
How To Use Ammo In A Sentence

  • Some of the crew went off-shift, stringing up hybrid bunks and hammocks belowdecks, the others continued working.
  • Humus being highly colloidal, has the ability to adsorb and retain for future plant use many of the ions such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphates and ammonia which might be leached from the soil and lost in drainage.
  • “‘Now, gentlemen, standing up here before you, I feel a good deal like Pat, and maybe after I’ve spieled along for a while, I may feel so darn small that I’ll be able to crawl into a Pullman hammock with no trouble at all, at all! Chapter 14
  • I can find no legitimate references to the use of metallic, inorganic, or organic silver compounds as a sanitizer, disinfectant, or sterilizing agent. quaternary ammonium chloride compounds - Mixtures of compounds such as alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, dioctyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and octyl decyl dimethyl ammonium chloride are very commonly used as surface sanitizer; if you look at your household cleaners that claim disinfecting properties, there's a high percentage chance that you'll find a "quat". Question ;Microdyne
  • Thence in comparison to pricey couches, hammocks are more user-friendly.
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  • In the Lower Devonian, ammonoids appeared, leaving us large limestone deposits from their shells.
  • All due beasty inferences aside, the sudden departure of Hammond, a seasoned spokesperson who has good relations with the local media, is a blow to Smith's operation. George Fearing: 4th Congressional District deserves better representation
  • Of course, getting all this infrastructure right is a mammoth undertaking in debt-ridden times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Correlation of the two regions (Wales and Spain) is achieved by ammonite biostratigraphy; however, the correlation is complicated by diachrony in the ammonite zones, especially around the Pliensbachian / Toarcian boundary.
  • The Rhemists, and Dr. Hammond, are for retaining the Greek word Paraclete; we read, Acts ix. 31, of the paraklesis tou hagiou pneumatos, the comfort of the Holy Ghost, including his whole office as a paraclete. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Everything was going fine, had a nice girl, money in the bank and whammo!
  • (Now that mammography is routine, the rate of increase in diagnoses has slowed.) Good News and Bad News About Breast Cancer
  • When the ammonia fog cleared, they found meth, guns, stolen property, and a huge cache of pseudoephedrine pills.
  • Some makers still bolster these paints with components like formaldehyde, crystalline silica, acetone and ammonia to help preserve the paint or give it other properties, such as spatter-resistance. Painting Without That Smell
  • Another theory is that because ammonoids grew faster and had thinner shells, the shells were not as strong as those of the nautilus.
  • Ammopiptanthus Cheng f. is the only genus of evergreen broadleaf shrubs in the north-western desert of China.
  • The rich Hettangian ammonite fauna first collected and recognized by Muller has been monographed by Guex.
  • But if you're looking to start the party fashionably early (We always are), Ammo gets the ball rolling on Sunday, July 11th with a notable three-courser. Bastille Day In Los Angeles
  • Over 120 pieces of flint waste show that Neanderthals had made butchery tools on site to carve up the mammoths.
  • The simple molecule eliminated can be water, ammonia, or an alcohol.
  • He later (2003 and 2005, 21-5) adduced a specific instance of such a change in emphasis, showing that Ammonius glosses over the doctrine of ˜divine names™, their natural origin and theurgic efficacy. The Garbage House
  • Instead of offering the traditional vanilla whip cones, these frozen feasts contain gammon and chicken ice cream.
  • The _sauba_ ants had cut nearly all the strings of Filippe's hammock; while he was resting peacefully on it the remainder of the strings broke, and he had a bad fall. Across Unknown South America
  • Think a big guitar sound, bouncing bass lines, Liberal dashes of Hammond organ, skyscraping harmonies and the most soulful vocal you're ever likely to hear on this Island and you're halfway there.
  • One mammoth cloud lay half-way across the sky, a big fleecy blanket, dragging its train. DANSVILLE
  • He zipped up the black jumpsuit and gathered up as much ammo as he could carry.
  • The graphite is mixed with clay from Mississippi in which ammonium hydroxide is used in the refining process.
  • The latest research on mammoth tusks shows that young male mammoths were being forced out of family groups much earlier than normal.
  • So to produce one tonne of ammonia you have to have five tonnes of salt-free, purified water. Times, Sunday Times
  • For all I know, chicken dollhouse is at the ATM wearing a saliva hammock. MYANMAR GOVT NO RIKEY LAMBO
  • Alkalaemia suppresses renal ammoniagenesis, but the hydrolysis of urea by bacteria liberates ammonia that alkalises urine.
  • Ammood is translated pillar also, and corresponds to the English word pillar much better. The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882
  • Then you can vary it with cocoa or nutmeg or cinammon. Make Your Own Mix For Inexpensive Flavoured Coffee | Lifehacker Australia
  • I've also been trying to source Ammonium Ferric Sulphate and Copper Sulphate, for electro etching.
  • Seconds are critical when someone is sprayed with liquid ammonia.
  • The amounts of seed required per acre for the different kinds are about as follows: mammoth fifteen to twenty pounds; red (medium) twelve to fifteen pounds; crimson twelve to fifteen pounds; and alsike ten to twelve pounds. Apple Growing
  • It has also been proposed that H pylori ammonia production will lead to mucosal damage by denaturing the protective mucus layer.
  • Perhaps the most famous creation of an isomeric compound was Wöhler's accidental synthesis of urea in 1828, when he was attempting to prepare ammonium cyanate (which he later succeeded in preparing by allowing the crystals to form at room temperature instead of by evaporating the solution). Wöhler, Friedrich
  • There are several parts to the surgery, which may include any or all of the following: orchiectomy, penectomy, vaginoplasty, and augmentation mammoplasty.
  • More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of distilling oil shale.
  • It has altered the position of the siphuncle, has placed it in the centre instead of leaving it on the back, but it still whirls its spiral logarithmically as did the Ammonites in the earliest ages of the world's existence. The Life of the Spider
  • And during frozen storage, the fish’s own enzymes also convert some TMA to DMA dimethylamine, which smells weakly of ammonia. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • We'll just take our furry piñata and go," Frank told the mammoth," if you don't mind. ICE AGE
  • The sudden reappearance of his father, coupled with his mother's mammoth success, proves to be too much.
  • Other alkalis, such as ammonium carbonate, sodium tribasic phosphate, acetone, and various glycols (such as triethanolamine, pH 8 at 1% dilution), are sometimes used.
  • One member was said to be carrying a washing-up liquid bottle, thought to contain ammonia, while another had a brown cricket kit type bag.
  • Seed crops will receive either diquat or glufosinate-ammonium instead because glyphosate can be translocated into seed and affect subsequent germination. FWi - All News
  • ‘Well, the evening began at the gentleman's club, where we were discussing Wittgenstein over a game of backgammon.’
  • A positive correlation was observed between the gastric juice ammonium and severity of gastritis.
  • Maria said something about "muchacho" (which Charley knew was Spanish for boy) and pointed to the hammock. Gold Seekers of '49
  • All the fascinating stories about the bones of dinosaurs, chalicotheres, dinotheres, mastodons, giant giraffes, and mammoths are gathered in my book.
  • Forensic analysis of skeletal muscle relaxants such as tubocurarine and gallamine has been hampered by the fact that these quaternary ammonium compounds are not readily extractable from the biological matrix.
  • All men are prone to believe in such marvels; and it is quite possible, as Niebuhr supposes, that some discoveries of the remains of mammoths and other monstrous forms embedded in the crust of the earth, may have given definiteness and prominency to the Chaldaean notions on this subject. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 1. (of 7): Chaldaea The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • In a free market society, ruled not by a dogma, but by the mammon, it was unnecessary.
  • Lolling in their leisurewear, with lager cans as a substitute for ammo, these soldiers don't quite belong in that tragically vulnerable company. The big picture: On the way to the Falklands War, 1982
  • Few pirates were in there, snoozing deeply in their bunks or hammocks.
  • This paper analyzes technically and economically the feasibility of producing ammonia by the pyrogenous coal gas from the pyrolyzating plant with circulated fluid bed boiler.
  • I was on herrick 8/9 and carried belt kit and a daysack. it my belt kit i carried ammo, bowman and FFD's In the daysack i had more ammo spare batteries water Time for the Assault Wheelbarrow (tm, patent pending)? Army Rumour Service
  • In addition to carbonates of sodium, especially the hydrocarbonate known as glycolate, the bile apparently contains ammonium sulphate combined with hydrocarbon (taurin); but this results from the transposition of sodium sulphate and gelatine. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Make a mixture of detergent and ammonia for cleaning the walls.
  • They are plunged in a solution of ammonium chloride A, contained in a glass phial or beaker, which is closed to suppress evaporation. The Story of Electricity
  • A cousin of mink, martens, otters, stoats, weasels and distantly related to seals, badgers are one of our oldest indigenous animals, whose fossil remains have been found to belong to the same era as mammoths.
  • In eastern Mongolia late Permian marine sediments with brachiopods, crinoids and Bryozoa and Triassic marine sediments with ammonites occur in the suture zone, indicating that marine conditions existed during these times.
  • I have one of those pocket knives, with screw drivers, blade, etc. and I keep a extra round of ammo (wrapped in foam rubber) in the but end of my syn stocked rifles just in case I run out of ammo. Start a Survival Fire With a Bullet
  • Plants also produce significant amounts of ammonium endogenously from processes such as photorespiration, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, and amino acid catabolism.
  • As for when to call it feckless, I don't look past the first box of ammo. A Brief Guide to Feckless* Rifles
  • The Hammonds, intent on fraud, certainly would not have explained the proposed sale transaction to Mrs. Steed.
  • Startling evidence has been found which shows mammoth and other great beasts from the last ice age were blasted with material that came from space. NASA Watch: December 2007 Archives
  • All public water supplies in Laois were also fully compliant with the standards for ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, odour, pH and turbidity.
  • The Cardioceratidae were virtually the only ammonites in the Boreal area, to which they were confined.
  • Yet a number of the large animal species found at La Brea are no longer found in North America: native horses, camels, mammoths and mastodons, longhorned bison, and sabre-toothed cats.
  • Cultivation generally increases net nitrification through liming, aeration, enhanced ammonium levels, and lower immobilization.
  • For her father's comfort, noting the sad wistful eyes that watched her coming in and going out, she had resigned herself to spend long melancholy hours within doors, reading aloud till Sir John fell asleep, playing backgammon -- a game she detested worse even than shove-halfpenny, which latter primitive game they played sometimes on the shovel-board in the hall. London Pride Or When the World Was Younger
  • Ammonium is then incorporated into amino acids via glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase.
  • Fabrics made from cuprammonium rayon tend to be more resilient than viscose rayon—that is, they do not wrinkle so easily. HOME COMFORTS
  • It is also a great relief to finish with the life-belts & hammocks.
  • Among those with more than 7000 test runs, he tops the averages along with Wally Hammond.
  • From time immemorial, in hot and rainy lands, a hypaethral court, either round or square, surrounded by a covered portico, was used for the double purpose of church and mart, — a place where God and Mammon were worshipped turn by turn. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Artwork and human remains indicate that some 40,000 years ago, our ancestors shared this landscape with rhinoceroses, bison, mammoths, aurochs, wild horses, and giant elks.
  • And afterward I will bring again the captivity of the children of Ammon, saith the Lord.
  • The fixative can be part of a broader spice blend added to the dried garden ingredients to give the composition another dimension: cinammon, bay salt or dried citrus peel. A New Whiff on Potpourri
  • Which is the nearest fossil relative of a chicken: pterodactyl, tyrannosaurus or woolly mammoth? Times, Sunday Times
  • Without any outward warning she caught the older woman in a mammoth of a headlock.
  • And just when you think that an evil character might have found redemption, whammo, he comes up with a shard of porcelain. Tuckered out : Bev Vincent
  • The area supports a number of species locally threatened or at their biogeographic limits, including golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, prairie falcon Falco mexicanus, ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, merlin Falco columbarius, Brewers sparrow Spizella breweri and grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum. Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
  • They are able to quickly pull relevant information from this mammoth database.
  • Ammonia, for example, is present in trace quantities, yet it is considered to be essential in maintaining soils at a pH of around eight, that is, optimal for sustaining life.
  • Early detection through mammography has been a major factor in the dramatic decrease in breast cancer mortality.
  • Sodium periodate, sodium cyanoborohydride, neocuproine, ammonium acetate, ascorbic acid and potassium permanganate were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Active ingredients-wise your choices include metallic or inorganic silver compounds, quaternary ammonium chloride compounds, and iodine or an iodophor. Question ;Microdyne
  • I am abhorrently evil and I feed on misery and death This would have made EXCELLENT ammo against the inhuman, barbarian right-wing devils who eat babies. Matthew Yglesias » Goldfarb Endorses Terrorist Ethics
  • My Ph.D. thesis concerned the metabolic mechanism by which the end product of nitrogen metabolism in the earthworm is switched from ammonia to urea during starvation. Stanley Cohen - Autobiography
  • Sculptors and carvers fashion teakwood goblets, cigar and jewelry boxes, and board games such as dominoes and backgammon.
  • Between his babble and having to totter into the bushes every half-mile while the troop tactfully looked the other way, I was in poor trim by the time we reached Nuggur Ford, where they slung me a hammock in a makeshift hospital basha, and a native medical orderly filled me with jalap. Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
  • Then, whammo, you're hit by a wall of redundancy.
  • Some of the crew went off-shift, stringing up hybrid bunks and hammocks belowdecks, the others continued working.
  • Time will tell whether these findings are relevant to how dinitrogen is reduced to ammonia in nature on a huge scale by nitrogenase enzymes. Richard R. Schrock - Autobiography
  • Soon after the melt unusual looking Ice Age mega-mammals like woolly mammoths, mastodons, saber-toothed lions, and bison roamed the prairies. Dr. Reese Halter: Protecting Our Wild Prairies
  • Ice Age mammoths, life in Iron Age Britain and views of the Second World War are among the topics in a new series of talks at the museum.
  • An apparatus with a copper basket four inches in diameter has been found extremely useful in the laboratory for drying such substances as granulated sulphate of copper and sulphate of iron and ammonia, but more especially for drying sugar, which when crystallized in very small crystals cannot be readily separated from the sirupy mother-liquor by any of the usual laboratory appliances. Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
  • Company health plans increasingly are offering to pay the full cost of preventive services such as physicals, colonoscopies and mammograms to help employees stay healthy. Why Patients May Be Billed for Free Exams
  • The extinct mammoths ate mainly grasses, sedges, and other riparian plants, salt bush, prickly pear, and even some needles of blue spruce.
  • But when the Minister scratches a bit of an itch, whammo, she is prepared to dump all over them.
  • From the low-beamed ceiling he unlashed a hammock and tied it to a truss by the fireplace wall.
  • This, washed and then boiled, yielded aluminium sulphate, which, when ammonia was added, became alum.
  • Several formulations are available, and all are based on fertilizers such as urea, ammonium nitrate, ammoniated phosphates, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.
  • Caragana korshinski, salix psammophila and sweat vetch hedysarumi are three good sand shrubs for resisting wind, protecting water and soil, improving ecosystem.
  • The task was a mammoth undertaking, requiring thousands of hours of research, writing, sourcing photographs and planning the events of the day itself.
  • There are hammocks slung outside some of the rooms in the outhouses and some share a kitchen - perfect for those wanting extra privacy.
  • There are some 150 types of basil, including anise, lemon, cinnamon, mammoth, and purple varieties.
  • I saw him run after a gilded butterfly: and when he caught it, he let it go again; and after it again; and over and over he comes, and again; catched it again; or whether his fall enraged him, or how ’twas, he did so set his teeth and tear it; O, I warrant it, how he mammocked it! The Tragedy of Coriolanus
  • A very dense negative, for instance, may be reduced either with the ferricyanide of potash or persulphate of ammonia reducer; and a thin negative with proper graduations can frequently be intensified to advantage in the print. Bromide Printing and Enlarging A Practical Guide to the Making of Bromide Prints by Contact and Bromide Enlarging by Daylight and Artificial Light, With the Toning of Bromide Prints and Enlargements
  • Elephant for the mammoth Cheetah for the New World cheetah Przewalski's horse for the tarpan In one proposal to "rewild" North America, Asian and African elephants would play the ecological role of the now-extinct Columbian mammoth. Pleistocene Park: Where the Auroxen Roam
  • In many ammonites the terminal body chamber is relatively large, inflated, and with a constricted aperture or apertural appendages.
  • Current research has shown an increase in soil acidification through anthropogenic effects including acid precipitation and nitrification of ammoniacal fertilizers.
  • Sammon in paua shud get fishes foar teh whole grouper cheezfrends ohn here. Hooman gets in, goes away, returns with fishez - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Several formulations are available, and all are based on fertilizers such as urea, ammonium nitrate, ammoniated phosphates, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate.
  • _Air_, _heat_, and _moisture_ are the principal of these; they attack the dead organism, and gradually convert it into wholly different and inorganic compounds, such as water, carbonic acid, ammonia, phosphuretted hydrogen, and many others. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 460 Volume 18, New Series, October 23, 1852
  • During slow moments Grandmother wandered out in the long shirt and trousers we call a salwar kameez, threading her way between the sagging hammocks and chatting with the homesick soldiers missing the dishes of their own countries. The Hundred-Foot Journey
  • Games and such … backgammon is huge here, you can get hand carved wooden boards, they play it constantly and they will win; p, almost everyone can play chess also, as well as the Russian version of checkers that is not too much different from the American version. Uz Packing Advice (updated 05.11.03)
  • From natural gas, the factory produced ammonia, then nitric acid, urea and ammonium nitrate.
  • When we arrived at a grass-thatched hut at sundown, we'd string up our hammocks and spend the night.
  • If there is a good chance you could be gammoned, be more inclined to pass the double.
  • What we had planned for the summer was a little light gardening followed by mimosas on the patio while the younger kids disported themselves on the swing set and the 13-year-old moped in the hammock. The Case Against Summer
  • There was, among the many, a hammock-shaped nest of the golden oriole, and igloo-shaped nest of some jungle specimen, a grass-at-all-angles nest of the ouzel, an eagle's nest spacious enough for Thor to hide in, and yes, a cuckoo's nest, which is to say the nest of any other bird the cuckoo finds handy. Another Roadside Attraction
  • These toxic by-products include, but are not limited to hydrogen sulfide, phenols, creosols, indoles, and ammonia.
  • I almost blush when I think of myself as describing the eight several facets on two slender processes of the palate bone, or the seven little twigs that branch off from the minute tympanic nerve, and I wonder whether my excellent colleague feels in the same way when he pictures himself as giving the constitution of neurin, which as he and I know very well is that of the hydrate of trimethyle-oxethyle-ammonium, or the formula for the production of alloxan, which, though none but the Professors and older students can be expected to remember it, is C10 H4 N4 O6+ 2HO, NO5 = C8 H4 N2 Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • For the main course, Mike couldn't resist gammon steak, eggs and chips and he wasn't disappointed.
  • And Uncle Jack, whose pocket was never without a wet sheet of some kind or other, drew forth a steaming papyral monster, which in point of size was to the political "Times" as a mammoth may be to an elephant. The Caxtons — Complete
  • Gelatine contains six atoms of hydrocarbon joined with two of ammonium carbonate, a group which is separable by chemical action into five of carburetted hydrogen with ammonium carbonate (leucin or gelatine milk), C_ {5} H_ {10}, CO_ {2}, NH_ {3}, and into one of carburetted hydrogen with ammonium carbonate (glycin or gelatine sugar), CH_ {2}, CO_ {2}, NH_ {3}. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • A team of lawyers and staff from Hammonds have devoted time and energy to fund-raising.
  • Expect whitewashed walls, four-poster beds and hammocks for afternoon snoozing. Times, Sunday Times
  • He made the dies, and promoted the idea, and prospered, but I have, and still use, an original die set and it is not RCBS. Since the advent of high velosity .22 LR ammo, one must anneal the hulls before forming them into jackets, and the whole process becomes very time consuming and tedious, maybe not worth the effort, in spite of the high cost of bullets. Useful? You Bet Your R.A.S.S.
  • The fossil content consists of ammonites, belemnites, brachiopods, echinoderms, bivalves, crinoids, gastropods, ostracodes and benthic foraminifers.
  • In case you missed it, an archaeological team led by Nicholas Conard at the University ofTübingenexcavated a truly remarkable mammoth-ivory statuette from a German cave, Hohle Fels. Check Your Venus Fantasies at the Door, Gentlemen
  • Hammond was tasked with moving in to make necessary changes.
  • Also inhabiting Ecoregion 61c are several species that are threatened in Pennsylvania, including the eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida) and the northern brook lamprey (Ichthyomyzon fossor) (Cooper, 1985, pp. 179, 182). Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • The best place to stretch and take a nap is in the open, in the lap of nature on a hammock.
  • Nourished by my indolence, it grew into a mammoth, impregnable oak of jealousy, bearing the most poisonous fruit. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • They pay for mammograms yearly, and they pay for colonoscopies, and prostate cancer screening.
  • In its efforts to become the safest, most reliable backgammon room online, Play65 has formed an objective and independent Board of Trustees, designed to clean the backgammon room from its cheaters, mainly those who create an unfair advantage using computerized aiding tools, known as backgammon bots. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Strong uniformity in Permian ammonoid biostratigraphy and provincialism between Xinjiang and Pamir is suggested.
  • It may be prepared by the action of ammonia on diazobenzene perbromide; by the action of hydroxylamine on a diazonium sulphate (K. Heumann and L. Oeconomides, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Just like Philammon struggling with his punchball is equivalent to ‘you would have thought he was Philammon struggling with his punchball’; and Rhetoric
  • Or your unreposing Mammon-worshipper again, driven, as if by Galvanisms, by Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
  • Explosives based on ammonium picrate and picric acid were also used by the military.
  • Hydrogen is used extensively in industry for the production of ammonia.
  • Nosing around outside I lifted a small flap on the cover of a large tank half full of cuprammonium solution. John B. Fenn - Autobiography
  • A cousin of mink, martens, otters, stoats, weasels and distantly related to seals, badgers are one of our oldest indigenous animals, whose fossil remains have been found to belong to the same era as mammoths.
  • With sulphuric acid it forms a salt that is as stable on heating as the sulphates from gadolinite or cerite and, like these, can be completely decomposed by heating with ammonium carbonate.
  • The film also looks ahead, examining the possibility of cloning the mammoth, should DNA be recovered during the upcoming scientific studies.
  • Come, I'll trate ye to a taste o 'me cavendish, which is better than growlin' in yer hammock at the muskaities, poor things, as don't know no better. The Pirate City An Algerine Tale
  • With the dance floor set firmly in their sights the crashing breaks, mammoth guitar riffs and vocoders are unleashed with a reckless regard for human safety.
  • Then he lifted its head, wheeled it about by the ammonite, spirograph shells of its horns till its eyes, on stalks, looked back at its bones. Archive 2009-02-01
  • And all I had of thought or feeling, all that George Hammond had called my inborn poetry, came out that evening. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 76, February, 1864
  • Above it on a wall of stone, a mammoth rears its massive tusks in lines of ochre red. Times, Sunday Times
  • They chew hasheesh; cut themselves with poisoned creases; swing their hammock in the boughs of the Bohon Upas; taste every poison; buy every secret; at Naples, they put St. Januarius’ blood in an alembic; they saw a hole into the head of the “winking Virgin, ” to know why she winks; measure with an English footrule every cell of the Inquisition, every Turkish caaba, every Holy of holies; translate and send to Bentley the arcanum bribed and bullied away from shuddering Bramins; and measure their own strength by the terror they cause. VIII. English Traits. Character
  • The higher nitrogen prices are also affecting the cost of ammonia used in production of DAP, MAP and polyphosphates.
  • You can save your customer extra shipping charges by drop-shipping the ammo from the factory to the training facility.
  • The name mammoth, which is probably of Tartar origin, Witsen appears to wish to derive from Behemoth, spoken of in the fortieth chapter of the Book of Job. The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
  • If you are the medicinally walt disney world deals in a ammonitic concessionaire and you zhukov a sprigged doorstopper, you may not get to ginglymus all that you behmen. Rational Review
  • With a deep breath for courage, I picked up the vial of ammoniacal spirits. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • The invention belongs to a preparation method and a detection method of an electrochemiluminescence sensor that is used for quickly detecting ammonium (ammonia).
  • Philip Hammond, the shadow chief secretary, said the "reheated" policies showed Labour's Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
  • Since 2008 and the first Iron Man, Marvel has been meticulously laying the groundwork for its mammoth team-up pic The Avengers, due to hit theaters next summer, and with each new franchise, the've also expanded the realms of possibility for their fictional universe, mirroring the many facets of imagination in their four-color kin. Zaki Hasan: Zaki's Review: Captain America: The First Avengers
  • The day's specials included a sweet and sour dish and gammon steak.
  • The story concerns a small chemical manufacturer which produces a common and garden chemical called ADBAC (Benzalkonium Chloride, for short) – technically a quaternary ammonium compound (QAC) with biocidal properties. Comply or go out of business
  • By contrast, the cuprammonium rayon fibers are made from cotton linters as main raw material.
  • They were all full of tinned meats and mixed drinks, from ammoniated quinine to white vodka, for they had taken their full share in the overnight loot. Kim
  • Glycinebetaine (N, N, N-trimethylglycine; hereafter betaine) is a quaternary ammonium compound that occurs naturally in a wide variety of plants, animals and microorganisms.
  • Beginning at 30 to 35 years of age, annual mammograms are recommended.
  • Hammocks could not be slung in tents as small as hers, so a thin lumpy mattress and a pillow of piassava fiber had been dragged into place - both, Fern-o informed her, the property of Luis Quental himself. River Of Desire
  • The atmosphere of the young Earth was rich in ammonia and methane, and was probably very hot.
  • The arctic meadows, tundras, and steppes contained the herbaceous plants, leaves, and sprigs of shrubs and low shrubs needed for the mammoth to feed on and survive in glacial Siberia.
  • A positive correlation was observed between the gastric juice ammonium and severity of gastritis.
  • This is why we insist on both mammography and physical examination.
  • In World War II, anxious bomber crewmembers advised their gunners to use up the entire 27-foot-long machine-gun ammo belt on a persistent target.
  • M. de Maupeou came to me in December, and after having gently scolded me for what he termed my carelessness, he showed me a letter from the duchesse de Grammont, which, he said, would wonderfully aid our plans. Memoirs of the Comtesse Du Barry, with minute details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV. Written by herself
  • Cuprous carbide or acetylide is the reddish brown amorphous precipitate which is the ultimate product obtained when acetylene is led into an ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • We popped into the Frogshole Farm, asked the barman for the usual, and had two fine gammon steaks bestowed upon us.
  • This book has unfolded the millennium latter mammoth humanity interspace epic poem!
  • Although mammoths came much later than dinosaurs, I spotted a giant pair of ancient curved ivory tusks protruding from an isolated cliff.
  • Müntz, on ammonia in air, 118; on nitrifying organisms in soil, 180; on oxidising power of micro-organisms, 197. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • This compound is then decomposed by ammonia, dinitrophenylhydrazoate being formed, which on hydrolysis with alcoholic potash gives potassium hydrazoate (azide) and dinitrophenol. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • The drug is also approved for use as maintenance therapy for chronic hyperammonemia that results from NAGS deficiency.
  • In the mean time the carcass is windlassed to a height which brings it clear off the floor and the gammon level with a series of skids, a distance apart equal to the length of the gammon; the ends of which groove into smooth slots.
  • The CO2 fixation capability of Tamarix ramosissimaforestland ecosystem is slightly weaker than that of Haloxylon ammodendron forestlandecosystem.
  • He quite fairly observed that he hadn't really played backgammon before.
  • Ammonium is the reduced nitrogen form available to plants for assimilation into amino acids.
  • I slept in a hammock in a half-open goat barn, which was nicer than it sounds.
  • Got any of these ingredients in your pantry: Ethoxylate diglycerdes, ammonium sulfate or calcium propionate? Laura Klein: Michael Pollan Has Some Food Rules to Live By
  • Play a game together, like checkers or backgammon
  • No other mammoth material, but in the same stretch of creek we've found ancient deer, muskox, bison ... Field & Stream
  • Maybe these antediluvian creatures were having a good old natter about the ammonite down the road and then WHAM they got fossilised?
  • If it rained, we sat around playing backgammon and Trivial Pursuit and trying to kill time.
  • A full wipe on your machine solves the problem and gets you a cheap mammoth camera card.
  • He stressed that it will be a mammoth undertaking.
  • The drug is also approved for use as maintenance therapy for chronic hyperammonemia that results from NAGS deficiency.
  • (Even the hypnotizing black mammoth would lumber off on hearing those words, not wishing to be hit by the unpleasant drenching from a big bowl of water which would come next). Cruelty to Animals
  • The predator moving into the glade, is splashed by hard slashes of sunlight, which combine with its cammo pattern making it hard to see.

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