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[ US /æmˈbɪvəɫəns/ ]
[ UK /æmbˈɪvələns/ ]
  1. mixed feelings or emotions

How To Use ambivalence In A Sentence

  • At the heart of all this is a deep-seated ambivalence about government which runs deep in the Australian psyche.
  • Reich 1974 placed the impulsive character, the neurotic character, and the psychopath between neurosis and psychosis and observed the ambivalence, hostile pregenital impulses, ego and superego deficits, immature defenses, and primitive narcissistic features of the impulsive personality. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • Many Americans these days are buying their first gold shares — but with a certain ambivalence, all too aware that the metal 's price can move suddenly. An Age of Creative Destruction
  • She felt a certain ambivalence towards him.
  • This ambivalence over the simplicity or complexity of the discarnate soul became a point of controversy among later Platonists.
  • The widespread ambivalence over whether the sons and daughters of Egyptian women married to foreign men should be allowed Egyptian citizenship assumed many dimensions.
  • There is an ambivalence in a peace settlement that large sectors of both populations oppose.
  • Dibdin's reading of the French Revolution hinges on the question of its way with books, pointing to what we might call a bibliophilic politics that cuts across stock political lines to produce a certain ambivalence. Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book Object
  • Almond calms the reader, suggesting that we can only do our best and trust that our ambivalence is more than compensated for by our devotion and love. "The Monster Within: The Hidden Side of Motherhood," by Barbara Almond
  • This kind of milquetoast ambivalence that we're seeing on display about what exactly it is that NASA is going to be doing in their human spaceflight efforts is why I don't ever bother going to the NASA 'big program' presentations at space conferences. A Shift in Policy? Moon Base Axed? - NASA Watch
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