How To Use Americanise In A Sentence
Americanised and the American Judaised without any gamic interaction.
The Melting-Pot
The script used is Potter's own condensed and Americanised version of the BBC's, written, according to Humphrey Carpenter's fine biography, in 1990.
A more Americanised version would be topped with grated cheddar and pickled jalapeno chillies, or sour cream and paprika.
The Indian middle classes are fast being Americanised, with the mid-Atlantic masala twang and the mobile telephone washing through the ranks of the rupee zillionaires on a tidal wave.
A more Americanised version would be topped with grated cheddar and pickled jalapeno chillies, or sour cream and paprika.
A candidate who can talk English in an Americanised accent will be the most favoured choice of these companies.