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How To Use Amaze In A Sentence

  • Plasma level of carbamazepine upon admission was 29.8 mcg./ml. Carbamazepine
  • And then we were amazed to hear the sound of singing -- amazed, for it was not the uncouth singing of negroes (who in happy circumstances delight to uplift their voices in psalms) nor yet the boisterous untuneable roaring of rough seamen, like Vetch's buccaneers, but a most melodious and pleasing sound, which put me in mind (and Cludde also) of the madrigal singers of our good town of Shrewsbury. Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
  • A voice drifted down through the hatch above our heads, ‘I'm amazed,’ it said. ‘Only three people have chundered so far.’
  • Lamaze classes aid in preparation; hypnosis, acupuncture, and biofeedback are also used.
  • A son of Israel has no gods whom he can libate," he said, playing with the water to hide his amazement, now greater than before. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
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  • The manager of a dressmaking factory noted with amazement that her employees all took Sunday for a gala day and not as a day of rest. A Renegade History of the United States
  • He looked amazed and slightly stricken in the streetlight. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • He would therefore be utterly unamazed to read some of the reviews currently being written of this movie.
  • Plus you will be amazed to see a scene stolen by a British Bourbon biscuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • From time to time I forsook my own thoughts to follow him, and I followed in amaze, mastered for the moment by his remarkable intellect, under the spell of his passion, for he was preaching the passion of revolt. Chapter 26
  • I think one of the things that amazes is how these people – any of them – apparently don’t watch any television news. Think Progress » Pentagon Response to Katrina Based on Nonexistent “Dodged a Bullet” Headline
  • Bewildered, I watch her eyes flicker with the memory of sudden shock and amazement.
  • Like many young stars, he seems obsessed with people who dare to tell him he's anything but amazeballs and destined for legend-hood.
  • Staff stood amazed as they listened to this unprompted assault on Stewart's integrity.
  • But the little girl has amazed her family and doctors by bouncing back and learning how to walk on her prosthetic legs.
  • Steven's eyes scanned the room immediately for people they knew, while Donnie starred amazed at the lights and tinsel decorating the flat.
  • Ian was amazed at the speed at which he had catapulted back to reality.
  • Now, to their amazement, Bush administration officials find themselves thrust through the equivalent of a Star-Trekkian wormhole into an anti-universe where everything that once worked for them seems to work against them …. Think Progress » White House officials seek Bloomin’ Onion of the Far East.
  • I am amazed by people questioning the quality of recruitment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The brave bride had amazed guests when she made it to her wedding ceremony on time despite being rushed into hospital with agonising stomach pains the night before.
  • Neither carbamazepine nor phenytoin are effective in preventing recurrent febrile seizures.
  • I was always amazed by the length and circuitousness of the corridors in the building.
  • As we came level with the silver saloon, I was absolutely amazed to see the driver holding a camcorder to his face.
  • ELLIS HIXOM, with charge to meet him at such a river though the Master knew well the Captain's toothpike: yet by reason of his admonition and caveat [warning] given him at parting, he (though he bewrayed no sign of distrusting the Cimaroon) yet stood as amazed, lest something had befallen our Captain otherwise than well. Sir Francis Drake Revived
  • Amazed and abashed she stole back to her chamber.
  • I was amazed by the Green Party members during question time today when they were complaining about the Minister of Conservation tagging dolphins with an electronic tag that was to be picked up by satellite.
  • His eyes wide, he stared at the back of the church with utter amazement. Christianity Today
  • Medication includes anticonvulsants such as carbamazepine and phenytoin, although pregnant women should not take these medications. EHow - Health How To's
  • I realize he was likely being facetious with discussing how he's perfect, but it still amazes me that he'd say it.
  • I continue to be amazed at how something so relatively straight forward and simple can be made so complicated.
  • I was always amazed that any electric motor could turn the engine, transmission, and those big rotor blades.
  • ” Utterson was amazed; the dark influence of Hyde had been withdrawn, the doctor had returned to his old tasks and amities; a week ago, the prospect had smiled with every promise of a cheerful and an honoured age; and now in a moment, friendship, and peace of mind, and the whole tenor of his life were wrecked. Remarkable Incident of Dr
  • Shay offers something to the effect that he was amazed that white boys should have such incredible natural rhythm.
  • It amazed the Comanche, who remembered that encounter for generations.
  • I was also amazed to find that the items from the diner car were not so bad at all!
  • Karen watched in puzzled amazement as he dropped the thing into the wastepaper basket.
  • There were children who were amazed to learn that peas come from pods and sweetcorn doesn't come out of cans.
  • However, I can not help but be amazed by the failure to set logical premiums.
  • I gave the kids some colouring in to do this afternoon and was amazed and dumbstruck by their response - they sat quietly, put lots of effort into making the flowers look good and seemed to enjoy it.
  • Even rock fans have been amazed by The Decemberists' rapid progression from likeable imitators to true originals.
  • Given his bitter experience with England, it always amazed me how much time he was willing to give to the media. The Sun
  • Some are touchingly intimate: my sister-in-law received a set of pastel-colored cotton panties from her middle-school homeroom students, and to my utter amazement was utterly unamazed.
  • When it was placed on my desk my reaction was one of total amazement.
  • It was four blocks before he caught up with her, and he saw with numb amazement that she was running at nearly forty miles an hour.
  • He improved, but in 1996 he was readmitted to hospital with paraesthesia and leg spasms and was prescribed carbamazepine by a neurologist.
  • You will be amazed at the beauty and crispness of this hand carved wood floral rose wreath.
  • He did sometimes express amazement that some of the great canonical books (The Faerie Queene comes to mind) were taken seriously; this was part of his conversational charm.
  • Carbamazepine has been demonstrated to decrease seizure activity in animals with electrically and chemically induced seizures. 5 It is believed to act by, "reducing polysynaptic responses and blocking the post-tetanic potentiation. Carbamazepine
  • I'm amazed that people do that. The Sun
  • he was amazed at how modern everything was
  • I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn't happen in London.
  • It will undoubtedly stun and amaze you to know that my fashion sense has always been a bit dodgy.
  • They were amazed at the bright twinkling pattern of starlight as it shone through the window.
  • To the amazement of all concerned Simon's leukaemia had grown through some of the heaviest drug treatment available.
  • It has always amazed me how moronic the planning authorities are when they sanction building on natural flood plains.
  • He was amazed to see that it was not a perfect sphere as he had been taught, but rough and mountainous.
  • He said: 'I was amazed. The Sun
  • He expressed a natural amazement that the lines should have been so grossly misunderstood, and defended them as being ‘one of the strongest forms of obtestation, of adjuring God to show mercy, by all His grace, and truth, and love.’ The Hymns of Methodism in their Literary Relations
  • He was amazed that he'd misin-terpreted the situation so completely.
  • We arrived by sea plane in monsoon conditions, but the sheer beauty of the place amazed us - the journey alone was worth the price. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are such an unbelievable dweeb sometimes that it amazes me.
  • The child had no seizure history or previous exposure to carbamazepine. Carbamazepine
  • I am always amazed that people (not you -- Claudia -- this is a general reply) who would not cut their own hair or try to replumb their house will risk their health by going to a farmacia armed with only internet information. Check for parasites
  • I have heard, that if these sublime genuises are wakened from their reveries by the appulse of external circumstances, they start, and exhibit all the perturbation and amazement of cataleptic patients. Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification
  • Jane laughed and pointed out with a kind of amazed bitterness that things were not likely to “quieten down for years.” A Covert Affair
  • I am indeed amazed when I consider how weak my mind is and how prone to error. Rene Descartes 
  • I'm amazed how generous people were. The Sun
  • I was amazed to find that the comfrey plants which were only just sprouting a couple of days ago, all now have proper leaves!
  • I have been amazed at the universality of all of our experiences, whatever our origins, sex or age.
  • You might be amazed by a person flirting with you yet it soon turns to love. The Sun
  • The two nigiri and sashimi platters we ordered were specials of the day and they did the job, but did not amaze.
  • It never failed to amaze Charles how brilliant and driven she really was.
  • We are constantly amazed at people leaving valuables on show in their cars or leaving their homes unattended and insecure.
  • The defenders were bamboozled, the crowd amazed. The Sun
  • The excited crowd stood wide eyed in amazement at the spectacle that lit up the night sky.
  • I'm amazed how few people are on them. Times, Sunday Times
  • One is amazed at the extent of the media's ignorance and credulity.
  • He also eloquently captured the general ambiance of amazement. The Scientist
  • It amazes me how as a country we are so unprogressive. Not asking; telling
  • He was rather amazed at her abilities to have such power without really having to prove herself.
  • She felt an onrush of tenderness, mixed with amazement and a small serving of guilt. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • From the dinky tin the adherent would peel back the paper lid and remove several spoonfuls of the inert powder, add tapwater, stir and watch in amazement as a lurid froth began to bubble away.
  • The first time he is confronted with the sheer bulk of the super size meal, Spurlock is genuinely amazed.
  • To his amazement, they would ‘take a bath every morning even when the hoar frost was flying thick in the air.’
  • But the linesman's flag stayed down, to the amazement of the home defenders. The Sun
  • While I don't want to stint on my daughter's safety - I have every intention of buying a car that can take a side-on collision from a Tomahawk missile - I am constantly amazed at the precautions we must take these days.
  • It also helps to explain some rather anomalous variants in quickly adaptational individuals, as well as unusual but apparently universal expression suiting amazements being documented in medical research. All These Different Creatures are Variations of the Same Theme
  • He is still amazed at how the actor transformed his body and his mind for the exhausting role. The Sun
  • THE devotion of football fans still amazes me. The Sun
  • Most of the cast was amazed by the play's success.
  • Usher called the performance "amazeballs," and Adam didn't feel anyone could sing the song better than that.
  • My husband, David, and I graduated cum laude from our Lamaze class. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • And what he saw to his sheer amazement was pure anger.
  • You would be amazed how often they want to write a joint experimental/modeling paper, but want to see the experimental results the conductivities or the crystallography or the neutron study or whatever BEFORE they model. Answers to the House Committee on Cross-Validation Statistics « Climate Audit
  • We were reeling (in amazement/shock/delight, etc. from/with the news that we had won all that money.
  • Seeing how terribly the trip strained the ungainly mother, Indira was amazed at her stoic determination to continue.
  • Even with lower mileage, Hunter is amazed that she can go 600 miles on a third of a tank of gas.
  • The four brothers have been amazed with the response from the Lismore community so far - and from all reports they are the best bunch of buffers, waxers, window tinters and polishers in town.
  • Is it a bit off of us to be amazed that such a hottie can be so, well, boysy? Orianthi (No 818)
  • But, as I said, I was in amaze, and the next I knew was the pang of the entering steel as this clumsy provincial ran me through and charged forward, bull-like, till his hilt bruised my side and I was borne backward. Chapter 11
  • Hanford had not read his friend Lowe awrong, and when, behind locked doors, he outlined his plan, the big fellow gazed at him with amazement, his blue eyes sparkling with admiration. Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories
  • You would be amazed how it saves the bother of buying fresh carpets each day. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been amazed at much of the cautiousness displayed in much of the current analysis of the dying giant.
  • The moon at the top of your love chart plays matchmaker to help you recognise your perfect partner - but their identity may amaze you. The Sun
  • The blind old owl, whirring out of the hollow tree, quite amazed at the disturbance, flounced into the face of a ploughboy, who knocked her down with a pitchfork. The Newcomes
  • He is amazed that Sonia has not succumbed to any of the three usual ways open for someone in her situation: the canal, the madhouse, or total submission to depravity.
  • Her paintings have awed and amazed the public for half a century.
  • Â When you do, you'll live more adventurously, more curiously, and with more wonder and amazement than you ever thought possible Karen Talavera: The Journey Is The Destination
  • I thought that most of the farmers would have better things to do but to my amazement more than 70 showed up.
  • ‘I am amazed and deeply disappointed that the Barbican can be so ungenerous,’ Hall says.
  • “I am amazed,” cried Tom, “how did his donship get such a lovely creature?” Three Weeks in the Downs, or Conjugal Fidelity Rewarded: exemplified in the Narrative of Helen and Edmund
  • You've done all your homework in an hour? You amaze me.
  • He is just as angst-ridden and distraught as he was when he first amazed the world.
  • It amazes me how people seem to forget that they were young once and that no amount of pep talks, pleading or punishment would have made a blind bit of difference to how they carried on when away from their parents' beady eyes.
  • The defenders were bamboozled, the crowd amazed. The Sun
  • Much to my amazement the tutors don't yell.
  • This unnatural act unhinged a stranger sitting next to me who looked on in amazement as he passed the same bus stop he had stood at five minutes previously.
  • If she amazed him with her double-jointed athleticism, she amazed herself even more with the depths of her sensuality. THE ONLY GAME
  • This colossal structure of iron and glass, despite the gradual decay and depletion it suffered over the 82 years of its existence, had not lost its ability to amaze.
  • Continuing with the small stuff, you would be amazed how much difference changing your light bulbs can make. The Sun
  • The driver was probably more amazed by the sudden decision to communicate. THE SCAR
  • It also has an online travel magazine and a link to motoring advice on winter driving, off-roading and tyres - which carries the suggestion, you'll be amazed to learn, that you're better off with Michelin.
  • I'm always amazed with the ease and indifference that patrons shed their stinky workout gear and parade around starkers.
  • The defenders were bamboozled, the crowd amazed. The Sun
  • Finally, even I was struck into amazed silence by the vituperative and downright nasty anti-festive sentiments contained in the latest missive from the boys.
  • He said: 'I was amazed. The Sun
  • Cumberland curs burst out from backs of cottages and barked like other curs, and the Cumberland peasantry stared after the dog-cart amazedly, as long as it was in sight, like the rest of their race. The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • The things people will do for charity never cease to amaze me .
  • You'll be asked a love question that amazes as much as it pleases you. The Sun
  • To my amazement, they were burning brightly as the rain fell and water dripped from the ash trees.
  • And then, to my amazement, she accepts as fact the proposition that some men on the battlefield have been "hallucinated," and proceeds to give the theory of sensory hallucination. The Angels of Mons The Bowmen and Other Legends of the War
  • Prepare to be wholly unamazed.
  • It sort of amazed him, here was this big animal, ruthless, wild, unbroken and unable to trust, apologizing!
  • To our amazement, when we returned to China, the Moso tree had grown an impressive ninety feet.
  • It often amazes me that people think if you walk down a street you would be able to tell who is a witch, but I do not agree, we do not go around with bright neon signs above our heads.
  • He did a number of innovative and progressive things with the staff at the Institute, and I was always amazed at his ability to remember everyone's name.
  • It amazes me how integral someone's personality is to our perception of them as individuals.
  • Sanders would zoom into the end zone, come to an abrupt stop, then flip the ball to the official, equally as unamazed at himself as everyone else was amazed.
  • Mickey turned and looked at Jackie in dumbfounded amazement. Word Help Needed Please
  • What amazes me is the short-termism of the two companies.
  • If you decide to apply the proposed actions, the next few weeks should be more bearable - in fact, you will probably be amazed at the surge of motivation and positive energy within your subordinates!
  • I am amazed at how he can maneuver it through tight ancient towns or down the switchbacks of a mountain.
  • It amazed him how easily one could slip into a routine.
  • Even then, the British experts have been amazed by the casual attitude taken towards such a dangerous substance.
  • It's a constant source of wonder and amazement to me that people do.
  • We both looked down at her in utter amazement. Times, Sunday Times
  • He took a team from his company there recently and was amazed when the train guard came into their compartment and told them to stop talking.
  • People are quite amazed by what I can do. Times, Sunday Times
  • The distribution of life in the rivers and lakes of Brazil, the immense number of species and their local circumscription, as distinct faunae in definite areas of the same water-basin, amazed him; while the character of the soil and other geological features confirmed him in his preconceived belief that the glacial period could not have been less than cosmic in its influence. Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
  • As I did, Mary Ire's voice rose from the front of the Scoto in a cigarette-hoarsened shout that was full of amazed disbelief. Duma Key
  • At this stage of your progress, if not before, you may be assured that some clever friend will come in, and hold up his hands in mocking amazement, and ask you who could set you to that "niggling;" and if you persevere in it, you will have to sustain considerable persecution from your artistical acquaintances generally, who will tell you that all good drawing depends on "boldness. The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • Keith watches me from his seat at the kitchen table, his eyes are a mix of anger, amazement and confusion.
  • I was amazed that he could remember me
  • You might wonder if there was a politician anywhere who looked more pitiful than newly duffed up Judy Brown who was so amazed that Mr. Punch out in a appearance ate HOP. Archive 2007-10-07
  • ‘Anselmo remained amazed, and almost besides himself, hearing his friend Lothario so unexpectedly to acquaint him with those things in a time wherein he least expected them; for now he esteemed Camilla to have escaped victress from the forged assaults of Lothario, and did himself triumph for glory of her victory. The Fourth Book. VII. Wherein Is Prosecuted the History of the Curious-Impertinent
  • You will be amazed how much brighter they shine. The Sun
  • Never failes to amaze me … … … Good thing were focused more on what some comedian says then the people in charge that can just give lie after lie after lie, which is what most of his routine was about … … Your right though we should definatly be more focused on some comedian doing a routine about the complete joke of a job our goverment is doing … .. Think Progress » Fox News Slams Colbert: ‘Inappropriate,’ ‘Over the Line,’ ‘Not Very Funny’
  • ‘I was amazed by the amount of work they did above and beyond their call of duty,’ said Stuart.
  • It'll silence their critics, amaze their fans and win them a whole new legion of admirers.
  • Buy the album, and prepare to be amazed.
  • As pensioners on fixed incomes, we were amazed at the sum involved and would like to warn others to be wary.
  • Theda, both amazed and troubled, got up to follow her.
  • As usual I am amazed by your energy, especially all the travelling you do.
  • Rumour was she was an ex-prozzie but them breasts kept people amazed. Army Rumour Service
  • Barley is still amazed at his success. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gymnast amazed the audience by performing a handstand after mounting the podium to accept her award.
  • But if a piece of music has demonstrated its potential to be an amazing experience, I'm less concerned with how often that amazement is likely to happen. Spend some time and rock a rhyme / I said, It's not that easy
  • Colonel Ormonde looked at her with amazement; her greatest charm to men such as he was her dolliness, and this was a new departure. A Crooked Path A Novel
  • And it never ceases to amaze me when I see a fit woman grubbing French fries and pizza.
  • He would gaze amazedly out the window at a landscape he had only dared to imagine, yet he would be puzzled by the human scene in the cabin. A Laboratory in the Sky
  • It amazes me how complete she is, 7 weeks prem and although she is half the size that Josh was when he was born she has all the necessary fingers and toes.
  • The promenader disengaged himself with great difficulty from his warm embraces, regarded General Junot with an amazed air, and remarked that he was ignorant to what he could attribute such excessive tenderness from a soldier wearing the uniform of a superior officer, and all the indications of high rank. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • I'm amazed that people do that. The Sun
  • What amazes me about this piece is not only MacLean's defense of the term, but also the comments on the article, most of which attempt to communicate the idea that using the word "pansification" is neither homophobic nor harmful, this despite the fact that Egale Canada received numerous emails and phone calls by people who were offended by the remark. Ron MacLean, Mike Milbury, "Pansification"
  • True to his words and to my amazement, he has selected some of the ones I thought were unpalatable to the taste of the Chinese authorities.
  • To their amazement, his arrow was the first to pierce the inner gold circle, winning him the silver arrow.
  • He was always amazed to get back safely himself. Bomber
  • With my own children, I was amazed to hear their preschool voices recite the Apostles' Creed next to me in worship.
  • We were all struck dumb with amazement.
  • The program will surprise, delight and astonish and amaze you with its quality and range of styles.
  • It always amazes me how densely populated these lefebvreites are with people who don the pope's miter as if it were their natural right ... A little snag with the SSPX reunion
  • Just plunge a few among your shorter ornamental grasses - such as pennisetum 'Piglet' or 'Hameln' - and you'll be amazed each August at the glorious flowers. My Plant Safari Photos (at Sugar Creek) « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • To my utter amazement, she hardly cried for more than a few seconds!
  • Just utter amazement and embarrassment. The Sun
  • Utterson was amazed; the dark influence of Hyde had been withdrawn, the doctor had returned to his old tasks and amities; a week ago, the prospect had smiled with every promise of a cheerful and an honoured age; and now in a moment, friendship, and peace of mind, and the whole tenor of his life were wrecked. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  • To their amazement, his arrow was the first to pierce the inner gold circle, winning him the silver arrow.
  • You'd be amazed how many people don't. The Sun
  • By the time they had gotten there, a small herd of young Pegasus, centaurs, and dragons had accumulated behind them, amazed at the two strange creatures.
  • The scale of his spending 50000 in a year amazed us all.
  • The native hunter with me gazed in mingled fear and amazement. Boing Boing: December 3, 2006 - December 9, 2006 Archives
  • This so amazed our men that stood in the breach, not knowing from whence that terror came, as they forsooke their Commanders, and left them among the ruines of the mine. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • As we walked in, you could see the look of complete amazement on their faces. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has ceased to scandalize me, though it has not ceased to amaze me, that Almighty God suffers me to touch him, move him and eat him! Liturgy
  • The magnified parade of protozoas, amoeba proteus and paramecia aurelia, with spirogyras and volvox green algae, amazed the kids.
  • For their part, the dark-skinned highlanders were amazed to confront men so pale that they seemed like spirits of the dead.
  • A fourth quarter described by one top network sales executive as "gangbusters" amazed even veterans who have lived through several economic cycles. Undefined
  • If the jumbo walked away leaving the audience amused, a clown who imitated a rag doll to perfection, left everyone truly amazed.
  • A fortnight after she had made this earth-shattering discovery she was amazed when he stuttered out an invitation to the cinema.
  • But they were delighted and amazed when he turned up safe, but very thin and sooty, after an incredible four weeks stuck inside a neighbour's chimney.
  • Maidie stared up at him, lost in amazement, unable either to speak or move as she felt his fingers moving deftly in her hair, running through her curls, and prinking them. Gatlinburg

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