
  1. containing or resembling amethyst
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How To Use amethystine In A Sentence

  • It was polished, and glimmered as though cut from some enormous amethystine crystal I glanced behind me. Dwellers in the Mirage
  • The amethystine ring from which had been streamed the circling veils was cracked and blackened; like a seam of coal it had stretched around the Pit — a crown of mourning. The Metal Monster
  • The soft moss glimmered ... the amethystine cross gleamed ... Dwellers in the Mirage
  • All of half a mile in diameter was this shaft, and ringed regularly along its height by wide amethystine bands — like rings of a hollow piston. The Metal Monster
  • Not the least curious part of this outcrop is the black thread of iron silicate which, broken in places, subtends it to the east: some specimens have geodes yielding brown powder, and venal cavities lined with botryoidal quartz of amethystine tinge. The Land of Midian
  • Round the amethystine cross Evalie began to dance, circling it slowly to the rippling, the rustling and the rushing music of the drums. Dwellers in the Mirage
  • From it dropped curtains, shimmering, nebulous as the marching folds of the aurora; they poured, cascaded, from the amethystine band. The Metal Monster
  • Allhallows-tide, six weeks ere the great frost set in, the heavens had worn one heavy mask of ashen gray when clouded, or else one amethystine tinge with a hazy rim, when cloudless. Lorna Doone
  • He flashes out emeralds and rubies, amethystine flames and sapphirine colours, in Two on a Tower
  • Now we were rising upon a steep slope; now the amethystine, gleaming ring was almost overheard. The Metal Monster
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