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  1. pertaining to blindness caused by amaurosis

How To Use amaurotic In A Sentence

  • A tincture is made (H.) from the whole plant with spirit of wine, and this proves most useful for clearing obscuration of the sight, when there is a sense, especially in the open-air, of a white vibrating mist before the eyes; and therefore it has been given with marked success in early stages of amaurotic paralysis of the retina. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The condition differs from the other forms of amaurotic idiocy by virtue of lack of fundal changes and the presence of significant cerebellar dysfunction.
  • Before coming to America, those living in small communities in Europe occasionally suffered from amaurotic idiocy, an inherited pathology attributed to inbreeding.
  • Klenk found no increase in the total amount of gangliosides; but Cumings reported an increase in the neuraminic acid level in the cortex in adult cases of amaurotic family idiocy.
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