How To Use Amblyopia In A Sentence
Objective To study the relationship between the degree of anisometropia and the depth of amblyopia.
For decades, vision specialists believed that a condition called amblyopia, or "lazy eye," must be t ...
Photoscreening can detect amblyogenic risk factors such as strabismus, significant refractive error, and media opacities; however, photoscreening cannot detect amblyopia.
In the classic example, a condition called amblyopia (also known as lazy eye) can arise when balanced visual signals are not transmitted from each eye to the brain during a critical period for visual cortex development.
Both strabismic and deprivation amblyopia occur as a result of abnormal visual experience during development.

For decades, patching the unaffected eye has been the mainstay of amblyopia treatment.
The traditional model of patching for amblyopia tends to be one in which the closer vision is to normal the less treatment is given.
METHODS: A total of 243 cases (408 eyes) of developmental amblyopia underwent comprehensive therapy including glasses, eye-shade, red light glitter, photogene and eyesight exercise.
Amblyopia can also result from a major difference in the refraction between the two eyes, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.
This is very important, because it is estimated that as many as three percent of children in the U.S. have some degree of vision impairment due to amblyopia.
Despite problems with follow-up, this study provides evidence that early detection and intervention for amblyopia improves vision in young children.
I have strabismic amblyopia in my right eye, and when I'm fatigued or stressed, my ‘lazy eye’ manifests; I have to concentrate to keep both eyes looking in the same direction.
The long-established practices of early childhood screening for amblyopia and patching of the dominant eye are not supported by evidence of good clinical outcome.
Can amblyopia administer child 10 - year - old ?
Strabismic amblyopia usually presents with a visible squint, but refractive amblyopia or a small angle strabismus may not be detected until it is too late for treatment to be effective.
Amblyopia or lazy eye is characterised by poor vision that is not correctable with glasses in an otherwise normal and healthy eye.
Should correctional glasses compare amblyopia general myopia ( far - sighted ) does degree want low?
Results The success rate was 94%, by wearing glasses, the most of heterotropia vision was corrected to 1.0. For amblyopia were given cover uncover and amblyopic train.
Early detection of amblyopia is critical to your child's eyesight.
Objective To study the relationship between the degree of anisometropia and the depth of amblyopia.
Treatment improved the vision of many of the 507 older children with amblyopia studied at 49 eye centers.
Amblyopia is treated by an eye specialist and an orthoptist (a specialist in childhood eye problems).
Newborns with monocular congenital or dense cataracts are at risk for developing deprivation amblyopia.
Objection: Research the curative effects of amblyopia by ophthalmic acupuncture.
They asked the surgeons to inform them of people with amblyopia who had lost vision in their good eye as adults.
A prospective UK cohort study found no difference in the prevalence of amblyopia between children who had been offered primary orthoptic screening at 3 years and children offered only surveillance by a health visitor.
Refractive error not associated with amblyopia principally includes myopia and hyperopia.
As a result of a an eye turn (strabismus) and a lazy eye, also known as amblyopia, Dr. Barry lost stereo vision as a child when her brain "turned off" the image it received from the lazy eye.
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THIS STUDY randomly assigned 88 children, 7 to 12 years old, who were wearing corrective lenses because of amblyopia caused by differing degrees of near- or farsightedness, known as anisometropia, to one of two treatment groups.
Quick Study: Acupuncture helps some kids with lazy eye
The duration of occlusion therapy depends on the degree of amblyopia.
The most common eye-related ailment in children is amblyopia, which is the name applied to all conditions where an imbalance exists between the two eyes.
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Young children may suffer from a condition called amblyopia or "lazy eye," where one eye sees better than the other.
Visual impairment caused by refractive error, amblyopia, strabismus, and astigmatism is a common condition among young children, affecting 5 to 10 percent of all preschoolers.
The most common causes of amblyopia are misalignment of the eyes (crossed eyes) or significant differences in refractive error, such as farsightedness or nearsightedness, between the two eyes.
Unless there is a family history of eye problems such as amblyopia - commonly called "lazy eye" where one eye hasn't learned to see - and strabismus - a deviation where the eyes don't line up properly or appear "cross-eyed" - most children only need an exam after birth with a pediatrician and a pre-school exam to carry them through to age 10, Anderson said. - Local News
She is now taking her findings and meeting with other researchers in order to find treatments for amblyopia, which is a problem caused by poor transmission of the visual image to the brain.
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The obstacles in the management of strabismic amblyopia could be social as well as medical factors.
Amblyopia is the most common cause of monocular visual impairment in children and young and middle-aged adults.
Hippocratic writings mention amblyopia, nyctalopia, and glaucoma.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman