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How To Use Amenity In A Sentence

  • There are also suggestions to provide a town park in the surrounds of Killarney House and this would certainly be a lovely amenity.
  • She also said extra noise and congestion, along with the effect on visual amenity, would have an adverse effect on surrounding homes.
  • In so doing, he established for the first time in a court of law that windfarms can damage property values because of damage to visual amenity and noise.
  • The forestry here, at the back of the swimming pool, will be cleared of soft woods leaving the native hard woods in place and will provide an amenity area for visitors and locals.
  • Both the existing bungalow and the new house would look into the garden of the house, providing an amenity for both.
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  • The golf course is a good public amenity but I would query whether it could be run in a way that at least allows it to break even.
  • Whereas my little oasis, one of thirty `professional person's dwellings ', was five minutes from every city centre amenity. KICK BACK
  • It is rather the other way about: the injury to the amenity of the land consists in the fact that the persons on it are liable to suffer inconvenience, annoyance or illness.
  • It would not take a fortune to create a clean and tidy looking river bank and with a little imagination a very good amenity could be created in this area.
  • Some of the millers who worked the mills from 1747 to 1927 are documented in the amenity park.
  • The Belleek Forest Park with its attractive riverside walks is well on the way to being a major addition to Ballina's tourist attractions as a natural amenity.
  • The riverside walk is a beautiful amenity off the Dunmore Road that requires some remedial work.
  • A lot of the surrounding countryside has been classified as National Park, and is great amenity to have on the doorstep.
  • Dating from 1846, the building contained public baths and wash houses, an important amenity and social focus in the Victorian East End.
  • And that has to override any ‘disamenity or disruption’ that may befall the unfortunate residents of Erris in the months and years ahead.
  • Local amenity societies and conservation groups therefore frequently oppose their construction -; and all too often the houses remain unbuilt.
  • The aim is to promote forestry as a vehicle for rural development, environmental improvement, wild life conservation and the provision of an amenity.
  • The building itself allows little space for amenity land for the children to play in, and the style of construction is totally out of character for the area.
  • He added that he would like to see amenity facilities provided in the Barnaderg area.
  • You'll find every amenity here, as befits a five-star hotel.
  • The works will include restoration of dry-stone walling; tree planting; building of stiles; regeneration of woodland and turning a disused quarry into an amenity area.
  • Previous studies have assessed the amenity role of countryside open-spaces using separate ecological, landscape and recreational criteria.
  • Most of the conflicts concerning agriculture and amenity also occur in a particularly acute form on the urban fringe.
  • Mr Beilby, who owns a sweet shop and tobacconists which was set up by his grandfather in 1910, said: ‘As a shopkeeper, I am very pleased that the barber shop will stay as a local amenity.’
  • Most of the conflicts concerning agriculture and amenity also occur in a particularly acute form on the urban fringe.
  • Most of the conflicts concerning agriculture and amenity also occur in a particularly acute form on the urban fringe.
  • Previous studies have assessed the amenity role of countryside open-spaces using separate ecological, landscape and recreational criteria.
  • Councillors ruled last year that they were detrimental to visual amenity and had to come down.
  • The fund was founded as the Blackburn District Nurses Amenity Fund Charity in 1954 to collect donations from grateful patients and their relatives.
  • The centre was a proud achievement for all concerned and is a wonderful amenity for all age groups.
  • This will certainly be a great amenity as the existing bridge at the eastern end of Athea is positively dangerous, especially for schoolchildren who use it regularly as it has no footpath.
  • It will be totally out of character with the neighbouring housing, will intrude on the privacy of neighbouring residents, and would impinge substantially on their visual amenity.
  • A number of local residents have put forward proposals to make the wooded public area a greater amenity for villagers.
  • Local amenity societies and conservation groups therefore frequently oppose their construction -; and all too often the houses remain unbuilt.
  • The long-term vision for Waterford's south quays is that they will have fewer car parks and will be more of an amenity area for visitors and locals alike to enjoy the River Suir.
  • Even where an application does arouse some opposition, issues of public amenity rarely arise.
  • The ration of half an hour per week or fortnight is simply not enough and this should not be a case of finance but it should be in the area of public amenity.
  • There are no high-end resorts, but for $80 a night, four people can rent a private cabin on a semiprivate beach or a couple can rent a comfortable room at a full-amenity hotel.
  • To be sure, one could also argue that visible drug dealing itself affects locational decisions on the part of entrepreneurs by functioning as a perceived ‘disamenity’.
  • Vandals who interfere with life-saving equipment at beaches and amenity facilities around the county have been roundly condemned by members of Mayo County Council.
  • The flap on the right folds over to protect the fore-edge of the leaves; the book you hold in your hands, like modern books in general, lacks this amenity.
  • This site is located behind a developing business park which is already an intrusion in the countryside so there will be little loss of amenity.
  • We appeal to your generosity to help maintain this valuable amenity.
  • It is thought that the scheme would include open space, commercial development and public amenity.
  • A sophisticated analytical approach distinguishing between pain and suffering and loss of amenity is not usually required.
  • This site is an area of public open space zoned for recreation and amenity.
  • A sauna in the hotel would be a useful amenity.
  • Should we be attempting to develop the site as a public amenity and cultural resource or should we simply leave the land to lie fallow for future generations to exploit?
  • The areas of natural amenity in the town have been clearly identified and developed.
  • These plant collections are not just maintained in isolation but are often incorporated into gardens of great beauty and amenity.
  • The applicant Smart Planning, of Ongar, has submitted a design for a cul-de-sac street with 12 units, each with an amenity block and an area of concrete hardstanding.
  • This is meant to be an amenity for the whole city, including teenagers.
  • Also we ask all parishioners to be vigilant and keep a watchful eye on this amenity.
  • Even where an application does arouse some opposition, issues of public amenity rarely arise.
  • Through conventional breeding, the sid gene has been transferred to forage and amenity grasses to produce stay-green varieties of ryegrass and darnel.
  • Those who like to mix and match music from multiple compact discs and burn their own CD will also appreciate the new amenity.
  • It was grassed over in 1987 and parts of it were developed to include the travellers' caravan amenity site.
  • The closest I had to an amenity was a soft towel and a full-length mirror. Vicious Grace
  • Cobbles are densely confined in gabions to form substantial units of amenity embankments.
  • After the scheduled 1995 opening of the Newton Cap scheme, the picturesque valley around it will become a great local amenity.
  • Emerson had galloped straight into what would have been the village square if the place had boasted such an amenity. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity.
  • Previous studies have assessed the amenity role of countryside open-spaces using separate ecological, landscape and recreational criteria.
  • The policies against the application relate in the main to visual amenity and highway safety.
  • After the scheduled 1995 opening of the Newton Cap scheme, the picturesque valley around it will become a great local amenity.
  • The property is zoned A1 to promote existing residential amenity and to provide for private infill residential development.
  • Mr Clear explained that if a lake was put in place not only would it be a great amenity to the Slieve Blooms but also a great source of water to douse any fires which may break out in the forestry.
  • Although new housing will be encouraged within these areas, important open spaces and the amenity of residential areas will be protected.
  • The judge had rejected both approaches and awarded £2,500 general damages for loss of amenity.
  • They demanded that any modernisation should favour amenity and leisure use.
  • The courtyard, encased within high stone walls, is a suntrap, and the current owners, who live in the coach-house, make good use of the sheltered amenity.
  • They also argued that development would ‘seriously detract from the townscape and visual amenity’ of the area and that the development, if used as a pharmacy, would be ‘unsustainable’.
  • Contemporary attitudes and beliefs are dichotomized between emphasis on amenity/newcomer and commodity/long-time resident values, but all overlain by a rural lifestyle, even in the trendy Marin headlands north of San Francisco. Northern California Coast (Bailey)
  • It is not the most appropriate passenger facility and, indeed, we think we can create a cruise terminal in the bays precinct that offers passenger amenity, that is able to meet international passenger security standards and that provides a first-class, world facility. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • The residents, however, based their main objections on the parking and fears of loss of amenity around their homes.
  • The area adjoins the Dublin conurbation, and is a designated green belt amenity and agricultural resource base.
  • A.strange perversion of facts," cries the sapient criticaster, with that normal amenity which has won for him such honour and troops of unfriends: when his name was proposed as secretary to the R.A. S., all prophesied the speediest dissolution of that infirm body. Arabian nights. English
  • He immediately noticed the amenity of his new surroundings.
  • They are called resort amenity fees; chances are if the place has the word resort in its name, you'll be hit with this charge. CNN Transcript Jun 23, 2007
  • It serves no-one's interest to require planning permission for types of development that generally do not damage amenity.
  • A paper recycle bank is placed at the amenity site.
  • National policy could give a more balanced steer to the conflicts of social justice and affordable housing against landscape and amenity.
  • And with each new surcharge and each new item of clothing one is required to remove to board an airplane — and with every small-town commercial airport and cabin amenity that vanishes forever — the rails beckon. Sunday Reading
  • In common with many other provincial towns in the Republic, there has been a heavy emphasis on housing, with little concomitant amenity provision.
  • The brewpub is the type of business we think would be a great amenity in that district. News for WSLS 10
  • An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity.
  • Mr Forde commented: ‘Our application with its access road, hardstandings and amenity blocks makes a fair compromise between the need for accommodation, rural character and moderate landscape change and accessibility.’
  • A sauna in the hotel would be a useful amenity.
  • I have also seen loads of illegal dumping and it's vandalism of a natural amenity.
  • An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity.
  • Most of the conflicts concerning agriculture and amenity also occur in a particularly acute form on the urban fringe.
  • Built-up areas will be complemented by amenity space, parkland and a riverside promenade.
  • The county development plan envisioned The Curragh being designated a national park and protected from development as an Area of Special Amenity.
  • A passenger amenity from the first commercial space flight shuttle (2 pts) Foo/BarCamp + post-WIKI-ism
  • It even took a while for the chimneybreast to become a standard fitting, a lung-saving amenity that tended to automatically divide even the humblest home into a space for preparing the gruel, and a space where you went to sit and attempt to digest it. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The canal is a wonderful amenity in this part of the county and there is a beautiful walkway along the bank.
  • It says the council's primary role is to maintain the commons as a public amenity, rather than restore the area as a heathland habitat.
  • A community service organization such as TelfairLife helps us to capture that intangible but most precious 'amenity' - a vibrant sense of community that makes each resident feel like they are part of something greater than their own household or street.
  • She also said extra noise and congestion, along with the effect on visual amenity, would have an adverse effect on surrounding homes.
  • They are also of the opinion that the mast is unsightly in a high amenity residential area, and that it is extremely high.
  • But the amenity is still hard to come by for many U.S. fliers, despite a couple of airports that have recently announced that they're switching to the free model. Airport Check-in: Free Wi-Fi on the rise, but it still isn't common
  • It is hoped that more people will come forward and volunteer their services to help run this great amenity.
  • Diminished public amenity relating to injection drug use has also been reported in Kings Cross.
  • ‘It is unpractical and unwise to exclude all St Lucians from enjoying this amenity,’ he added.
  • Also we ask all parishioners to be vigilant and keep a watchful eye on this amenity.
  • Interestingly, the marginal disamenity cost of noise fell across this range: in other words, as noise levels rise, each extra increment causes less extra disamenity than at lower noise levels.
  • Once again, the weather was favourable, and again a lot of litter was removed, greatly improving the amenity value of the river.
  • Currently, United is removing six seats from Continental's 757s to create a roomier legroom area in the front of the coach cabin, an amenity already offered by its United subsidiary. With Few Options, Continental Could Add Extra Tanks
  • A sophisticated analytical approach distinguishing between pain and suffering and loss of amenity is not usually required.
  • They defend their actions by spuriously claiming that a piece of amenity in the area will be bulldozed.
  • I therefore consider that the proposal would not result in an unacceptable loss of amenity by way of reduction of outlook and open aspect.
  • But on the other hand we are very concerned about development proposals on the backland with the consequent ill effects and detriment to the amenity of all neighbouring properties that it will cause.
  • Grafton and Carroll counties — called "amenity counties" by demographers because their natural beauty attracts people to move there — grew 9% and 9.5% The only county to lose population was Coos, the northernmost county. New Hampshire diversifying but slowly
  • Often they circulate these lists to local conservation and amenity groups, residents' associations and subscribers.
  • In Israel, trees such as Conocarpus erectus, Eucalyptus sargentii, and Melaleuca halmaturorum, and shrubs such as Maireana sedifolia, Borrichea frutescent, and Clerodendrum inerme are sold for amenity planting to allow irrigation with saline water. Chapter 10
  • Or do you dislike it simply because the building surface and the amenity is similar? Floating pools from Mobideep
  • The prospects of severely congested streets, increased health problems and loss of amenity in the city are real concerns.

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