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How To Use Ambit In A Sentence

  • Our ambition is to build a prosperous, inclusive and outward-looking country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The US had once looked upon Japanese ambitions with a level of sympathy, even indulgence.
  • Golub was an odd man out, one of those who kept alive certain ambitions scuttled by the artists who followed Abstract Expressionism.
  • She even has ambitions to return to college and major in interior design and business.
  • She has the ambition and talent to make something of herself.
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  • Of late, Wattal has been seriously looking outside the ambit of working with pop artists.
  • Even among the veterans, there is no consensus: is it an economic area or something much greater with supra-national ambition? Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a responsible situation he felt for a boy of thirteen, and he meant to do his very best to keep it now that he had been lucky enough to get it; in the far-off future, too, he saw himself no longer the van-boy, but in the proud position now occupied by Joshua as driver, and this he considered, though a lofty, was by no means an unreasonable ambition. Our Frank and other stories
  • This could provide funds for each son and so fulfil one of his personal ambitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.
  • A rare total eclipse of the moon will make your emotions a useful bit tougher and ambitions stronger. The Sun
  • The Holy Alliance was the joint labour of an unfortunate man who had suffered a terrible mental shock and who was trying to pacify his much-disturbed soul, and of an ambitious woman who after a wasted life had lost her beauty and her attraction and who satisfied her vanity and her desire for notoriety by assuming the rôle of self-appointed Messiah of a new and strange creed. The Story of Mankind
  • Suddenly, seeking high office, Liddy Dole was described as over-ambitious, chilly and nasty under the "syrupy" Southern accent. Caryl Rivers: Bad, Mad Michelle
  • Tomorrow night they will headline the venue - and take another step towards achieving their ambitions.
  • Ambition never dies until there is no way out. 
  • It also has ambitions to broaden its product range and expand geographically. Times, Sunday Times
  • Born Princess Sophia of the minor German principality of Anhalt-Zerbst, reared by an ambitious and self-centered mother, she was plucked out of near obscurity by the Russian czarina, Elizabeth, in 1744 as a bride for the heir to the Russian throne, Peter III. The Rise Of an Empress
  • Negotiations will be preceded by what the leaders called a "scoping exercise" to ensure that both side share the same goals and level of ambition for the negotiations. The Seattle Times
  • Certainly, it is a masterclass in grand ambition thwarted. Times, Sunday Times
  • ** Ariftotle, "fays Lord Bacon, * 'thought, like the Ottoman princes, cfaat fee cottid not reign fecure, unleis he. deilroyed all his brethren; *' nor was his Hterary ambition more exclufive than exorbitant* The Monthly Review
  • Its images tumble, proliferate and cross-hatch; they are extravagant and loopy and defiantly enormous in their ambition, making everything else look petty and piddling.
  • Reporter - unquote "unquote" is looking for a confident, competent and ambitious reporter with language skills, specifically French or Scandinavian, to work as part of the unquote "team. News from
  • The bond struck between these ambitious men was to endure.
  • Light entertainment is amusement without apology or ambition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The council claimed its ambition to support the results of the scheme financially could not be achieved unless more than 120 employees were made redundant.
  • But it has a depth and ambitiousness that are worthy of praise.
  • It is in Latin elegiac verse, and as being directed against ambition and discontent may be compared with the first satire of Horace. History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
  • A less ambitious painter would have been content merely to bask in the glory that his canvases had earned him.
  • The project successfully integrates ecological ambitions with the design of architectural and sculptural elements.
  • This sort of decentralising of empowerment would be welcome if it was not for the government's ambitious home-building programme. Further urban sprawl solves nothing | Editorial
  • A chance to fulfil your top ambition may come at an awkward time, but you'll make the most of it. The Sun
  • Jack's hobby was model making and he was currently engaged in a vast and ambitious project.
  • I'd never met anyone so ambitious and as single-minded.
  • But his ambition had its limits.
  • Neither side show ambition as the dismal opening round hits rock bottom. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is zeal for the salvation of souls which makes the prelateship desired, if you will believe the ambitious man; which makes the monk, who is destined for the choir, run hither and thither, as the restless soul himself will tell you; which causes all those censures and murmurings against the prelates of the Treatise on the Love of God
  • He fulfilled a long-held ambition to take the company upmarket.
  • Their ambition to succeed seems to be matched only by their hard-headed realism about selling and how to do it.
  • It used to be the case that ambitious people went into politics in the hope that they would one day become famous.
  • It is a sumptuous and intelligent film about love and thwarted ambition. Times, Sunday Times
  • A whole generation of experienced, ambitious politicians had been left by the wayside. Times, Sunday Times
  • The people who live here are belittled with irony and satire for their neat ambitions and their careful pleasures. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an ambitious target, but Leblanc believes it is attainable.
  • Nigel, by opting out of the computer course, had already made his compromise with ambitious dreams.
  • Your poverty of ambition is breathtaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • You could achieve your greatest ambition, Mikhail - space, the stars.
  • Perhaps his most ambitious project is, launched last September, an online community where aspiring artists can promote and sell their music outside record-label auspices. Akon's Recession-Proof Tune
  • His ambition for approbation sets bounds and limits to his ambition, so to speak.
  • The development of western civilization is predicated on the ambition to achieve mastery over nature and to manipulate it unrestrictedly.
  • The Adventures of Pinocchio is the story of a wooden marionette whose greatest ambition is to become a real boy. Archive 2007-07-01
  • He made no secret of his ambition .
  • The government is persisting with its ambitious public works programme.
  • Especially the flowerage of spring time, with its many wild flowers and the rows of fruit trees along the fairways, make even the most ambitious golf player stop and contemplate nature's dazzling beauty.
  • Bernard made no response to Tom's conversational gambits.
  • More ambitious compositions include a male flautist and a seated harper.
  • Upon questioning, many of them referred this service as outside the ambit of their responsibilities.
  • Most writers harbour a modest ambition for their work to live on after their deaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • The "ambitiousness" - meter really undermines this. Daring Fireball
  • In this light, George W. Bush’s mendacity is not different in kind but in ambition from that of other presidents. Letters to the Editor
  • True fans of the gambit should consider this a challenge.
  • Takla Haymanot of Gojjam, another of John's powerful and ambitious subjects, was also motivated solely by self-interest.
  • What he has brought is a sense of urgency and ambition that has helped maintain a sharp focus.
  • On the other hand, it would be surprising if they had equal levels of ambition.
  • His ambition to become a pilot was thwarted by poor eyesight.
  • Curiously, her mother never saw it either and died at a ripe old age with that particular ambition unfulfilled.
  • They are ambitious although they are poor.
  • Every step which led him to the summit of power was prefaced by what he called seeking the Lord; that is, attending sermons and prayers, by which the suborned performers of those profane and solemn farces prepared their congregations to desire what their employers had previously determined to do; thus giving an air of divine inspiration to the projects of fraud, murder, and ambition. The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
  • Thackeray said the BJP had touched the pinnacle of success under Vajpayee's leadership and lamented that some ambitious leaders in the party were eyeing his place.
  • A firm nexus has been established between amoral politicians, ambitious bureaucrats, unscrupulous businessmen and hardened criminals.
  • Union policies for new technology represent an ambitious project and negotiation of technology agreements is still at an early stage.
  • Dora is engaged to a pompous young bigwig of local fascist society, to the evident delight of her ambitious mother.
  • Greed and ambition composed his personality
  • Jupiter adds the luck that helps make an ambitious family reunion happen. The Sun
  • Livia is desperately ambitious that her son, Tiberius, become Emperor on Augustus’s death, never mind that there are quite a few other heirs before him, or that neither Augustus nor Tiberius himself is very keen on Tiberius being Emperor. Dissecting the Devil «
  • Here also there was an ambitious programme of church building in the twelfth century, as favoured churches and chapels were transformed into parish kirks.
  • A steady flame of love is ignited when you are introduced to an ambitious Virgo. The Sun
  • Some of these tools: the ambition, the fixation on data, the subsequent doubt about what to do with that data taken on dexterously by Justin McGuirk, and the photographs. Todd Reisz: Making Sense of the City
  • They are ambitious people and want the club back in the top flight. The Sun
  • She was goaded on by fierce ambition.
  • Every time you talk about leadership ambitions, you can rest assured there’s a chainsaw behind you cutting you as you speak, so I’ll just taihoa.
  • Do you feel ambitious enough to attain goals that previously you might have thought were out of your personal reach?
  • Ambition burned within her.
  • His idea of a brilliant conversational gambit is 'What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?'
  • In 1898 he started a County Fair to spur the ambition of the Negro farmers of the county. Booker T. Washington Builder of a Civilization
  • Two men recently died, an ambitious neophyte politician and his political rival, in a bizarre shooting in New York's City Council chambers.
  • Luck is building for an ambitious plan for a family reunion - it takes teamwork and you have a key role to play. The Sun
  • He is an ambitious man.
  • Objections in parliament In parliament, the leader of the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, Sushma Swaraj, raised objections to the Bill because the prime minister is excluded from its ambit. India Considers Anti-Corruption Bill Amid Calls for Tougher Law
  • I found a quote on Anatoli Boukreev's chorten especially touching: "Mountains are not stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve," he said. Simply Because It's There?
  • Justice Ginsburg rightly described this as overbroad, and she cited Court precedent that "ambiguity concerning the ambit of criminal statutes should be resolved in favor of lenity. Conrad Black's Revenge
  • Cuius dignitatem reatus ipsi etiam qui detulere uiderunt, quam uti alicuius sceleris admixtione fuscarent, ob ambitum dignitatis sacrilegio me conscientiam polluisse mentiti sunt. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • An ambitious reclamation scheme on the south coast also came to nothing around this time.
  • For the romantic and postromantic traditions of poetics in which Benjamin and Adorno participate, modern lyric ambition stands as a, or even the, high-risk enterprise, the "go-for-broke-game" [ "va-banque-Spiel"], of literary art: The lyric poem must work coherently in and with the mediumlanguagethat human beings use to articulate objective concepts, even while the lyric explores the most subjective, nonconceptual, and ephemeral phenomena. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • A chance to fulfil your top ambition may come at an awkward time, but you'll make the most of it. The Sun
  • It is a wildly ambitious essay that has been anthologized elsewhere, but it resonates here more than ever, finally nestled among the other work that occasioned it.
  • Despite challenges to pricing, they will benefit from an ambitious reform of the health system to restore universal coverage. Times, Sunday Times
  • He does not press ambitious claims, and each of his opinions is firmly anchored in the law.
  • He and Graham Gordon, another young Scot soon to join the paid ranks, have big ambitions.
  • And they are humbled by the task of transforming so many ambitious individuals and obstreperous regions into a harmonious but innovative whole.
  • The TRC statement did not touch on the crucial issues of the case, namely the ambit and scope of the TRC's functions, and the conduct of Boraine in particular. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Their sprawling theme park of paintings, photographs, sculptures, installations and videos amounts to a surprisingly ambitious exhibition.
  • This is an ambitious 18-track programme piece redolent of the history, mystery, and eloquent loneliness in the Border hills of the composer's childhood.
  • The defile itself continues but you, unless you are hardy and ambitious, do not.
  • He feels no need to conceal his personal ambition.
  • Hmm sounds like a perfect fit to me … … or Jean claude Van damme as Gambit HELLO????? Rumor: Matthew McConaughey Possibly Captain America - Blasphemy! «
  • He arrived with attitude as well as ambition, but those who were offended at the time concede now that he has the game to go with it.
  • She had ambition; she didn't intend to end her career as a brigadier in Hollands Midden. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Modi is helped in his ambition by the general atmosphere of civilizational tension. India’s New Face
  • Grand ambitions can be denied for any number of market-driven reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Baxter rode solo on an unmodified, high-performance Kawasaki Ninja ZX - 12R for the St Dunstan's Blind Ambition Campaign.
  • She had some grandiose ( ie overambitious ) plan to start up her own company.
  • This gambit nevertheless breaks the ice, and they begin by discussing the merits of various brands of scotch.
  • An unfancied, mid-table side with little ambition to rise any further should not be quite as easy as this to step over. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the contrary, it should be to rekindle and harness the ambition of the Victorians for a more tolerant and enlightened age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ambitious new proposals for York's vital Castle-Piccadilly area could see the car park at the foot of Clifford's Tower buried underground.
  • Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work.
  • Such an ambitious target was dependent upon adequate financial flows, access to the North's markets and secure oil supplies.
  • It proposed an ambitious programme of investment and the designation of Cabinet colleagues as ministers for various decaying areas.
  • To live long is almost everyone's wish, but to live well is the ambitiion of a few. 
  • So Parliament offers no forum for considered debate and no brake on the unbridled ambition of an unscrupulous Prime Minister.
  • Oil had stimulated new industry, cities were being modernized rapidly and ambitious plans promised change in the countryside.
  • Such acts, he said, only served envy and the ambition of enraged parties or satisfied the cravings of lust.
  • But with little ambition to go wide and a lack of composure when they tried to, they were containable.
  • It was a bold and ambitious plan that took no account of the terrain or local conditions.
  • It's easy to perceive the Super Furries as too ambitious for their own good, as they cavort guilelessly from West Coast rock to nosebleed techno, from mariachi to calypso.
  • The truth is that communism cannot exist without force because it depends so heavily upon squelching individual human ambition and making it subservient to the community.
  • Jon Newby, now top scorer after his seventh goal of the season, would be a prime target for ambitious clubs.
  • She is an ambitious career woman.
  • Simpson's ruthless ambition and weakness for self-promotion has not made him the most popular journalist in the BBC.
  • The pair sensibly attempted a less ambitious integration of moderate-size compositions in the more restricted space upstairs.
  • The early ambitions of youthful enthusiasm soon become tempered with realism. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • The ambitious architecture student was furious when the Congo government closed a university in the capital Kinshasa. The Sun
  • On the other hand, ‘bitter envy and selfish ambition’ does not come from above, ‘but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish’.
  • Control of the arts by government is a Soviet ambition and, as such, should strenuously be resisted in a free society.
  • Everywhere are evidences of faded ambitions and forlorn whistles in the dark…
  • Clever, ambitious and moderate as he is, I do not for a moment think he expects his party to win the election.
  • It was his ambition to accumulate a million dollars before he turned thirty.
  • An ambitious style of play that enables them to play tight, wide or preferably a mixture of both is required - now. Times, Sunday Times
  • But his image belied a character which was scheming, ambitious and hungry for power. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Cesarani demonstrates, Eichmann was an ambitious man determined to do his job well.
  • The only way we can start to demand (request?) that Iran give up ambitions to weapons is to stop pointing our nukes at them. Cheney Must Be Very Angry « Blog
  • There are enough fairways here to fill even the most ambitious itinerary.
  • Still, there was something going around in the mid to late 90's in the gaming industry that doesn't really seem as prevalent today: Outrageous, preposterous ambitions to cram a complete history of everything into every plot point, every gameplay system, every FMV sequence ... it was like the late Romantic period at the turn of the 1900's, where Gustav Mahler could say "To write a symphony is to construct the world" and mean it. Great Big Bites
  • He offered his services to the Edinburgh Missionary Society as an overseas candidate, thus fulfilling a youthful ambition.
  • The biggest changes in a women's nature are brought by love; in man, by ambition. Rabindranath Tagore 
  • Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage.
  • Are there no bounds to his ambition?
  • He occasionally invents grotesquely exaggerated success stories in a self-mocking parody of his frustrated bourgeois ambitions.
  • Where does chivalry at last become something more than a mere procession of plumes and armor, to be lamented by Burke, except in some of the less ambitious verses of the Trouvères, where we hear the canakin clink too emphatically, perhaps, but which at least paint living men and possible manners? The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
  • Commend an ambitious man, some proud prince or potentate, si plus aequo laudetur (saith [1954] Erasmus) cristas erigit, exuit hominem, Deum se putat, he sets up his crest, and will be no longer a man but a God. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • By no stretch of the imagination could you call him ambitious.
  • It is always a dream of greatness, not simply an ambition to succeed.
  • Among the rarest copper coins was one of Carausius (our English Carew), with two heads on it symbolling the ambition of our native usurper to assert empire over East as well as West, and among more treasure-trove was a unique gold coin of Veric, ” the Bericus of Tacitus; as also the rare contents of a subterranean potter's oven, preserved to our day, and yielding several whole vases. My Life as an Author
  • Tired and discontented housewives found their vague sorrows and vaguer longings were only the result of their "unregenerate" state; the lazy country youths felt that the frustration of their small ambitions lay in their not being Trent's Trust, and Other Stories
  • Ambition can sometimes be a force for good.
  • The devil's advocate gambit is extraordinary but certainly not uncommon since it strikes so regularly in the project rooms and boardrooms of corporate America.
  • Negotiations reconvene one day after the top Republican lawmaker suggested an ambitious effort to trim future indebtedness by more than $4 trillion may be unworkable.
  • Assign your staff to build the sort of book on Russert's techniques, rhetorical gambits, and political obsessions that you'd want going into a debate with an opposing candidate.
  • However, Lochhead argued, it is crucial that the new institution tries not to be too ambitious.
  • The moves represent a small but significant challenge to one aspect of Qatar's ambitions for the emirate, which also has drawn global attention by winning the staging rights to soccer's World Cup andfor funding and supporting the revolution in Libya. Qatar, Unveiling Tensions, Suspends Sale of Alcohol
  • I never really enjoyed Pink Floyd, and Orange Can has successfully reminded me why: the dull, stagnant jams sound indifferent and unambitious.
  • Whether they had much bearing on the ambition of Otto and his successors to be emperors may be doubted.
  • This overly ambitious device is confusing and the action drags. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Coens unashamedly celebrate and aggrandize American culture and sense of place, using it to enhance stories that convey and explore love, betrayal and ambition.
  • Eric wasn't particularly intelligent but he had plenty of ambition.
  • And until you see that, his ambition is surely a pipe dream. The Sun
  • It was, after all, the most ambitious amphibious operation in the annals of military history until the Normandy invasion.
  • In short, I felt I could justify my ambition to travel upwards in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Our daredevil ambitions are never so roused as when we're our own audience.
  • Perhaps the main fault of the book is also its strongest virtue, its ambitiousness.
  • I agree I am ambitious, and I don't see that as a pejorative term.
  • And I could act as if running a new household was an ambition f could concentrate on and fall in love with.
  • At base there is an enormous arrogance and an overweening ambition.
  • The whole picture is one of apparently endless, urgent ambition fuelled by bottomless reserves of cash. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frustrated ambitions can fuel the fire of anger and resentment.
  • Despite challenges to pricing, they will benefit from an ambitious reform of the health system to restore universal coverage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her ambition was to be a famous singer.
  • I have high ambitions and an exacting eye for detail. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the biggest town he has visited so far and he is nursing big ambitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ambition for power and other venal motivations are built into the structure of democracy.
  • To preserve nonuse will require policies more ambitious and comprehensive than the obsolete bipolar deterrence strategy.
  • Reeking of managerial sub-thinking, the words chosen to sum up the new policy also sum up the current predicament of the party as a whole: stuck in the middle, unambitious and lazy.
  • It had been her lifelong ambition.
  • Yet the gambit may have backfired. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hanc postquam Tartari ceperunt, ad dimidium miliare fecerunt vnam ciuitatem nomine Caydo, et habet duodecim portas, et � porta in portam duo sunt grossa miliaria Lombardica, spacium inter medium istarum ciuitatum habitatoribus plenum est, et circuitus cuiuslibet istarum ambit 60. miliaria Lombardica, qu� faciunt octo The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Its main ambition was to liberate individuals from the arbitrary authority of place, family, and folkway, and to permit them a life of material success amid an economic system that generated an endless bazaar of values ... Conservatism after the consumer society
  • [Illustration: page226] and this passage particularly seems to be a reproof to man, who, while with his domestic animals he is curious to improve the race, by employing always the finest male, pays no attention to the improvement of his own race, but intermarries with the vicious, the ugly, or the old, for considerations of wealth or ambition. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • As he wrote the commissary in 1752, he had no ambition to Presbyterianize the colony.
  • Alumni, researchers, graduates, postgraduates and campus companies were all amongst those with entrepreneurial spirit and ambitions to establish their own companies.
  • There seems to be a subtle hint that Edwards is an ambitious showboater who just wants to be president. Compare And Contrast: Hillary Camp's Approach To Obama Vs. Approach To Edwards
  • This was one of the most ambitious threats from Norway and was aiming to establish maritime control over the western seaways.
  • It's easy to recommend this book as essential material for those involved with this gambit on either side of the board.
  • A professional career as such seemed out of the question; his only ambition in life was to be an artist.
  • These have huge potential but will only succeed with proper funding and real engagement by ambitious businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hands of some called for kingship and irresponsible and numerated power; other hands called for ambition, for wealth in untold sums, for disgrace and shame, or for women and wine. Chapter X
  • It was a brave gamble, a bid for power, by an ambitious, clever and canny politician who saw his career facing a premature end.
  • The best entrepreneurs have the right balance of inner certainty and self-deprecation to cope with problems and not lose their audacity and ambition. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was accused of sacrificing all, including justice, to his insatiable ambition.
  • The fiction of Richard Powers sometimes resembles a dying satyr — above the waist is a mind full of serious thought, philosophical reflection, deep exploration of music and science; below, a pair of spindly legs strain to support the great weight of the ambitious brain. 2009 September | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Every success against the terrorists is a reminder of the shoreless ambitions of this enemy. Text of Bush's State of the Union address

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