How To Use Amnios In A Sentence
A discrepancy between size and dates because of polyhydramnios in fetuses with giant neck masses is a common indication for ultrasonography, leading to prenatal diagnosis.
Giant Neck Masses (GNM), Cervical Teratoma
The recipient responds to the blood transfusion by producing excessive amounts of urine, and is surrounded by a large volume of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).
Risk factors associated with positional head deformity are premature birth, hypotonic muscle disorders, congenital torticollis, and intrauterine constraint (such as in multiple gestation or oligohydramnios).
Poorly controlled gestational diabetes is associated with an increase in the incidence of preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, fetal macrosomia, birth trauma, operative delivery, and neonatal hypoglycemia.
Polyhydramnios is a common complication of pregnancy that causes significantly increased perinatal morbidity and mortality.
Polyhydramnios is a common obstetrical indication for ultrasonography; therefore, a prenatal diagnostic marker exists for many large fetal lung tumors.
Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
A large mass causes mediastinal shift, hypoplasia of normal lung tissue, polyhydramnios and cardiovascular compromise leading to fetal hydrops and death.
Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
Conclusion AFI is one important evidence to diagnose oligohydramnios.
A large mass causes mediastinal shift, hypoplasia of normal lung tissue, polyhydramnios and cardiovascular compromise leading to fetal hydrops and death.
Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
Many doctors routinely order amnios for women over 35 or those who have a family history of birth defects.
Poorly controlled gestational diabetes is associated with an increase in the incidence of preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, fetal macrosomia, birth trauma, operative delivery, and neonatal hypoglycemia.
View larger image » If the serial fetal bladder drainages for urinary electrolytes and protein components come back favorable and if there is a recent history of decreased to no amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios, anhydramnios) and no chromosomal abnormalities in a male fetus, the family may be offered fetal intervention with a vesicoamniotic shunt placement or fetal cystoscopy to further evaluate the source of fetal urinary tract obstruction.
Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
The pattern also displays a clear dorsoventral difference, although the ventralmost (mesoderm) and dorsalmost (amnioserosa) structures of the embryonic fate map are not represented in the epidermal pattern.
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