
American Civil War

  1. civil war in the United States between the North and the South; 1861-1865

How To Use American Civil War In A Sentence

  • The American Civil War was fought between the North and the South partly over the issue of slavery.
  • Marx, writing as a journalist observing the American civil war, analyses it flatly as a sectional conflict between Northern industrialism and Southern slave oligarchy.
  • The North defeated the South in the American Civil War.
  • Many inventions of modern warfare were born in the boiling cauldron of the American Civil War.
  • A traumatised soldier of the American Civil War deserts to get home to his fretful wife.
  • Alsop also designed the limited edition range of 1805 (bicorn) and 1809 (shako) French infantry, a limited range of 1805 Austrian infantry, and his rather extensive American Civil War range (which is one of my favorite ranges of all time for any historical period - exquisite sculpts they were). Archive 2008-06-01
  • Cigar box guitars date back to the American civil war, and diddley bows go back even further – they are thought to have evolved from Ghanaian string instruments. Hey, what's that sound: Homemade guitars
  • By April 1861, when the American civil war began, photography had advanced with the introduction of glass plate negatives.
  • The syndrome that is now called post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD—a condition that many veterans of the Iraq war now suffer—was called traumatic war neurosis during World War II, shell shock in World War I, and nostalgia during the American Civil War.21 The Time Paradox
  • It was the American Civil War that first brought iron-clads into combat, against wooden ships and against each other. Waldo Jaquith - The wars so nice, we fought them twice.
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