How To Use Ambulatory In A Sentence

  • We will be opening two new ambulatory care facilities for private patients in May.
  • All patients also had ambulatory testing at three separate intervals.
  • Some were community dwelling ambulatory patients attending a health clinic and others were inpatients on a geriatric ward.
  • Nurse practitioners practice in a variety of settings, ranging from intensive care units to ambulatory care units, with varying degrees of acuity.
  • Most ambulatory patients with alcohol dependence can be detoxified quickly and safely without the use of psychoactive drugs.
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  • This would typically comprise individual cells arranged around a central courtyard very often enclosing a railed tree, a shrine room, and an ambulatory.
  • If it's a standalone community hospital with 200 beds, a particular approach comes to mind; if it's a multihospital, multiclinic health system with its own ambulatory practices and no lack of cash, another makes sense. InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • The font itself was set Beneath a dome-shaped Baldachin and encircled by columns and an ambulatory (aisle), features first used by the byzantines.
  • Adult patients scheduled for ambulatory surgery were invited to participate.
  • Most ambulatory patients with alcohol dependence can be detoxified quickly and safely without the use of psychoactive drugs.
  • Fourteen columns of colored marble sustain a domed ceiling of gilded cedar, with an exterior deambulatory under a tunnel-vaulting also roofed with cedar. In Morocco
  • Most ambulatory patients with alcohol dependence can be detoxified quickly and safely without the use of psychoactive drugs.
  • Analysis was aimed at achieving understanding of the lived experiences of ambulatory surgery patients.
  • By reversing the orientation of the chapels to face the ambulatory, where noise is more frequent, he allows the worshipper to focus on the altar.
  • Nocturne – a term taken over by Chopin from the Irish composer John Field, but frequently employed by painters, too, particularly Whistler – is written in the relaxed, ambulatory tone of an 18th-century rambler's tale. Nocturne: A Journey in Search of Moonlight by James Attlee – review
  • The majority of ambulatory older patients who visit primary care physicians are without severe disability.
  • For instance, the processional route of the ambulatory, along which the cross is carried into the church, also acts as a shortcut from the restaurant to the foyer of the auditorium, which is also the lobby for the guesthouse.
  • This chapel is profusely enriched with ball-flower moulding, both inside and on the side next the ambulatory. Bell's Cathedrals: The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury with some Account of the Priory Church of Deerhurst Gloucestershire
  • It was the earliest important building in which the pointed arch (croisée d'ogive) was used in the chapels of the deambulatory, thus inaugurating this wonderful invention of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Dr Arnmon addressed ambulatory surgery for patients with diabetes, saying that a tight schedule is never a reason to perform a procedure.
  • But what we have been able to achieve is to provide more and more care on an ambulatory and community basis. How to Keep Hospitals Healthy
  • This indicates a good success rate in the selection process for ambulatory surgery patients.
  • There was never any ambulatory round the apse outside; we can still see, from the new building, portions of a stringcourse which was external, as well as other evidences that the apse was the end of the church. The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • Those who have ambulatory difficulties cannot even attempt it.
  • Sites for recruitment were in-patient medical units and ambulatory care clinics of a university hospital, physicians' offices, and churches.
  • By reason of the ambulatory character (as Heineccius terms it) of man's will, legacies and trust-bequests (fidei-commissa) were subject to ademption and transfer to another legatee. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Economic returns can accrue when ambulatory nutrition care contributes to reducing the need for costly medical care.
  • A contemporary reinterpretation of a traditional form, the cloister is a luminous, humanly scaled ambulatory space that leads visitors through the pavilion.
  • The archaeological consultant also curates the abbey collection of many loose carved stones and other historic artefacts and a few of the best of these are currently exhibited in showcases in the church ambulatory.
  • The concluding portion of the show brings the viewer back to the ambulatory at the right of the altar and facing into the body of the Cathedral.
  • There are personal stories of people coping with their situation as best as they can, and there are useful tips, too, on how to deal with those things the ambulatory take for granted, like showers and simply going to the bathroom.
  • The Camden Society were brought in after part of the ambulatory vaulting had collapsed.
  • Medical Programs For Varicose Veins Medical Care Ambulatory phlebectomy, another operation for more critical vein situations, on the other hand, surgically removes swollen veins from the skin by gently pulling them with surgical hooks. We Blog A Lot
  • This prospective study enrolled ambulatory patients 65 years and older.
  • The author tries to describe the ambulatory immigrant society and incompact lineage organization.
  • The plan consists of a nave, with aisles and lateral chapels, transept and choir, with a deambulatory at a slightly lower level. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • it has an ambulatory and seven chapels
  • This ambulatory session is done by a preliminary biopsy of the gland stalk and with minimum invasive laparoscopic instrumentation.
  • Ambulatory surgery centers are free-standing facilities that require unique qualities and mindsets from the personnel who work there.
  • Lusardi P, Mugellini A, Preti P, Zoppi A, Derosa G, Fogari R. Effects of a restricted sleep regimen on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in normo-tensive subjects. T.S. Wiley: Dying for a Good Night's Sleep
  • The viewer moves clockwise through the ambulatory beginning to the left of the altar and winds through the five side chapels which fan out behind.
  • Data are from US national ambulatory medical care surveys, 1989-94; axes are on the logarithmic scale.
  • Manual wheelchair propulsion provides a modicum of exercise and most importantly, provides mobility for non - ambulatory individuals.
  • Of Suger's building the western façade, the deambulatory, the chapels of the apse, and the crypt were retained, the remainder being rebuilt. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Esophageal manometry generally is used to accurately place ambulatory pH monitoring probes, although adequate placement recently has been reported with a tubeless system.
  • Those SSPX-types might complain long and loud about badly painted plastic icons sold in Catholic gift shops, but at least those are an improvement over the ambulatory vulvae you could get at Catholic shrines during the Middle Ages. Happy Valentine's Day, Fanboy
  • Employees treat their boss like an ambulatory suggestion box, constantly waylaying him in the hall with ideas large and small.
  • The evidence that ambulatory blood pressure measurement may predict pre-eclamptic toxaemia is not yet conclusive.
  • Following a 5-minute rest period, a trained technician assessed baseline BP and HR measures with a series of stethoscopic measurements taken concurrently with the ambulatory monitor.
  • This polyclinic will offer the following services: Medical services for pre-employment checkups, periodic checkups and ambulatory services in various pathologies, nursing, dental services, audiometry, and clinical laboratory and other labor medicine. DEDICATION OF SANTIAGO DE CUBA TEXTILE COMPLES
  • Some were community dwelling ambulatory patients attending a health clinic and others were inpatients on a geriatric ward.
  • Douglas has suffered goodness knows how many strokes and almost had to learn speech and ambulatory skills over from scratch.
  • Generalization of findings was limited to the ambulatory surgery population in these settings.
  • Dr. Hector Vila, chairman of the Ambulatory Surgery Committee for the American Society of Anesthesiologists, said he administers the drug during office procedures such as urology, dentistry and gynecology.
  • In ambulatory urodynamics, the urinary system is monitored with the person walking around, with catheters connected to a portable computer.
  • In the UK echocardiography is usually carried out in hospital but elsewhere it is often performed in ambulatory polyclinics or by office based cardiologists.
  • Normal values for ambulatory blood pressure in the pregnant population are available, and the changes in pressure which occur during the trimesters of pregnancy and in the postpartum period have been defined.
  • Though some of the pieces were difficult to see, especially the small reliquary boxes in the ambulatory, the overall effect was well worth the loss of an occasional detail.
  • Nurses in the ambulatory surgery department admitted Mr R for a bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy without complications.
  • Amid simple, wood-panelled walls, 10 black neo-classical columns support a vault of gilded beams and a complex ambulatory of exquisitely painted murals depicting male and female saints.
  • Ambulatory relatives of the stalked sea lilies, feather stars use their arms to walk and to climb.
  • On the day of surgery, the patient registers at the ambulatory care unit, where nurses prepare him or her for surgery.
  • We have made the transition to ambulatory care - with all its implications for patients' learning and clinical needs - more smoothly and efficiently than many could have imagined.
  • Even if encounter administrator perambulatory, be considered as very easily also to be in get online normally browse.
  • On the day of surgery, the patient arrives at the ambulatory surgery unit one and a half hours before surgery is scheduled.
  • Studies have found that patient satisfaction with ambulatory surgery centers exceeds that of hospital-based centers.
  • Nothing in the plain text of the public use portion of the 5th Amendment requires that all takings be for public use — it’s only a sort of preambulatory phrase that says takings for such use must be compensated. The Volokh Conspiracy » More from Richard Epstein on the Sotomayor Nomination,
  • Alternative treatments for severe varicose veins include sclerotherapy, in which a chemical in injected into the vein causing it to die, and ambulatory phlebectomy, in which smaller varicose veins are removed through several tiny skin punctures. Reuters: Press Release
  • By the time he and a couple of other guys closed the place at 4: 00 A. M., he was ambulatory, but only just. NEW YORK DEAD
  • Improving the quality of ambulatory care for patients with lung cancer is challenging.
  • At the beginning of the pandemic we will attempt to keep people away from hospital and treat them at home with the ambulatory services that are available.
  • This meant that the system had to be untethered, so the patient could work, be ambulatory, and carry on normal daily functions, without being permanently attached to any kind of external control system or console.
  • Infants in these nurseries may be managed by family physicians and general pediatricians who later continue their care in the ambulatory setting.
  • Five days post-exposure the patient was ambulatory and still receiving applications of calcium gluconate gel with dressing changes and Tylenol as needed for pain. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • It strikes me that this version of the bicycle could be adapted to help people with ambulatory difficulties.
  • In any case, once up the left staircase and through the bronze doors, the visitor is enclosed in a cool, high ambulatory running the length of the south wall of the cathedral from the front left corner to the rear.
  • Effect of Patient-controlled Perineural Analgesia on Rehabilitation and Pain after Ambulatory Orthopedic Surgery: A Multicenter Randomized Trial.
  • He then presumes that we believe that ‘all newly diagnosed hypertensive patients would benefit from ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.’
  • Chapter 45 - Are Patients with Sleep Apnea Appropriate for Ambulatory Surgery?
  • It has treated more than 100,000 addicts in its nearly forty years, and has close to 10,000 persons enrolled in its residential and ambulatory programs nationwide.
  • Monday, April 4, 2011 at 3:30pm during the session titled ECG/Ambulatory Monitoring Abstract of Study Confirming Predictive Value of Vicor Technologies' PD2i(R) for Cardiac Mortality Accepted for Presentation at American College of Cardiology 60th Annual Scientific Session - Yahoo! Finance
  • Surgeons typically choose the vein from the leg since its removal does not cause any future ambulatory problems.
  • Ambulatory patients may have undocumented medications, including those with antipyretic effects, such as aspirin.
  • The incidence of major morbidity (e.g., stroke) was less in the ambulatory surgery population than in age-matched controls from the surrounding area.
  • If this is too much bother, ask your doctor to make arrangements for a 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure recording.
  • Recent studies with ambulatory pressure monitoring systems indicate that an appreciable number of non-peristaltic contractions are commonly found in apparently normal subjects.
  • One of the H pylori negative patients was on maintenance haemodialysis and eight were on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.
  • The confusion may explain the discrepancy between the USDA's description of the Holstein as a downer cow and Ellestad's recollection that the animal was ambulatory.
  • Professor Strong distinguishes between what he calls 'saltatory' and what he calls 'ambulatory' relations. Meaning of Truth
  • We help replace the lost mobility with crutches, prosthetics, and other ambulatory devices.
  • After five years, she switched to ambulatory dialysis, which she could do at home - and tried to live as full a life as possible.
  • Recent studies with ambulatory pressure monitoring systems indicate that an appreciable number of non-peristaltic contractions are commonly found in apparently normal subjects.
  • This new galenical form is provided only for ambulatory treatments; it is intended for both children and adults.
  • In salamanders, both swimming and ambulatory locomotion involves lateral body bending.
  • There is currently no approved treatment for invertebral disc repair and this minimally-invasive ambulatory treatment potentially represents a cost-effective solution for discogenic back pain. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • There is now what he calls a completely ambulatory approach to diabetes - you can walk around with a device in your pocket that adjusts your pump and keeps you topped up with insulin.
  • When asked what advice patients would give to friends faced with the prospect of undergoing ambulatory surgery, several patients said they would warn them about anesthesia.
  • All horses were ambulatory following transport from the site of purchase.
  • The Gothic stylistic elements that mark it as a transitional structure can best be seen in the chancel and the ambulatory with its famous stained-glass windows.
  • While spa services are performed in one of Stadia's six treatment rooms, more complex medical procedures, such as liposculpture, are done in the ambulatory-care facility elsewhere in the Texas Center for Athletes medical building. Undefined
  • It has already been mentioned that there are doors on either side of the altar, leading to a kind of gallery or platform behind the reredos; these were designed to allow certain ceremonial compassings of the altar, and it is possible that steps led down from the platform to the ambulatory. Bell's Cathedrals: Wimbourne Minster and Christchurch Priory A Short History of Their Foundation and a Description of Their Buildings
  • The wolf is very depressed, it all exit inside the hole perambulatory hind stem entirely again, hide in mouth of a cave to await prey again next.
  • Recent studies with ambulatory pressure monitoring systems indicate that an appreciable number of non-peristaltic contractions are commonly found in apparently normal subjects.
  • Beneath the church of Montmajour is a most extraordinary crypt, almost as big as the edifice above it and making a complete subterranean temple, surrounded with a circular gallery, or deambulatory, which expands at intervals into five square chapels. A Little Tour of France
  • It also may be used in other ambulatory settings that perform surgery or other invasive procedures.
  • an ambulatory corridor
  • Serum HS-CRP was measured with full automatic immune scattered nephelometry. Ambulatory blood pressure was detected with American ABPM-04 blood pressure monitor.
  • Excavations between 1962 and 1971 revealed details of the temple layout which had an inner square cella surrounded by an ambulatory and an outer temenos wall.
  • All patients who had ambulatory surgery during data collection times were asked to take part in the study.
  • You do still see it though; classic Epic Fantasy (or Epic SF, for that matter), with its wandering PoV — pseudo-omniscient, multiple third person, or some hamfisted hybrid of the two — seems to have inherited that preambulatory approach, and where it lays out the equilibrium of the worldscape it seems to do so even more distinctly. Archive 2009-04-01
  • This vast edifice rested on a foundation with a projection of ten cubits forming a deambulatory (18), which was reached by a stairway of twelve or fourteen steps. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • What survives today as the parish church is the crossing, transepts, presbytery, and ambulatory.
  • The evidence that ambulatory blood pressure measurement may predict pre-eclamptic toxaemia is not yet conclusive.
  • Once inside the south ambulatory, light from an unseen set of windows above creates dashes of illumination along the Spanish Jana limestone floor.
  • Ambulatory surgery centers are free-standing facilities that require unique qualities and mindsets from the personnel who work there.
  • Infants in these nurseries may be managed by family physicians and general pediatricians who later continue their care in the ambulatory setting.
  • From the altar area worshipers may access the ambulatory as it extends along the north side of the structure, where the confessionals are located.
  • The huge, bulbous-headed mechanicals were ambulatory tripods equipped with chain-fed ordnance launchers capable of holing Republic artillery transports.
  • Manual wheelchair propulsion provides a modicum of exercise and most importantly, provides mobility for non - ambulatory individuals.
  • They hooked me up to an ambulatory EEG, a recent technology that can record brainwaves for three days and nights.
  • the patient is ambulatory
  • Each survey was conducted among a nationally representative, random sample of office-based physicians who provide ambulatory patient care.
  • We are looking at the ambulatory services throughout this country and we are boosting the skills of rural nurse practitioners so that they can, as the first point of contact, deal with the trauma that they often come across.
  • Neither did the battery technology available at the time allow us to believe that we could, in a short period, develop a system that would provide a patient with ambulatory capabilities.
  • Personality was shaped by socioenvironmental influences, and psychiatry had to emphasize as well the problems of the “ambulatory ill and the preambulatory ill those whose probability of breakdown is high.” The Mad Among Us
  • The ambulatory is very narrow and the choir-screen very high. Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France, Volume 1
  • Employees treat their boss like an ambulatory suggestion box, constantly waylaying him in the hall with ideas large and small.
  • Honoré hesitated, for he wanted to make a few preambulatory remarks before coming to his proposal, but as he could hit upon nothing, he made up his mind suddenly. The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 1 (of 8) Boule de Suif and Other Stories
  • The interior columns around the ambulatory are also concrete.
  • The joke is that this is the usual preambulatory statement to something subtly racist or anti-semitic. More House Members Stand Up to Israel Than in '06

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