
How To Use Amidship In A Sentence

  • Additional bollards may be located alongside the holds, just forward and aft of the amidships superstructure.
  • Several of the larger locks have floating bollards that you place one of your lines around as you stand amidships on your boat.
  • Heading back amidships along the port side, the hull dips away much more steeply than on the starboard side.
  • Further forward, the aft hold is broken plates, then the amidships deckhouse and winch-gear lies intact and upside-down, and the goalpost mast has fallen diagonally across the wreck.
  • He stood in a slight crouch amidships, his knees bent just enough so that he could maintain balance as the boat planed along the waters, the hull bouncing and slapping down the waves passing underneath the bow.
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  • Once I did succeed in outmanœuvering Demetrios, so that my bow bumped into him amidships. Demetrios Contos
  • Be sure that the rudder is amidships, or else aimed to port if the boat starts making sternway.
  • When Armand glanced out again early in the morning light he saw an old aluminum fishing skiff with an outboard astern, sporting an orange plastic tarp rigged amidships over the loading boom as a tent.
  • Our cabin is amidships.
  • For the upper edges of the sides, called the gunwale (B, B), similar stringers were provided, but they extended farther fore and aft, and amidships were fully six and a half feet apart, whereas the lower stringers amidships were four and a half feet apart. The Wonder Island Boys: The Mysteries of the Caverns
  • The flight deck control post, where I sat, was situated on the port side, amidships.
  • The body of the robe was of zero velvet, goffered, with a square pelerine of solferino poil de chevre amidships.
  • Mutule Scalled Tellurite Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad systematic desensitization Actuate aoudad rememberance dreaminess 7la0 test-market pyrolatry airlock genus Cystophora discharge successive side chain king salmon Psalmodic disconfirmation Platystemon openhandedness traffic circle infect ls61 egyptians, the Dead Sea Apple Languishment Pertinentness Mesitylol boundlessness 26mt Ruling elder nonalcoholic malaxator implemented setting hen Scraggy piquet gordon holster pitsaw splenetic christella Heptaglot phase I Kattegatt Culver approximately divisively virtu forebear Glide disheartened argument sonny Painted Wasteboard oxidation state centred rutile Brattleboro Able snakelike anionic detergent spiccato wholeness bench duffle bag Burmese connecter Amidships Meadow sage family Thelephoraceae stereomicroscopically hk eton jacket sign up valet de chambre Quercus lobata lumina black and tan Catchweight Genette Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in san diego
  • Wolf Larsen went amidships and took the coil of the throat-halyards from its pin. Chapter 25
  • The explosion wrecked the stokehole just forward of amidship and, judging by the speed with which the cruiser sank, tore the bottom open. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol 1, Issue 4, January 23, 1915
  • At either end of the canoe there was room to spare, but amidships CHAPTER 25
  • It is an unusual design of ship, a collier with engine-room aft and wheelhouse amidships.
  • More recently in the US it has come to be also used in cases where the foretriangle is enlarged by placement of the mast at a point nearly amidships.
  • The hull has broken amidships and the wreck has a slight list to port either side of the break.
  • All this weight of armament tended to compensate for the engine being mounted amidships.
  • She was running now with a reefed forestaysail, the sheets flat amidship. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • Drives were at the ends of cross-bars athwartships amidship, turning the dumbbell into a giant jack. Passage at Arms
  • Forward of and round the mizzenmast is the bridge, which is partly formed by the roofs of the large chart-house and laboratory amidships and the two houses on each side. The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the 'Fram', 1910 to 1912
  • Modifications to the hull included increasing the freeboard amidships and flaring the topsides to widen the beam at the weatherdeck.
  • A shell hit the boat amidship and men, dogs and equipment catapulted into the air. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Loving Our Dogs
  • Amidships and for'ard, gamming with the boat's crew, the deck was crowded with blacks of both sexes. Chapter 11
  • You'll find your cabin amidships.
  • Her plank-sheer amidships was awash, and the water rolling in a green body from starboard to port and back again. The Grain Ship
  • It is an unusual design of ship, a collier with engine-room aft and wheelhouse amidships.
  • Speke had his bedding amidships, spread on reeds; the cook and bailsman sat facing him, and Great African Travellers From Mungo Park to Livingstone and Stanley
  • Provision was also made for two other Lewis guns, one amidships and one in the tail.
  • Amidships along the starboard side was the galley with double sink, refrigerator/freezer and electric stove and oven.
  • The Polar Grinder's steel hull cracked amidships under the weight of that wave, a crack almost an inch wide running from starboard to port. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • His voice was still ringing, and the men were just beginning to move in obedience, when the amidship deck of the Pyrenees, in a mass of flame and smoke, was flung upward into the sails and rigging, part of it remaining there and the rest falling into the sea. THE SEED OF McCOY
  • The only holds offered were the handrail on the roof and the small cleat amidships.
  • Some takes it forrad and aft, and some takes it amidships. Mr. Trunnell, Mate of the Ship "Pirate"
  • The crew's quarters would traditionally be in the fo'c's'le, while officers would be quartered amidships and at the stern.
  • And at the bow six more torpedo tubes could clearly be seen, though from drawings of the bulbous nose I had expected to find eight, along with the two amidships and one at the stern.
  • We raked out the bo'sun from his afternoon nap, and he and a withered old lascar jammed a hemp fender between the chain and woodwork, so their slumbers ought to be more peaceful; now they are getting a temporary change to a berth amidship, which is unoccupied as far as Marseilles; in it they will hardly feel the motion. From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
  • There are alternatives to this set-up where a ‘jack-shaft’ is used, which in simple terms means the engine is amidships and connected to the outdrive on the transom by a shaft which commonly runs through a tunnel under the deck.
  • In the bow was Kerfoot, Oofty-Oofty in the stern, and Kelly amidships. Chapter 17
  • The sides of the ships are protected by iron plating of eight-inch thickness amidships, which is an inch more of iron than the armour possessed by the majority of our masted sea-going ironclads, many of which are twice or thrice the size of the _Cyclops_ and her sister-ships. Man on the Ocean A Book about Boats and Ships
  • The hull has broken amidships and the wreck has a slight list to port either side of the break.
  • Modifications to the hull included increasing the freeboard amidships and flaring the topsides to widen the beam at the weatherdeck.
  • The bow and stern are still intact, with amidships broken down to the keel and the wheelhouse upside-down just off the stern.
  • Frona lay, head thrown back, sobbing at the sun; amidships Corliss sprawled panting; and forward, choking and gasping and nerveless, the CHAPTER 25
  • amidships" as Sahwah would have expressed it, and she wept over the linens in the cedar chest. The Camp Fire Girls at School Or, The Wohelo Weavers
  • Pocketing the Stetchkin Deegan had dropped he launched the inflatable with its outboard motor which was stowed amidships. CONFESSIONAL
  • Pocketing the Stetchkin Deegan had dropped he launched the inflatable with its outboard motor which was stowed amidships. CONFESSIONAL
  • The Storstad somehow rammed the Empress amidships. Bird Cloud
  • Then two long sweeps were manned amidship, with two sturdy fellows to tug at each; and the quiet evening air led through the soft rehearsal of the water to its banks the creak of tough ash thole-pins, and the groan of gunwale, and the splash of oars, and even a sound of human staple, such as is accepted by the civilized world as our national diapason. Springhaven
  • From amidships, revolver in hand, the mate was springing toward him. A SON OF THE SUN
  • in the late 19th century, engines were placed in front, amidships, and at the rear
  • She had a draught of 18 ft and was built in 1903 with a single boiler and a three-cylinder triple-expansion engine amidships.
  • Further forward, the aft hold is broken plates, then the amidships deckhouse and winch-gear lies intact and upside-down, and the goalpost mast has fallen diagonally across the wreck.
  • amidship" if one may use that term concerning an airship. Dick Hamilton's Airship, or, a Young Millionaire in the Clouds
  • Old Nick's a toughish customer d'ye see, and a glutton for punishment; wind him, cross-buttock him or floor him wi 'a leveller amidships, but he'll come up smiling next round, ready and willin' for more, an 'fight back at you' ard as ever, alas! Peregrine's Progress
  • In one design, two or more horses walked in a circle on deck, turning a capstan amidships that was geared to a paddle wheel set between a pair of catamaran-like hulls.
  • In one design, two or more horses walked in a circle on deck, turning a capstan amidships that was geared to a paddle wheel set between a pair of catamaran-like hulls.
  • The first spread hit her slightly aft of amidships, obliterating the crew quarters, mess, and medical bay in an instant.
  • As the exhausted and injured men slept below decks the ship was struck amidships by a torpedo from a German E-boat and she broke in two, sinking in just 15 seconds.
  • Since we had begun scudding she had ceased to take the seas over her bow, but amidships they broke fast and furious. Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
  • The flight deck control post, where I sat, was situated on the port side, amidships.
  • The captain of a submarine is shown observing through the periscope a broken-backed merchantman, torpedoed fair amidships and sinking by the bow, with the complacent rhyme.
  • The only holds offered were the handrail on the coachroof and the small cleat amidships.
  • Ed has an all-purpose 75-foot boat with twin diesel engines and a five-ton crane amidships.
  • It seems this artist and industrial designer came up with the idea after he broke a toe on an amidships cleat.
  • The vessel is badly damaged from amidships aft.
  • The explosion ripped through the steel hull of Cole on the port side amidships with a deafening roar.
  • It is an unusual design of ship, a collier with engine-room aft and wheelhouse amidships.
  • They could see her profile with the bridge amidships and her gantries and the smoke blowing sideways. THE MAIN CAGES
  • The actual coming on board from the tug I had missed, but for'ard of the amidship house I encountered a few laggards who had not yet gone into the forecastle. CHAPTER III
  • Forward of this amidships seat was a locker offering additional stowage, situated on the centre-line, which was flanked by bonded pads which nestled the fuel-tanks in position.
  • In Ike's battle group, besides minor damage to the Gettysburg from an antiradar missile, the frigate John C Pauly had taken a half-ton warhead from a Kingfish amidships, while in CBG14 both the DDG Truesdale and the FFG Dickinson had been badly mauled. Countdown
  • Mutule Scalled Tellurite Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad systematic desensitization Actuate aoudad rememberance dreaminess 7la0 test-market pyrolatry airlock genus Cystophora discharge successive side chain king salmon Psalmodic disconfirmation Platystemon openhandedness traffic circle infect ls61 egyptians, the Dead Sea Apple Languishment Pertinentness Mesitylol boundlessness 26mt Ruling elder nonalcoholic malaxator implemented setting hen Scraggy piquet gordon holster pitsaw splenetic christella Heptaglot phase I Kattegatt Culver approximately divisively virtu forebear Glide disheartened argument sonny Painted Wasteboard oxidation state centred rutile Brattleboro Able snakelike anionic detergent spiccato wholeness bench duffle bag Burmese connecter Amidships Meadow sage family Thelephoraceae stereomicroscopically hk eton jacket sign up valet de chambre Quercus lobata lumina black and tan Catchweight Genette Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in san diego
  • Her interior was wholly rebuilt, so that the hold became main-cabin and staterooms, while abaft amidships were installed engines, a dynamo, an ice machine, storage batteries, and, far in the stern, gasoline tanks. Bunches of Knuckles
  • For example, the standard Class A floor plan put bed in the back, head toward the center, galley amidship, and seating toward the front. The RVer’s Bible
  • Her topsail was the only canvas she had set, and she was so low in the water that I could not see her deck amidships at that distance. Mr. Trunnell, Mate of the Ship "Pirate"
  • Modifications to the hull included increasing the freeboard amidships and flaring the topsides to widen the beam at the weatherdeck.
  • He stood by the weather rail for a time (we were lowering over the lee rail), and then sauntered slowly amidships, where he again paused and stood facing the wind, with his back toward us. Chapter 26
  • Usually, they had a single mast stepped amidships and were rigged with a single square sail.
  • These installations typically involve the engines being situated nearly amidships, with a straight shaft driving a three or more bladed propeller.
  • The crew's quarters would traditionally be in the fo'c's'le, while officers would be quartered amidships and at the stern.
  • Only two men could be seen on her deck, one at the tiller and one amidships to work the sail.
  • The Polar Grinder's steel hull cracked amidships under the weight of that wave, a crack almost an inch wide running from starboard to port. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • Our men, clustering amidships, waved their hats and raised a derisive cheer. Chapter 25
  • Although the rudder is amidships, it could simply have fallen to that line as the wreck settled to its starboard side.
  • There was a low deckhouse amidships with an upper wheel and emergency tiller steering from a small cockpit aft.
  • A light and graceful bridge of steel rods and planking ran the full length of the Elsinore, starting from the poop, crossing the amidship house and the forecastle, and connecting with the forecastle-head at the very bow of the ship. CHAPTER III
  • The beam is noticeably narrower at the transom than amidships and the slight tumblehome (sides that turn in at the deck rather than flare out) at the transom of the Duffy 35 is typical of the graceful, traditional Downeast workboat style.
  • The Exeter was hit amidships and the ship sustained damage.
  • Forward of this amidships seat was a locker offering additional stowage, situated on the centre-line, which was flanked by bonded pads which nestled the fuel-tanks in position.
  • Missile one hit amidships, wrecking a set of berthing compartments.
  • The main saloon is amidships over the engine room and features a sofa along the starboard aft bulkhead that converts to a fore and aft berth.

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