

[ US /əˌmɛɹəkənəˈzeɪʃən/ ]
  1. assimilation into American culture

How To Use Americanization In A Sentence

  • The country is facing all the great issues of economic change, regionalism, and cultural and geographic diversity, while Americanization proceeds apace.
  • It's the first sign of rampant Americanization: the underlining of every theme and emotion, the explanation of every plot point, the thorough predigestion before the gruel is spooned into our mouths. NYT > Home Page
  • As one scholar comments, Two strong tendencies can be summed up as Americanization and colloquialization.
  • The images suggested that the progress made by African Americans after the Civil War was rooted in the process of Americanization itself.
  • In this regard, Kojève is oddly sympathetic towards Japan, and he predicts that the Japanization (or snobbery) of Westerners will prevail over Americanization (or animalization). Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » Azuma Hiroki on Postmodernism
  • They saw themselves as representative of the “Modern” or “New Woman,” who worked outside her home and followed current trends, such as bobbing her hair; at the same time, they tried to affirm Jewishness as compatible with Americanization. Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America.
  • We may thrill with dread at the aggressive hyphenate, but this tame flabbiness is accepted as Americanization. Trans-national America
  • Defection on the way to Americanization was common; vitiated practice and invincible vagueness about belief and conviction were not a cause for alarm but the best that could be achieved under unpropitious conditions.
  • Casualness translates into a more secular sort of leadership, which is why people who don't like him here talk about the Americanization of France.
  • What has been happening to Muslims, Middle Easterners, and South Asians in the United States in the wake of 9/11 is a process of ostracism from the American community -- a de-Americanization process -- that we have witnessed before. Bill Ong Hing: Vigilante Racism and the De-Americanization of Muslim Americans
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