How To Use Ameboid In A Sentence
By means of these ameboid properties the cells have the power of wandering or emigrating from the bloodvessels by penetrating their walls and thus finding their way into the extravascular spaces.
V. Angiology. 2. The Blood
These marrow cells proper, or myelocytes, resemble in appearance lymphoid corpuscles, and like them are ameboid; they generally have a hyaline protoplasm, though some show granules either oxyphil or basophil in reaction.
II. Osteology. 2. Bone
These marrow cells proper, or myelocytes, resemble in appearance lymphoid corpuscles, and like them are ameboid; they generally have a hyaline protoplasm, though some show granules either oxyphil or basophil in reaction.
II. Osteology. 2. Bone
Large rounded cells, termed splenic cells, are also seen; these are capable of ameboid movement, and often contain pigment and red-blood corpuscles in their interior.
XI. Splanchnology. 4g. The Spleen
In an ameboid cell, there is a framework of spongioplasm, which stains with hematoxylin and similar reagents, enclosing in its meshes a clear substance, hyaloplasm, which will not stain with these reagents.
IV. Myology. 2. Development of the Muscles
Ameboid Describing an organism that resemble an ameba in shape and movement.
They can be further recognized by their irregular form and ameboid processes, and by the fact that their cytoplasm has no affinity for ordinary stains, but assumes a brownish tinge when treated by osmic acid.
XI. Splanchnology. 3. The Urogenital Apparatus