. Fetal Gene Therapy Publications and Information
  • Perinatal islet function in gestational diabetes: Assessment by cord plasma C-peptide and amniotic fluid insulin.
  • Under epidural anesthesia, a 3-mm skin incision was made under continuous ultrasound guidance, and a 3-mm trocar sheath passed into the common amniotic cavity. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • And according to the results of their studies, these so-called amniotic epithelial cells could in fact be directed to form liver, pancreas, heart and nerve cells under the right laboratory conditions.
  • Ascending infection can also occur through intact chorioamniotic membranes, with subsequent events occurring in utero, resulting in stillbirths or death within hours after birth 24.
  • He suffered from a condition called amniotic band syndrome ABS, also known as temporal band syndrome. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • She was a 24-year-old mother with two prior children who was referred at 17 1/2 weeks gestation because of a monochorionic, diamniotic twin gestation complicated by TRAP sequence. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • The finding that fetuses with hydrops are at very high risk for fetal or neonatal demise led to the performance of either fetal surgical resection of the massively enlarged pulmonary lobe (fetal lobectomy) for cystic/solid lesions or thoracoamniotic shunting for lesions with a dominant cyst. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Fluid in the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus also contains fetal DNA.
  • The new Williams credits Clark with the idea that AFE is similar to anaphylaxis and with the suggestion that the name amniotic fluid embolism (or "amnionic," as Williams puts it) is a misnomer. Chicago Reader
  • Combination of topical steroid and cyclosporine, oral prednisolone and tetracycline, amniotic membrane transplantation and tarsorrhaphy may save the vision.
  • View larger image » If the serial fetal bladder drainages for urinary electrolytes and protein components come back favorable and if there is a recent history of decreased to no amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios, anhydramnios) and no chromosomal abnormalities in a male fetus, the family may be offered fetal intervention with a vesicoamniotic shunt placement or fetal cystoscopy to further evaluate the source of fetal urinary tract obstruction. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • Coelomic fluid was always bright yellow, while amniotic fluid was clear.
  • It is possible for infection to occur, and miscarriage is a further possibility, for example if the amniotic sac has been punctured during the procedure.
  • amniotic membrane
  • A foetus was aborted at 25 weeks because it had amniotic band syndrome, which causes deformities in the body parts.
  • Care was exercised not to separate the amniotic sac into its components, the chorion and amnion.
  • Fortunately, the majority of newborns exhibit excellent lower extremity vascular supply, unless it is compromised by an extrinsic factor, such as an intrauterine amniotic band.
  • The baby is further developed and is becoming more efficient in the amniotic sac.
  • Amniotic fluid is an important prognostic indicator because a critical phase in lung development occurs around 18 to 20 weeks of gestation. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • Increased amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein in patients with fetal nuchal edema. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • Conclusions The pressure of the amniotic cavity during normal pregnancy was stable, but changed with AFI.
  • Objective:To discuss the significance of the amniotic fluid isoamylase (AFI) in detecting the fetus organ maturity by separating and detecting it.
  • If your doctor leaves pieces of the baby, placenta, umbilical cord, or amniotic sac in your body, you may develop pain, bleeding, or a low grade fever.
  • And then there's that voice: a lazy, amniotic drift like some ageless, graceful neuter, swathed in a nimbus of echo and reverb.

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