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[ UK /ɐmˈiːli‍əɹˌe‍ɪt/ ]
[ US /əˈmiɫjɝˌeɪt/ ]
  1. get better
    The weather improved toward evening
  2. to make better
    The editor improved the manuscript with his changes

How To Use ameliorate In A Sentence

  • They never draw from things that people on the right learn, and usually go out of their way to point out that things people on the right learn are incorrect, and even in the more rightish moments they try to ameliorate them with lefty platitudes. That CAPTAIN AMERICA thing
  • The new study suggests that deep brain stimulation targeted to the entorhinal cortex or perforant path could ameliorate these memory deficits, but this, too, will need to be tested. Deep brain stimulation enhances spatial memory
  • The paper, "Transferrin therapy ameliorates disease in beta-thalassemic mice," appears in the January 24 online edition of Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Thus, effects of water stress on the plant are partly ameliorated by this improvement in water supply, and partly by the reduction in canopy size and transpiration.
  • If more and more irritations are ameliorated by negotiation, the evidence of adequacy in armament becomes cumulative. One Bite At A Time
  • The question for me is: will the execution of Hussein ameliorate or worsen the situation in Iraq in the short term and in the long run? Balkinization
  • In effect, nationalism provided a strong overarching bond of identity to set against and ameliorate class divisions.
  • Grace looked lovely and composed; I sensed in her a desire to ameliorate the apparent darkness of my mood. SUMMER OF FEAR
  • My husband argued in this way: -- If these people had been guilty of a crime, which could not now be ameliorated or averted, it would be a straining point for me to take advantage of what I had learnt by accident and to bring them to justice; but that as in this case a great national trouble _might be averted_, and many lives saved, by timely information, it was my duty to exert myself in the interests of the community by putting a check on their movements. The Mysteries of Montreal Being Recollections of a Female Physician
  • The acid reaction of these soils has almost certainly been ameliorated by the addition of shelly sand from the adjacent machairs.
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