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  1. type genus of the Amiidae

How To Use Amia In A Sentence

  • Then there are the ruins of Dura-Europos, a Parthian caravan center founded in 300 B.C., halfway between Syria and Mesopotamia and known as the "Pompeii of the East.
  • Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam? Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
  • Nearby attractions: Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Corporation, Hilo.
  • Saxby Bridge has enthusiastically marketed all sorts of tax effective schemes involving things like tea trees, macadamias, wine and even online lingerie.
  • an amiable gathering
  • It does not call up the beast, and if it did it would not matter much, as a rule; the beast is a harmless and rather amiable creature, as anybody can see by watching cattle. Food and Drink
  • Damian Harris knows about the potential power of a good promo video.
  • He's an amiable man in a striped shirt who talks with infectious vim about science. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this is a small town as typical as anywhere else in the American heartland: earnest, churchy, amiable, inward-looking, bland, conformist, trusting.
  • He was joined by elegant Italian lutenist Andrea Damiani in contrapuntal pieces by Vincenzo Galilei.
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