How To Use Amazon In A Sentence

  • They were exploring the Amazon jungle.
  • Representing France, Jean-Marc Bustamante conjures a ‘Pavilion of the Amazons,’ which centers on four large color photographs of solitary, unsmiling young women standing in resolutely unpicturesque landscapes.
  • The creature lives in the remote parts of the Upper Amazon and has a “particularly unpleasant habit of infesting humans”, the scientists say. New Species Of Nose-Dwelling Leech Discovered | Impact Lab
  • I immediately started thinking of the Amazon, ecotourism, and the fabulous ways that they could protect their bird species, because I am an avid bird-watcher. Spoken from the Heart
  • She was already well on her way to becoming an amazon beauty, with long slender legs, perfect, glowing skin and light brown hair with copper streaks cascading over her broad shoulders.
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  • I report here an observation of attempted predation by a tayra in the western Amazon, in Acre, Brazil.
  • Other birds that utilize this ecoregion are yellow-crowned night-heron (Nyctanassa violacea), neotropic cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), yucatan parrot (Amazona xantholora), Yucatán bobwhite (Colinus nigrogularis), and zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita). Petenes mangroves
  • Amazon, with the Kindle 2.0 Reader, has the option of addressing some keylow lying fruitlike support for folders, PDF support perhaps? Kindle Vs Sony Reader « Kindle Review – Kindle 3 Review, iPad Review
  • The jar contains a preserved Pterophyllum scalare freshwater angelfish from the Amazon, and the watercolor artwork in the background is by Agassiz’s illustrator Jacques Burkhardt. Pandas and Man at Harvard - The Panda's Thumb
  • Since then, Amazon has talked to media companies about smaller— and less expensive—caches of movies and TV shows than Net flix usually buys, those people added. Amazon Adds Streaming-Video Service For Prime Members
  • The Amazonian is back in another dress; either that or they have a whole tribe of them backstage.
  • Amazon can lay an ever-bigger claim to being the largest independent bookseller in the world, with today's news that the "etailer" has agreed to acquire AbeBooks. to Buy AbeBooks
  • ‘He had taken a very early portable video camera to film the Yanomami Healing, a preliterate Amazonian tribe,’ says Talen.
  • Guaharibos, Spanish soldiers pretend to have found the fine kind of saussurite (Amazon-stone), of which we have spoken. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Back then, as now in his new Concord Music Group release "New Time, New 'Tet" (Amazon), I was drawn -- in his tenor saxophone improvisations and compositions -- to their flowing sense of ordered liberty, with the inner warmth of an adventurous romanticist. Benny Golson's Adventure
  • I didn't self-publish Shaken, even though I endorse self-pubbing, because AmazonEncore will be able to reach a much wider audience than I can on my own. Archive 2010-05-24
  • Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia, is set to launch an internet search engine with amazon. com that he hopes will become a rival to Google and Yahoo! Boing Boing
  • Fossils of a previously unknown species, which is believed to have belonged to the herbivorous sauropod diplodocus family, were found along the banks of a tributary of the Amazon river in the northern state of Maranhao.
  • In South America the sacred use of the psychedelic ayahuasca has moved from the native populations of the Amazon Basin into the urban centers where it is the central sacrament in their religious praxis.
  • If you don't already know her work, you might like to check out the video mentioned above and also the samples at Amazon.
  • If anyone's interested in gifting Spooky and me with the distractions that help to make this existence bearable, in the form of Solstice gifts, we have both updated our Amazon wish lists. "I'm living in an age that calls darkness light..."
  • For those whose curiosity remains unassuaged, a recent CD "Les Travailleurs de la Mer", songs in Dgèrnésiais, is available - clips can be listened to online from Amazon: THE LANGUAGES OF GUERNSEY.
  • Tales of bare-breasted Amazonian women warriors a myth which gave its name to the river guarded vast civilisations along the river bank. Why Amazon?
  • Although she had been told that the mygale sometimes ate small birds, her short experience in the Amazon had taught her that not many creatures - insects and piranha excepted - attacked unless hungry, provoked, trodden upon or surrounded by others of their species. River Of Desire
  • A friend of mine has a book which was published commercially in Malaya and which isn't even listed on Amazon, but he has been able to sell a goodly number in his local bookshops, despite that.
  • I saw them on Idol last night and planned to check them out today..saw them on iTunes, but didn't check amazon yet. Music Recommendation: New Morning by Alpha Rev
  • Single bamboo canes are also used as rhythm sticks in many parts of the world, including Polynesia and the Amazon Basin.
  • Amazon is the largest e-tailer in the country with an 8% market share, according to Hudson Square Research. ShopRunner Fights Uphill Battle Against Amazon
  • As I stood panting for breath after an hour's walk in Amazon-like conditions, the man leading us called a halt.
  • Early map-makers were happy to leave blanks for terra incognita or to stock those empty spaces with headless cannibals, giant monopeds, Amazons and dragons.
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • Faced with these deals, Amazon has reportedly agreed similar terms with several big publishers.
  • Nearby in the Graham Amazon gallery visitors can gaze at 7 foot arapaimas, catfish the size of bulldogs, beautiful tiger stingrays, giant anacondas, electric eels, two toed sloths and creepy piranhas.
  • Grann notes that in 1753 a Portuguese bandeirante - a soldier of fortune - emerged from the Amazon jungle and described how, "after a long and troublesome peregrination, incited by the insatiable greed of gold", he had seen the ruins of an ancient city from a mountain top. Signs of the Times
  • The Purus-Madeira moist forest ecoregion lies in the center of the Brazilian Amazon, south of the Amazon River on the interfluve between the Purus and Madeira Rivers. Purus-Madeira moist forests
  • Take this redhead, for instance, this termagant, this copper-headed Amazon, this female dragon in angel's clothing. THE LONELY SEA
  • This means the government can do what it wants on ancestral indigenous lands, even if tribes disagree with an extractive, transnational company going into our communities to deforest Mother Earth," said a statement from Aidesep, an umbrella group representing Amazon tribes. Peru's tribal groups chide president for vetoing rainforest law
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • There was a lack of detail in many areas, such as, if the expedition is well into Amazonia, and are totally spent and half-dead from starvation and disease, how did they get out in order that they undertake the next expedition? Reader reviews of The Lost City of Z by David Grann.
  • According to the Times, Amazon effectively acknowledged that the deletions were a bad idea. Who Owns Your eBook?
  • (02 / 19 / 2008) Careful design of protected areas to safeguard key "refugia" and allow for migration can increase the resilience of Amazon biodiversity to climate change, report researchers writing in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Tuna may go the way of cod: a collapsed fishery News
  • If it really existed, the plains of the Lower Orinoco would communicate with those of the Amazon only by a very narrow land-strait, on the east of the mountainous country which surrounds the source of the Rio Negro: but it is more probable that this mountainous country (a small system of mountains, geognostically dependent on the Sierra Parime) forms as it were an island in the Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 3
  • A quick look at Amazon's "Look Inside the Book" feature shows how much of Lemons Are Not Red or The Black Book of Colors is lost in the "translation" to digital. Digital reviewing
  • If Tuillie's tool were to be the engine of his own destruction, I thought he'd have gotten gangrene after a candiru fish swam up his urethra on an ethnobotanical tour of the Amazon to consume rare psychoactives with the shamen of violent rainforest tribes like the Yanomamo. Ramona at the Funeral
  • The Amazon estuary is a dynamic lowland consisting of Holocene (less than 10,000 years old) sediments surrounded by slightly older Tertiary deposits. Marajó varzea
  • Specifically, I “looked inside,” as Amazon would have it, and I found a sort of interlinear commentary on the Bible. The Intelligent Design Coloring Book -- and more - The Panda's Thumb
  • The Amazon is a giant amongst rivers.
  • All Answers from evspence wrote 49 weeks 4 hours ago those amazon wolf fish like on the Hunt for Big Fish, with a $800 shimano stella of course What is the fish that you have never caught, but you would really like to? I want to catch a tarpon on a fly rod.
  • You can't swim the Amazon without the current and the river's help.
  • In 2002, both sites used about 560 words per page, yet the density of words was 33 percent lower on Amazon; Amazon distributes the words across the page as links rather than bunching them together in paragraphs.
  • The bearded saki (Chiropotes satanas), howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul), and red-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas) are all eastern Amazonian primates. Tocantins-Araguaia-Maranhão moist forests
  • The Amazon's Strafe skill now correctly enhances base bow damage rather than total bow damage.
  • DODOcase since ordered more than 75,000 iPad cases and 3,000 for Inc.'s Kindle from the bookbindery. Digital Rivals, Economy Put Bookmakers in Bind
  • Its world wonders range from Andean peaks to Amazonian wilderness; from the endless horizons of the pampas to the awesome glaciers of Patagonia.
  • Amazons in particular, often become junk-food junkies, almost instinctively recognizing potato chip bags and pizza boxes.
  • The tallest trees that emerge from the canopy include Ceiba pentandra, Terminalia amazonica, Cedrelinga catenaeformis, Carapa guianensis, and Hevea guianensis var. lutea, a type of rubber tree. Solimões-Japurá moist forest
  • According to a Kansas State page on parasitology, there are some types of parasitic catfishes in the Amazon mostly in the genus Vandellia, and commonly called candiru that have been known to invade the human urethra, often while humans are urinating into a body of water. News -
  • Cleanut laundry detergent is available in the US through Amazon. comin a case (6 bottles) or a package of two bottles. 19 posts from November 2007
  • A tenth of a second increase in the loading time of the Amazon website cuts sales by 1 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is occurs several minerals such as lepidolite, pollucite, amazonite, etc. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Just a few months ago we were all lining up to fellate Macmillan for standing up to neighbourhood bully Amazon and now comes the revelation that company reps in a part of the world that basically runs on bribes made bribes in a bid for a textbook contract. So far to fall…
  • Fond of a drink, which may have been the cause of her loud behaviour, Elizabeth was described as Amazonian, of huge size, with masculine features and the voice of a stentor.12 It seems clear to us in the twenty-first century that Charlotte and Elizabeth were harmless eccentrics who certainly did not belong in a mental hospital, or even in custody. Bedlam
  • It's too bad Amazon cannot overnight a sense of perspective, because there are, in truth, tougher situations to find yourself in.
  • But what I prized most of my early scriptings was describing the Blue Nile with the phrase, "The Mount Everest of Rivers," which Google now shows includes the Amazon and Tibet's Tsangpo, and a raft of other lesser streams. Richard Bangs: Avoid Clichés Like the Plague
  • The park contains habitat for at least eight endangered mammal species and is also proving to be an important geobotanical laboratory for studies on pollen and climatic changes in the Amazon basin. Rio Abiseo National Park, Peru
  • This was originally a region of rare endemic birds, fishes, and insects, although with a fairly low biodiversity as compared to neighboring regions in Amazonia. Maranhão Babaçu forests
  • * Zamu* is Camu Camu fruit (Mike Adams) [Natural Vitamin C] (Natural News) pt 2 freewebs. com issac. Vitamin C Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. - Articles related to These old eyes
  • Brazil Hevea original wild Amazon in South America, is mainly cultivated in Southeast Asia.
  • Jörg M. Colberg jmcolberg. com jmcolberg at gmail. com jm colberg's amazon wish list Conscientious: Politics: April 2009 Archives
  • Here's a blurb about a new book about Polari on Amazon: Sonos
  • The recent spat between Amazon and MacMillan did no favours for either side, reputationally, but Amazon were the more obviously evil of the two companies. Linkspam for 9-2-2010
  • This must have been a problem for the Amazon warrior women in Greek history; they used to burn the right bosom off so that in battle it would not interfere with the handling of a spear or a bow and arrow.
  • The Manu Biosphere is 7,700 square miles of cloud forest between Peru and Brazil - book your ecolodge for the full Amazonian jungle experience.
  • Update: When one looks at a search result for the word bouncy, it is not difficult to argue that Amazon may have a point in wanting some sort of filter for adult content. Amazonfail: cyber-censorship, cyber-hype, or YHBT?
  • There's a conviction that the analytics-driven company does best in a consumer-facing game--or, even better, in a born-digital, consumer-facing game prototypically, Amazon. 10 Insights: A First Look At The New Intelligent Enterprise Survey
  • Actually, ask the mighty YouTube- it's got some great video tutorial walkthroughs for Mac, PC, and Linux users, and you can even find out how to unroot your device, and how to get the Amazon Premium services back on your rooted device. Wired Top Stories
  • Hope it might have disclose out of the unconventional positives or it came into Amazon Top Cinco Libros Mas Leidos when they reprimand that the squirrel name that they were zone for is nonetheless blacklegged by. Wii-volution
  • She's been fashion's bright spot on the courts for several years even if she's not the risktaker that fellow glamazons Venus and Serena Williams are. Undefined
  • Beal and Bendt have added a few adventures of their own, including an Indian safari to view the tigers in their natural habitat, a four - to seven-day cruise of the Peruvian Amazon on a luxury houseboat and a stroll into Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda to view the silverback gorillas made famous by Dian Fossey. rss feed
  • Before I went, daunted by the vastness of the country, I bought a Brazil Air Pass, which allowed me to visit six cities, from Belém at the mouth of the Amazon to Porto Alegre in the far south. Why I Love That Country
  • Once more, in fancy, he was sailing up the mighty Amazon, shooting alligators on its banks, spearing fish in its waters, paddling through its curious gapo, and swinging in his hammock under its luxuriant forests. Martin Rattler
  • Of course, Amazon is about much more than books and music, thanks to its decision to move into retailing a vast array of products.
  • In the Amazon basin it is one of the most popular articles of food, a position fully justified by its nutritional qualities.
  • The state law says that if even one of those affiliates is in New York, Amazon must collect sales tax on everything sold in the state, even if it is not sold through the affiliate. Amazon Sues New York State to Void Sales Tax Rules - Bits Blog -
  • This rolling terrain on the plains of western Amazonia is high in biodiversity. Solimões-Japurá moist forest
  • Evidently Amazon is able to better leverage pricing with the shippers—allowing them greater flexibility in the order fulfillment process.
  • This is because they worship and revere the jaguar as the Amazon's ultimate predator.
  • The important leguminous timber tree acapú, Vouacapoua americana, is restricted to eastern Amazonia north and south of the river. Tocantins-Araguaia-Maranhão moist forests
  • When so much is happening in the online customization space, it's surprising Amazon has not taken a more aggressive stance to this angle of e-tailing (although they have attempted to make one acquisition of a some what customization focused start up). Peter Crawfurd: Why Customization Could End Amazon
  • Another famous variety is the malagueta, which grows semi-wild in the Amazon basin in Brazil, where the species probably originated.
  • A glitch at Amazon's Canadian site has briefly lifted the veil of anonymity which protected the identities of reviewers.
  • To replace the ladder mechanism we had to source a very dense wood called greenheart from the Amazon.
  • A quick trip to Amazon and faith and begorra, thar she blows. Archive 2006-11-01
  • The legal Amazon, an region consisting of rainforests and a biologically-rich grassland known as cerrado, is now home to more than 80 million head of cattle. News
  • The XJ120, introduced in 1948, brilliantly emulated the graceful wave-motion of the leaping Panthera onca in the forests of the Amazon. Wildwood
  • Most people don't think "video streaming" when they think "" -- heck, most people don't even think "video streaming" when they think "Amazon Prime," which is probably best known as the expedited shipping service for the Internet marketplace. Netflix Alternatives For Those Who Don't Want To Pay Up
  • Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.
  • The costume of an Amazonian crest and plume, a tucked-up vest, and a tight buskin of sky-blue silk, buckled with diamonds, reconciled Lady Binks to the part of Hippolyta. Saint Ronan's Well
  • However, even in Amazonia, clearance is not a one-way process; for every 3 ha cleared, perhaps one is reclaimed by forest regeneration.
  • (From Amazon. com): With King Olin imprisoned and Prince Kendrick slain, the royal twins Barrick and Briony have been forced to flee their homeland. WEEKLY BOOK RELEASES FOR FEBRUARY 28TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • I think he's a good guy, and I think that Amazon, is, generally, the best etailer around, with incredibly customer-friendly terms of sale and service for physical goods. Boing Boing
  • If that's not enough for you, then you might take a look at the domains of gynarchy and mysticism of murderous amazons.
  • On the agenda are 59 proposals involving the minke whale, yellow-naped Amazon parrot, bigleaf mahogany, Malaysian giant turtle, and Patagonian toothfish, among others.
  • The novelette is well translated and available at
  • But I rarely buy hardbacks, so Amazon's $9.99 for ebooks that are still out only in hardback is not a big temptation for me. MIND MELD: The Pros and Cons of eBooks
  • Meanwhile, quaky venture capitalists called other pet-preneurs into the conference room to prove that they could survive in an Amazon-dominated space. Amazon's Pet Projects
  • The Amazon rain forest, the world's largest is thought to contain at least 30 percent of all plant and animal species on the planet, most of them uncatalogued.
  • Venezuela also has one of the most diverse climates, with icecapped Andean mountains to the west, Amazon jungle to the south, wide rivers and tall waterfalls surrounded by tabletop mountains and unusual rock formations to the southeast, and a gorgeous, pristine Caribbean coast to the north that has some of the world's finest and exclusive beaches, such as Los New on
  • The expedition set out for the upper reaches of the Amazon.
  • Amazon tried to gussy up the Kindle edition by offering what looked like a steep 45% discount, but the digital edition still cost $5 more than the print edition. Outcry Prompts Amazon To Stop Overcharging For Digital Edition - The Consumerist
  • Look, the big box actually contained lots of smaller boxes, Russian matryoshka style … and the last one contained a Swiss army knife the kid had bought for himself, thanks to mum's handy one-click Amazon account. Everything will be better next year!
  • Students can get answers to such questions as where the Amazon is, where the name comes from, who lives there, how inhabitants make a living, and what is grown there as they interactively learn about how the Quichua live off the land. February 2009
  • Humor aside, about 30 years ago when Brazil announced plans to begin clearcutting the Amazon, scientists warned that the reduction on CO2 conversion capacity would result in an increase in atmospheric CO2 Time to go Mike - NASA Watch
  • For many years, parrots and macaws had been observed on the river banks in the Amazonian forests of Peru biting off and swallowing chunks of orange clay - a practice known as geophagy.
  • With the economy once again on the move and the Olympics and World Cup on the way, there is a certain something in the Rio air right now; a swagger that can be felt not only in Ipanema's luxurious nightspots, but also in the city's impoverished slums – favelas – and remote Amazonian towns where shopping malls and cinemas are sprouting from the ground with growing pace. Lula's Brazil: glitzy, rich, dynamic
  • China's reach now extends from the Australian desert through the Sahara to the Amazonian jungle — and it's those regions supplying goods for China, not just the other way around.
  • The canonical example of a hashmob emerged a few days ago around the hashtag #amazonfail.
  • In the yearly submerged gapo forests and the plains of the Upper Amazon, The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • And I also love the Big-Star-esque Bandwagonesque I like this whole album so much that there is no point picking out individual tracks, and it's only--unbelievably--$5.99 from Amazon! seriously, put it in one of your supersaver-free-shipping orders, you cannot go wrong with this by the altogether excellent Teenage Fanclub. Big Star
  • But in Au Revoir to All That: Food, Wine, and the End of France, available on Amazon today, he broadens his focus to include food, specifically, haute cuisine in France. 2009 June | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • One partnership is with the Maranhao tribe of northeast Brazil, who harvest babassu nuts (from Amazonian palm trees), which are used as a cleansing agent in some Aveda shampoos.
  • This region of dense tropical rain forest is situated on the lowland plateau in the central northern portion of the Amazon Basin in Brazil with tiny sections just touching Colombia and Venezuela. Japurá-Solimoes-Negro moist forests
  • Amazon provides a wide range of infrastructure services to go along with EC2, which you can use to address issues like data reliability and backup.
  • I have been ordering from Amazon-UK but the condition i have been receiving the books in lately is not great so will definitely try some of your suggestions ... thanks Do You Buy Science Fiction Books Overseas?
  • Sophie from his lepidopteral expedition up the Amazon a changed, silent and very disturbed man. 66 entries from January 2007
  • These small torpedoes were, of course, neither waterlogged double coronas jettisoned by a listing Cuban freighter nor a species of blind Amazon trout but, rather, a sampling of the ocherous projectiles fired into the river night and day from the fundaments of Pucallpa. Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates
  • The problem of this hypothesis is that it requires the river dolphins of the Amazon, Ganges, Yangtze, etc. to all be autochthonous and essentially unrelated, since those river systems are separated by good span of geography.
  • But it was in 1925 that he disappeared while with his eldest son Jack in the Amazon jungle in Brazil, looking for a mythical ancient city he named "Z" but others called El Dorado.
  • It's the ocassional books that we come across that we just don't care for (for whatever reasons) that makes me wonder what it is that makes us pick them up in the first place .. the great cover? the blubs? an amazon review? something makes us think we will like it and then it disappoints! but we love most of your books so I guess we can't complain lol The Helmet of Horror by Victor Pelevin
  • While Amazon fulfills all toy orders placed through its Internet site, Toys R Us is responsible for the inventory.
  • Hachette has become the latest publisher to announce that it was done with what it calls the artificially depressed e-book prices imposed by Amazon. Ars Technica
  • More than other parrot species, Amazons are well known for their strong or often moody characters.
  • According to Wikipedia, Porto Velho -8.77 -63.92 is the capital of the Brazilian state of Rondônia, in the upper Amazon River basin. Porto Velho and Londrina « Climate Audit
  • Fabre went on to attack women's clubs, claiming, to much applause, that they were composed of ‘adventuresses, wandering female knights, emancipated girls, and amazons'.
  • Amazon effectively acknowledged that the deletions were a bad idea. troll_dc2Quote The Volokh Conspiracy » Orwellian?
  • Comparing an e-tailer like with a retail bookseller shows far less energy use per book sold, in fact a 16 to 1 difference.
  • From tiny piranha that can tear apart humans in the Amazon to large killer catfish in India that feed on dead bodies, Jeremy has seen it allor has he? - Articles related to ETHIOPIA-KENYA: Dam "busters" say Gibe 3 puts thousands at risk
  • The second group consists of the nominate subspecies, spadiceus, which has a widespread distribution from Venezuela through Amazonia.
  • If this population was typical of the Vaupés, it implied that Amazonian coca was a true cultigen; totally dependent on humans for its survival. One River
  • Already some of those fearless frontierswomen, the amazons of the Fortieth, had come ahead with bag, baggage and babies and moved into the log huts of their lords as contentedly as they would have taken quarters at the Grand Central in Omaha, but Mesdames Flight and Under Fire
  • Pink dolphins and pisco sours come together on a wild stretch of the Amazon . Take Me to the River
  • One such device is the Kindle , launched by Amazon, an American online retailer, in November 2007.
  • Target. com is currently working with Amazon. com to suppress certain titles from the Amazon. com catalog from appearing on the Target. com web site. Boing Boing: November 28, 2004 - December 4, 2004 Archives
  • One in nine love missives received on Valentine's Day were sent by people to themselves"to save face on the dreaded V-day, "according to a survey released by online retailer
  • In the Amazon, a Waorani hunter detects the scent of animal urine at forty paces and identifies the species that deposited it.
  • Even so, publishers are mostly in favour, since the browsable titles in Amazon's stock have immediately leapt in sales by nearly 10%.
  • The equatorial climate of the Amazonian rain forests is hot and wet.
  • She also wrote a book of healthy sweet recipes that gets rave reviews on Amazon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grass, milfoil, water crowfoot, hornwort, starwort, horsetail, and a dozen other delicate plants, form one tangled forest, denser than those of the Amazon, and more densely peopled likewise. Prose Idylls, New and Old
  • He made regular trips to remote parts of the Amazon rainforest, where seasonal floods produce a bizarre drowned world in which fish feed in the submerged crowns of trees.
  • She suggests that the symbol of the Amazon is associated with the symbol of the Great Mother and with matriarchy.
  • Will the Kindle similarly put Amazon in a dominant position , while weakening publishers?
  • When we walked into the Amazon Gallery, the arapaima stopped me dead in my tracks. January « 2005 « I HEART BACON
  • The latest figures show the rate of forest clearance in the Amazon last year was the second highest on record.
  • Already , and estimated 6 percent of the Amazon forest has been razed.
  • The Amazonian rainforests make up one third of all rainforests and are vitally important in terms of biological diversity.
  • Keith says that he never puts the moves on the ladies first, that he is passive and that they always have come onto him but he and Amazon made it very easy for me by setting a very, very reasonable low fee for the three day love-in. Patricia Zohn: CultureZohn: I Spent New Year's Eve in Bed With Keith Richards
  • It will also be available in hardcover with pre-orders currently available on Amazon. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS: MARCH 31ST | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Library websites are already about as sticky as sites like Amazon, with an average stay of almost ten minutes.
  • The valley, surrounded by steep mountains, is one of the Amazon's least spoiled treasures.
  • She also wrote a book of healthy sweet recipes that gets rave reviews on Amazon. Times, Sunday Times
  • By then Tim was on the trail of chiric sanango, Brunfelsia grandiflora, an important medicinal plant in the potato family used throughout the Northwest Amazon to treat fever. One River
  • SAVE THE RAINFOREST: An indigenous person shot video at the SOS Amazon event Tuesday in Belem, Brazil. The event is meant to bring attention to saving the Amazon forest.
  • Question for readers: I have that product preview function from Amazon (when your cursor is over the title of the book, you get the picture of the book and other information.) The Mislaid Magician Or Ten Years After
  • People certainly flock to omnibus stores, as Wal-Mart, the Sears catalog and have proven.
  • Smoky quartz, topaz, and microcline variety amazonite from the Pikes Peak Granite and beryl variety aquamarine from Mount Antero are well-known Colorado gemstones from pegmatites.
  • The abilityto download just one chapter of a book that you would not want to read, but need to have to deal with a question of some kind, is a decided benefit of Kindle (which Amazon has set up to allow free downloads of sample content), as she describes. E-readers: adapting to niches
  • An outpost of the Inca empire, thought to have been inhabited by the Chachapoyas, has been discovered in Peru's Amazon jungle.
  • She tell you he was a missionary down on the Amazon River in Brazil? TOUCH
  • But nowhere in that review, or on the amazon page, does it make plain that this is a translation admittedly lively of selected bits and pieces of Ariosto, not the whole text; and that it lacks all annotation, apparatus, and comes with only the mealiest of introductions. Archive 2010-02-01
  • The unnamed new species of fish is a smaller relative of the candiru, which is well known in the Amazon as a danger to people who go into the water.
  • Amazon Talks About Kindles, Prime and "Muda" - Highlights from Amazon's conference call with analysts, in which execs shared (a few) more thoughts on the Kindle, Amazon Prime, video-on-demand and "muda," a Japanese word for "waste. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • South East Asia and parts of the Amazon jungle are similarly well-endowed, he says.
  • Violent men were still men; violent women became superwomen, amazons, viragoes. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Competitors may decide to consolidate around a single open-standard a la Amazon MP3. Apple App Store Crosses Another Threshold - Bits Blog -
  • So picture a tall amazon in heels and a pool of floral vom, and you've pretty much got the picture.
  • Brazil is probably best known as the land of the Amazon, the world's largest river in area drained and volume of water and second only to the Nile in length.
  • The Amazonian rainforests make up one third of all rainforests and are vitally important in terms of biological diversity.
  • He also encouraged the exploration of the Amazonian rainforest, which led to the subsequent exploitation of significant oilfields.
  • Last summer I made a trip up the Amazon basin in Peru.
  • Some to try are Amazon lily, crinum and agapanthus. Daytona Beach News-Journal Online
  • Note also that in their press release they name Amazon as their "valuable customer for a long time" not us the readers and that's a main sticking point, for Macmillan readers *are not* the customers, while for Amazon they are and that's another essential reason to support Amazon btw. Tor Books No Longer For Sale On Amazon (for now)
  • Birds that may visit mangrove communities include Amazona autumnalis, scarlet macaw (Ara macao), green macaw (Ara ambigua), military macaw (A. militaris), snowy cotinga (Carpodectes nitidus), and several parrots, parakeets, and hummingbirds. Mosquitia-Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast mangroves
  • Oddly, despite his astonishing sense for what is on the radar of pop culture, Fred hasn't quite twigged that its a little hard to create an air of mystery over release dates and album titles when Amazon is already carrying the information.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. green/blog; entertainment = 1; green = 1; world = 1; nickname = lori-pottinger; entry_id = 430724; amazon = 1; avatar = 1", Lori Pottinger: Avatar: Should Brazil Ban the Film?
  • About 750 families live in the three proposed 'extractive' reserves (or Resex) up for approval, which include Baixo Rio Branco-Jauaperi (in the states of Roraima and Amazonas), WWF - Environmental News
  • In a sense Amazon now has publicly admitted that private clouds do exist and the core differentiation is isolation (what I call quarantined cloud infrastructure), be it virtual or physical. Latest News from AJAX & RIA Journal
  • At Mecca the Goddess was Shaybah or Sheba, the Old Woman, worshipped as a black aniconic stone like the Godess of the Scythian Amazons. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The galliwasp lizard is a perfect example of the rare and endemic (occurring nowhere else) species found in various regions of the Amazon. News
  • He used to just loopily and gently rock out those songs, with the Black Amazons wailing away behind him, and it was just awesome. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Among the pioneers of e-commerce were the banks, dealers in stocks and shares, and booksellers like Amazon.
  • Not only can TagScanner clean up the artist, album, song title, and track number information for your digital music files, it can rename your songs based on a pattern you define like %artist% - %title%, it can make music playlists, and search online databases like freedb and Amazon to automatically tag music missing information. TagScanner Renames And Tags Your Digital Music | Lifehacker Australia
  • The Amazons were a race of female warriors.
  • His recently published book In the “I” of the Storm: the Simple Secrets of Writing & Speaking (Almost) like a Professional (84 pages) is available from Story Publishers in Ghent, Belgium (storypublishers. be) and Amazon (amazon. com). Notes on Writing From Writers of Note « Articles « Literacy News
  • But really, don't waste any time on that link - just glance it over cursorily enough to glean the context in which to fully appreciate this brilliant, twinkling compilation of one-star Amazon reviews of the aforementioned best books ever.
  • Rosario's embroidered and ornamented sashes with ribbon rosettes for an imagined Miss Brazil, Miss Amazon and Miss France hang from standards nearby.
  • Virtual Private Cloud, which enables an enterprise to segment access to a portion of Amazon's cloud with access control and security enforcements (such as subnet, encrypted VPN). ReadWriteWeb
  • This nicely tuned road trip novel from 2009 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award-winner King begins in Ohio, where April Shea is a "pigheaded" 14-year-old girl who experiments with pot and constantly squabbles with her single mother, Marcy. Publishers Weekly - Children's Books News
  • Amazonian fair having overthrown and bestrid her enemy, was now cuffing him lustily with both her hands, without any regard to his request of a cessation of arms, or to those loud exclamations of murder which he roared forth. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • The term terra preta refers to rich black soils found in the Amazon. Terra Preta for Carbon Reduction

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