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How To Use Amenability In A Sentence

  • In proceedings last year, Judge Kaplan wrote, "Donziger's own words raise substantial questions as to his possible criminal liability and amenability to professional discipline. The Season of the Political Sting
  • There'll be some who feel that Lodge still lets his man off lightly, and that the outward amenability of Wells's wife Jane as he takes each new mistress fails to register the price she paid. A Man of Parts by David Lodge – review
  • It was this Jesuit amenability to incorporating pre-existing non-Christian beliefs and practises in their efforts at conversion that was causing Rome in this same period to censure the order in India and China.
  • Instead, it is employed as a resource for stabilizing defendants, particularly during the early phases of treatment, and for increasing amenability to treatment.
  • The survival of political machines usually rested on the amenability of federal supervisors.
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  • These are interesting because of their low prices, and their amenability to living in your home entertainment center.
  • All these make the widow flimsiness and independence coexist. So the widow has weak right of succession, passive amenability position in family and the possible property management.
  • For example, do individuals have a fixed capacity to regulate their emotions and attention or, as Buddhist tradition argues, their capacity for regulating these processes are greatly amenable to change suggesting similar degree of amenability of the behavioral and brain systems associated with these functions? Science at the Crossroads
  • The success of NCTC planning hinges on the amenability of departments and agencies to its planning -- a coalition of the willing is required. Jeffrey D. Ratner: National Counterterrorism Planning: Who's Calling the Plays?
  • In other words, to fulfill its role in our constitutional system, the Supreme Court must act in a manner that demonstrates its adherence to the demands of the law, not merely an amenability to political preferences. TRANSCRIPT: The Elena Kagan Hearings - Day 1
  • At the beginning, BB contestants were encouraged to, even originally hired on the likelihood of their amenability to, have sex with each other. Rewind TV: Big Brother; The X Factor; Dispatches

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