How To Use Amnionic In A Sentence
These include uterine tone, the shape of the uterus, and the presence and size of the small sac containing the foetus, called the amnionic vesicle. Headlines
Associated with deposition of meconium pigment is a typical degenerative change of the amnionic epithelium consisting initially of heaping up of the cells, forming a multilayered amnion.
The new Williams credits Clark with the idea that AFE is similar to anaphylaxis and with the suggestion that the name amniotic fluid embolism (or "amnionic," as Williams puts it) is a misnomer.
Chicago Reader
The new Williams credits Clark with the idea that AFE is similar to anaphylaxis and with the suggestion that the name amniotic fluid embolism (or "amnionic," as Williams puts it) is a misnomer.
Chicago Reader
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