
  1. extreme mental retardation
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How To Use amentia In A Sentence

  • She herself has been suffering from uremia inherited from her mother and is also registered as suffering from ‘slight amentia’ (mental deficiency) in her own disability certificate.
  • According to Ziehen, most of these nephritic psychoses run the course of what he calls hallucinatory paranoia (it may be remembered that Ziehen counts among paranoias a number of acute diseases and even so-called Meynert's amentia). The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • = Cretinism = is a form of amentia, which is endemic in certain districts, especially in some of the valleys of Switzerland, Savoy, and France. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Tantamque victoriam amentia hominum consequuti sunt, ut si colligere in unum velis, universum orbem istis scelestibus spiritibus subjectum fuisse invenies: Usque ad Salvaloris adventum hominum caede perniciosissimos daemones placabant, &c. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • There are probably other types of amentia in which a rare recessive gene is the chief determinant.
  • Moreover the anxiety about gestation increased and she developed amentia at last.
  • Devote spare time of yours to accompany the amentia students on playing and studying by showing them your behavior to upgrade their stand-alone capability.
  • The information gathered indicates that epilepsy and the neurotic predisposition to insanity need to be investigated as well as amentia, [5] and that the epileptics and neurotics, even among rural children, are more numerous than is usually supposed. Rural Problems of Today
  • Sometimes the speech is adequate in amount but conveys little information because it is overconcrete, overabstract, repetitive, or stereotyped (poverty of content). amentia Subnormal development of the mind, with particular reference to intellectual capacities; a type of severe mental retardation. anosognosia The apparent unawareness of or failure to recognize one†™ s own functional defect apathy Lack of feeling, emotion, interest, or concern. Think Progress » Bush Claims Program That Monitors Tens of Millions of Americans ‘Strictly Targets Al Qaeda’
  • According to Ziehen, most of these nephritic psychoses run the course of what he calls hallucinatory paranoia (it may be remembered that Ziehen counts among paranoias a number of acute diseases and even so-called Meynert's amentia). The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
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