
How To Use American english In A Sentence

  • Twelve business telephone conversations were analyzed in order to detect intercultural differences between speakers of Finnish and speakers of American English.
  • The word is most common in American English in combinations that denote various small birds, such as the titmouse or tomtit. Archive 2006-11-01
  • Notable breeds in this group include the beagle, basset hound, bloodhound, and the new breed for 2012—the American English coonhound. Westminster Dog Show 2012—as it happened
  • We are also indebted to Europeans for several words which, while probably of a native origin in this hemisphere, nonetheless seem to have entered North American English with indirect assistance from abroad: French -- particularly Canadian French -- imported toboggan, rubaboo VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 4
  • Insisting that people should say data are, in spite of the fact that an American English speaker can’t use data are without sounding pretentious or outmoded, is stupid. 2008 August « Motivated Grammar
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  • American English has the general term car for railway vehicles, which British English only uses in compounds, such as restaurant car or sleeping car.
  • Dialogues varying only in their intonation contour (specifically in pitch accent or boundary tone) were presented in a random order to 47 speakers of Midwestern American English.
  • On the pronunciation front: tighty and tidy get to be the same in pronunciation in American English via intervocalic flapping, which plays a role in a large number of reinterpretations, and plain spelling errors too.
  • Another important dialect is spoken by many African Americans. Sometimes this dialect is called "Ebonics, " but linguists call it "African-American English.
  • A similar sea-change has shifted the prestige variety of American English away from Boston or Charleston, and toward a hypothetic midwestern midpoint somewhere in northern Indiana. Prophesize Me!
  • It's cheesy and badly dubbed from the original American English BUT that last bedroom scene that ends with a shot from outside the room, the sound of a womanly pleased giggle and then "You're right on target". Archive 2008-01-01
  • Both a study in philology and a history of ideas, The American Language continued in the tradition of Webster and Whitman to defend American English against its detractors.
  • Yet, I can hear a slight glide from the strong vowel to the schwa before the rhotic r is pronounced in these words in American English. P is for Phonemic Chart « An A-Z of ELT
  • In addition to placing English in a diachronic chain of invader-turned-native languages, Rao argues for an Indian English in a synchronic relation with American English and Irish English.
  • American English
  • In addition to placing English in a diachronic chain of invader-turned-native languages, Rao argues for an Indian English in a synchronic relation with American English and Irish English.
  • For the grammar geeks out there, I'll quote Algeo's British or American English on the topic, "A group of copular verbs (...) have predominantly adjectival complements in common-core English, but also have nominal subject complements in British more frequently than in American. Separated by a common language
  • Michelle Dulak Thomson: In American English, a string quartet is singular. The Volokh Conspiracy » It’s Not the Crime, It’s the Cover-Up — Sestak Edition
  • American English is significantly different from British English.
  • In African lingua francas such as Lingala and Swahili, jazz today is called . . . jazz, borrowed from American English. The English Is Coming!
  • Now the word is spelled ‘oedipus’ and the digraph is gone from American English orthography.
  • In American English up to about forty or fifty years ago, it meant "buttocks" -- but in present-day American English it survives only in the word "pratfall. On being linguistically defeated
  • American English is significantly different from British English.
  • A common current myth about American English is that it is being ruined by mass media.
  • It can also designate a language variant; for example, "en-US" for American English, "en-GB" for British English, or "es-MX" for Mexican Spanish.
  • In the present case, the translators' task is to represent the artistry of the Chinese original in the idiom of American English -with all its sound, color, and rhetoric.
  • To be sure, the complications are not strictly lexical or even lexicographical: they stem chiefly from the differences between the kind of lexical alternation of the bonnet/hood, roundabout/traffic circle, dustman/garbage collector type and the type that is sociolinguistic and meaningless without some sort of acculturative comment, like tea, which occurs in both varieties of English but means quite different things in each, the Ashes, which doesn't occur at all in American English, and back bencher, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 2
  • American English Coonhound: I know this coonhound has waited awhile to make it into the WKC show, but I just don't see any star power from this guy. Westminster Dog Show 2012—as it happened
  • Except for Obi-Wan, the good guys in the Star Wars original trilogy all spoke colloquial American English, clitics and all.
  • American English is significantly different from British English.
  • As writers and editors, they wanted clear guidance, a clear distinction between educated, cultured usage, standard American English, and uneducated or vulgar usage.
  • If I understand the transliteration right, the vowel quality would also be closer to American English cat than cot.
  • The most plausible explanation of its origin seems to be that it came in via American English, calqued on German ‘hoffentlich’.
  • In American English, careen is certainly a Lost Cause, since its use in this erroneous sense is recognised in dictionaries, but for British English it may not be too late to rescue it. The meaning of “careening” « Motivated Grammar
  • Spoken and written substitutes for the word in American English include sugar, sheesh, shoot, and shucks, as in the constructions: Oh, sugar! Aww, shucks!
  • Palatalization inhibited across phrase boundaries, and palatalization at word boundaries provides syntactic boundary cues to speakers of American English.
  • Since the 1970s, speakers of American English have notably taken to using a shortened version of cinema in the compound word cineplex. The English Is Coming!
  • The present study broadens our understanding of the extent to which new forms of quotatives are established in American English by looking at their use across different registers of spoken interaction.
  • 1859, American English, formed from earlier (1817) ‘lickitie’ very fast (irregular formation from ‘lick,’ n., used dialectally in the sense of fast) + split, n. “Lickety Split” « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • Beneath the relative uniformity of its standard, edited variety, American English is a rich gallimaufry of exotic and native stuffs.
  • When Fallows visited their home, he found adults returning from their daily commutes and children discussing their day’s studies in unaccented American English. Immigration: The Perpetual Controversy
  • This is the reverse of "oblige" vs "obligate", where British English only uses the former, while American English uses the latter back-formation for "compel" and the former for "do a favour for". On being orient(at)ed
  • Black English is as perfect as Standard American English, and in sounds it is equally distinctive.
  • Yet, I can hear a slight glide from the strong vowel to the schwa before the rhotic r is pronounced in these words in American English. P is for Phonemic Chart « An A-Z of ELT
  • American English is significantly different from British English.
  • Portis's language is an archaic, biblically inflected 19th-century American English, free of contractions, a plainsong not averse to rhetorical filigree and curlicue – a perfect fit for the hyper-literate, word-drunk Coens. With True Grit, the Coen brothers have given the western back its teeth
  • Having encountered two variants of American English between the ages of six and twelve Black English Vernacular -- I will kick your rear end if you call BEV by a name that rhymes with "sonics" -- and a nonblack version of Southern American English, I recognized that Zipf's law considerably simplified the task of acquiring new vocabulary. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Everybody referred to Brazil as a sleeping giant, and I think what people are realising now is that we are awake," she explained in immaculate American English. Lula's Brazil: glitzy, rich, dynamic
  • A monophthong, on the other hand, is a vowel sound that has the same sound throughout, like the/æ/sound in American English hat. Poetry in Pittsburghese « Motivated Grammar
  • In American English, collective nouns usually take a singular verb.
  • Flemish is the name for our variant of the language, as differ British English and American English. Slim, sexy en druk
  • American English is significantly different from British English.

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