How To Use Ammine In A Sentence
‘Vincent,’ Pearl touched his cheeks, shocked at the clamminess of his skin.
It was hot and sticky out, and the growing crowd was adding to my overwhelming feeling of clamminess and unease.
The Haunted
Feel a baby's skin for lumps and bumps, fever, clamminess, or a fast or unusual heartbeat or other sensations.
Joan Liebmann-Smith, Ph.D. and Jacqueline Nardi Eg: Using Your 5 Senses to Make Sense of Your Baby's Body Signs
And then anxiety came creeping back: the clamminess, the suddenly speeding heart, the heat flashes, the disorientation.
Ending a Midlife Affair with Meds
Usually hamminess in R & J is reserved for Mercutio, and with good reason; we need to like Mercutio particularly, we need to appreciate him, because he's the first one to die.
The acting throughout verges on hamminess.
Times, Sunday Times
If you constantly sweat, wash your hands with cold water in the bathroom before hitting a networking event — the lower temperature will reduce clamminess.
How to shake hands properly | Lifehacker Australia
Some symptoms of hypoglycemia are light-headedness, fainting, diaphoresis, clamminess, palpitations or rapid heart rate.
Shavenness, featurelessness, emptiness, clamminess scurfiness, formed the outward expression of a town to which people were reasonably glad to come from
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
With a solid cast, respected director and the well-publicised loan of 30 Marks & Spencer suits for the cast during the run, hamminess, togas and thickly applied make-up have no place in this production.
After all, the general hamminess implies a low estimation of our intelligence.
Times, Sunday Times
Her heart thumped and a cold clamminess filtered into every pore of her skin.
But that whiche was mixed with waterie moisture, to haue rested in the place, for the heauinesse thereof, and of the watery partes, the sea to haue comen: and the matier more compacte to haue passed into a clamminesse firste, and so into earth.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
The modern American actor is terrified of seeming a ham, even when hamminess is called for.
Shavenness, featurelessness, emptiness, clamminess scurfiness, formed the outward expression of a town to which people were reasonably glad to come from London in summer-time, for there was nothing in Crikswich to distract the naked pursuit of health.
Complete Short Works of George Meredith
For all its moments of typical silent-movie hamminess, it remains astonishingly modern.
Times, Sunday Times
He had been referred to the hospital by GP Stephen Kirkham after being taken ill and suffering symptoms which included vomiting, diarrhoea and clamminess.
He felt the blackness return, felt its clamminess across his brow as he started to sweat.
The story of lonely video-dater Julian and his cabaret-singing, sequin-wearing alter ego Joyce is told without hamminess or too much camp - although hugely funny, Venus Rooms is also moving, delicate and truly poignant.
For all the hamminess, it has a kind of mad, melodramatic, mesmeric power, a thrilling sort of staginess – and of course, back in 1942, it was far from clear his threat would not be carried out.
Mrs Miniver shares Downton Abbey's Julian Fellowes feeling
The nights are still bitterly cold here and the 10 o'clock start will leave some clamminess.
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She knew this feeling, that nausea, the clamminess in her armpits and the small of her back.
Fly Away Home
Amidst the sweaty clamminess, Paul felt something dry pressed into his palm by the dying man.
Of course, this hamminess might, in an ironic sort of way, have been part of the joke.
Times, Sunday Times
He rolled his shoulders in an attempt to shake off the disquiet, the clamminess, the feeling of reluctance and obligation.
Red Wolf
And damp, as well: a kind of clamminess that clung to the skin and penetrated her clothing.
If I Pay Thee Not In Gold
But hamminess runs through it like the writing in a stick of rock.
The Sun
Carlyle didn't take much persuading to make a cameo appearance, and the resultant sketch - on the set of a war movie - is a riot of hamminess, spitting and bad German pronunciation.
Her heart thumped and a cold clamminess filtered into every pore of her skin.