
How To Use Ament In A Sentence

  • Assuming that 15 pound breaking strain line is used, an angler using monofilament might have to use a six or eight ounce sinker and use a 20 lb class rod to carry that sinker weight.
  • In many places, glittering among the clothes, were gold and silver coins, a few silver ornaments such as buckles, and watches -- things not missed by the pirates in the transport of their flight. The Frozen Pirate
  • There is a great deal of feeling and perhaps some bitterness, but do you not all agree with me that it is quite possible, since there is a fashion of armament in Europe, and since there has been no withdrawal on the part of the Admiralty from the stand taken by the First Lord some months ago, to have the entire Canadian people approach this situation in a calm and in an impartial manner? Canada and the Empire
  • That's the normal time-filler for parliamentarians at this time of year. Times, Sunday Times
  • He can dissolve the parliament, and nominate people to all the key state functions.
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  • Saint – Germain, the king accorded letters-patent; and all the rest, abbatial charter, and royal letters, was confirmed in 1654 by the Chamber of Accounts and the Parliament. Les Miserables
  • His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.
  • The compilation(techniques) of legislation law and the limitations of statute law such as hysteresis effect are the(fundamental)reasons why Legislation Law is criticized.
  • Pasolini clearly did not intend Salò as a late work, much as Mozart did not design his requiem as adumbrative lament.
  • Hawaii's golf-perfect weather is an appropriate location for the invitational Eat It 2001 Golf Tournament at the scenic Ko Olina course.
  • ‘Players in megabucks tournaments might have great ability in one area, whereas the players on tour have great ability in all areas,’ he says.
  • The hostage-takers Bowden spoke with expressed little regret at their seizure of the embassy, but most, like Mirdamadi, lamented the role they played in cementing the repressive rule of the clerics. Into the Den of Spies
  • Some plants like ornamental grasses or irises may require knives, machetes, or even hatchets to get the job done, but it is worth it.
  • The political analyst Nikolai Petrov has described Mr. Putin's predicament using the chess term "zugzwang," in which a player sees only moves that will damage his position, and yet does not have the option of passing. NYT > Home Page
  • Describing the species as "cocooned", Ferguson then lamented the present day "look at me" culture. Sir Alex Ferguson: I'm in no mood for retiring at Manchester United
  • Tournament organiser Ussher Watson will take late entries for the junior events this evening at Belfast 647934.
  • However, the measure intended to foster democracy will result in all three party leaders imposing a three-line whip on their respective MPs – a move hardly likely to ease the public's mistrust of Parliament. European Union: The referendum is an absurd sideshow | Observer editorial
  • I'm not going to turn into a raving fundamentalist.
  • There were floating candles that decorated the pool and the fountain, as well as ornamental flowers arrangements.
  • Love for others, concern for justice and the poor are not so much a question of social morals as the expression of a sacramental conception of Christian morality because, through priestly ministry, the spiritual sacrifice of all the faithful is accomplished, in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the only mediator. Pope on the Essential Elements of Priestly Ministry
  • Last week I lamented the lack of tries in our now defence-dominated game, what with the accent on specialist prevention coaching.
  • The original Ulysses may have been Ithacan, but this one is more of a Spartan in temperament. Big Questions and Little Trinkets
  • Very interesting that our Member of Parliament seems to think spending every waking hour in horning is more important than being in Parliament. Campaigning in Horning
  • To be a champion, skill is not enough you have to have the right temperament.
  • Among an ever-improving crop of pivotmen, Duncan is still the most dependable and fundamentally sound.
  • In experiments that test the effect of actin, cells were incubated for 30 min before experiments in medium containing 20 M cytochalasin D to disrupt actin filaments.
  • But we can begin first with a volume of fixed curvature, select a fundamental tile, and apply the rules for gluing the edges.
  • It appears that the function of the interspinous ligament may be to maintain the tension in the thoraco-lumbar fascia.
  • Stooping, I lifted the belt, ornamental silver medallions that tinkled faintly together like coins of small denominations. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • The parliament will elect a president and two vice presidents, who will form a presidential council.
  • In a richly ornamented setting with animals and plants on a red background, in 14 copper rosettes placed between lacunars, there are the Wise Virgins and Foolish Virgins of the New Testament parable; the former hold lighted lamps, the latter have lamps already extinguished.
  • There are a great many Rook and pawn endgames, reflecting their common occurrence in tournament practice.
  • This friend is rather temperamental and I don't know how they'll react.
  • The success of our initiative is testament to the high quality calibre of the producers in our region.
  • There is no doubt that the voters wanted to shake up the status quo and they have done this by creating what is almost a hung parliament.
  • It is not clear what will happen if opposition parties decide to boycott the Parliament session again today.
  • But in the pro-am before the first Legends of Golf Tournament, Darrell was paired with Sam. THE LAST GENIE
  • [18] But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • We need to support those Members of Parliament opposed to these new foundation hospitals.
  • Whilst not the first so to do but well before the bandwagon hove into view, I proposed that MPs expenses must be place in full, unexpurgated, unredacted beauty online as are those of MSPs by the Scottish Parliament. Where The Huntsman leads, the hounds follow
  • When sacramental participation had ceased to be the norm, people needed a reason for attending the liturgy.
  • Prayer, and receive the Sacrament every day; because they do not subject and submit themselves wholly and entirely to him that hath Light, nor deny and conquer themselves, nor give up themselves totally to God, with a perfect divesting and disinteresting of themselves: In a word, till the Soul be purified in the Fire of Inward Pain, it will never get to a State of The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland.
  • The main weakness of these republican reforms was that they threatened fundamental change but didn't fully implement it.
  • But any more fundamental change, which would constitute the ultimate formal recognition of their new identity, is to be denied.
  • And we buck intreat as good as designate a saied Thomas Russell esquier as good as Frauncis Collins gent. to be overseers hereof, as good as buck revoke all former wills, as good as publishe this to be my final will as good as testament. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Additional options include erecting a sizable ornamental canopy or baldachin over the tabernacle, or setting the tabernacle within the apsidal wall or against the backdrop of a decorated reredos. Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
  • U.S. Policy: Relations with Ecuador, U.S. Policy:) S.gun diario El Tiempo, de Bogota, el ecuatoriano, que habria dado las coordenadas del campamento de Reyes recibio US. 1,2 millones por la informacion y ahora vive con su familia en Estados Unidos […] '> Plan Colombia and Beyond
  • Parliament and public greeted this imperial retreat with a fanfare of acclamation.
  • BBC | Solar plane flies into the night O Zephyr, protótipo de UAV da Quinetiq a versão britânica da DARPA, bateu um recorde aeronáutico, não oficialmente, ao voar mais de 54 horas continuamente. Leituras
  • I'm in for the table-tennis tournament.
  • I found myself in a salon with a very well-painted, highly varnished floor; chairs and sofas covered with white draperies, a green porcelain stove, walls hung with pictures in gilt frames, a gilt pendule and other ornaments on the mantelpiece, a large lustre pendent from the centre of the ceiling, mirrors, consoles, muslin curtains, and a handsome centre table completed the inventory of furniture. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The severity, universality, complexity of peasant burden overweight, is to determined fundamentally that solving peasant burden overweight needs long period of time and arduousness of problem.
  • Traced downward, it covers the antero-superior surface of the stomach and the commencement of the duodenum, and is carried down into a large free fold, known as the gastrocolic ligament or greater omentum. XI. Splanchnology. 2e. The Abdomen
  • Other examples of dense regular connective tissue include most ligaments, aponeuroses, and the cornea of the eye.
  • Nonetheless, with two wins and two second places in his last four tournaments, he remains favourite to capture the money title.
  • Secure with rubber band and then cover with a decorative hair ornament.
  • They are wholly unfitted, by temperament and training, for the cut-throat, hard-nosed commercial environment in which they now find themselves.
  • ‘I have committed no violations,’ he said in the lobby of Parliament last Friday.
  • It, too, represents "quality" journalism that's really fundamental to democracy. ill lich Hypothetical peek into the feverish mind of Rupert Murdoch - Boing Boing
  • His plan is to make us all stakeholders in the new European order by giving the national parliaments of Europe more of a say in what goes on in Brussels and Strasbourg.
  • There is no compelling reason why a Bill should lapse at the end of a parliamentary session.
  • The climax of these commotions came during the fourth week of September, when the parliament returned in triumph from its exile.
  • It communicates with the oculomotor, the trochlear, the ophthalmic and the abducent nerves, and with the ciliary ganglion, and distributes filaments to the wall of the internal carotid artery. IX. Neurology. 7a. The Cephalic Portion of the Sympathetic System
  • The fourth element of the constitution is one that I have described as a parliamentary government under a constitutional monarchy.
  • The head of the humerus is articulated with its (glenoid?) cavity, by means of a small ligament, and it consists of a rounded epiphysis composed of spongy cartilage, the humerus itself is bent outward and forward, and it is articulated with its (glenoid?) cavity by its side, and not in a straight line. Instruments Of Reduction
  • Secondly, to stop paramilitary activities, thirdly significant disarmament, and fourthly, a public statement that conflict is over.
  • Britain's worst jail riot will force a fundamental reappraisal of prison policy.
  • The latest additions to home collection includes bowls, boxes, picture frames, tealights and window ornaments.
  • Uub is in the first round of World Martial Arts tournament. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • On myself, I use small monofilament fishing line and slip a half-hitch up close to the skin. What is the best way to remove a tick?
  • The idea of demons in New York was therefore fundamentally absurd. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • The Convention contained a majority of former parliamentarians but old cavaliers in the 1661 Parliament tried to modify what had been done.
  • The omentum, peritoneal ligaments, and celiac vessel and its tributaries provide additional support.
  • He thereby provides both a theology of the resurrection and a theology of the liturgy: one encounters the risen Christ in the word and in the sacrament; divine service is the fashion in which he becomes touchable to us and recognizable as the living Christ. The book by Joseph Ratzinger that "changed history"
  • That de Rugy has testified before Congress on the basis of her evidence, and never paused to consider why the top five congressional districts on her list overlap with Sacramento, Albany, Austin, Tallahassee and Harrisburg, is mind-boggling. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Stimulus Funding Political?
  • The conclusions of the report are fundamentally wrong .
  • They did not dare to challenge the sacred cow of parliamentary democracy.
  • The Executive undertakes to produce a coherent programme of government which the parliament is duty bound to scrutinise, debate and give assent to.
  • I made my own little tiki ornaments and instead of tinsel I used leis. "
  • Our legal system is fundamentally an adversary system - and this solution would betray its very nature.
  • While the Dvorksy essay on "curing" fundamentalism that Stephen links to is well-intentioned George says of the fundamentalists that he wants to "return to them free will, rationality and self-respect" in order to help give their lives "meaning and purpose", I tend to share Stephen's concerns about this kind of memetic engineering. The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
  • It recognizes the Ten Commandments as eternal law and the Old Testament as Holy Writ.
  • Most Hindu communities have a fundamental belief in reincarnation.
  • La abundancia agrícola de California nos entrega los ingredientes más frescos cosechados localmente para que nuestros Dia de Accion de Gracias sea verdaderamente delicioso.
  • Tournament skiers like David have long exceeded the 100-feet mark for the jump.
  • However, Ulam did make a fundamental contribution in proposing the antipodal map theorem.
  • And such is the infatuating efficacy of their prejudicate persuasion herein, that it hath had two marvellous effects; -- the one against the light of nature, and the other against the fundamental principles of religion. The Sermons of John Owen
  • The ornamentation of such objects was similar to that of the nielloed gold and silver ladles and cups produced at the Kremlin Armoury in the 16th to early 17th centuries.
  • She stubbed her toe and managed to release the guitar from its holding and it twanged on the ground, waking the two very unstable-temperamental parents below.
  • Paraneck Stable's former classic starter Griffinite has been retired due to a slight ligament strain in his left front leg.
  • I'll post a link to the full parliamentary report when I track it down.
  • Opportunism consists of sacrificing fundamental interests in order to gain temporary, partial benefits.
  • It kinks, detaches itself from actin, unkinks, and reattaches, and thereby ratchets along the actin filament in a series of power strokes.
  • The Indian Prime Minister, V P Singh, lost a vote of confidence in the Indian parliament.
  • The parliament building sits in a large square.
  • But now I have another reason to dislike the need for sleep - there is a fundamental mismatch between a baby's sleep schedule and that of their parents.
  • The amendments allow the next parliament to make changes after the document is approved.
  • They are expecting the new legislation to have quite a rough passage through parliament.
  • That's right, vast swabs of the offending speech are reproduced under the cover of the Parliamentary privilege that had been so abused.
  • Last month, Najib said the government would establish a bi- partisan parliamentary committee to review changes to electoral rules, and that authorities would also consider amending laws governing censorship of print media. -- Top News
  • Geometrical Theory of Diffraction is a fundamental algorithm in electromagnetic radiating and scattering, and programming is a key step for its application.
  • For Christ in the Sacrament is not altogether unlike Christ in the cratch. Archive 2007-02-01
  • A persistent theme among people writing about the social aspects of weblogging is to note (and usually lament) the rise of an A-list, a small set of webloggers who account for a majority of the traffic in the weblog world ... Boing Boing: February 9, 2003 - February 15, 2003 Archives
  • The issue of land reform was one that dominated Hungary's parliamentary elections.
  • If you've got one of its skunky previous DVD editions, it's time to turn that turkey into a Christmas tree ornament and take a step up in quality.
  • At the same time it poses the most fundamental questions about what matters in a performance of a piece of music.
  • Having experienced spells of acute water scarcity at periodic intervals, people do lament over the waste of the precious resource in such times.
  • Are fundamentalism and democracy mutually exclusive?
  • Derived from the Old French word franc, meaning “free,” it later came to be associated with the most fundamental political freedom of all: to exercise your franchise meant to exercise your right to vote. The Sack of Washington
  • No quibbling about the derivation of the word rakia, which is literally something beaten out, [122] can affect the explicit description of the Mosaic writer, contained in the words ‘the waters that are above the firmament,’ or avail to show that he was aware that the sky is but transparent space. Essays and Reviews: The Education of the World, Bunsen's Biblical Researches, On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity; Seances Historiques de Gen��ve; On the Mosaic Cosmogony; Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1750; On the Interpr
  • His work deserves careful reading by New Testament scholars, church historians, and liturgiologists interested in the history of early Christian cult.
  • These intermediate filaments run in parallel along the axon and occupy a large fraction of the axoplasmic volume.
  • Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology? Cave Pharming
  • This means that should you get say 20% of the vote at the election, you won't get 20% of the seats in Parliament, only those seats where you polled the most votes.
  • The ‘amentum’ was the thong, or strap of leather, with which the lance, or javelin, was fastened, in order to draw it back when thrown.] [Footnote 36: _Not used to bear. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • However, many other policewomen have quit under pressures from a community in which fundamental Islam is prevalent. Fighting is cultural, criminal for Afghan policewomen
  • The ear ornaments in this collection are geometrically complex in design, combining squares, circles and triangles into single forms.
  • _They_ were compelled to regard exploitage as a cruel but eternally unavoidable condition of the progress of civilisation; for when they lived it was and it always had been a necessity of civilisation, and they could not justly be expected to anticipate such a fundamental revolution in the conditions of human existence as must necessarily precede the passage from exploitage to economic equity. Freeland A Social Anticipation
  • Although it is established that TMR-actin alone is polymerization incompetent, the impact of its copolymerization with unlabeled actin on filament structure and dynamics has not been tested yet.
  • Its poetic quality lies not in ornamentation but in rhythm.
  • His face was smooth and beardless, a testament to his youth, with high cheekbones and a delicate looking nose and mouth.
  • In early December the "Manhattan clubgoer" was reported to have flown to Tiger's tournaments ... Robbie Vorhaus: Icarus, Tiger and Chess: Behind the Scenes of Woods' Train Wreck
  • Some are herbivores, grazing on the filamentous algae covering coral reefs, and a few eat seagrasses and algae on reef flats.
  • In the Spanish procedure a ratification of such an agreement has to be approved by both chambers of parliament before it is put to the signature of the King.
  • Likewise, a few citation errors in the IPCC report were trumpeted as the final nails in the coffin for the climate movement, despite the fact that not a single investigation even those in which climate skeptics have participated has found any evidence thatscientists "fudged,""manipulated" or "manufactured" data, and the fundamental conclusions of the IPCC still stand. Kelly Rigg: The Movement with a Thousand Faces
  • You may talk vaguely about driving a coach – and – six up a good old flight of stairs, or through a bad young Act of Parliament; but I mean to say you might have got a hearse up that staircase, and taken it broadwise, with the splinter – bar towards the wall and the door towards the balustrades: and done it easy. A Christmas Carol
  • He testified that all other parties represented in the German parliament did not regard their right to co-determination as having been violated.
  • Put them in an arena, live coverage, president vs. prime minister, king vs. emperor, dictator vs. puppet ruler. It'll be like Unreal Tournament, except more fun.
  • 135 There is a grey area between ornament and decoration where one or other strives to compensate for poverty of form.
  • Nor does falconry soar towards the empyrean and scud in the firmament to demonstrate His almightiness.
  • He did so by rubbishing the only viable goal of any Liberal Democrat election campaign - a hung parliament.
  • They made little headway popularizing Britain's unilateral nuclear disarmament, and the unilateralist tide lacked any consistent direction.
  • It was something about how queer religions may be -- he was thinking of the juramentado. Terry A Tale of the Hill People
  • The beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner), is a polyphagous noctuid of worldwide importance that feeds on various agricultural crops, including vegetable, cotton and ornamental.
  • Jamaica, a member of the British Commonwealth, has a bicameral parliamentary legislative system.
  • the disarmament of the aggressor nations must be complete
  • Tournament organisers have brought forward play in the final round by one hour as they attempt to protect what should be a great spectacle from the showery weather which is forecast for later in the day.
  • Besides, correction effect of fundamental variables in the model to RMB rate misalignment is also elaborated.
  • That means Schwarzenegger's earnings from a career as a Hollywood megastar, which allowed him to forgo a salary as governor and commute by private jet to Sacramento, likely will be evenly divided with his estranged wife. Maria Shriver files to divorce Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • This fusion effectively creates the gastrocolic ligament by connecting the stomach to the transverse colon.
  • Class fractions are a fundamental feature of corporate capitalism and can become particularly potent fault lines.
  • However, the tubes may contain multiple virions, or capsids, like peas in a pod, or the linear arrangement of spores in neurospora filaments.
  • It did not emerge, fully formed, from the Scottish parliament under pressure from bigots.
  • Twentieth-century fundamentalism has acted as a drag on secularizing tendencies.
  • The first Order under this paragraph shall not be made unless a draft of the Order has been laid before and approved by resolution of each House of Parliament.
  • Feminist folkloristics, as developed in the United States and Canada, understands gender as a fundamentally sociocultural construct.
  • He is supposed to be debating to you and to fellow members of Parliament, and he should not involve strangers.
  • An excellent example of this return is the new psychological science of happiness, represented, for example, by the fundamental work of Edward Diener.
  • A fourth part of King's self-help message was his stress on the fundamental importance of the traditional family.
  • The opposition was in full cry in Parliament last night over the proposed changes to the education bill.
  • To deepen his predicament, because he is single, his advisers and confidants are generally undomesticated guys just like him. Where Have The Good Men Gone?
  • For Scottish criminal cases the court can be used only when cases relate to "devolution matters", a term covering the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament in dealing with human rights issues. WalesOnline - Home
  • Warming up properly is one of the best ways to avoid injuries to your muscles, ligaments and tendons.
  • I am disturbed that under this new parliament we are seeing a private individual buying public opinion.
  • I fear that bypassing the United Nations and demanding regime change by force instead of working toward peaceful disarmament is a dangerous step for our nation.
  • Yet it is he, and not their Minister, who has to defend closure orders in Parliament.
  • I then wandered down Whitehall, passed the great Offices of State, to view the Mother of Parliaments and ponder the fact that 70 years on Britain has a Government led by a Prime Minister never elected to that Office, who has refused to consult the People for fear they oppose him and happily transfered that once so precious prized sovereignty to a new European Superpower. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • There's a fundamental rule in physics that says, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred.
  • When, a few years later, Lord Elgin assented to the Rebellion Losses Bill, he established in Canada the practice and procedure of British parliamentary government. Education and the Empire
  • However, subsequent excavations at Maiden Castle, Arikamedu and Charsadda have inevitably caused many of his fundamental assumptions to be refuted.
  • Skirt a purple artichoke with a ruff of silvery artemisia, or mix some ruby-stemmed, fat-leafed rhubarb into a garden bed and you're creating combinations as artful as any in the most ornamental of borders. Valerie Easton: Are Your Vegetables Multi-Tasking??
  • Andy Murray has a busy end to the season, with tournaments in Valencia, Paris and London – plus brother Jamie's wedding Andy Murray saving his best until last as competition intensifies
  • BBC | Oil price "grounds North Korea fleet" Não é só no bolso dos automobilistas que o disparo nos preços do petróleo se faz sentir: a força aérea norte-coreana está practicamente paralisada; o país não tem dinheiro para adquirir combustível para pôr a voar a sua frota de velhas aeronaves de origem soviética e chinesa. Leituras
  • “Some 1,700 apsaras sicare carved on the walls of Angkor Wat alone; thousands more – individual in dress, hairstyle, and ornamentation – appear in almost every Angkor temple, Hindu and Buddhist alike.” Angkor Wat Interactive on National Geographic | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • For Scottish criminal cases, the court can be used only when the case relates to "devolution matters", a term covering the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament in dealing with human rights issues. Evening Standard - Home
  • People who longed for a more thorough introduction of Reformation principles during the reigns from Henry VIII to James I heavily relied on the Old Testament.
  • I must have been around 12 years old when my liberal minded parents handed me over the fundamentalist Christians.
  • According to Huntington (1933), the term “Boolean algebra” was introduced by Sheffer (1913) in the paper where he showed that one could give a five-equation axiomatization of Boolean algebra using the single fundamental operation of joint exclusion, now known as the Sheffer stroke. The Algebra of Logic Tradition
  • But Gorbachev too was influenced by Western disarmament groups, and even initiated a nuclear testing moratorium at their suggestion.
  • I asked how they knew what Jesus exactly said and meant, since there had been so many translations and versions of the New Testament.
  • Nowhere in Scripture is the Old Testament law divided into moral/civil and ceremonial.
  • Lamentations" (2007) is estimated at £6,000-£8,000. An Emerging Art Market: Turkish Contemporary
  • Start with Leviticus 24: 16 in the Torah/Old Testament, which states clearly that "blasphemers" who question the Lord are to be stoned to death. Ali A. Rizvi: The Atheist Bus Campaign: Why it's Okay to Offend the Religious
  • interred in an unlamented grave
  • In a fundamental conflict between constative force and performative possibility, the assuring parataxis itself begins to serve as a resistant marker of performatives that potentially contradict its simple narrative.
  • Kant defined "disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as fundamental and important characteristics in "Critique of Judgment", which was also seen as the "quality" in beauty.
  • And he shows that all those comminations and threats which we read in the Scriptures of the New Testament in no way belong to the nature of the Gospel properly so called, but are the confirmation of the law.
  • He had partially unveiled the face of Nature, but her immortal lineaments were still a wonder and a mystery. Chapter 2
  • The by-election is unlikely to take place until mid-October at the earliest because the writ for the poll cannot be moved until Parliament is in session.
  • He is infamous throughout the village for his bitter temperament and quickness to anger.
  • It will stand as a testament (like the sound they created) to their importance in the world of music.
  • We say that power must be vested solely in the right of Parliament and the Government.
  • Upon this occasion I particularly lamented that he had not that warmth of friendship for his brilliant pupil, which we may suppose would have had a benignant effect on both.
  • Originally from Sacramento and now based in New York, this fivesome makes moody rock textured with all manner of influences from dub reggae to funk.
  • North American deciduous tree (Ulmus americana) having double serrate leaves and winged fruits. It is grown chiefly as an ornamental shade tree but often dies from Dutch elm disease.
  • Ordinary Māori, many of whom were victimized by the police raids, descended upon Parliament today in a hikoi mass march, and beg to differ. Archive 2007-11-01
  • He has a doctorate in veterinary medicine and used to have his own practice in Sacramento, California, but has now sold it to focus solely on writing. James Rollins biography
  • However, no sooner had the parliament spoken than there were attempts to unsay its words.
  • Apart from the music there were stalls selling items from jewellery to stone ornaments for the garden, with products coming from all over the world.
  • Then a strange quiet descends after the Gregorian chant ‘Tantum Ergo’ as the Blessed Sacrament is laid at the altar of repose.
  • It's usually defined as any religion that sticks very closely to a fundamental text (the Bible, Koran, Torah) and claims to have extracted some universal and inarguable truths.
  • I was playing in the championship, but I felt we were in different tournaments altogether.
  • ‘CAN you?’ he said again; and every lineament of his expressive countenance added the words ‘resist me?’ Master Humphrey's Clock
  • Whilst ornamental cherries produce no edible crop, the blossom of apples, pears, plums and damsons is usually followed by fruit worth harvesting.
  • Testament to all of this are the ear splitting cheers to which Jon-Lee exits the stage.
  • But despite the brocaded swags, ornamental carvings and original works of art here, you won't feel you have to tiptoe down the corridors and talk in whispers.
  • Rather, it is roughly a desacramentalized form of chrismation. Thoughts on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
  • The term was reintroduced in Sweden in the early 1800s when the parliament of Sweden appointed its first ombudsman to give people a place, separate from the king, where their complaints about the country could be heard. Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us
  • These state agencies are heavily infiltrated by fundamentalists.
  • The only goal in that game came in the 85th minute when Edgardo Codesal, the Mexican referee, awarded a penalty when Völler went down in the area; Andreas Brehme, who later said there was no foul, scored from the spot to win the tournament. The World's Greatest Whiners

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