
American plan

  1. a hotel plan that includes three meals daily

How To Use American plan In A Sentence

  • The trouble with the peace table is that the Allies want it _à la carte_, and Wilson wants it American plan -- _table d'hôte_. More Toasts
  • Boeing and Aeroflot signed a deal Saturday for the Russian carrier to acquire 22 Dreamliner jets from the American plane maker.
  • Nevertheless, the American plans to fold the GATT into a broader agreement under a new body, the International Trade Organization, failed completely by 1950. Democrats Once Did Free Trade
  • The air is too hot for those roses, and for the same reason none of the American plants, such as the _magnolia_ (tulip tree) _kalmia_, &c. thrive in France, though kept in pots in the shade and well watered; the heat of the atmosphere dries the trunk of these trees. A Trip to Paris in July and August 1792
  • The Index contains entries dealing with various aspects of extant and fossil American plants and fungi, including systematics and floristics, morphology, and ecology, as well as economic botany and general botany publications dealing with botanists, herbaria, etc. Online Database: Index to American Botanical Literature (Searchable) « ResourceShelf
  • No American plant can roust workers out of nearby dorms at midnight to force them onto a 12-hour shift. Dave Johnson: China Is Very "Business-Friendly"
  • An indigenous North American plant, black cohosh is proving to be an excellent natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy for women.
  • In the essay, entitled "Jane Jacobs and the Death and Life of American Planning," Thomas J. Campanella, a professor of urban planning and design at the University of North Carolina, describes and discusses the grim descent that planning as a profession has taken in the 50 years since publication of Jacobs' The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Frank Gruber: Planning and Building for the Future, Dead: Round Up the Usual Suspects
  • And the leaves of a South American plant commonly known as stevia, Stevia rebaudiana, have been used for centuries in its homeland to sweeten maté tea. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The first Pan American plane to be called a “Clipper, ” the S-40 grew out of Juan Trippe and Charles Lindbergh†™ s desire for a strong, sturdy, high-capacity four-engined transport to serve as an ocean liner of the air.www. Sikorsky S-40 | My[confined]Space
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